购销合同 CONTRACT 合同号: CONTRACT NO: 卖方 : SELLER : 地址 : Adddress : 电话 : 传真 : Tel : Fax : 以下简称卖方 Hereinafter referred to as the Seller 买方 :独山新龙物流有限公司 BUYER : Dushan xinlong logistics Co., LTD 地址 :中国贵州省独山县经济开发区科技园新龙物流公用保税仓 Address : Science and Technology Park Economic Development Zone bonded warehouse Dushan County, Guizhou Province, China 电话 :+86 8543233087 传真 :+86 7772837879 Tel :+86 8543233087 Fax :+86 7772837879 以下简称买方 Hereinafter referred to as the Buyer. 经买卖双方友好协商,同意按照以下条款买卖白糖 The two parties have mutually agreed on the sales and purchase of rice under the following terms and conditions: 第一条:商品名称,规格,数量,装运及单价 Article 1. Commodity, Specifications, Quantity, Shipment and Unit price 1) 商品:泰国白糖 1)Commodity: Vietnamese White sugar 2) 规格/ Specifications: 质量: Pol(%)≥99.7; Rs(%)≤0.15; 水份(%)≤0.052; 色度(IU)≤100. 以上规格(/条款)为买卖双方协商同意。 the specifications are as per the sample agreed by both parties. 3)数量:5000.00吨(货物将被装进___整箱20'集装箱,每箱净重25吨。) 3) Quantity:_5000.00MTS (Cargoes will be stuffed into __ 20’ containers FCL, 25 MTs Net/Container) 4)价格:单价2856.60.00元/吨, CIF 钦州保税港。 总金额:14,283,000.00元。 4) Unit Price: RMB2856.60 .00/MT, CIF Qinzhou bonded port, China Total Value: RMB14,283,000.00. 5)装运: 装运时间 : 装货港 :泰国林查班港。 到货港 :中国钦州保税港转独山新龙物流公用保税仓。 部分装运 :允许。 转运 :允许。 5) Shipment: Shipment Date : Loading Port : linchaban City Port, thailand Destination Port : Qinzhou bonded port, China Partial Shipment : Allowed Transshipment : Allowed 第二条:包装,商标,检验及保险。 包装:以单层PP袋包装,每袋50公斤,两端封口处应双缝。要适合出口和海运。 商标:卖方应在包装袋上打上买家确认商标。 检验:在装货港的重量/品质/数量/包装/货物状况等证书由泰国 签发,检验费用由卖方承担。如果检验机构发现货物与合同所述不符,卖方必须在装货前更换,由此产生的费用和时间延误由卖方承担。如果在卸货港有政府强制检查的,则由买方负责。 保险:保险费用由买方承担。 熏蒸:货物装箱后须进行熏蒸,由卖方负责,并最终在装货港 签发熏蒸证书。 Article 2: Packing, Marking, Inspection and Insurance. Packing:In single PP bags of 50 kgs net. Double stitching at mouth and bottom. All to be suitable for export and sea transportation. Marking:Bag marking should be confirmed by the buyer. Inspection:Final and binding at load port for Weight / Quality / Quantity / Packing / Conditions of Goods as per the certificates issued by . Cost of inspection to be at Sellers account. If the inspection company does not find the cargo to be as per contractual specifications before loading then the sound cargo must be replaced at Sellers expense and time. Compulsory government inspection, if any, on the goods at discharge port(s), shall be for Buyers account. Insurance:Insurance to be arranged by the Buyer. Fumigation:Fumigation is to be effected after completion of stuffing cargoes onto containers at Seller’s account. Certificate of fumigation issued by at load port to be final. 第三条:检验检疫标准,验收。 检验检疫标准:卖方的货物不符合中国国家质量监督检验检疫机构的标准,买方无条件拒收或退货,所产生的一切实际费用(例:运杂费、检验检疫费、含已支付货款等)的损失,由卖方赔偿给买方。 验收:货物的色泽与卖方提供的样板一致为合格验收标准。 Article 3:In the event of rice specification not in accordance to China importation regulatory, buyer reserved the rights to return the cargos to seller at the expense of seller(e.g. specification charges, customer charges). For acceptance: The color of the goods is in agreement with the sample provided by the buyer for acceptance 第四条:交货条款 根据2000年国际贸易术语以FOB泰国林查班港交付。离开泰国港口岸前,装货港的码头处理费(THC)由卖方承担。所有的进口关税、征费、卸货港码头处理费(THC),由买方承担。 Article 4: Terms of delivery Delivery shall be performed on the basis of FOB LCB THAILANG as per Incoterms 2000. All cost before the vessel depart the Vietnam port and terminal handling charges (THC) at loading port shall be borne by the seller. All import duties, taxes, levies and terminal handling Qinzhou bonded port, China charges (THC) at discharge port, other charges outside Vietnam to be for Buyer’s account. 第五条:付款方式: 以下是卖方的银行信息: 银行名称 : 账号 : 银行代码 : 银行地址 : 以下为买方的银行信息: 银行名称 : 账号 : 银行代码 : 银行地址 : Article 5: Payment: The following is the seller's bank information: Bank Name: Account No.: Branch: Swift Code: The following is the buyerr's bank information: Bank Name: Account No.: Branch: Swift Code: Address:, 第六条:所需文件 1) 2 份签名正本合同 2) 全套已装船清洁海运提单,提单收货人为凭指示(TO THE ORDER), 背书给卖方银行, 通知人是开证申请人, 标明“运费到付”。 3) 已签字的商业发票,1份正本,3份副本 4) 已签字的包装单,1份正本,3份副本。 5) 由原产地商会签发的原产地证书,1份正本,3份副本。 6) 由泰国农业和农村发展的植物保护部门签发的植物检疫证书,1份正本,3份副本。 7) 由泰国熏蒸公司签发的熏蒸证书,1份正本,3份副本。 8) 由泰国签发的货物品质/数量证书,并注明生产日期,1份正本,3份副本。 9) 由泰国签发的包装证书,并指明生产日期,1份正本,3份副本。 10) 由泰国集装箱清洁证书,1份正本,3份副本。 11) 由泰国签发的理货证书,1份正本,3份副本。 12) 由泰国签发的收成年度证书,1份正本,3份副本。 13) 由泰国签发的非转基因证书,1份正本,3份副本。 14) 由泰国签发的化学物残留证书,1份正本,3份副本。 15) 由泰国签发的水分证书,1份正本,3份副本。 16) 装船发货后05天内按买方要求寄出全部文件。 17) 卖方应在提单日后一个工作日内以电子邮件或传真的方式通知买方船名、装船数量、预计到中国的日期及提单日期等。 18) 提供包装袋彩图(正反面),包装袋注明生产日期 -可接受第三方单据文件 -可接受除了日期、数量、价格以外的拼写错误。 Article 6. Documents required: 1) Signed Contract in 2 original 2) Full Set of Clean on Board Ocean Bills of Lading, made out TO THE ORDER Sellers Bank, notify Buyer, marked Freight . 3) Signed commercial invoice in 1 original and 3 copies. 4) Packing List in 1 original and 3 copies. 5) Certificate of origin issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of country of origin in 1 original and 3 copies. 6) Phytosanitary certificate issued by Plant Protection Department of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in 1 original and 3 copies. 7) Fumigation certificate issued by thailand Fumigation Company in 1 original and 3 copies. 8) Certificates of Quality and Weight issued by Intertek thailand in 1 original and 3 copies 9) Certificate of Packing and indicate the production date issued by Intertek thailand in 1 original and 3 copies. 10) Certificate of Container Cleanliness issued by Intertek thailand in 1 original and 3 copies. 11) Tally certificate issued by Intertek thailand,in 1 original and 3 copies. 12) Certificate of Crop year certificate issued by Intertek thailand in 1 original and 3 copies. 13) Certificate of Non-GMO certificate issued by Intertek thailand in 1 original and 3 copies. 14) Certificate of Pesticide residues issued by Intertek thailandin 1 original and 3 copies. 15) Moisture certificate issued by Intertek thailand in 1 original and 3 copies. 16) Send out all documents according to the buyer within 05 days after BL date. 17) The seller to advise the Buyer name of vessel, quantity shipped, ETA to China and B/L date by email or fax within one working day after B/L date. 18) Provide the packing bag in color(front and back side) with Date of Production. - Third party documents to be acceptable. - Spelling mistakes in documents except on date, quantity, value to be acceptable. 第七条:不可抗力 本合同遵循国际商会关于不可抗力(豁免条款)的惯例(国际商会出版物第421号)。 Article 7: Force majeure. The force majeure (exemption clause) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC publication No. 421) is hereby incorporated in this contract. 第八条:争议解决 若买卖双方任何一方就合同的部分条款不能达成一致协议时,这些争议应该按照谷物与饲料贸易协会(GAFTA 125)规定的在伦敦或钦州通过仲裁解决。 Article 8: Arbitration Should any dispute arise between the contracting parties to which no agreement can be reached, these disputes shall be settled by arbitration, which shall take place in London or Qinzhou as per GAFTA 125. 第九条:法律管辖 双方必须清楚了解,在合同内未提及的且与GAFTA 120规定不冲突的条款和条件都符合GAFTA伦敦第125号文件以及其仲裁规则。 Article 9: Governing law All other terms and conditions as per GAFTA 120 where not in conflict with terms contained herein including arbitration rule number 125 of the GAFTA London of which both parties admit full notice and knowledge. 第十条:再出口 本合同中的商品不允许再出口到马来西亚、印度尼西亚、孟加拉国、菲律宾、伊拉克、东帝汶和古巴市场。如果买方想再出口到越南集中市场包括: 印尼、马来西亚、孟加拉国、菲律宾、伊拉克、东帝汶和古巴, 他们必须得到卖方同意。卖方需在得到泰国工商部门的批准后才能同意买方将货物再出口到这些国家。 Article 10: Re-export The mentioned goods in our signed contract do not permit to re-sell in Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Iraq, East Timor and Cuba markets .If the buyer want to re-export to the Vietnam concentrates markets including: Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Iraq, East Timor and Cuba, they have to get the seller’s acceptance. The seller’s are just able to accept the buyer re-export to these markets after obtaining approval from the ministry of industry and trade of thailand 第十一条:异议索赔 如果货物品质、数量、重量发现与合同规定不符,除了在途的品质重量的一般自然变化以及损失,应由轮船公司或者保险公司负责外,买方有权在货物到达目的口岸后30天以内对货物的品质、数量、重量提出赔偿要求。但需提供经卖方同意的公证行的检验证明。如责任属于卖方者,卖方于收到异议20天内答复买方并提出处理意见 Article 11: Claim Discrepancy and claims: if the quality of the goods, quantity, weight be found not in conformity with the provisions of the Contract, except in the way of quality and weight general natural changes and losses shall be borne by the insurance company, shipping company responsible for the goods, the Buyer shall have the right to arrive at the destination port within30 days after the goods on the quality, quantity, weight of the goods put in a claim for compensation. But the need to provide proof of Surveyor approved by the Sellers. If the responsibility of the seller, the Seller to receive the objection within 20 days reply to the Buyer and put forward the suggestion 第十二条:其他条款 买方负责申请进口执照,卖方负责申请出口执照。 本合同的任何修改和/或补充只有在双方书面形式签字后方有效。所有在本合同签订前进行的谈判应视为无效。任何一方在未经另一方事先书面同意时不能将本合同的权利和义务转让给任何第三方。所有发生在中国以外的税收和费用,应由卖方承担。 合同一式两份,买卖双方各持一份,传真或邮件,本合同中文、英文均具有同等效力。 Article 12: Other conditions The Buyer will be responsible for arranging import license and the Seller will be responsible for arranging export license. Any amendments and/or supplement to this contract shall be valid only if they are made in writing and signed by both parties. All correspondences and negotiation which have taken place prior to the signing of this contract shall be considered null and void. Neither party shall be entitled to transfer its right and obligation under this contract to any third party without the prior consent of other party in writing. All occurred outside China's duty and fees, paid by the seller. This contract is made in 02 copies with equal legal value through fax or email, each party keeps 1 copy. 特别声明:本合同项下的银行信用证为跟单信用证,未得到买方盖章确认开证的银行拒兑付。 窗体顶端 Special: Bank letter of credit documentary credit under this contract, the buyer has not been stamped issuing bank refused to cash 窗体底端 卖 方 买 方 FOR THE SELLER FOR THE BUYER Page 6 of Contract ______ dated September 10, 2014- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 白糖 合同 中英文 模板
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