SIEBELSIEBEL基础培训 CRMCRM项目项目项目项目组培训组培训 2012.32012.3CRM CRM 项目组项目组0 0一、Siebel产品的体系和架构4.Siebel的物理架构1.一、Siebel产品的体系和架构4.Siebel的物理架构v客户(Siebel Client)-访问企业数据;v服务器-管理企业数据,并为Siebel Client提供批处理和交互式处理能力;v核心数据库和Siebel文件系统-存储企业各类数据和文档2.一、Siebel产品的体系和架构4.1.Clientv提供访问Siebel数据的接口;v包含下列几种Client类型:Dedicate Client(专业客户端,内部用户)Thin Client(瘦客户端,外部用户)Mobile Client(移动客户端,外部用户)Browser(浏览器,内部或外部用户)WML(PDA或者手机用户)3.一、Siebel产品的体系和架构4.一、Siebel产品的体系和架构4.1.ClientvDedicate Client:所有配置文件以及各应用管理器都从本地读取,利用驱动程序直接访问数据库;vThin Client:所有配置文件和数据库均存于Siebel 服务器,客户端只安装有限的命令解释器,通过Javascript&VB script 读取服务器各种配置信息并提交执行;vMobile Client:所有配置文件和应用管理器从本地读取,而且本地存有小型数据库专门为特定用户所用,定期连接Siebel 同步服务器同主数据库同步;vBrowser:直接访问网站(SWE),无需在本地安装任何特定组件,一切由Siebel Web 服务器接收,处理和回复客户请求;vWML:通过WAP(无线接入服务器)连接Siebel Web 服务器,回复页面经过转换以WML格式向客户无线设备传送5.一、Siebel产品的体系和架构4.2.Gatewayv也称名字服务器,作为企业服务器的单一入口;v动态注册Siebel服务器和各组件的可用状态;v存储组件定义,分配连接,支持负载均衡;v以NT服务或者Unix Daemon方式运行;v一般放在DMZ区域4.3.ResonatevGateway的一部分,负责负载均衡6.一、Siebel产品的体系和架构4.4.Server Componentv运行于Siebel Server上的完成某些特定任务的一类程序;v可完成下列任务:导入导出数据;监视企业数据,触发事件;支持移动客户或者瘦客户;处理业务逻辑和工作流;企业数据集成;其它任务7.一、Siebel产品的体系和架构4.5.Siebel Serverv运行一个或多个Server Component(可动态分配);v从名字服务器读取服务器的配置信息;v以NT服务或者Unix Daemon方式运行;v一般放在内网(第二道防火墙内)4.6.Siebel Enterprise Serverv一组Siebel Server就构成了Siebel Enterprise Server;vSiebel Enterprise Server是一个逻辑概念;v第一个Siebel Server安装时产生8.一、Siebel产品的体系和架构9.一、Siebel产品的体系和架构4.7.SWEvSiebel Web Extension,提供了通过Web访问Siebel的能力;v构建在其它的Web Server上,如IIS;v通过SWE可以进行一些应用集成,如通过SWE向Siebel实时写入数据10.DatabaseTools output is input for Object ManagerConfigured Application.srfApplicationObject ManagerToolsApplicationRepository Data2024/3/12 2024/3/12 周二周二1111At a high level,the Siebel Web architecture consists of:Siebel Web Clients that access and display the business data A Gateway Name Server that stores configuration information A Web server that handles interactions with the Web Clients and distributes requests to the Siebel Servers Servers that manage the business data and provide batch and interactive services for clients A relational database and file system that store business dataSiebel Web Architecture Overview1212Siebel配置概述13.SIEBEL基本配置配置 BO 和View配置BCBC配置Applet配置Screen,Application14.配置Business Components oCreate New Business component oBusiness component propertiesoField propertiesoJoinoPicklistoLinkoBusiness component and Field user propertyoDescribe business component view modesoBusiness component Scripts15.Create New Business ComponentCreate a business component definition to represent the new business entityTo invoke the Business Component wizard,select File New Object16.Create New BC-Continue17.Create New BC-ContinueAdd fields by specifyingField nameColumn18.Business component propertieslInclude:Editing propertiesNo DeleteNo InsertNo MergeNo UpdateSearch SpecificationSort SpecificationBase Table19.Field TypeSingle Value Field:Calculate FieldBase table column fieldJoin table column fieldMulti Value Field:20.Calculate FieldoDerive their value from the values in other fields of the business componentoCannot be stored in the database;therefore,there is no associated columnoRequire setting the Calculated property to TRUE(shown as check mark)21.Field propertiesCustomize fields by editing property valuesSetting field properties at the business component level sets them across all applets22.JoinBusiness components can include data from additional related(joined)tablesFields referencing columns in joined tables are typically read-onlyS_OPTYROW_IDNAMEDESC_TEXTCURCY_CDS_ORG_EXTROW_IDNAMEOU_NUMSTG_ORDEROpportunityBase tableJoined tableNameAccount nameAccount numberDescription23.Joining Data from Related TablesReturns only one row from the other(joined-to)tableIs a relationship from the BC to the related(joined-to)tableRelationship is M:1 or 1:1Is established using a FK Field on the BC to join to PK Column on the joined-to tableRequires a FK Field on BC to expose the FK Column at base table levelS_OPTYROW_IDNAMEDESC_TEXTCURCY_CDS_ORG_EXTROW_IDNAMEOU_NUMPR_DEPT_OU_IDBase tableJoined tableFK Column on Base table(will be a FK Field on BC)PK Column on joined-to table 24.Join DefinitionSpecifies the joined table from which to retrieve dataIs a child object of the business componentDefaults the alias property to the name of the joined tableThe alias may be different from the table name if the join represents25.Join Specification DefinitionSpecifies how to retrieve the related row from the joined tableBased on the foreign and primary keys used to relate the base and joined tables26.PickListAllow users to populate one or more single value fields by selecting a value from a listCan be either:StaticDynamic27.Dynamic PicklistSiebel applications picklists:Are associated with a field in the originating business componentDraw values from a pick business component28.LinkDefines a one-to-many(or master-detail)relationship between two business componentsThe relationship can be one-to-many(1:M),Account/Opportunity;or many-to-many(M:M),Account/Position。29.Configure link30.Multi-Value GroupA multi-value group(MVG)is a set of detail(child)records associated with a parent recordParent applet displays only one of the child recordsMulti-value group applet opens on demand to display all child records31.Creating a Multi-Value GroupSpecify the Multi-Value LinkAdd Multi-Value FieldsIdentify or Create an MVG AppletEnable User to Invoke MVG AppletEnable Primaries to Improve Performance32.1.Specify the Multi-Value LinkCreate a Multi-Value Link object definitionChild object definition of the business component that specifies how to retrieve the records for a multi-value fieldBased on an existing link definition that specifies how the parent and child business components are related33.2.Add Multi-Value FieldsCreate a Multi-Value Field object definition for each field in the child business component to be added to parent business componentUses the multi-value linkField in Parent BCMultivalue LinkField in Child BC34.BC user propertyIs a child object type of business component used to configure additional behavior for the business componentEnables configuration not handled through properties of the business component object definition itselfCan be added during configuration by developersFor example:read-only behaviorUser property that makes a record read-only if the Partner flag=TRUE 35.Field User PropertyIs a child object type of Field used to configure additional behavior for the fieldEnables configuration not handled through properties of the Field object definition itselfCan be added during configuration by developersFor example:DisableSort,Required36.Business Component view modesIs a child object type of business component that specifies the business component is subject to access controlOwner Type property identifies the Access Control mechanism that limits records a user can accessBusiness components may have multiple access mechanismsAllows records to be associated with different owner typesSupports multiple view modesExample:Opportunities may be owned by Positions and Organizations37.View Mode-Continued38.SIEBELSIEBEL基本配置SiebelSiebel配置概述配置BCBC 配置 A Appletpplet 配置 BO 和View配置Screen,Application39.配置AppletoCreate list and Form appletoDrilldownoMVG Applet40.Create List or Form AppletFollow these steps to create a new list applet Or use the Applet wizardAutomates these stepsGenerally the preferred method41.DrilldownpSupports drilldown to other views through hyperlinked fields42.Configure Drilldown43.Configure MVG AppletIdentify an existing MVG applet to display records from the child business componentSearch for applets of Type MVG that reference the child componentVerify that applet displays enough list columns to allow user to distinguish the desired record44.Configure MVG AppletIf a suitable MVG applet does not exist,create a new oneCopy an existing MVG appletCopies all controls required for MVG appletSet the Business Component property to reference the child business componentEdit list columns as required45.Invoke the MVG AppletIdentify the list column or control that references the multi-value fieldSet the MVG Applet property to the corresponding MVG appletSet Runtime property to TRUE46.SIEBELSIEBEL基本配置SiebelSiebel配置概述配置BCBC配置Screen,Application 配置 BO BO 和 ViewView配置Applet47.配置BOAre a collection of related business components that represent a major area of the businessOne business component is the parent or masterOther business components are the childrenProvide the foundation for viewsActionAccountProductContactAccountBusiness Object(BO)Business Component(BC)Master BC provides focus for BO48.Business Object Component DefinitionSpecifies that a business component is to be included in the business objectLink property specifies the link definition that relates the parent and child business componentsParent BCChild BCs49.配置ViewViewSiebelSiebel配置概述oConsist of one or more appletsoReference a business object that defines the relationships between data in the viewoAre associated with a Web template that defines their layoutoUse the View wizard to create a new view50.Selecting a View Template51.Register and Assign ViewViews must be administered in the client application to make them available to usersRegister the viewAssign the view to one or more responsibilities52.SIEBELSIEBEL基本配置SiebelSiebel配置概述配置BCBC配置BO和View 配置 Screen Screen,ApplicationApplication配置Applet53.配置Screen and ApplicationScreen and ApplicationHave a child object type called Screen View that specifies the views and categories that appear in the screen54.Screen TabsContain links to screensAre defined as page tabsChild object of the application55.Siebel WorkflowWorkflow IntroductionBuilding Siebel Workflow ProcessesTesting Workflow ProcessesDeploying Workflow Processes56.WorkflowWorkflow IntroductionIntroductionIs an ordered set of steps executed in response to a defined set of conditionsIs used to automate parts of a business processes in a Siebel applicationA workflow process can be invoked by a variety of mechanismsRun-time eventsCustom buttons and menu itemsWorkflow policiesProgrammatically(that is as part of script)57.Building Siebel Workflow Building Siebel Workflow ProcessesProcessesWorkflow Designer58.Building Siebel Workflow Building Siebel Workflow ProcessesProcessesConfiguring a Siebel Workflow:1.Create a New Workflow Process2.Specify the Process Properties3.Add Workflow Steps4.Configure the Steps5.Validate the Workflow Process 59.Building Siebel Workflow Building Siebel Workflow ProcessesProcesses1.Create a New Workflow ProcessIn Siebel Tools,select the Workflow Process object typeCreate a new workflow process definitionEnter the process nameAssign the process to a locked projectAssign a business objectRight-click and select Edit Workflow Process to invoke the Workflow Designer60.Building Siebel Workflow Building Siebel Workflow ProcessesProcesses2.Specify the Process PropertiesSelect the Process Properties tab in the Multi Value Property Window(MVPW)to display the default process propertiesEdit the default set of process properties61.Building Siebel Workflow Building Siebel Workflow ProcessesProcesses3.Add Workflow StepsAdd a start and end step to the designerAdd other steps as requiredAdd connectors to sequence the steps62.Building Siebel Workflow Building Siebel Workflow ProcessesProcesses4.Configure the Steps(Siebel Operation)Specify the business component and operationSpecify additional child arguments as required in the MVPW63.Building Siebel Workflow Building Siebel Workflow ProcessesProcesses4.Configure the Steps(Business Service)Specify the business service name and business service method64.Building Siebel Workflow Building Siebel Workflow ProcessesProcesses4.Configure the Steps(Decision Point Step)For each decision point step,set conditions on each branch(connector)originating at the stepEnter the condition criteria for each branch in the Compose Condition Criteria dialog boxDo not create a condition criteria for the default branch65.Building Siebel Workflow Building Siebel Workflow ProcessesProcesses5.Validate the Workflow ProcessSave all the configuration performed in the Workflow DesignerReturn to the Workflow Process ListRight-click the workflow and select ValidateClick Start to perform the validation checks66.Testing Workflow ProcessesTesting Workflow ProcessesUse the workflow simulator to verify that the workflow performs as desiredWorkflow simulation is controlled in Siebel ToolsWorkflow is actually executed in an instance of a Siebel client67.Testing Workflow ProcessesEnabling Workflow SimulationConfigure the connection to the Siebel run-time instanceIn Siebel Tools,select View Options DebugSpecify the run-time Siebel instanceProvide a valid login68.Testing Workflow ProcessesTest a Workflow Using the Workflow Simulator1.Specify the Test Record2.Start the Simulator3.Start the Simulation4.Execute the Workflow69.Testing Workflow Processes1.Specify the Test RecordsIn the Siebel client,create test records to support the simulationIn Siebel Tools,enter the row ID of the test record as the default string for the Object ID process property70.Testing Workflow Processes2.Start the SimulatorMake sure that all instances of the Siebel client application are closedRight-click the Workflow Designer workspace and select Simulate71.Testing Workflow Processes3.Start the SimulationClick the Start Simulation button in the simulation toolbarUse View Toolbars Simulation to display the simulation toolbarA new instance of the Siebel client is launched72.Testing Workflow Processes4.Execute the WorkflowExecute the workflow in eitherSingle step mode using the Simulate Next buttonContinuous mode using the Complete Simulation buttonVerify that the workflow branches correctly at decision steps73.Publish and Deploying Workflow Publish and Deploying Workflow ProcessesProcessesWorkflow process differ from most other object definitionsAre not compiled into an.srf fileCannot be archived into.sif filesCan be exported to and imported from XML files74.Publish and Deploying Workflow Publish and Deploying Workflow ProcessesProcessesPublish the WorkflowIn Siebel Tools,click the Publish button in the Workflow toolbarSets the status to CompletedMakes the workflow available for activation75.Publish and Deploying Workflow Publish and Deploying Workflow ProcessesProcessesActivating the WorkflowIn the Siebel Web Client,activate the workflowNavigate to Business Process-Administration Workflow DeploymentSelect the newly deployed workflow and click Activate76.Publish and Deploying Workflow Publish and Deploying Workflow ProcessesProcessesPublishing/Activating a Workflow ProcessDevelopers can deploy and activate a workflow process from Siebel Tools to expedite testing of the deployed workflowIn Siebel Tools,click the Publish/Activate button in the Workflow toolbar77.Publish and Deploying Workflow Publish and Deploying Workflow ProcessesProcessesWorkflow MonitoringNavigate to Business Process-Administration Workflow DeploymentSelect the active workflow- 配套讲稿:
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