C#文件操作大全 上一篇 / 下一篇 2010-05-07 10:23:27 / 个人分类:.net 查看( 1535 ) / 评论( 20 ) / 评分( 79 / 1 ) 1.创建文件夹 //using System.IO; Directory.CreateDirectory(%%1); 2.创建文件 //using System.IO; File.Create(%%1); 3.删除文件 //using System.IO; File.Delete(%%1); 4.删除文件夹 //using System.IO; Directory.Delete(%%1); 5.删除一个目录下所有的文件夹 //using System.IO; foreach (string dirStr in Directory.GetDirectories(%%1)) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(dirStr); ArrayList folders=new ArrayList(); FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos(); for (int i = 0; i < folders.Count; i++) { FileInfo f = folders[i] as FileInfo; if (f == null) { DirectoryInfo d = folders[i] as DirectoryInfo; d.Delete(); } } } 6.清空文件夹 //using System.IO; Directory.Delete(%%1,true); Directory.CreateDirectory(%%1); 7.读取文件 //using System.IO; StreamReader s = File.OpenText(%%1); string %%2 = null; while ((%%2 = s.ReadLine()) != null){ %%3 } s.Close(); 8.写入文件 //using System.IO; FileInfo f = new FileInfo(%%1); StreamWriter w = f.CreateText(); w.WriteLine(%%2); w.Close(); 9.写入随机文件 //using System.IO; byte[] dataArray = new byte[100000];//new Random().NextBytes(dataArray); using(FileStream FileStream = new FileStream(%%1, FileMode.Create)){ // Write the data to the file, byte by byte. for(int i = 0; i < dataArray.Length; i++){ FileStream.WriteByte(dataArray[i]); } // Set the stream position to the beginning of the file. FileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Read and verify the data. for(int i = 0; i < FileStream.Length; i++){ if(dataArray[i] != FileStream.ReadByte()){ //写入数据错误 return; } } //"数据流"+FileStream.Name+"已验证" } 10.读取文件属性 //using System.IO; FileInfo f = new FileInfo(%%1);//f.CreationTime,f.FullName if((f.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0){ %%2 } else{ %%3 } 11.写入属性 //using System.IO; FileInfo f = new FileInfo(%%1); //设置只读 f.Attributes = myFile.Attributes | FileAttributes.ReadOnly; //设置可写 f.Attributes = myFile.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly; 12.枚举一个文件夹中的所有文件夹 //using System.IO; foreach (string %%2 in Directory.GetDirectories(%%1)){ %%3 } /* DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(%%1); FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles("*.*"); foreach(FileInfo %%2 in files){ %%3 } */ 13.复制文件夹 /* using System.IO; using System.Collections; */ string path = (%%2.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 : %%2+"\\"; string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(%%1); Directory.CreateDirectory(path + Path.GetFileName(%%1)); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo((%%1.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1 : %%1 + "\\"); FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos(); Queue<FileSystemInfo> Folders = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dir.GetFileSystemInfos()); while (Folders.Count>0) { FileSystemInfo tmp = Folders.Dequeue(); FileInfo f = tmp as FileInfo; if (f == null) { DirectoryInfo d = tmp as DirectoryInfo; Directory.CreateDirectory(d.FullName.Replace((parent.LastIndexOf("\\") == parent.Length - 1) ? parent : parent + "\\", path)); foreach (FileSystemInfo fi in d.GetFileSystemInfos()) { Folders.Enqueue(fi); } } else { f.CopyTo(f.FullName.Replace(parent, path)); } } 14.复制目录下所有的文件夹到另一个文件夹下 /* using System.IO; using System.Collections; */ DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(%%1); foreach (DirectoryInfo dirs in d.GetDirectories()) { Queue<FileSystemInfo> al = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dirs.GetFileSystemInfos()); while (al.Count > 0) { FileSystemInfo temp = al.Dequeue(); FileInfo file = temp as FileInfo; if (file == null) { DirectoryInfo directory = temp as DirectoryInfo; Directory.CreateDirectory(path + directory.Name); foreach (FileSystemInfo fsi in directory.GetFileSystemInfos()) al.Enqueue(fsi); } else File.Copy(file.FullName, path + file.Name); } } 15.移动文件夹 /* using System.IO; using System.Collections; */ string filename = Path.GetFileName(%%1); string path=(%%2.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 : %%2 + "\\"; if (Path.GetPathRoot(%%1) == Path.GetPathRoot(%%2)) Directory.Move(%%1, path + filename); else { string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(%%1); Directory.CreateDirectory(path + Path.GetFileName(%%1)); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo((%%1.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1 : %%1 + "\\"); FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos(); Queue<FileSystemInfo> Folders = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dir.GetFileSystemInfos()); while (Folders.Count > 0) { FileSystemInfo tmp = Folders.Dequeue(); FileInfo f = tmp as FileInfo; if (f == null) { DirectoryInfo d = tmp as DirectoryInfo; DirectoryInfo dpath = new DirectoryInfo(d.FullName.Replace((parent.LastIndexOf("\\") == parent.Length - 1) ? parent : parent + "\\", path)); dpath.Create(); foreach (FileSystemInfo fi in d.GetFileSystemInfos()) { Folders.Enqueue(fi); } } else { f.MoveTo(f.FullName.Replace(parent, path)); } } Directory.Delete(%%1, true); } 16.移动目录下所有的文件夹到另一个目录下 /* using System.IO; using System.Collections; */ string filename = Path.GetFileName(%%1); if (Path.GetPathRoot(%%1) == Path.GetPathRoot(%%2)) foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(%%1)) Directory.Move(dir, Path.Combine(%%2,filename)); else { foreach (string dir2 in Directory.GetDirectories(%%1)) { string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(dir2); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(%%2, Path.GetFileName(dir2))); string dir = (dir2.LastIndexOf("\\") == dir2.Length - 1) ? dir2 : dir2 + "\\"; DirectoryInfo dirdir = new DirectoryInfo(dir); FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dirdir.GetFileSystemInfos(); Queue<FileSystemInfo> Folders = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dirdir.GetFileSystemInfos()); while (Folders.Count > 0) { FileSystemInfo tmp = Folders.Dequeue(); FileInfo f = tmp as FileInfo; if (f == null) { DirectoryInfo d = tmp as DirectoryInfo; DirectoryInfo dpath = new DirectoryInfo(d.FullName.Replace((parent.LastIndexOf("\\") == parent.Length - 1) ? parent : parent + "\\", %%2)); dpath.Create(); foreach (FileSystemInfo fi in d.GetFileSystemInfos()) { Folders.Enqueue(fi); } } else { f.MoveTo(f.FullName.Replace(parent, %%2)); } } dirdir.Delete(true); } } 17.以一个文件夹的框架在另一个目录创建文件夹和空文件 /* using System.IO; using System.Collections; */ bool b=false; string path = (%%2.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 : %%2 + "\\"; string parent = Path.GetDirectoryName(%%1); Directory.CreateDirectory(path + Path.GetFileName(%%1)); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo((%%1.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1 : %%1 + "\\"); FileSystemInfo[] fileArr = dir.GetFileSystemInfos(); Queue<FileSystemInfo> Folders = new Queue<FileSystemInfo>(dir.GetFileSystemInfos()); while (Folders.Count > 0) { FileSystemInfo tmp = Folders.Dequeue(); FileInfo f = tmp as FileInfo; if (f == null) { DirectoryInfo d = tmp as DirectoryInfo; Directory.CreateDirectory(d.FullName.Replace((parent.LastIndexOf("\\") == parent.Length - 1) ? parent : parent + "\\", path)); foreach (FileSystemInfo fi in d.GetFileSystemInfos()) { Folders.Enqueue(fi); } } else { if(b) File.Create(f.FullName.Replace(parent, path)); } } 18.复制文件 //using System.IO; File.Copy(%%1,%%2); 19.复制一个文件夹下所有的文件到另一个目录 //using System.IO; foreach (string fileStr in Directory.GetFiles(%%1)) File.Copy((%%1.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1 +Path.GetFileName(fileStr): %%1 + "\\"+Path.GetFileName(fileStr),(%%2.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 +Path.GetFileName(fileStr): %%2 + "\\"+Path.GetFileName(fileStr)); 20.提取扩展名 //using System.IO; string %%2=Path.GetExtension(%%1); 21.提取文件名 //using System.IO; string %%2=Path.GetFileName(%%1); 22.提取文件路径 //using System.IO; string %%2=Path.GetDirectoryName(%%1); 23.替换扩展名 //using System.IO; File.ChangeExtension(%%1,%%2); 24.追加路径 //using System.IO; string %%3=Path.Combine(%%1,%%2); 25.移动文件 //using System.IO; File.Move(%%1,%%2+"\\"+file.getname(%%1)); 26.移动一个文件夹下所有文件到另一个目录 foreach (string fileStr in Directory.GetFiles(%%1)) File.Move((%%1.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%1.Length - 1) ? %%1 +Path.GetFileName(fileStr): %%1 + "\\"+Path.GetFileName(fileStr),(%%2.LastIndexOf("\\") == %%2.Length - 1) ? %%2 +Path.GetFileName(fileStr): %%2 + "\\"+Path.GetFileName(fileStr)); 27.指定目录下搜索文件 /* using System.Text; using System.IO; */ string fileName=%%1; string dirName=%%2; DirectoryInfo dirc=new DirectoryInfo(dirName); foreach(FileInfo file in dirc.GetFiles()) { if(file.Name.IndexOf(fileName)>-1) return file.FullName; } foreach(DirectoryInfo dir in dirc.GetDirectories()) { return GetFile(fileName,dir.FullName); } return "找不到指定的文件"; } 28.打开对话框 OpenFileDialog penFileDialog=new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.InitialDirectory=\"c:\\\\\";//注意这里写路径时要用c:\\\\而不是c:\\ openFileDialog.Filter=\"文本文件|*.*|C#文件|*.cs|所有文件|*.*\"; openFileDialog.RestoreDirectory=true; openFileDialog.FilterIndex=1; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog()==DialogResult.OK) { fName=openFileDialog.FileName; File fileOpen=new File(fName); isFileHaveName=true; %%1=fileOpen.ReadFile(); %%1.AppendText(\"\"); } 29.文件分割 //using System.IO; FileStream fsr = new FileStream(%%1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] btArr = new byte[fsr.Length]; fsr.Read(btArr, 0, btArr.Length); fsr.Close(); string strFileName=%%1.Substring(%%1.LastIndexOf("\\")+1); FileStream fsw = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName + "1", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fsw.Write(btArr, 0, btArr.Length/2); fsw.Close(); fsw = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName + "2", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fsw.Write(btArr, btArr.Length/2, btArr.Length-btArr.Length/2); fsw.Close(); 30.文件合并 //using System.IO; string strFileName = %%1.Substring(%%1.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); FileStream fsr1 = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName + "1", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); FileStream fsr2 = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName + "2", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] btArr = new byte[fsr1.Length+fsr2.Length]; fsr1.Read(btArr, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fsr1.Length)); fsr2.Read(btArr, Convert.ToInt32(fsr1.Length), Convert.ToInt32(fsr2.Length)); fsr1.Close();fsr2.Close(); FileStream fsw = new FileStream(%%2 + strFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fsw.Write(btArr, 0, btArr.Length); fsw.Close(); 31.文件简单加密 //using System.IO; //读文件 FileStream fsr = new FileStream(%%1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] btArr = new byte[fsr.Length]; fsr.Read(btArr, 0, btArr.Length); fsr.Close(); for (int i = 0; i < btArr.Length; i++){ //加密 int ibt = btArr[i]; ibt += 100; ibt %= 256; btArr[i] = Convert.ToByte(ibt); } //写文件 string strFileName = Path.GetExtension(%%1); FileStream fsw = new FileStream(%%2+"/" + "enc_" + strFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fsw.Write(btArr, 0, btArr.Length); fsw.Close(); 32.文件简单解密 //using System.IO; FileStream fsr = new FileStream(%%1, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] btArr = new byte[fsr.Length]; fsr.Read(btArr, 0, btArr.Length); fsr.Close(); for (int i = 0; i < btArr.Length; i++){ //解密 int ibt = btArr[i]; ibt -= 100; ibt += 256; ibt %= 256; btArr[i] = Convert.ToByte(ibt); } //写文件 string strFileName = Path.GetExtension(%%1); FileStream fsw = new FileStream(%%2 +"/" + strFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fsw.Write(btArr, 0, btArr.Length); fsw.Close(); 33.读取ini文件属性 //using System.Runtime.InteropServices; //[DllImport("kernel32")]//返回取得字符串缓冲区的长度 //private static extern long GetPrivateProfileString(string section,string key, string def,StringBuilder retVal,int size,string filePath); string Section=%%1; string Key=%%2; string NoText=%%3; string iniFilePath="Setup.ini"; string %%4=String.Empty; if(File.Exists(iniFilePath)){ StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(1024); GetPrivateProfileString(Section,Key,NoText,temp,1024,iniFilePath); %%4=temp.ToString(); } 34.合并一个目录下所有的文件 //using System.IO; FileStream fsw = new FileStream(%%2, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); foreach (string fileStr in Directory.GetFiles(%%1)) { FileStream fsr1 = new FileStream(fileStr, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); byte[] btArr = new byte[fsr1.Length]; fsr1.Read(btArr, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fsr1.Length)); fsr1.Close(); fsw.Write(btArr, 0, btArr.Length); } fsw.Close(); 35.写入ini文件属性 //using System.Runtime.InteropServices; //[DllImport("kernel32")]//返回0表示失败,非0为成功 //private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString(string section,string key, string val,string filePath); string Section=%%1; string Key=%%2; string Value=%%3; string iniFilePath="Setup.ini"; bool %%4=false; if(File.Exists(iniFilePath)) { long pStation = WritePrivateProfileString(Section,Key,Value,iniFilePath); if(OpStation == 0) { %%4=false; } else { %%4=true; } } 36.获得当前路径 s- 配套讲稿:
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- C# 文件 操作 大全
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