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工程项目采购管理模式的应用研究 工程项目采购管理模式的应用研究(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期检查报告,毕业论文25000字) 摘 要:材料的采购管理是项目采购管理的重要组成部分,是项目管理成功的关键。采购费用往往占整个项目费用的绝大部分,不合理的材料采购计划,会降低项目的质 ... <p>工程项目采购管理模式的应用研究(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期检查报告,毕业论文字)<br /> 摘 要:材料的采购管理是项目采购管理的重要组成部分,是项目管理成功的关键。采购费用往往占整个项目费用的绝大部分,不合理的材料采购计划,会降低项目的质量。本文将结合现代采购管理理论,分析由项目部进行分散与集中采购管理模式的优势,提出基于现代采购管理理论的施工项目混合采购管理模式,运用材料供应分析、存贮策略,从根本上大幅降低企业采购成本,整体上获得较大的直接经济效益。<br /> 关键词:建筑施工;材料采购;成本控制;管理模式<br /> <br /> Project Procurement Management Application<br /> Abstract: Material procurement management is an important part of the project procurement management, and it is the key to successful project management. Procurement costs are often accounted for most of the total project cost, unreasonable material procurement plan would reduce the quality of projects. This paper will be combined with modern procurement management theory, analyzeing the advantages of the Department conducted decentralization and centralization project procurement management, proposed the mixed procurement management mode of the construction project based on the modern procurement management theory. Analysis of the use of material supply, storage strategy, basically substantially reduce the cost of enterprise purchasing, a larger overall direct economic benefits. <font color='#9a9a9a'></font> <br /> Key words: Construction; Materials procurement ; Cost control; Purchasing management<br /> <br /> 工程项目常用的采购管理模式<br /> 工程项目采购管理模式是各种项目采购管理模式中相对复杂,但又相对规范和成熟的项目采购管理模式。由于项目建设无论是对政府还是对私营机构来说一般投资额比较大,提高项目管理水平,可以创造巨大的经济效益,因而多年来各种组织、企业以及个人对项目采购管理的模式和方法进行了不断的研究、创新和完善。 <p class='Jbm724'></p> </p> <br /> <p><P></P> <p>农产品网络营销是指在农产品销售过程中全面导入电子商务系统,利用信息技术,进行需求、价格等发布与收集,以网络为媒介,依托农产品生产基地与物流配送系统,为地方农产品网络营销提高品牌形象、增进顾客关系、开拓网上销售渠道并最终扩大销售。在我国,鲜活农产品网络营销是指鲜活农产品依托各大门户网站开展的网络营销,这是一种全新的营销方式,是利用其无空间性、高效率性、交互性、整合性等特点来扩展鲜活农产品的营销空间,也是解决鲜活农产品“卖难”问题,提高农民收入的有效途径。 <br /> (三)加强鲜活农产品信息供应网络建设15<br /> 1.利用农业网上展厅开展鲜活农产品网络营销15<br /> 2.建立有效的农业信息化培训制度15<br /> (四)加快制定鲜活农产品标准体系16<br /> 七、结束语16<br /> 参考文献 16 <span class='Cts950'></span> <br /> 致谢17 <p class='Cts950'></p> </p><P></P> <p>摘 要:本文研究了酶解芝麻蛋白多肽的抗氧化活性。通过酶解工艺制备芝麻蛋白多肽,对芝麻蛋白多肽清除OH•自由基活性、清除DPPH自由基活性进行了研究。结果表明:清除OH•自由基活性的测定试验得出芝麻多肽溶液IC50值为5.89mg/mL,对DPPH自由基也有较好的清除能力。芝麻蛋白多肽良好的抗氧化作用。<br /> 关键词:多肽;芝麻饼粕;抗氧化;酶解<br /> <br /> Antioxident Activity of Polypeptides from Sesame Meal by Enzymatic Hydrolysis<br /> Abstract: This paper studies the enzymes to hemoglobin polypeptides the shadow of the antioxidant activity. the enzymes to hemoglobin polypeptides process involved the shadow of the shadow of apolipoprotein polypeptides eliminate oh a free radical activities, clear dpph a free radical activities carried out research. the results indicate that the freedom of activity:oh the determination of the experimental results sesame polypeptides solution ic50 value of clause 5.89mg/mL, dpph a free radical is a good clean. the sesame whites polypeptides good resistance to oxidation.<br /> Key words: polypeptides; sesame meal; antioxident ; enzymolysis <span class='Oos563'></span> </p> <p><br /> 目 录 6800字<br /> 摘 要 1<br /> 关键词 1<br /> 1 前言 1<br /> 2 材料与方法 3<br /> 2.1 原料与试剂 3<br /> 2.2 主要仪器设备 3<br /> 2.3 试验方法 4<br /> 2.3.1 芝麻饼粕的前处理 4<br /> 2.3.2 芝麻饼粕酶解工艺 4<br /> 2.3.3 多肽粉的制备工艺 4<br /> 2.3.4 芝麻饼粕中脂肪测定 4<br /> 2.3.5 清除OH•自由基活性的测定 5<br /> 2.3.6 芝麻饼粕中残余油脂对OH•自由基的清除率的影响 5<br /> 2.3.7 清除DPPH自由基的测定方法 5 <p class='Oos563'></p> <br /> 3 结果与分析 6<br /> 3.1 芝麻饼粕中脂肪含量 6<br /> 3.2 清除OH•自由基活性的测定中脂质对清除OH•自由基活性的影响结果 6<br /> 3.3 芝麻多肽与谷胱甘肽、Vc清除OH•自由基活性的比较 6<br /> 3.4 芝麻多肽与谷胱甘肽、Vc、BHA清除DPPH自由基活性的比较及测定结果 7<br /> 4 结论 9<br /> 参考文献 9<br /> 致 谢 10 <span class='Oos563'></span> </p><P></P> <p>摘 要:本文试图以萨特的存在主义哲学为出发点,主要从“自为”、“爱情”、“存在先于本质”和“非理性选择,理性接受”等方面对该小说进行分析。首先,本文研究《太阳照样升起》总体上采用的是存在主义的叙事方法。其次,分析《太阳照样升起》主人公们之间的爱情,并做了详细的解剖。再次,分析海明威的《太阳照样升起》在人物性格刻划方面表现出萨特“存在先于本质”的观点。最后,分析小说主人公的大部分选择都是“非理性”的,但是他们最终都以理性的方式接受和承担其结果。<br /> <br /> 关键词:自为;自在;意识;存在;爱情<br /> <br /> An Existentialist Articulation of Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises<br /> Abstract: Based on the Sartrean existentialist positions of “Being-for-itself”, “love”, “existence precedes essence” and “irrational choice and rational acceptance”, this thesis is to make an existentialism articulation of the novel. First, it shows that the overall narration of the novel is existential. Second, from the perspective of Sartrean love, it tries to analyze the love between Jake and Brett. Third, it analyzes the technique “existence precedes essence” in depiction of the characters in The Sun Also Rises. Finally, it analyzes that most of the choices of the heroes and heroines are irrational but they accept the results of the choices in the rational way. <br /> <br /> Key Words: For-itself; In-itself; Consciousness; Existence; Love<br /> <br /> Contents 7700字<br /> Abstract1<br /> Key words1<br /> Introduction1<br /> 1 The Overall Existentialist Narration of The Sun Also Rises 3 <span class='Lyb767'></span> <br /> 1.1 The Original of Existentialism3<br /> 1.2 Satrean Existentialism4<br /> 1.3 The Existentialist Cycle of The Sun Also Rises 5<br /> 1.4 A large Existentialist Cycle of For-itself to Choose its Way of being6<br /> 2 The Technique “Existence Precedes Essence” in depiction of the Characters in The Sun Also Rises7 <p class='Lyb767'></p> <br /> 2.1 The Emotion in The Sun Also Rises 7<br /> 2.2 Love of Characters in The Sun Also Rises8<br /> 2.2.1 A Symbol of " Useless Passion"—Jake8<br /> 2.2.2 Free For-itself Manipulated New Woman—Brett10<br /> 2.2.3 A Typical Demonstration of the Taste of Facticity—Cohn11<br /> 3 Irrational Choice and Rational Acceptance13 <br /> Conclusion 14<br /> Notes...16<br /> Bibliography16<br /> Acknowledgements 17 <span class='Lyb767'></span> </p><P></P> <p>TPR教学法在幼儿英语教学中的应用(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期检查表,毕业论文6300字)<br /> 摘 要:近年来,我国外语教学注重激发学生的学习兴趣。越来越多的人注重英语教学的环境,强调应让学生处于轻松的气氛中学习。因此,幼儿的英语教学应放弃传统的教学模式,并去探索适合幼儿身心发展特点的教学模式。直到现在,我国英语教学已经取得了长足的进展,一些幼儿英语教学法应运而生。TPR教学法被认为是幼儿英语教学中一种常用的教学方法。本文为了证明TPR教学法适合幼儿英语教学。首先,将介绍TPR教学法,然后,阐述TPR教学法对幼儿的影响。它将解释TPR教学法的理论基础,并分析其在幼儿英语教学中的优势与作用。此外,也将讨论结合一些活动,来激发和提高把英语作为外语的年轻学习者的学习兴趣中进行的具体训练。最后,提出在该领域中出现的一些误区及值得注意的问题。<br /> <br /> 关键词:TPR教学法;幼儿英语教学;学习兴趣;把英语作为外语的年轻学习者<br /> <br /> Abstract: In recent years, foreign language teaching in China attaches the importance to stimulating students’ learning interest. It puts great emphasis on making the students learn in a relaxing atmosphere, and people pay more and more attention to the English education environment. Therefore, English education for children should give up the traditional educational model, and explore a set model to suit the children’s development that combines children’s psychological and physiological feature. Up to now, English teaching has made considerable progress in China; a number of children English teaching methods have come into being. TPR teaching method is regarded as one of the popular children English teaching common methods. The paper aims to prove that TPR teaching method is suitable for children English teaching. It will introduce the method of Total Physical Response first, and then illustrate the effect of Total Physical Response teaching approach on little kids in the kindergarten. It explains the theoretical basis of TPR and analyzes the advantage and function of TPR in Children English teaching. It also discusses the concrete training in stimulating and improving young EFL learners’ learning interest combining with some activities. Finally it mentions some emerged misunderstanding and some problems to be paid attention to in the field. <span class='Tsz508'></span> <br /> <br /> Key words: TPR Teaching Method;Children English Teaching;Learning Interest;Young EFL Learners<br /> <br /> Contents<br /> Abstract1<br /> Key words1<br /> Introduction2<br /> 1 Literature review...3 <br /> 1.1 Children English teaching in China...4<br /> 1.2 Total Physical Response (TPR) ....4<br /> 1.3 Related theory............................5<br /> 1.3.1 Hart’s Brain-Based Theory..5<br /> 1.3.2 Makoto’s Right Brain Theory 6 <br /> 2 Introduction of TPR teaching method...7<br /> 2.1 Definition of TPR teaching method...7<br /> 2.2 Characteristics of TPR teaching method8<br /> 3 Application of TPR teaching method in children’s English teaching ..9<br /> 3.1 Characteristics of children10<br /> 3.2 Observation in Nobel nursery school and Jin Beibei nursery school in Shaoyang..11 <span class='Tsz508'></span> <br /> Conclusion ..13<br /> Notes...14<br /> Bibliography14<br /> Acknowledgements15 <span class='Tsz508'></span> </p><P></P> <p>成熟期的财务战略研究(字)<br /> 摘 要:面对当今复杂多变的外部环境,企业的运营环境发生了巨大变化,制定适合企业发展的财务战略,已经成为企业增强自身竞争力的核心内容。同时,企业财务战略的选择应与企业生命运定的轨迹——企业生命周期相适应。处于成熟期的企业是其生命历程中的关键时期,这一时期企业的产品和消费已经进入稳定成长时期,并不断走向成熟。本文运用生命周期理论,从“成熟期企业的财务特征、成熟期企业外部环境特点、成熟期的财务战略分析” 三方面对企业成熟期的财务战略进行探究,从而找到企业应该选择的财务战略,为企业延长成熟期提供理论基础。 <br /> 关键词:企业;成熟期;特征;财务战略 <br /> <br /> financial strategy research of the Mature enterprises<br /> Abstract:Nowadays, facing the complex external environment, Enterprise operating environment has changed enormously .Make suitable enterprise development financial strategy, has become the core competitiveness of enterprises enhance content. Meanwhile, the enterprise financial strategy choice should be adapted with enterprise life cycle. In the enterprise is mature the key period the life course, this period enterprise products and consumption has been in a stable growth period, and constantly to mature. This thesis uses the life cycle theory, From "maturity enterprise financial characteristics, enterprise external environment characteristics of mature, the financial strategy analysis" mature researche in enterprise financial strategy, thus inquiry found enterprise should choose financial strategies for enterprises to extend to provide theoretical foundation mature. <p class='Xdv786'></p> <br /> Key words:Enterprise; Maturity; Characteristic; Financial strategy <br /> <P></P> <p>中小企业投资策略分析(9700字)<br /> 摘 要:中小企业是社会主义市场经济结构中不可缺少的组成部分。在现实生活中中小企业表现出强大的生命力和发展后劲,但其持续发展也是十分艰辛。中小企业投资的风险很大,本文的研究目的就是对中小企业的投资策略分析,探讨如何才能使中小企业进行正确的投资。本文通过对永和豆浆的投资策略的研究,分析其投资的方向以及所存在的问题,总结出中小企业投资时的方向以及应该注意和解决的问题。<br /> 关键词:中小型企业;投资策略;中小企业投资策略<br /> <br /> Analysis on Investment Strategies for SMEs<br /> Abstract: Small problem is a global issue, but also a long-term issues, both past, present or future problems of SMEs in all countries there. SMEs as an important form of economic organization in the country plays an important role in economic development. SMEs are an important force in our national economy, investment in small and medium enterprises SMEs an important part of management, this article from the reality of the advantages and disadvantages of SMEs, of small and medium enterprises how to choose investment strategies. <span class='Edb241'></span> <br /> Keywords: SMEs; Investment Strategies<br /> <P></P> <p>我国注册会计师行业存在的问题及对策研究(字)<br /> 摘 要:随着社会经济的发展,注册会计师行业已经成为经济活动中不可或缺的行业。但在其发展过程中,相应的存在一系列的问题阻碍着其发展。本文对我国注册会计师行业发展过程中存在的问题进行分析,发现其存在的问题主要集中在行业的从业人员,会计师事务所,行业监管等方面。面对这些存在的问题,如何有针对性的提出相应的对策,将是本文所探索、研究的内容。<br /> 关键词:注册会计师行业;会计从业人员;会计师事务所;行业监管 <br /> <br /> Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Certified Public Accountant Industry in China<br /> Abstract:With the development of socio-economic, Certified Public Accountant (CPA) industry has become an indispensable profession in economic activity. However, in the course of its development, there also existed a number of problems hindering their development corresponding. In this paper, we analyzed the problems, which are from the development of China's CPA industry; find that problems mainly focus on the Employees, the Accounting Firms, and the industry supervision and so on. Come with these problems, how to make propose appropriate countermeasures of targeted will be explored and studied in this paper. <p class='Tui279'></p> <br /> Key words: Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Industry; Accountant Employed; Accounting Firms; Industry Supervision<br /> <P></P> <P>摘 要<BR>本文根据传统步进电机控制中的不足和缺点,将PLC直接控制技术运用于步进电机的控制。该系统解决了传统控制技术中的各部分硬件的设计、选型、接口匹配往往要花费设计者一很大的精力和劳动,接口信号的匹配以及各器件的质量等对整个系统的可靠性影响很大等缺点。 <BR>本文根据PLC控制步进电机的控制特点及其原理,把软件控制和硬件电路互相结合起来,形成整体的控制,有效的克服了它们的缺点而发挥了它们的优势。本文详细阐述了该系统中PLC(西门子)直接控制步进电机的实现方法、系统的各部件的组成、各部件的连接情况。 <BR> <BR>关键字:西门子PLC;步进电机调速; 步进电机;<BR><BR>ABSTRACT<BR>This text treads to control into the electrical engineering according to the tradition medium of shortage and weakness, control PLC directly technique usage in tread into the control of electrical engineering.<BR>That system solved a tradition a control a technique in of the design of each parts of hard wares, choose a type and connect to match to usually need to cost a design one very big energy and labor, connect message number to match and the quality of each spare part wait to the whole system of the credibility influence to wait weakness very greatly <span class='Lyt736'></span> <BR>This text treads into control characteristics and its principle of electrical engineering according to the PLC control, combining together with each other the software control and the hardware electric circuit, becoming a whole control, overcoming their weakness but developing their advantages effectively. This text elaborated that system in detail to tread and carry out each parts of the method, system and constitute into the electrical engineering in the PLC (Siemens) direct control, the conjunction circumstance of each parts.<BR> KEY WORDS:Siemens PLC; Tread into the electrical engineering adjust soon; Tread into the electrical engineering.<BR><BR>步进电动机是一种将数字脉冲信号转换成机械角位移或者线位移的数模转换元件。在经历了一个大的发展阶段后, 目前其发展趋于平缓。然而, 由于步进电动机的工作原理和其它电动机有很大的差别, 具有其它电动机所没有的特性。因此,沿着小型、高效、低价的方向发展。<BR>步进电动机由此而得名。步进电动机的运行是在专用的脉冲电源供电下进行的, 其转子走过的步数, 或者说转子的角位移量, 与输入脉冲数严格成正比。另外, 步进电动机动态响应快, 控制性能好, 只要改变输入脉冲的顺序, 就能方便地改变其旋转方向。这些特点使得步进电动机与其它电动机有很大的差别。因此, 步进电动机的上述特点, 使得由它和驱动控制器组成的开环数控系统, 既具有较高的控制精度,良好的控制性能, 又能稳定可靠地工作。因此, 在数字控制系统出现之初, 步进电动机经历过一个大的发展阶段。 <BR><BR>步进电机是将电脉冲信号转成角位移或线位移的- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 工程项目 采购 管理模式 应用 研究
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