单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢,英 语,必 修,5,NEW SENIOR ENGLISH FOR CHINA,STUDENTS,BOOK 5,浙江省新昌中学英语组,asura,人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所,英 语 课 程 教 材 研 究 开 发 中 心,编著,人民教育出版社,普 通 高 中 课 程 标 准 实 验 教 科 书,第1页,Unit 1,Great scientists,教学设计,第2页,Module 5 Unit 1 Great scientists,一、教学内容分析,1、,语言技能和语言知识,2、,情感态度,3、,学习策略,4、,文化意识,二、教学要求及目标,三、教学提议,四、分课时教案,第3页,一、教材分析,1、书本内容分析:,本单元主要话题是“科学家怎样以探索、钻研、无畏科研精神验证未知科学真理。”,“热身”(Warming up)部分经过问答使学生回想起不一样领域科学家,了解科学家们对人类贡献及其结果。,“读前”(Pre-reading)部分经过若干问题讨论,使学生初步了解得出科学观点所需要过程。为完成阅读奠定基础。,“阅读”(Reading)部分介绍英国著名医生John Snow怎样经过考查、分析、探究科学方法,发觉“霍乱”这种传染病传输路径并提出控制方法。经过阅读全文,使学生了解科学发觉过程,培养学生科学精神。,第4页,一、教材分析,1、书本内容分析:,“了解”(Comprehending)部分经过三个练习加深学生对文章深入了解。培养学生综合利用语言能力。,“语言学习”(Learning about language)部分主要突出本单元重点词汇和主要语法项目做到学以致用。,“语言利用”(Using Language)部分涵盖了听、说、读、写几个部分。听部分经过两个学生谈论科学家钱学森故事、使学生了解科学家生活经历。说部分经过学生分组讨论未来选择什么科学工作,需要什么样教育、品格及经从来完成提问和应答交际功效任务训练。读部分讲述了哥白尼是怎样发觉太阳中心学说。写部分是要求学生依据阅读文章内容及提醒给哥白尼写信提议他尽早公布他发觉。最终是小结和学习提议部分。,第5页,一、教材分析,2、练习册内容分析:,Listening部分经过Robert Briggs和Zhang Wei对话,讨论怎样发觉一朵花是否为新物种,引出植物学家Carl Linnaeus和他动植物分类方法。,Talking部分则假设你要和陌生人约见,经过描述自己外貌特征帮助他人认出你自己。,Using Words and Expressions经过5个练习帮助学生学习词汇和表示法。,Using Structures 经过两个练习学习过去分词做表语和定语使用方法。,第6页,一、教材分析,2、练习册内容分析:,Listening Task 部分介绍了Leonhard Euler相关情况。,Reading Task 部分则介绍了Leonhard Euler一个有趣科学发觉,即一个被称之为”finding the Euler parthpuzzle.,Speaking Task和Writing Task都是本单元内容深入延伸,要求学生选择熟悉科学家进行讨论并要求学生写一篇关于该科学家report。,Project部分则要求学生经过网络查找更多女性科学家信息资源并准备一个关于科学家Talk.,第7页,语言技能:,能听懂描述或谈论人个性、品质及成就对话;能就事实材料向他人介绍熟悉科学家;能结合实际,谈谈对自己未来职业构想;能阅读以人物介绍为内容阅读材料;能利用适当句式表示意愿、希望和提议,知道写劝说性文章步骤或方法,写好劝说文,培养逻辑思维能力。,第8页,语言知识,:,掌握,42,个新单词和,10,条短语;掌握描述个性、品质词汇;了解科学观点形成过程;了解过去分词作定语和表语使用方法。,情感态度,:,深刻体会科学给人类和世界带来影响;引导学生热爱科学,勇于探索;帮助学生培养科学精神和科学方法,尊重并学习科学家,提升本身品格素养,树立远大理想;使他们成为科学人文素养相融合创新型人才。,第9页,学习策略,:,经过周密观察、认真分析等伎俩,培养认知策略和善于抓住关键点能力;结合研究性学习,提升学生自学、自做、自助、自悟能力,以培养学生调控策略;利用网络等媒体获取相关知识来提升资源策略;经过交流表示观点来提升利用交际策略能力。,文化意识:,了解许多中外科学家事迹及他们贡献,扩大知识面;以知识武装头脑,以文化陶冶情操。,第10页,二、教学要求,(一)、,基本要求,:,掌握本单元出现书本所附词汇表不带,42个新单词和10条短语。,了解中外许多不一样领域科学家,讨论他们品质上共性。,能阅读介绍出色科学家通俗文章,并能用英语进行简明介绍。,学会利用正确句式表示意愿、希望和提议。,学写劝说性书信。,初步掌握过去分词作定语和表语使用方法。,第11页,二、教学要求,(二)、,发展要求,1.了解课后练习中前带前缀派生词。,2.列举更多中外科学家和他们成就。,3.简明叙述科学研究方法和研究过程,培养理性地分析问题、处理问题能力。,4.熟练表示自己意愿、希望、提议,能进行口头和笔头交流。,5.,熟练掌握过去分词作定语和表语使用方法。,第12页,三、本单元教学提议,1、课时分配,本单元提议用5课时完成。,第一课时:Warming up、Pre-reading&Reading内容。,重点应放在对Reading部分了解上。,第二课时:Comprehending和 Language Points study,第三课时:Language Study,and Grammar,第四课时:Using language中Reading and writing,Learning tips,第五课时:Summing Up&Assessment,第13页,三、本单元教学提议,2、单元关键点:,了解钱学森、哥白尼等科学家以及他们故事和成就,学习科学家不懈钻研精神。,掌握描述人物个性和品质表示方式。,学习表示意愿、希望、提议句型。,学习过去分词作定语和表语结构。,第14页,三、本单元教学提议,热身(Warming up)部分在学生课前预习基础上,教师可利用图片资料引入,也能够让学生讲述某位科学家故事或成就让其它学生来猜测,但讲述内容不宜过长。,读前(Pre-reading)部分提议展现相关SARS和AIDS宣传图片或视频资料,引导学生关注疾病与健康,然后再引出cholera。能够分若干个讨论小组讨论怎样进行科学研究,让学生了解科学观点形成过程。,第15页,三、本单元教学提议,阅读(Reading)部分要处理以下几个问题:(1)了解课文内容;(2)学习新单词和短语;(3)了解怎样进行科学研究。文章介绍英国著名医生John Snow怎样经过考查、分析、探究科学方法,发觉“霍乱”这种传染病传输路径并提出控制方法。经过阅读全文,使学生了解科学发觉过程,培养学生科学精神。教师应在语境中引导学生掌握新词汇,可重点强调Learning about language要用到词汇和文中黑体字。也可让学生自己发觉了解不足,发觉问题,适当地引导学生进行深层了解。,第16页,三、本单元教学提议,了解(Comprehending)部分能够以发觉问题,分析问题,处理问题为线索来理清学生思绪,帮助学生概括每部分主旨大意。教师能够补充一些简单正误判断来帮助学生完成Exercise 1。Exercise 2是三个拓展思维问题,能够帮助学生提升分析问题能力,更加好地了解全文。Exercise 3能够作为课外巩固作业。,第17页,三、本单元教学提议,语言学习(Learning about language)部分Exercise 1是用所给词正确形式填空。教师应确定学生了解这些词意思和使用方法。Exercise 2是一个拓展练习,要求学生掌握make+名词,在意义上等于这个名词动词形式,比如:make a speech=speak。Exercise 3深入训练动词make使用方法。教师还能够勉励学生回想更多相关于make使用方法。Discovering useful structures是语法知识教学,教师可引导学生在Reading中找到更多过去分词作定语和表语使用方法。Exercise 1、2&3帮助学生感知过去分词作定语和表语,并逐步过渡到巩固和利用这种语言现象。,第18页,三、本单元教学提议,语言应用(Using language)部分这部分是对各种语言技能综合利用。Listening&speaking要求学生预习听力内容。听力部分经过两个学生谈论科学家钱学森故事,帮助学生了解科学家生活经历。经过回答5个问题,训练学生分析处理问题能力。提议学生在听过程中记一些主要单词即可。从听力中就可引出speaking部分,教师可经过简单问答来激发学生说欲望,能够在几个简单问答后,补充课文中有用表示,让学生讨论未来职业选择。在培养学生交际能力同时,教师要不失时机进行德育渗透,教育学生应树立远大理想,并为实现自己理想而奋斗。,第19页,三、本单元教学提议,Reading&writing部分阅读材料讲述了哥白尼是怎样建立太阳中心学说。在进行整体阅读后,如有必要,教师能够用问题形式启示讲解文中语言知识点和部分难句。经过Exercise 1,让学生比较哥白尼理论和前人理论不一样,培养学生观察和比较能力。Exercise 2利用发散性思维说明自己观点。Writing要求学生依据阅读内容给哥白尼写一封信,提议他尽快公布他发觉。教师应告诉学生写这类文章注意事项,比如:文章结构应为:表示你想法陈说理由提出提议。能够让学生课后搜集、整理信息后再写。,第20页,三、本单元教学提议,小结(Summing up)部分,这部分用以提升学生认知水平,经过对本单元内容和知识点回顾,查漏补缺,培养学生概括总结能力。教师应及时发觉学生在这几个方面不足,并给予适当辅导。,学习提议(Learning up)部分,这部分是指导学生写好劝说文,以训练学生逻辑思维能力和写作能力。提议教师在指导Using language中writing部分时,引入这个学习内容。,第21页,三、本单元教学提议,评价提议,非测试性评价,提议使用教师用书中第4页评价表或学生用书47页 Checking yourself。主要评价一下学习了这个单元以后,学生在语言知识、能力上有哪些提升,在学习策略上有何改进,他们人生观和职业观是否有深层发展。,测试性评价,提议使用经过审定测试题进行测试。测试重点应包含本单元中42个新单词和10条短语、用过去分词作定语和表语使用方法、在情景对话中表达表示意愿、希望、提议句型。在阅读中表达学生分析、综合能力,写作时能让学生有机会利用本单元关于劝说文写作技巧。,第22页,四、分课时教案和课件,第23页,Period 1,Warming up、Pre-reading and Reading,第24页,A terrible disease in,第25页,SevereAcuteRespiratorySyndrome,SARS,严重急性呼吸道综合症,infectious disease,germs ,第26页,Heroes-Scientists,CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES,CAS,第27页,Quiz 1,Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float?,第28页,Archimedes,Ancient Greek(287-212BC),He was a mathematician.He found that if you put an object into water,the water pushes the object up.It rises and partly floats.The force of the water pushing it up is the same as the weight of the object.,buoyancy,第29页,Quiz 2,Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?,第30页,Charles Darwin,Britain(1808-1882),The Origin of Species,第31页,Quiz 3,Who invented the first steam engine?,第32页,Thomas Newcomen,British(1663-1729),第33页,Quiz 4,Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children?,第34页,Gregor Mendel,Czech(1822-1884),第35页,Quiz 5,Who discovered radium?,第36页,Marie Curie,Polish and French(1867-1934),第37页,Quiz 6,Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?,第38页,Thomas Edison,American(1847-1931),第39页,Quiz 7,Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?,第40页,Leonardo da Vinci,Italian(1452-1519),第41页,Quiz 8,Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?,第42页,Sir Humphry Davy,British(1778-1829),第43页,Quiz 9,Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?,第44页,Zhang Heng,Chinese(78-139),第45页,Quiz 10,Who put forward a theory about black holes?,第46页,Stephen Hawking,British(1942-),第47页,Stages,Draw a conclusion,Think of a method,Collect results,Make up a question,Find a problem,Analyze the results,Find supporting evidence,Repeat if necessary,第48页,Paragraphs&Stages,P.,Stages in an experiment,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Find a problem,Make up a question,Think of a method,Collect results,Analyze the results,Draw a conclusion,Find supporting evidence,Skimming,第49页,Title understanding,John Snow was a well-known doctor in London.,The cause of Cholera was polluted water.,The source of all drinking water should be examined.,How did John Snow collect,analyze data and find the cause of the disease and solved it.,第50页,Read and answer:,Paragraph 1:,True or false:,King Cholera is the deadly disease.,John Snow thought cholera would never be controlled.,Whats the topic sentence?,What diseases do you think is similar to cholera today?why?,F,F,第51页,Paragraph 2,What are the two theories?,What is the question for John,?,第52页,Paragraph 3、4,Whats his method?,How did he finally prove that idea 2 was right?,Collect data from the next cholera attack to test theories.Try to prove which method was correct.,He found an outbreak that was clearly related to cholera,collected information and was able to tie cases outside the area to the polluted water.,第53页,Paragraph 5,When the cause was found,what did the people do?,Remove the handle from the water pump so it could not be used.,第54页,Paragraph 6,What s the extra evidence?,Why could the polluted water carry the disease?,Two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak,.,Because cholera was spread by germs and germs can be carried by the polluted water.,第55页,Paragraph 7,What are John Snows suggestions?,The source of all water supplies should be examined.,New methods of dealing with polluted water should be found.,The water companies were also instructed not to expose people to polluted water anymore.,第56页,Read the passage again and fill in the blanks:,John Snow was a well-known _ in London in the _ century.He wanted to find the _ of cholera in order to _ it.In 1854 when a cholera _ out,he began to gather information.He _ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the _ died.So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera.He suggested that the _ of all water supply be _ and new methods of _ with polluted water be found.Finally,“King Cholera”was defeated.,doctor,19,th,cause,defeat,broke,marked,pump,source,examined,dealing,第57页,Period 2,Reading and Language Study,第58页,Scientific Report by John Snow,The problem,The,cause,The method,The results,Idea 1or2,why?,The conclusion,Nobody knew the cause of the serious disease of cholera.,Strange cloud in the air that attacked victims.,People absorbed the disease with their meals.,Collect information from the next cholera attack to test theories.Try to prove which method was correct.,He found the cause of cholera was the polluted water.,Idea2.Because the information showed a connection with the water.,John Snow was able to defeat cholera once its cause was known.,第59页,put forward,come up with;think of,e.g:提出一个新理论,put forward a new theory,draw a conclusion,come to a conclusion;arrive at a conclusion,第60页,attend,:,1.be present at;go to(a meeting,conference),出席;参加,2.to look,after,serve 护理、照料,3.to go with 伴随,Which doctor is attending,you,?,The work was atttended with,much difficulty.,这项工作难度很大.,第61页,expose:,使暴露;使曝露;使面临,受(风险、危险等);使接触,Expose sb/oneself/sth to sth,Eg:,Her youth and beauty will expose her to many,dangers,.,Scores of germ-free mice were exposed to the lunar sampleswithout any ill effect.,几十只不带病菌鼠和月球样品接触,没患上任何疾病。,第62页,cure:,Vt.,治愈、治好;消除弊病等、处理、矫正,Eg:,No medicine could cure him.,cure sb of sth,A doctors business is to cure people of illness.,医生职责是医治病人疾病。,Pug had harshly cured her of the habit.,帕格彻底治好了她这个毛病。,第63页,Every time,each time,the moment/second/minute,作连接词,*,Every time,I meet him,I always think of the things that happened between us.,*,I,will give the letter to him the moment I see him.,第64页,absorb,吸收,Paper that,absorbs ink,is called blotting paper,(吸墨纸),.,be absorbed in,专心致志于,I,was so absorbed in,a book,that I didnt hear you call.(,专心于,),第65页,be to blame:,应受训斥;应负责任,Who is to blame for the failure?,blame sb.for sth.,责备某人;归罪于,He blamed me for my carelessness.,Do you blame him for the accident?,Do you blame the accident on him?,你是否将这个意外事故归罪于他呢?,第66页,in addition,:besides;as well as,除此之外,in addition to,In addition to the apples you asked for,I bought you some oranges.,The teacher in addition to two students,was,at the meeting.,第67页,Period 3,Language Study,and Grammar,第68页,Learning about the language:,Li Heping was a famous football player,but his career came to an end when he became very ill.The doctor _ him but could not find the cause of this illness.He _ the theory that Li Heping had been _ to a new virus.He knew he would not be able to _ him_,but promised he would _the possibility of finding one in the future.Sadly,Li Heping _ that he would take up a new career to _ footballers in planning for the future.,At his last match he thanked his fans for their _ support,by singing the popular song:“Thanks for the memory”.,valuable,instruct,cure,expose,look into,examine,put forward,immediately,announce,第69页,Learning about the language:,1.,Look at these simple verbs and make another construction using make+a+noun.,to telephone,to decide,to plan,to contribute,to speak,to be noisy,to change,to describe,2.To study the phrases:,make a face make friends make money make sure,make up ones way to make a decision make room for,第70页,Learning about the language:,Choose the correct verb or conjunction to put into the text.,link.to blame expose.to,test defeat reject absorb examine severe connectto,In the twenty-first century,educated people find it difficult to believe that living conditions in the nineteenth century _ people _ serious illnesses.The reports of many doctors _,illness _ drinking polluted water.However,one hundred years ago people did not _a disease _ the environment.So they did not _ the companies that supplied dirty water.The doctors found that the dirtier the water,the more _ the illness.It was only later when people began to _ the water and _ its quality that they _ the idea that cholera was,_ from the air.It was only when everybody began to attack the dirty conditions that cholera was _ and was not a problem any more.,第71页,-Look at the,excited,boy!Why is he so happy?,-He has got the first prize in the contest.,-No wonder he is,excited,!,Discovering useful structures,第72页,Past Participle as the Predicative,Example:,But he became,inspired,when he thought about helping ordinary people.,More examples:,He got,interested,in two theories,explaining how cholera killed people.,Neither its cause,nor its cure was,understood,.,第73页,过去分词作表语普通用来,表示感受或状态,(系动词+过去分词),No wonder he is,excited!,(predictive),能够用作表语常见过去分词有:,delighted,disappointed,upset,astonished,excited,frightened,experienced,interested,qualified,puzzled,exhausted,satisfied,第74页,Past Participle as the Attribute,Examples:,So many thousands of,terrified,people died.,Doctor John Snow was a,well-known,doctor in London.,John Snow told the,astonished,people in Broad Street.,第75页,过去分词作定语:,1.分词能够用作前置定语,此时,分词和名词之间有两种语意关系:一个是分词表示主动(但时间上已经过去);一个是分词表被动。,He is a retired worker.,他是一个退休工人。,This is a newly-developed device.,这是一个新开发工具。,第76页,2.过去分词作后置定语时,其功效当于一个定语从句。,1)But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people,exposed,to cholera.,第77页,过去分词短语有时亦可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号。,Some of them,born and brought up in rural villages,had never seen a train.,他们当中有一些人,生长在农村,从未见过火车。,第78页,Practice 1:Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning.,Past Participle as the Attribute,Past Participle as the Predicative,1.terrified people,1.,2.reserved seats,2.,3.polluted water,3.,4.a crowded room,4.,5.a pleased winner,5.,6.,6.children who look astonished,7.,7.a vase that is broken,8.,8.a door that is closed,9.,9.the audience who feel tired,10.,10.an animal that is trapped,第79页,3.,Complete the sentences using the past participle as the predicative.(P5),1).He got _ about losing the money.,2).Why do you always look so _?Do you sleep well these days?,3).I was _ with the film I saw last night.I had expected it to be,better.,4).Everybody was _ to hear the death of the famous film star.,5).The children are really _ about going to the zoo.,6).His wound became _with a new virus,.,blamed,tired,disappointed,shocked/depressed,excited,infected,第80页,4.Rewrite the following sentences with the past participle as attributive.,Lets try the bookstore,that was opened,last month.,Lets try the bookstore opened last month.,第81页,Nine out of ten women,who were interviewed about the product,said they liked it.,Nine out of ten women interviewed about the product said they- 配套讲稿:
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