法律英语词汇集锦 商法总论 商人法 law merchant 商法commercial law mercantile Law Business Law 禁反言 estoppel 商事关系commercial relation 主观主义标准standard of subjectivism 客观主义标准standard of objectivism 商事法律关系Legal commercial relation 商人人格关系commercial personality relation 商事营业关系commercial business relation 新商人主义标准Standard of neo- merchant creed 民商立法体制civil and commercial legislative system 民商分立体制separation system of civil and commercial codes 民商合一体combination system of civil and commercial codes 分合折衷体制eclecticism legislative system 主观意义的企业business 客观意义的企业enterprise 商主体 merchant commercial person 商行为 commercial action 商事代理commercial agent 商业名称trade name 行纪人broker 公司法 公司corporation company 合伙partnership 合股公司 joint-stock company 特许公司 chartered corporation 注册公司 registered corporation 法定公司 statutory corporation 无限公司 unlimited corporation 有限责任公司 limited corporation 股份有限公司 limited by shares 母公司 parent corporation 子公司 susbsidiaries 上市公司 quoted corporation 公司集团 groups 保证公司 limited by guarantee 慈善公司 charitable corporation 控股公司 holding corporation; holding company 公开公司publicly held corporation 闭锁公司closely held corporation 公公司a pub1ic company 私公司a private company 一人公司one-man company 公司治理corporation governance 公司人格corporation personality 契约束nexus of contract 公司法人格否认Disregard of Corporate Personality 刺破公司面纱Piercing the Corporate Veil 揭开公司面纱,Lifting the veil of the Corporation 普通合伙general partnership 有限合伙Limited partnerships 合伙人partner 有限责任limited liability 公司章程articles of association 注册证书certificate of incorporation articles of incorporation 发起人的受托义务Promoter’s fiduciary obligation 认购协议 subscription agreement 既成事实公司de facto corporation 法律上的公司de jure corporation 公司设立瑕疵defective incorporation 受托人义务fiduciary obligation 结论性证据conclusive evidengce 股份share 股息dividends 关联第三方connected third parties 出资(投资)invest 股东shareholder 小股东 minority shareholder 单个股东individual shareholder 消极股东passive shareholder 积极股东active shareholder 刺穿公司面纱pierce the corporate veil 揭开公司面纱lifting the company veil 逆向合并 reverse merger 收购公司acquiring company 正向合并forward merger 股权收购share acquisition 股权收购 share acquisition 收购公司acquiring company 收购目标公司target company 资产收购asset acquisition 公司责任liability of corporation mechanics of incorporating 公司结构(组织)Corporation constructure 董事director 高级职员Officer 股东权Powers of shareholder 选任elect 解任remove 年会(常会)annual meeting 兼并merger 解散dissolution 自愿解散 voluntary dissolution 强制解散 法院解散 judicial dissolution 清算 liquidation wind up 董事会 board of directors 累计投票权cumulative voting right 任期term 董事的延期holdover director 董事的解除removal of director 董事会会议directors’ meeting 公告notice 法定人数quorum 少数lower number 绝对多数super majority 自己表决present at vote 多数higher number unanimous written consent objection by director 委员会committee 细则bylaw 董事长president 公司秘书secretary 股东诉讼shareholders action breaking quorum 股东的信息获取权shareholders’ informational right 股东的帐簿与记录检查权shareholders’ inspection of books and records 公司融资corporation finance 财务报告financial report 损益表 income statement 资产负债表balance sheet 年度报告annual report 季度报告quarterly report 掺水股票watered stock trust fund theory 许可authorization 发起人promoter 营业执照 trade charter 票面价值par value misrepresentation theory 优先购买权pre-emptive right 库藏股treasury shares 受托责任fiduciary duty public offerings of securities 有价证券security 权益证券equity security 债务证券debt security 债券bond filing of registration statement 普通股 common stock 优先股 preferred stock 资本capital 授权且己发行资本authorized and issued Capital 授权资本(名义资本)authorized capital、nominal capital 己发行资本issued capital 已缴资本paid—up capital 待缴资本uncalled capital 催缴股本 called-up capital 保留资本reserve capital 股权资本 equity capital 借贷资本 loan capital 声明股本stated capital 票面价值 par value,缩写为 PV 无票面价值 no par value 缩写NPV 法定资本制 legal capital system 授权资本制 system authorized Capital 转投资 reinvestment 资本确定原则prinzipdes festen grund kapitals 资本维持原则principle of maintenance of capital 资本不变原则Prinzipder Bestandingkedes Grund kapitals 重组re-classified 股票再分割sub-divide 注销cancel 未发行的股份 注册资本the registered capital 分配 distribution 公司登记官the Registrar 合并股份consolidate 分割股份divide 库存股treasure stock 减资决议a resolution for reducing share capital 红利股bonus shares 雇员持股制度an employees’share system 设立报告incorporators'report 资本不足inadequate Capitalization 最低资本额制度grundsatz des mindestgrund kapitals 商业登记官the commercial Register 授权资本额the amount of the authorized capital 创立主义konstruktionsprinzip、Incorporation 净资产net assets、 net worth 资本盈余 paid-in surplus 缴付盈余 paid-in surplus 减资盈余reduction surplus 泡沫法案The bubble act 合股公司法The joint-stock companiesAct 泡沫废止法The Bubble Act Repeal Act 代理理论Principal-agent Theory 契约的集合nexus of contracts 越权行为 ultra vires act 特许公司中chartered corporation 优先债权人senior creditor 次位债权subordinated creditor 公司治理 corporate governance 股东之公平对待the equitable treatment of shareholders 股东之权利the rights of shareholders 信息揭露及透明性disclosure and transparency 董事会的责任the responsibilities of the board 股权代理人proxy 监事会aufsichtsrat , supervisor board 董事与公司间之交易self-dealing 动机不纯之公司行为corporate action with mixed motives 挪用公司或股东财产the taking of corporate or shareholder property 代表诉讼 derivative suit 少数股东权 derivative action 董事义务与责任 shareholder' right and liability 买回 repurchase 交叉持股 cross ownership 重整 corporate reorganization 股东会 shareholder meeting 董事会 board of directors 独立董事 Independent Director 内部董事inside director 公司经理人officer 外部监察人 outside supervisor 执行委员会executive committee 监察委员会audit committee 报酬委员会remuneration committee 提名委员会nominating committee 经营判断原则The Business Judgment Rule 关系人交易 conflict of interest 股份收买请求权 appraisal right 资本不足under capitalization 未遵守公司形式failure to follow corporate formalities 公司财务报表、功能、或人员之重叠overlap of corporate records function or personnel 资产混淆commingling of assets 股东之支配能力shareholder domination 不实陈述misrepresentation) 诈欺fraud 具有支配权之股东 dominant shareholder 公司机会corporate opportunity 无表决权股non-voting share 多数表决权股 multiple-voting share 表决权信托voting trust 认股选择权制度stock option 新股认购权warrant 章程(组织)大纲 英国称为memorandum of association 和 articles of association,而在美国则被称为articles 和bylaws。 公司分割corporate dvision 资本收益capital gain 公司分立spin-Off、split-Off 及split-Up 模范公司法model business corporation act 注意义务duty of care 了解公司业务之义务duty to become informed 询问义务duty of inquiry 了解后为决定之义务duty of informed judgment 监督义务duty of attention 忠诚义务duty of loyalty 与公司为合理交易之义务duty of fair dealing 公司债debenture 公司债所有者bondholder 证券法 证券 securities 证券法 securities law 资本市场 capital market 证券市场 securities market 中国证券监督管理委员会 China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRS) 股票、股权 share; equity; stock 上市公司 listed company 机构投资者 institutional investor 个人投资者/散户 retail / private investor 证券中介机构 securities intermediary 证券公司;券商 securities company; broker-dealer 自营 proprietary trading 证券交易所 securities exchange 纽约证券交易所 NYSE,New York Stock Exchange 巴黎证券交易所 Paris Bourse 交易大厅 trading floor 证券登记结算机构 securities registration and clearing institution 证券行业自律组织 self-regulatory organization for securities 证券监督管理机构 securities regulatory authority 证券发行 offering of securities; issuing of securities 证券分析 securities analysis 公开发售 public offering; distribution 配股 rights issue/offering 红股 bonus share; 红利;股息 dividend 购买力 purchasing(Buying) Power 招股说明书 prospectus 新股/初始公开发行 initial public offering(IPO) 收购兼并 merger and acquisition 资产重组 reorganization 证券发行审核制度 verification system for securities offering 发行人 issuer 机构投资者 institution 公开发行 public offering 私募发行 private offering; private placement 发行价格 issuing price 平价发行 face value issuing 溢价发行 premium issuing 折价发行 discounted issuing 新发行 new issue 发行日 offering date 已发行流通股 issued-and-outstanding Stocks 认购比率 subscription ratio 股东 stockholders ; principals 登记日 record date 承销 underwriting 承销团 underwriting syndication 上市 listing of securities 上市公司 listed company 被摘牌的公司被摘牌的公司 delisted company 上市辅导 pre-listing tutoring 上市推荐人 listing sponsor 证券交易 trading of securities 主板市场 main board 二板市场 second board 创业板市场 start-up board 高科技板块 high-tech sector 场内交易 on board transaction 场外交易 off board transaction 柜台交易 over-the-counter transaction 信用交易 margin transaction 流动性 liquidity; marketability 流通性 negotiability 要价 offer 卖方要价 offering (asked) Price 场外委托 off-floor order 场内委托 on-floor orde 对敲指令 matched orders 市场价格 market price 市场价值 market value 面值 face value 除息日 ex-dividend(XD)(without dividend) date 到期日 expiration date 除权 ex-right(XRT) 行情显示 on the tape 股市行情 the ups and downs of the stock market 大盘 the big board 行情看涨 Bullish 行情看跌 Bearish 股价指数 index 成份指数 component index CAC-40 Index 法国巴黎CAC-40指数 道琼斯工业指数 Dow Jones industrial average(DJIA) 德国法兰克福DAX指数Frankfurt DAX Index 英国伦敦金融时报指数 London's FTSE 100 那斯达克 NASDAQ,National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations 日经指数 Nikkei Index 拉塞尔2000指数 the Russell 2000 标准普尔500指数 the Standard and Poor's 500 交易授权 trading authorization 当日委托指令 day order 竞价系统 ask-bid system 开盘价 opening 开盘委托指令 opening only order 收盘价 close 收盘指令 At-the-Close Order 按市价 At-the-Market 下降顶点趋势 descending tops 回调谷 dip 整理区 distribution area 双底 double bottom 双顶 double top 托盘 holding the market 横盘 horizontal price movement 支撑区 support 支撑线 support level 趋势 trend 趋势线 trendline 总成交量 total volume 行情显示系统 ticker tape 抛售 dumping 跳水 in the tank 放量(买/卖) climax(buying/selling) 清仓 liquidation 价差 spread 冻结账户 frozen account 攫利者 stag 暴利windfall profit 滞胀 stagflation 萧条 stagnation 旺市 tight market 疲软市场 soft market 提供消息 tip 投机 speculation (股票指数)创历史新高 record high 总成本 total cost 交易日 trade date 交易商 trader 交易授权 trading authorization 买空 short purchase 卖空 short sale 平仓交易 closing transaction 佣金 commission 股票交易印花税 stamp tax for stock transaction 股票交易所得税 capital gains tax for stock transaction 证券结算 securities settlement 清算 clearing 交收 delivery 市盈率 price-earning ratio 每股收益率 earning per share (EPS) 换手率 turnover rate 业绩报表 earning report 财务报表 financial statement 损益表 income statement 信息披露 information disclosure 金融违规行为 financial irregularities /improprieties 证券欺诈 securities fraud 虚报盈利 inflate profits 虚假帐务 deceptive accounting 内幕交易 insider trading 内幕人 insider 操纵市场 manipulation of securities market 关联交易 related-party transaction 股票 stock 未发行股票 unissued Stock 周期性股票 cyclical stock 工业股票 industrial stock 普通股 common share 优先股 preferred share 劣后股 deferred share 蓝筹股 blue chip stock 红筹股 red chip stock A股 人民币普通股票 B股 人民币特种股票 H股 中国境内发行,在香港上市的股票 存托凭证 depository receipt(DR) 记名股票 registered stock 不记名股票 unregistered stock 国有股 state share 法人股 legal entity share 社会公众股 public share 流通股 exchange-traded share 非流通股 non-exchange-traded share 股票期权 stock option 认股权证 warranty 配股rationed sale of stock 回购 redemption 债券 bond 国债; 政府债券 treasury bond; government bond 凭证式国债 registered treasury bond 无记名国债 unregistered treasury bond 记帐式国债 record treasury bond 金融债券 financial bond; bank debenture 公司债券 corporate bond 企业债券 corporate bond 可转换公司债券 convertible bond 国际债券 international bond 外国债券 foreign bond 欧洲债券 Eurobond 全球债券 global bond 债券信用评级 debt rating 金融衍生品 financial derivatives 证券投资基金 securities investment fund 信托型基金 trust-type fund 契约型基金 contract-type fund 公司型基金 corporation-type fund 合伙型基金 partnership-type fund 开放式基金 open-end fund 封闭式基金 close-end fund 股票基金 stock fund 债券基金 bond fund 基金发起人 fund promoter 基金托管人 fund custodian 基金份额持有人 fund holder 基金合同 fund contract 基金收益 fund profit 基金管理费 management fee 基金托管费 custody fee 破产法 破产 bankruptcy; insolvency 破产法 bankruptcy law;insolvency act 破产程序 bankruptcy proceedings; bankruptcy procedure 集体程序 collectivized process 实体规则 substantive rules 破产成本 bankruptcy cost 破产法院 bankruptcy court 债务期限 debt maturities 破产规则 bankruptcy rules 破产人 bankrupt 已解除债务的破产人 discharged bankrupt 未解除债务的破产人 undischarged bankrupt 债务人的破产 bankruptcy of the debtor 担保人的破产 bankruptcy of the guarantor 全民所有制企业 enterprises owned by the whole people 经营管理不善 poor operation and management 严重亏损 serious losses 公用企业 public utility enterprises 破产债务 bankruptcy debt 到期债务 mature debts;debts that are due 拖欠的债务 a delinquent debt 不能偿还债务 inability to pay debt 强制还债 coerce payment 强制执行 coerce execution 自愿还债 voluntary payment 变现 realization 重新承认债务 reaffirmation 财产和债务清单 schedule of assets and liability 破产行为 act of bankruptcy 破产申请 bankruptcy petition; file to declare the debtor bankrupt 个人破产 individual insolvency; personal bankruptcy 消费者破产 consumer bankruptcy 公司破产 company insolvency; corporate bankruptcy 消费者破产 consumer bankruptcy 会计报表 accounting statements 债务清册 a detailed list of debts 债权清册 a detailed list of claims 发布公告 make a public announcement 公司解散 company winding up 自愿撤回 voluntary dismissal 破产案件的驳回 dismissal of case 启动破产案件 initiation of bankruptcy case 强制破产 involuntary bankruptcy 自愿破产 voluntary bankruptcy 欺诈破产 fraudulent bankruptcy 宣告破产 adjudication of bankruptcy; declaration of bankruptcy 债权人会议 meeting of creditors; committee of creditors; creditor meeting 表决权 right to vote 债权人会议主席 the chairman of creditor meeting 破产管理人 administration; receiver 破产受托人 trustee 合理谨慎义务 due diligence and care 破产通知书 bankruptcy notice 债权,请求权 claims 申报债权 filling proof of claims; report claims 登记债权 register the claims 债权申报期满 the expiration of the period for reporting claims 债权人会议的决议 resolution of the creditor meeting 债权人的利益 creditor’s interest 债权人的救济 creditors remedies 撤销权 avoidance powers 无效 null and void 行使撤销权 in pursuance of avoidance 可撤销交易 voidable transaction 可撤销的优惠 voidable preference 赠与和低价交易 gift and transactions at an undervalue 欺诈性转让 fraudulent transfers 偏颇性清偿 preferences 顺向担保 downstream guaranties 逆向担保 upstream guaranties 交叉担保 cross guaranties 公平的对价 fair consideration 不当行为 irregularity 无偿转让 gratuitous alienation 欺诈性交易 fraudulent trading 不当交易 wrongful trading 潜在损失 potential loss 抽逃 remove 低价交易 transaction at an undervalue 非正常压价 abnormally depressed price 放弃债权 disclaim;abandon one’s claims 免除 release 规定的 prescribed 无担保的债权人 unsecured creditors 有担保的债权人 secured creditors 有财产担保的债权 claims secured with property 无财产担保的债权 claims not secured with property 债权证明 proof of claim 债权持有者 claimholder 申请前产生的债权 pre-petition claim 申请后产生的债权 post-petition claims 延迟申请的债权 tardy claims 一般债权人 ordinary creditor 预期债权人 prospective creditor 优先债权人 preferential creditor 优先权 preference 优先地位 preferred status 债权评估 valuation of claims; claims assessment 为分配而进行的债权评估 for distribution purposes 债权的等级 hierarchy of claims 债权的分类 classification of claims 为表决而进行的债权评估 for voting purposes 工资,雇员的福利债权 wage and employee- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 法律英语词汇集锦 法律 英语词汇 集锦
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