英汉翻译绪论,翻译史,翻译的标准、过程及对译者的要求1.1)What is Translation?Try to translate the following sentences into Chinese,make sure that your versions are logical and colloquial.1)This is the official kind of strike.2)The machine is in repair.1)这是由工会组织的罢工。/这次罢工是由工会组织的。2)机器修好了。in repair=in good repair;正在修理=under repairing 2.3)Dont cough more than you can help.4)I wish I could bring you to see my point.3)除非忍不住,尽量不要咳嗽。I cant help it.我无能为力/我没有办法。4)我怎么跟你说不明白呢?3.How to Fat-proof Your Child?-What kind of money does a girl like best?-Matrimony.Able was I ere I saw Elba.-What flower does everybody have?-Tulips.Can you translate the following sentences into Chinese?Make sure that your readers may understand and appreciate what you have translated.如何让你的孩子防“胖”于未然?女孩最爱什么“财”?郎才。女孩最爱什么钱?礼钱。女孩最爱什么钱?美元(缘)不到俄岛我不倒。落败孤岛孤败落。(tulips=two lips)什么样的花人人都有啊?泪花。4.英语动词translate源自拉丁词translatus,而translatus又是transferre 的过去分词。在拉丁语里,transferre的意思是carry或transport,指的是背负物件将其转移到另一地方。词根trans本身含有时空变迁的意思,而ferre除了“负重”与“搬运”的意思外,还有endure与suffer的含义。5.Etymologically,“translate”is derived from the Latin word translatus,“carried over.”Translatus is the past participle of transferre.If divided into trans and ferre,we can see the proximity of the word to dia and peherein.The Latin term ferre means“to carry”or“to transport”as in carrying a shield,and was often used to mean to bear or convey with the notion of motion(Homer),as in ships borne by the forces of wind.If also meant to endure,to suffer,as in to bear a mental burden (Gentzler,2001:166)6.It is sometimes said that there is no task more complex than translationa claim that can be readily believed when all the variables involved are taken into account.Translators not only need to know their source language well;they must also have a thorough understanding of the field of knowledge covered by the source text,and of any social,cultural,or emotional connotations that need to be specified in the target language if the intended effect is to be conveyed.The same special awareness needs to be present for the target language,so that points of special phrasing,local(e.g.regional)expectations,and so on,can all be taken into account.7.Definitions of proper translating are almost numerous and varied as the persons who have undertaken to discuss the subject.This diversity is in a sense quite understandable;for there are vast differences in the materials translated,in the purpose of the publication,and in the needs of the prospective audience.Moreover,live languages are constantly changing and stylistic preferences undergo continual modification.Thus a translation acceptable in one period is often quite unacceptable in a latter time.(E.A.Nida)8.Some Definitions by ScholarsTranslation may be defined as follows:the replacement of textual material in one language(SL)by equivalent textual material in another language(TL).(Catford:Linguistic Theory of Translation,1965)9.From the teleological point of view,translation is a process of communication;the objective of translating is to impart the knowledge of the original to the foreign reader.(Wills,1982:59)Translation is not simply a matter of seeking other words with similar meaning,but of finding appropriate ways of saying things in another language.Translating is always meaning-based,i.e.it is the transfer of meaning instead of form from the source language to the target language.10.翻译是以符号转换为手段、意义再生为任务的一项跨文化的交际活动。(许均,翻译论,2003:75)翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。By translation here we specifically mean translating,the process of translation,in which something is translated,instead of the work translated.11.Translation is a science/an art.Translation is a craft/a skill.Translation is a language activity/communicating.Among them the first two are most important for they represent two schoolsthe school of science and the school of art.The former maintains that translating should reproduce the message of the original by means of the transformation of linguistic equivalence.It puts stress on the study of description of the process of translation,and the structures and forms of language so as to reveal the objective laws inherent in translating.The latter school advocates re-creating a literary work by using expressions of another language.It emphasizes the effect of translation.12.译者所从事的工作,是“一仆二主”的事情。翻译是媒人。(歌德)Translations are like womenwhen they are faithful they are not beautiful;when they are beautiful they are not faithful.翻译如临画,如伯乐相马。(傅雷)Translation is to dance with fetters.Translation is the transmigration of souls.Traduttor traditori.Some Metaphors of Translation13.翻译的形式Roman Jacobson breaks the field down into three areas:intra-lingual translation,a rewording of signs in one language with signs from the same language;inter-lingual translation,or the interpretation of signs in one language with signs from another language(translation“proper”);and inter-semiotic translation,or the transfer(“transmutation”)of the sings in one language to non-verbal sign systems(from language into art or music).(Gentzler,2001:1)14.按语种转换分:汉外翻译、外汉翻译;按工作方式分:口译、笔译;按翻译材料分:文学翻译、科技翻译、政 论翻译、应用文翻译;按处理方式分:全译、摘译、编译。按翻译手段分:人工翻译、机器翻译;按职业特点分:全职翻译、兼职翻译;15.“无论是在中国还是在西方,翻译都是一项极其古老的活动。事实上,在整个人类历史上,语言的翻译几乎同语言本身一样古老。两个原始部落间的关系,从势不两立到相互友善,无不有赖于语言和思想的交流,有赖于相互理解,有赖于翻译。”(谭载喜,西方翻译简史,20042004)16.“有关口译活动的最早记载,见与公元前两千多年的上埃及埃利潘蒂尼岛的古王国王子的石墓碑文。”到了公元前3 3世纪,有文字记录的翻译作品的问世标志着西方古代翻译的开始。最早的有一定规模的翻译活动从古罗马开始。大量希腊文学作品被翻译成拉丁语,因此西方的翻译理论一开始就具有文学翻译的特征。“从广义上说,西方最早的译作是公元前三世纪前后,7272名犹太学者在埃及亚历山大城翻译的圣经旧约,即七十子希腊文本;从严格意义上说,西方的第一部译作是约在公元前三世纪中叶安德罗尼柯在罗马用拉丁语翻译的希腊荷马史诗奥德赛。”17.周公居摄三年,越裳以三象胥重译而献白雉,曰:“道路悠远,山川阻深,音使不通,故重译而朝。”册府元龟我国至少在公元前1111世纪就已有了通过多重翻译而进行交流的史实。五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。达其志,通其欲,东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译。”礼记王制“18.周至东汉桓帝前的翻译活动外事翻译越人歌是我国历史上第一篇诗歌翻译“今夕何夕兮?搴中州流。今日何日兮?得与王子同舟。山有木兮,木有枝,心悦君兮,君不知。“汉桓帝末年到宋代的翻译佛经翻译鸠摩罗什真谛 玄奘 明朝中后期到清初的翻译活动 科技翻译徐光启,利玛窦合作翻译几何原本耶稣会士的翻译活动与中西交流鸦片战争到五四运动前的翻译西学东渐与文学翻译魏源林纾、严复梁启超、胡适 五四运动后到解放前的翻译活动文学、科学、社科翻译陈望道翻译共产党宣言鲁迅、林语堂、朱生豪解放后的翻译活动百花齐放傅雷、钱钟书、许渊冲、杨宪益19.肇始阶段(公元前三世纪中叶)翻译介绍希腊古典作品安德罗尼柯、涅维乌斯和恩尼乌斯(罗马文学三大鼻祖),普劳图斯、泰伦斯等翻译改编荷马史诗和希腊戏剧作品罗马帝国后期至中世纪初期宗教翻译哲罗姆于382-405年翻译的通俗拉丁文本圣经(Vulgate)中世纪中期(1111至1212世纪)托莱多译经西方翻译家云集西班牙的托莱多把大批作品从阿拉伯语译成拉丁语 文艺复兴时期民族翻译盛行德国:路德于1522至1534年翻译刊行了第一部“民众的圣经”,开创了现代德语发展的新纪元;法国:阿米欧翻译普鲁塔克的希腊罗马名人比较列传(名人传);英国:查普曼翻译伊利亚特和奥德赛;弗洛里欧1603年翻译蒙田的散文集;16111611年钦定圣经译本 1717世纪下半叶至2020世纪上半叶欧洲各国间的文学翻译二战后翻译的全方位发展科技、商业翻译的崛起;翻译发展成为一门职业 20.Principles of TranslationThe so-called principles of translation and criteria of translation are actually the two sides of the same thing.The former lays emphasis on the translator,who should follow them while translating,whereas the latter on the reader or critic,who may use the criteria to evaluate a translation.The criteria of translation function as a plumb-line for measuring the professional level of translation and as a goal set for translators to strive after.21.Three“laws of translation”formulated by Tytler(1749-1814)1.The Translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.2.The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.3.The translation should have the ease of the original composition.The ideological content,the linguistic representation and the stylistic characteristic of a piece of literary writing constitute an integral entirety,and a literary translation should be an accurate reproduction of it as a whole.22.“译事三难,信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣。顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉。”严复译天演论牟例所标“译事三难:信、达、雅”,三字皆已见此。译事之信,当包达、雅;达正以尽信,而雅非为饰达。依义者以传,而能如风格以出,斯之谓信。雅之非润色加藻,识者尤多;信之必得意忘言,则解人难索。译文达而不信者有之矣,未有不达而能信者也。(钱钟书 管锥编)23.严复(1853-19211853-1921)福建侯官人。18671867年入船政学堂学习。18761876年赴英游学,接受了西方资产阶级的政治文化思想。18791879年回国,任北洋水师学堂教习等职。从中日甲午战争到戊戌变法这一时期,他激于爱国热情,通过译书、作政论、办报纸,宣传变法维新思想,攻击封建专制,提倡科学民主,全面提出资产阶级改良主义的思想主张,成为当时维新运动的出色思想家和宣传家。代表译作有天演论(T.Henry Huxley,Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays)群己权界说(John Stuart Mill,On Liberty)原富(A.Smith,Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations)24.The originalIt may be safely assumed that,two thousand years ago,before Caesar set foot in southern Britain,the whole countryside visible from the window of the room in which I write,was in what is called“the state of nature.”The version赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野,槛外诸境,历历如在几下。乃悬想二千年前,当罗马大将恺撒来到时,此间有何景物。计惟有天造草昧,人功未施。25.“凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当然力求其易解,一则保存着原作的丰姿。”(鲁迅,且介亭杂文二集“信顺”之说)严又陵以为译事三难:信,达,雅。其实归要到底“信”字最不容易办到。原文“达而雅”,译文不“达”不“雅”,那还是不“信”;如果原文不“达”不“雅”,译文“达”而“雅”,过犹不及,那也还是不“信”。所谓“信”是对原文忠实,恰如其分地把它的意思用中文表达出来。有文学价值的作品必是完整的有机体,情感思想和语文风格必融为一体,声音与意义也必欣合无间。所以对原文忠实,不仅是浮面的字义忠实,对情感思想、风格、声音节奏等必同时忠实。稍有翻译经验的人都知道这是极难的事。(朱光潜,论翻译“信”字原则)信达美(林语堂)信达切 (刘重德)“三美”意美,音美,形美“三化”等化,浅化,深化“三之”知之,好之,乐之 (许渊冲)“创优似竞赛,美化之艺术”26.中国传统译论案本求信神似化境西方现代译论 翻译的文艺学派翻译的语言学派翻译研究学派 翻译的阐释学派翻译的解构主义流派27.为了避免因采用“信、达、雅”这个旧形式而对新内容可能引起误解,我们主张把翻译标准概括为“忠实、通顺”四个字。(教材:7):7)三国支谦法句经序:“因循本旨,不加文饰。美言不信,信言不美。”后秦鸠摩罗什,百论序:“质而不野,简而必旨。”28.No translation,however learned,is of any value that does not give at least some of the joy to the readers that was given by its original.-A.J.Arborry 29.1)It was a girl with good manners.2)Dogs are often regarded as mans good friends.3)who is a good Christian,a good parent,a good child,a good wife or a good husband;who actually does have to disconsolate family to mourn his loss;(W.M.Thackeray,Vanity Fair)4)There was an urgent need for him to become,at least in appearance,a good Republican.这是一位举止得体的姑娘。狗经常被认为是人们的忠实朋友。有的是虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫,他们家里的人也的确哀思绵绵地追悼他们.(杨必译)对他来说,迫切需要的是成为一个地道的共和党人,至少表面上是这样。30.Process of Translation理解、表达与审校trust,aggression,import,compensation(George Steiner)Theodore Savory在1957年发表的The Art of Translation 一书中写道:A fair conclusion from these ideas is that the translators work may be analysed into the answering of three questions.Faced with a passage in its original language,he must ask himself:(1)What does the author say?(2)What does he mean?(3)How does he say it?This method of analysis may be applied to the paragraph,to the sentence,or even to the phrase.31.32.要想翻译意思,必须先弄清楚原文的意思。正如萨沃里所说,译者必须先问自己第一个问题:作者说的是什么?但若到此为止,那是很不够的。因为这时你看到的只是字面上的意思,若动手翻译,难免弄出机械的字对字的译文。因此,译者还必须问自己第二个问题:作者的意思是什么?只有正确地回答了这个问题,才抓住了作者所要表达的意思。这时动手翻译,才能真心做到翻译意思。The translator must have a good grasp of the authors portrayal of his characters and style of writing.33.He is easily the best student in the class.他绝对/无疑是班上最好的学生。They gave the boy the lie.他们指责男孩说谎。She sighed for her mother.她很怀念母亲。I wont do it to save my life.我死也不干。Her mother died of difficult labor.她母亲死于难产。I dare say he is honest.我觉得他是诚实的。34.I have no opinion of him.我觉得他不怎么样。He was then bright in the eye.此时他已喝得酩酊大醉。Calculation never makes a hero.举棋不定永远成不了英雄。Their panic was their only punishment.他们只是受了一场虚惊。Do you have a family?你有孩子了吗?35.The translator should read the whole piece of writing carefully,try to grasp the ideological content the author wants to express and make clear not only the literal meanings but also the implications between the lines.1)Please tell me if you can help us.如果你能帮忙,请说一声。请告诉我你是否能帮忙。2)We have no spring here.我们这里没有春天/弹簧/泉水。36.文章的体裁不同,对译文流畅的具体要求也不同。若是翻译小说、散文,流畅应含有文字雅致优美的意思;若是翻译诗歌,最好还要讲究抑扬顿挫、押韵合辙;翻译社会科学、自然科学文章,则要求明白晓畅。原作活泼自如,译文拘板滞泥,则是没有尽到责任。原文平直无文,译文也很难做到活泼生动。(陈廷佑,2001:145)笔译一般都是用书面语,不同于日常口头上用的大白话,总是要讲究一点,简练畅达,有些文采,符合汉语规范,读起来上口,听起来入耳。要做到这一点,应该注意翻译文字上的三忌:啰嗦;学生腔;洋腔洋调。37.1,忌啰嗦话啰嗦话,或是用词啰嗦费解,或是句子晦涩难懂。1)Their speeches were dressed up with as much care as though they were parliamentary harangues fashioned to the columns of the daily press.A.A.他们的演说都经过精心打扮,好像它们是日报专栏上刊登的社会宏论似的。B.B.他们的演说被那些小心翼翼地装扮得像是适合于每日报刊专栏新闻上刊登的议会高谈阔论似的。38.2)Vast lawns extend like sheets of vivid green,with here and there clumps of gigantic trees,heaping up with rich piles of foliage.A.草地宽阔,好像地上铺了鲜艳的绿绒似的毡毯,巨树数株,聚成一簇,绿叶浓密,一眼望去,草地上东一簇,西一簇,这类的大树可不少。B.宽阔的草坪宛如翠绿的地毯,成片的参天大水点缀其间,绿叶浓密,层层迭迭。39.2 2,忌学生腔学生腔有种种表现:用词生硬、呆板、重复、不自然,或是喜欢抛文,但又不恰当,或把简单句子弄得很绕口,有时又喜欢套用固定程式,“因为所以”,“虽然但是”,“当的时候”这些,把好端端的文字译得枯干苍白,僵硬死板,淡而无味。40.1)It is a small,old-fashioned but important port.A.A.它是一个小的、老式的、但很重要的港口。B.B.它是一个老式的小港,但很重要。41.2)His assets were learning,memory and a mastery of language.His ungainly figure and his stiffness of gesture were disadvantages.A.A.他的财产是学问、记忆力,有口才。他的不雅的体型和他的姿势呆板则是他的短处。B.B.博闻强记,长于辞令,是他的优点;而体型不雅,姿势呆板,则是他的短处。42.3)He is so arrogant that no one will keep company with him.A.他是如此狂妄自大,以致谁也不愿与他相交。B.他很狂妄自大,谁也不愿意与他来往。4)Big things look very small when they are far away.A.当大的东西离我们远的时候,它们看起来就小了。B.大的东西离我们远一些,就显得小了。43.3 3,忌过度异化/归化译文带有外国味,恐怕是难免。但是,舍弃合适而流畅的中文不用,而硬要仿照英文格式翻译出不符合汉语规范的译文,就是洋腔洋调,这也是对母语的一种污染。44.The reoccupation of the Rhineland did not affect France from the defensive point of view.If the Maginot line were all it claimed to be,then her security was as great as before;if the Maginot line was no good,then France had never been secure in any case.从防御的观点来看,重占莱茵兰并没有影响法国。如果马奇诺防线恰如人民所说的那样管用(它被声称的一切),那么法国会像从前一样安全(法国的安全就像从前一样大);如果马奇诺防线没有什么用处,那么法国在任何情况下也是不安全的。45.Domestication:a term raised by L.Venuti in 1995 to mean a translation strategy for a transparent,fluent style in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for readers of the translation.Foreignization:opposed to domestication,the term refers to a translation deliberately breaking target conventions by retaining some foreignness or exotic flavor of the original.46.If youll believe me,he went through with flying colors on examination days!He went through on that purely superficial“cram”,and got compliments too,while others,who knew a thousand times more than he,got plucked.你信也罢,不信也罢,考试那天他可是出尽了风头。他靠一知半解的临时抱佛脚居然考及格了,还受到了表扬。好多人比他强一千倍,反而没及格。Domestication emphasizes the naturalness and smoothness of the translation.47.Those strict proprieties of the old days are now regarded as a Procrustean bed.A:往日种种严格的礼节,如今已被视为无理取闹的玩意儿。B:往日的那些严格的行为规范现在已被视为普洛克拉斯之床。Like a son of Bachus,he can drink up two bottles of whisky at a breath.A:活像一位天生的刘伶,他能够一口气喝光两瓶威士忌。B:他简直像酒神巴克斯的儿子,能一口气喝光两瓶威士忌。48.Curiously enough,he prophesied with oracular accuracy to the amazement of all.A:说也奇怪,他像诸葛亮一样,料事如神,大家都惊讶不已。B:说也奇怪,他料事如神,验如神启,使所有人都惊讶不已。49.在英译汉时,许多译者认为有五类汉语成语要慎用:一是反映中华民族特殊习俗的,如义结金兰、生辰八字、卧薪尝胆等;二是带有汉字特征的,如一字长蛇、有眼不识金镶玉、目不识丁等;三是含有中国地名的,如江东父老、逐鹿中原、乐不思蜀、庐山真面目等;四是含有中国人名的,如东施效颦、廉颇老矣等;五是涉及中国古老传说或故事的,如三顾茅庐、暗渡陈仓等。50.Requirements for Translator译者的基本素质:能力;责任感1.1.社会责任 2.2.作风严谨 3.3.准确达意 4.4.通晓原文 5.5.知识广博 6.6.态度端正 7.7.实事求是 8.8.谦虚好学 9.9.精益求精 10.10.保密意识 Political awarenessBilingual competencyEncyclopedic knowledge Curious and rigid attitude 51.A translator is always trying to extend his knowledge and improve his means of expression;he is always pursuing facts and words.He works on four levels:translation is first a science,which entails the knowledge and verification of the facts and the language that describes themhere,what is wrong,mistakes of truth,can be identified;secondly,it is a skill,which calls for appropriate language and acceptable usage;thirdly,an art,which distinguishes good from undistinguished writing and is the creative,the intuitive,sometimes the inspired,level of the translation;lastly,a matter of taste,where argument ceases,preferences are expressed,and the variety of meritorious translation is the reflection of individual differences.52.We had plenty of company in the way of wagonloads and mule-loads of touristsand dust.我们的旅伴真不- 配套讲稿:
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