建筑环境与设备工程专业 教学文件汇编 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 二○○八年六月 156 目 录 CONTENT 页码 文件名 Page Filename 1 培养计划说明 5 Program Guide 9 教学进程表 14 Teaching Process Table 24 必修课课程简介与教学大纲 Breif Introduction and Teaching Program for Compulsory Courses 25 BE201 《建筑概论》课程简介 Introduction - Introduction to Architecture 26 BE201 《建筑概论》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Introduction to Architecture 31 BE202 《流体力学泵与风机》课程简介 Introduction - Fluid Dynamic and Fluid Machinery 32 BE202 《流体力学泵与风机》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Fluid Dynamic and Fluid Machinery 36 BE301 《建筑环境学》课程简介 Introduction - Built Environment 37 BE301 《建筑环境学》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Built Environment 41 BE302 《建筑环境测试技术》课程简介 Introduction - Measurement Technology of Building Environment 42 BE302 《建筑环境测试技术》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Measurement Technology of Building Environment 45 BE303 《流体输配管网》课程简介 Introduction - Pipeline Network for Fluid Transmission and Distribution 46 BE303 《流体输配管网》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Pipeline Network for Fluid Transmission and Distribution 51 BE304 《热质交换原理与设备》课程简介 Introduction - Principle and Equipment of Heat & Mass Transfer 52 BE304 《热质交换原理与设备》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Principle and Equipment of Heat & Mass Transfer 56 BE305 《施工组织与管理》课程简介 Introduction - Construction Orgnization and Management 57 BE305 《施工组织与管理》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Construction Orgnization and Management 60 BE306 《建筑设备自动化》课程简介 Introduction - Automatic Control of Building Device 61 BE306 《建筑设备自动化》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Automatic Control of Building Device 64 BE309 《锅炉与锅炉房设备》课程简介 Introduction - Boiler and Boiler Room Equipment 65 BE309 《锅炉与锅炉房设备》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Boiler and Boiler Room Equipment 69 BE310 《空调用制冷技术》课程简介 Introduction - Refrigeration Technology for Air-conditioning 70 BE310 《空调用制冷技术》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Refrigeration Technology for Air-conditioning 73 BE311 《建筑环境与设备工程学科前沿》课程简介 Introduction - Frontier of Building Enviornment and Equipment Engineering 74 BE311 《建筑环境与设备工程学科前沿》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Frontier of Building Enviornment and Equipment Engineering 77 BE407 《暖通空调》课程简介 Introduction - Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning 78 BE407 《暖通空调》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning 82 BE408 《建筑节能与太阳能利用》课程简介 Introduction - Building Energy Conservation and Solar Energy Utilization 83 BE408 《建筑节能与太阳能利用》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Building Energy Conservation and Solar Energy Utilization 88 选修课课程简介与教学大纲 Breif Introduction and Teaching Program for Selective Courses 89 BE307 《燃气供应》课程简介 Introduction - Gas Supplying 90 BE307 《燃气供应》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Gas Supplying 94 BE308 《建筑给排水》课程简介 Introduction - Water Supply and Sewerage of Building 95 BE308 《建筑给排水》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Water Supply and Sewerage of Building 99 BE401 《暖通空调典型工程分析》课程简介 Introduction - Analysis of Typical HVAC Engineering 100 BE401 《暖通空调典型工程分析》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Analysis of Typical HVAC Engineering 104 BE402 《建筑电气》课程简介 Introduction - Building Electrical Technology 105 BE402 《建筑电气》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Building Electrical Technology 108 BE403 《空气污染控制与洁净技术》课程简介 Introduction - Contamination Control and Air Clean Technology 109 BE403 《空气污染控制与洁净技术》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Contamination Control and Air Clean Technology 113 BE404 《智能建筑》课程简介 Introduction - Intelligent Building 114 BE404 《智能建筑》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Intelligent Building 117 BE405 《热泵技术》课程简介 Introduction - Heat Pump Technology 118 BE405 《热泵技术》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Heat Pump Technology 122 BE406 《建筑防火与防排烟》课程简介 Introduction - Fire Protection and Smoke Control 123 BE406 《建筑防火与防排烟》教学大纲 Teaching Program - Fire Protection and Smoke Control 建筑环境与设备工程专业培养计划说明 一、指导思想 1.发扬上海交通大学一个多世纪来优良的办学传统,更新教育思想和观念,树立素质教育、终身教育、创新教育的观念,使人才培养朝专才向通才、教学向教育、传授向学习转变,全面推进素质教育,为社会不断输送"有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律"的德智体美等全面发展的优秀人才。 2.本专业是1998年由原暖通空调、城市燃气、建筑设备等专业整合而成的大专业。要重视学科发展中交叉、互补的内在联系,优化课程结构,抓好知识结构的综合与优化,使教学内容不断适应能源与动力领域科学技术的发展,以及社会对人才培养的要求。 3.在坚持理论联系实际,知识、能力、素质协调发展原则下,强化课程设计等实践性教学环节,以提高学生综合运用所学知识处理实际问题的能力。 4.为适应学分制的要求,增加选修课门类和学生选课、选师、选时的自由度。允许学有余力的学生跨院、跨年级、跨专业选课;以及选修研究生的课程,以利学生个性发展和潜能的发挥。 二、培养目标 培养适应21世纪我国社会主义现代化建设需要, 德、智、体、美 全面发展,基础扎实、知识面宽、素质高、能力强、有创新意识的建筑环境与设备工程专业高级技术人才。 毕业生能够从事工业与民用建筑环境控制技术领域的工作, 具有暖通空调、燃气供应、建筑给排水等公共设施系统、建筑热能供应系统的设计、安装、调试和运行能力,具有制定建筑自动化系统方案的能力, 并具有初步的应用研究与开发能力。 能够在设计、研究、安装、物业管理以及工业企业等单位从事技术、经营与管理工作。 三、基本要求 1.基本掌握马克思主义基本原理、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论。热爱祖国,拥护共产党领导,坚持四项基本原则,拥护改革开放,遵纪守法,热爱劳动,为社会主义现代化建设有强烈的事业心和责任感。 2.基础理论知识:系统掌握本专业所必需的高等数学(微积分与工程数学)、大学物理等方面的自然科学基础知识。掌握工程力学的基本原理和分析方法。掌握本专业所必需的流体力学、工程热力学、传热学和建筑环境学等方面的工程学科基础知识。掌握电工学及电子学、机械设计基础和自控的有关基本知识。掌握工程技术经济分析及管理方面的基本原理和方法。 3.专业知识与能力:系统地掌握建筑环境与设备工程的专业基本理论,掌握室内环境与设备工程的设计方法,具有设备测试、安装调试以及运行管理的能力, 并了解设备开发的方法以及本专业领域的现状和发展趋势。 4.相关知识与技能:了解建筑构造及建筑设计基本知识。掌握计算机程序设计、计算机制图和计算机应用技能。了解金属加工工艺及操作方法。 5.掌握一门外国语,能顺利阅读本专业书刊,有初步的听、说、写能力。 6.身体健康,具有良好的文化修养、心理素质和创新意识。 四、学制与学位 1.本专业实行弹性学分制,但每学期(年)都必须修满最低学分,且总学习年限一般不超过6年。 2.按本培养计划的学习要求,修满本计划规定的最低总学分即可毕业,获本专业的工学学士学位。 五、课程体系构成 本专业课程体系主要由人文社科和经济管理课、公共基础课、学科基础课和专业前沿特色课程几部分构成。其中学科基础课和专业前沿特色课程主要包含工程热物理、力学与机械工程、建筑与环境工程等几大模块的有关课程。通过学习,使学生具备现代科技发展需要的知识结构,具有坚实的理论基础和广泛的建筑环境与设备工程的研究开发、运行控制以及管理方面的专门知识。突出专业课在学生应用基础理论解决实际问题的载体作用,突出计算机与控制技术在建筑环境与设备工程中的应用。各模块的学分、学时安排和比例如下: 课程类别 必修课课内学时(学分) 选修课学时 (学分) 占总学时比例 人文社科 180(10) 108(6) 10.5% 公共基础 758(43) 396(21) 42.1% 学科基础 911(51) 216(12) 41.1% 专业课程 174(10) 6.3% 总计 2023(114) 720(39) 100% 六、本专业主干课程体系 本专业主干课程主要有十二门:工程热力学、传热学、流体力学、建筑环境学、建筑环境测试技术、机械设计基础、电工与电子学、自动控制原理、流体输配管网、热质交换原理与设备、暖通空调、建筑自动化等。 七、本专业实践性教学环节和上机安排 本专业在教学中重视实践性教学环节,尤其突出主干专业课程的课程设计和毕业设计。实践性教学环节和上机安排见下表: 序号 名 称 周数 学分 备 注 1 军训 2 4 2 教学实习(金工实习) 4 6 3 机械设计基础课程设计 2 3 4 专业课程设计 6 9 其中上机>50学时 5 毕业实习 4 6 6 毕业设计(论文) 16 27 其中上机>100学时 7 人均上机时间 >300 8 人文、社科模块的实践教学 >162 9 课程实验 166学时 小计 34 55 八、课外实践活动安排与要求 1.人文、社科模块课程的课外实践活动有统一的教学安排。 2.学院鼓励学生利用假期,参观现代化的企业与研究单位,参加社会实践、行政管理,以利了解社会,理解社会,增长才干,拓宽视野。 3.学院鼓励学生积极参加有关的科技活动,并可通过评审,申请学院学生科技活动基金和配备指导教师。对于获得国家和省、市科技奖的学生,可优先考虑优秀生的评选和直升研究生。 4.每学期开展专题学术讲座,请资深教授或著名专家、学者作学术性讲座,结合讨论给学生机会,以表达自己的学习体会或介绍自己感兴趣的话题,提高学生的学术交流能力。 九、毕业规定 本专业要求学生必须修满规定学分的必修课、选修课、实验课及所有实践性教学环节、成绩合格,且毕业设计(论文)通过答辩,获总学分108分即可毕业。 Program Guide for Building Environment and Equipment Engineering 1. Guiding ideology (1) Carrying forward the eminent school-running tradition of SJTU initiated from more than one century ago, renewing education thought and conception , establishing the concepts of quality education, lifelong education and innovative education, conveying the personnel training mode from specialist to generalist, from teaching to educating, from imparting to learning, cultivating versatile persons having ideal, morality, culture and discipline. (2) This specialty was integrated by HVAC, city gas and building equipment etc. in 1998. Great attention should be paid to the cross and complementary relationship in the discipline development. Optimize curriculum structure, integrate and optimize knowledge structures, thus make teaching content adapt to the development of energy and power subject, and also meet the requirements of talent-training. (3) Based on the principle of combining theory with practice and ganing harmonious development of knowledge, ability and quality, practical teaching content should be strengthened, to improve the students' ability of solving practical problems by comprehensive application of knowledge. (4) In order to meet the requirements of the credit system, more elective courses will be increased, and the students will also have more freedom to choose the right courses, teachers and schedule. In order to develop the students’ personality and potential, the excellent students are allowed to take the courses of other schools, other grades or other specialties, and even the courses for the graduate students. 2. Cultivating target Our target is to cultivate advanced professional technology talents for building environment and equipment engineering, who meet the requirements of socialist modernization construction and have comprehensive knowledge, high quality and creative spirit. The graduates can be competent for the work of control technology of the industrial and civil building environment, and have the abilities of designing, installing, commissioning and operating of the HVAC, gas supply, building water supply and drainage systems and building heating systems. The graduates also should be capable of establishing schemes of building automatization, and have preliminary capability of applied researching and developing. The graduates can be qualified for technology and management in the aspects of design, research, installation, property management and industrial enterprises. 3. Basic requirement (1) Have a basic knowledge of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thoughts and Deng Xiaoping Theory. Be patriotic, support the Communist Party of China, insist on the Four Basic Principles, and support the Reform and Open Police. Obey the law, be enthusiastic to work, and have a strong sense of career and responsibility to the modern socialist construction. (2) Basic theoretical knowledge: Master the advanced mathematics (calculus and engineering mathematics), college physics and some other natural scientific knowledge required by specialty. Master the principle and analysis method of engineering mechanics. Master fluid mechanics, engineering thermodynamics, heat transfer, building environment and some other basic engineering knowledge. Master electric engineering and electronic technology, basic of mechanical design, autocontrol and some other basic knowledge. Master the principle and method of engineering technology economic analysis and management. (3) Specialty knowledge and ability: master the basic theory of building environment and equipment engineering, master the design method of indoor environment and equipment engineering, have the ability of equipment test, installation and operation management, know the method of developing equipment as well as the actuality and trend of this specialty. (4) Relevant knowledge and skills: Understand the basic knowledge of building construction and design. Master skills of computer programming design, computer drawing and computer utility skill. Understand the metal processing technology and operation method. (5) Master a foreign language, read specialized books and periodicals smoothly, and have the primary abilities of listening, speaking and writing. (6) Keep physical healthy and have good cultural accomplishment, psychological quality and innovative consciousness. 4. Educational system and academic degree (1) The flexible credit system is adopted; however the minimum credit must be achieved each semester. The total period of study is generally no more than 6 years. (2) According to the requirement of this program, when obtaining the required minimum credit, the student can graduate and is awarded a bachelor’s degree of engineering. 5. Structure of the course system The specialty course system is comprised of Humanities and Social Sciences, Economical and Management, Commonality Basis, Discipline Basis, the Foreland of the Specialty and so on. The Discipline Basis and the Foreland of the Specialty includes: engineering thermaldynamics, mechanics engineering, architectural and environmental engineering and so on. This provides the students with knowledge structure for modern science and technology development, solid theoretical foundation and comprehensive special knowledge of research and development, control and management for building environment and equipment engineering. The specialty courses are emphasized in solving practical problems with theoretical knowledge. The computer and control technology also plays a key role in the application of building environment and equipment engineering. The arrangement of the credit and credit hour is shown as follows: Course Category Required course hour(credit) Elective course hour(credit) proportion Humanities and Social Sciences 180(10) 108(6) 10.5% Commonality Basis 758(43) 396(21) 42.1% Discipline Basis 911(51) 216(12) 41.1% Specialty Course 174(10) 6.3% Total 2023(114) 720(39) 100% 6. Main course system The main course of this specialty includes: engineering thermodynamics, heat transfer, built environment, measurement technology for building environment, basic of mechanical design, electrical engineering and electronic technology, autocontrol principle, pipe-network for fluid supply, principle and equipment of heat and mass transfer, HVAC, building automatization, etc. 7. Practical teaching program and arrangement for computer Practical teaching program is emphasized, especially the main specialty course design and undergraduate project. Practical teaching program and practice on computer are arranged as follows: Serial NO. Course Week Credit Remarks 1 Military Training 2 4 2 Teaching Practice (Metalworking Practice) 4 6 3 Mechanical Design Term Project 2 3 4 Specialty Term Project 6 9 On computer>50 credit hours 5 Graduate practice 4 6 5 Undergraduate Project (Thesis) 16 27 On computer >100 credit hours 6 Average time on computer >300 8 Humanities and Social Sciences >162 9 Course experiment 166 credit hours Total 34 55 8. Arrangement and requirement of after-class practice (1) The practice activity of l Humanities and Social Sciences is arranged unifiedly. (2) The students are encouraged to visit modern corporations and research departments in their vacations, and also to participate social practices, administration managements, to know the society, to understand the society, also to improve their ability and broaden their vision. (3) The students are encouraged to participating science and technology activities. They can apply for the fund and will be assigned with a tutor. The students who get award in nation and province level are given priority to election of “excellent students” and admission to graduate school exempt from normally mandatory admission examinations. (4) Senior professors and famous experts and scholars are invited to give academic lectures each term. To improve their academic communication ability, students are allowed to have discussions with these superiors and can express their learning experience or introduce their own topic which they are interested in. 9. Requirements for graduation The students who have finished compulsory courses, elective courses, experiment courses and practical courses as well as gained eligible grades and pass the thesis defense, with 208 credits in all, are allowed to graduate. 建筑环境与设备工程专业教学进程表 课程代码 课程名称 学分 学时 学时类型分配 推荐学期周学时分配 课内 课外 讲课 实验 实践 上机 课程设计 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 公共课程 人文社科类(按要求修完以下学分后,还须从通选课程模块选人文社科类选修课6学分) 必修课 须修满全部 TH021 中国近现代史纲要- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 建筑 环境 设备 工程 专业 简介
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