公主和青蛙 宛若明月 晚星闪耀 The moon star is shinning bright. 向之祈愿 坚信不疑 So make a wish and hold on tight. 今夜星空 魔幻弥漫 There's magic in the air tonight. 万事万物 皆有可能 And anything can happen. 就在那一刻 丑陋的小青蛙 Just in that moment, the ugly little frog 抬起那双忧郁且圆圆的眼睛恳求道 Looked up with his sad round eyes and pleaded, 求您了 亲爱的公主 "Oh please, dear Princess, 只有您的吻能够破除 Only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell 邪恶的女巫施在我身上的诅咒 that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch." 下面是我最喜欢的部分 Here comes my favourite part. 美丽的公主被他悲惨的遭遇打动了 And the beautiful princess was so moved 她俯下身 by him desperately that she stooped down, 捡起这个滑溜溜的生物 身子前倾 picked up the slippery creature, leaned forward, 把小青蛙捧到她的唇边并吻了他 raised him to her lips and kissed that little frog. 之后 青蛙变成了英俊的王子 Then, the frog was transformed into a handsome prince. 他们结了婚 从此幸福的生活在了一起 They were married and lived happy ever after. 结束 The end. 再读一遍 再读一遍 Read it again, read it again. 抱歉 夏洛特 斯坦福快到家了 Sorry Charlotte. Stanford would be at home. 该说晚安了 蒂亚纳 Say good night. Tiana. 我绝对不会 There is no way in this whole wide world, 永远不会 亲一只青蛙 I would ever ever ever, I mean never, kiss a frog. 太恶心了 Yuck! 真的吗 Is that so? 这就是你的白马王子 蒂亚纳 Well, here's your Prince Charming, Tiana. 来 亲他 Come on, kiss him! 不 No. 亲他 Kiss him! 住手 Stop it! 亲他 亲他 亲他 Kiss kiss kiss it! 我不要 我不要 我不要 I won't! I won't! I won't! 我会 I will do it. 我愿意亲一只青蛙 I will kiss a frog. 如果可以遇见王子 成为公主 I would kiss a hundred frogs so far 我愿意亲一百只青蛙 to meet a prince and to be a princess. 女孩们 别再折磨这只可怜的小猫了 You girls, stop tormenting that poor little kitty. 可怜的小家伙 Poor thing. 晚上好 优朵拉 Evening, Eudora. 爸爸 爸爸 看我的新裙子 Daddy! Daddy! Look at my new dress. 漂亮吧 Isn't it pretty? 瞧你 Haha. Look at you! 新奥尔良最好的裁缝 Well, I expect nothing less from 真是不负厚望啊 the finest suit cuisine of New Orleans. 我想要那条裙子 Oh, I want that dress. 现在不行 甜心 Not now, sugar palm. 我想要 求你了 求你了 求你了 I want that one, please, please, please, please... 优朵拉 你能做件类似的吗 Eudora, you suppose you can web something up like that? 绝对没问题 Anything for my best customer. 走吧 蒂亚纳 Come along, Tiana. 你爸爸下班现在该到家了 Your dad should be home from work by now. 好了 公主 Okay, right now, princess. 你虽然会得到那条裙子 但不许再要了 You're getting that dress but that's it! 不准欺人太甚 No Bouff has to pushover. 有人想要小狗吗 Now who wants the puppy? 小狗 我要 我要 Puppy...I do. I do. 小狗太可爱了 Puppy is so cute! 秋葵汤闻起来不错 蒂亚纳 Gumbos smell good, Tiana. 应该可以喝了 爸爸 I think it's done, daddy. 是吗 你确定吗 Yeah, you sure? 真的肯定吗 Absolutely positive? 是的 Yes. 我要把这一勺汤放进我的 Okay, I'm about to put this spoon in my... 等等 Wait! 好了 Done. 怎样 What? 甜心 Well, sweetheart. 这是我喝过的最美味的秋葵汤 This is the best gumbo I've ever tasted. 过来 Come here. 优朵拉 这孩子真有天赋 Eudora, our girl got a gift. 我告诉过你的 I thought I told you that. 这个天赋应该和大家一起分享 A gift that's best just gotta be shared. 大家伙 我做了秋葵汤 Hey, everybody. I made gumbo. 闻起来不错 Oh, that smells good. 我家还有几只小狗 蒂亚纳 I've got some house puppies, Tiana. 美食的好处就是可以 You know the thing about good food... 让各行各业的朋友聚到一起 it brings folks together from all walks of life. 同时温暖他们的内心 It warms them right up 让他们的脸上浮现出笑容 and it puts a smile on their faces. 等我开一家自己的餐馆之后 And, and when I open my own restaurant, 肯定会有人排队等候 I take a bid people gonna line up, 队伍有几英里长 只为常一常我的美食 for miles around just to get a taste of my food. 我们的美食 Our food. 说得对 宝贝 That's right, baby. 我们的美食 Our food. 蒂亚纳餐厅 爸爸 看啊 Daddy, look. 你要去哪 Where are you going? 夏洛特的童话书上说过 Charlotte's fairytale book said, 如果对着晚星许愿 If you make a wish on the evening star, 愿望就会实现 it sure would come true. 那你就对着那颗星许愿吧 宝贝 Well, you wish on that star, sweetheart. 许愿后 你的小小心灵会追寻梦想 Yes, you wish and you dream with all your little heart. 但是记住 蒂亚纳 那颗 But you remember, Tiana, that... 那颗奇特的星星只会让你离梦想更远 that odd star can only take you part away. 你必须自己克服困难 You gotta help along with some hard work of your own. 之后才能做你决心要做的事 And then, yeah, you can do anything you set your mind to. 答应爸爸一件事 Just promise your daddy one thing. 永远不要忽视真正重要的事 That you'll never ever lose sight of what's really important, 好吗 okay? 明早见 宝贝 亲亲 See you in the morning, baby. Kiss. 睡吧 Get some sleep. 求你了 求你了 求你了 Please. Please. Please. 蒂亚纳小姐 昨晚小费虽少 Well, Miss Tiana. Rough night for tips 但积少成多 but every little penny counts. 别担心 爸爸 Don't you worry, daddy. 很快就能实现了 We'll be there soon. 晚安 奶牛 Good night, cows. 早安 伯爵 Good morning, dukes. 南方大地 有城一座 In the South Land, there's a city. 公主与青蛙 矗立河边 Way down on the river. 烹饪杂志 窈窕淑女 君子好逑 Where the women are very pretty and all the men deliver. 音乐悠扬 They got music. 此起彼伏 It's always playing. 从早到晚 整夜欢歌 Start in the day time, go all through the night. 若闻乐声 When you hear that music playing, 如闻我言 请君自便 Hear what I'm saying and make it feel alright. 伯爵咖啡 邀友同行 并肩前往 Grab somebody, come on down. 手握画笔 美化城邦 Bring your paintbrush, we're painting the town. 香飘四溢 Oh, there's some sweetness going around. 一切尽在 新奥尔良 Catch it down in New Orleans. 巫术 魔法 预知你的未来 精彩迷幻 魔力无边 We got magic, good and maze. 如愿以偿 梦想成真 Make it happen, make it real, say. 有得必有失 If everything you want is lose what you have. 这就是新奥尔良 Down here in New Orleans. 伙伴你好 切勿羞涩 Hey partner, don't be shy. 敬请光临 一览何妨 Come on down here and give us a try. 若要享受人生 You wanna do some living before you die. 就要来新奥尔良 Do it down in New Orleans. 王子今日驾到 古老质朴 庄园宅邸 Stale homes and mansions 制糖作坊 棉花糖香 Of the sugar darns and cotton candies. 无论贫富 皆有梦想 Rich people, poor people all got dreams. 梦想可成真 就在新奥尔良 Dreams do come true in New Orleans. 上菜 Order up! 再来一杯咖啡 服务员 Another coffee here, chief. 马上就来 Coming right up for you. 早上好 蒂亚纳 Hey, Tiana. 早上好 乔治娅 Morning, Georgia. 最近好吗 蒂亚纳 Hey, how are you doing, Tiana? 你好 Hey, yo. 我们今晚要去舞会 We are going out dancing tonight. 你也来吧 You can join us? 来吧 蒂亚纳 Come on, Tiana. 你可以做我的舞伴 You can dance with me. 你们都知道我不懂跳舞的 You know I've got two left feet. 还有 我 给你餐巾 宝贝 Besides, I... you need napkins, sweetheart. 我还得加班 I'm gonna work for a double shift to... 您的蛋糕 Here, your hot cakes. 所以我 You know, so I... 你就能存钱开餐馆了 So you can save for your restaurant. 我明白 我理解 I know, I know. 姑娘 你就知道工作 Girl, all you ever do is work. 上菜 Order up! 或许下次吧 Maybe next time. 我说过她不会去的 I told you, she wouldn't come. 你们又在谈论那该死的餐馆吗 Are you talking about the damn restaurant again? 比福德 你的鸡蛋要糊了 Buford, your eggs are burning. 你攒多少钱都付不起那些租金的 You ain't never get enough for that damned payment. 已经差不多了 I'm getting close. 那还差多少 Yeah, how close? 我的煎饼呢 Where's my Flapjacks? 忘掉开饭馆吧 You gotta forget about the motive of 如果你真能开饭馆 getting that restaurant, 那我就能中彩票了 as I do in winning The Kentucky Derby. 为我工作吧 Settle me up, yo. 早上好 拉布福先生 Morning Mr. La Bouff. 早上好 蒂亚纳 Good morning, Tiana. 祝贺您被选为 Congratulations on you, 嘉年华仪式的国王 being voted to be King of Mardi Gras. 太出乎我意料了 It caught me completely by surprise 连续年当选 for the fifth year in a row. 我要庆祝一下 来点 Now, how about I celebrate with... 您的鸡蛋豆饼 Your eggs. 这是第一炉 就等您来呢 I got the first batch, just waiting for you. 在我走之前再来几盘 Well, keep them coming till I pass out. 蒂亚纳 蒂亚纳 蒂亚纳 Tiana Tiana Tiana 你看新闻了吗 Did you hear the news? 告诉她 告诉她 老爸 Tell her. Oh, tell her, Big Daddy. 是的 纳温王子 Oh yeah, Prince Naveen... 马耳其顿的纳温王子要来新奥尔良 Prince Naveen of Maldonia is coming to New Orleans. 我们要见面啦 Oh, he even meets me. 告诉她你都做了什么 老爸 Oh, tell her what you did, Big Daddy. 告诉她 Tell her! 我邀请了 Well, I invited... 老爸邀请王子参加 Big Daddy invited the Prince Charming 今晚的化妆舞会 to a masquerade ball tonight. 告诉她你还做了什么 老爸 Oh, tell her what else you did, Big Daddy. 继续 Go on. 他住在 And he stays in... 他住在 And he stays, oh... 他将作为私人贵宾住在我们家 And he stays in our house as my personal guest. 洛特 太好了 Oh, Lotte. That's swell. 另外一点建议 Other word for advice. 我妈妈说过 My mama always said that 要抓住男人心的 the quickest way to a man's heart, 必须先抓住他的胃 is through his stomach. 说的没错 That's it. 发生了什么 What just happened? 蒂亚纳 你真是个绝顶天才 Oh, Tiana. You're a born out genius. 今晚我的舞会要预定个 I would need about 另男人神魂颠倒的鸡蛋豆饼 of your men catching Binayas for my ball tonight. 抱歉 爸爸 Excuse me, daddy. 这是我的订金 This is my coverage. 这些足够了 洛特 Well, this coverage's just fine, Lotte. 这就是我要的 This is it. 我要有自己的餐馆了 I'm getting my restaurant. 今晚我的王子终于还要降临了 Tonight my prince's finally coming. 我发誓不会让他跑掉的 And I swear I won't let him go. 芬内兄弟地产 房子看来很干净 芬内先生 Everything looks pretty clean, Mr. Fenner. 芬内先生 And Mr. Fenner... 明早太阳一升起 We'll have all the paperwork ready to sign. 我们就签约 First thing after the morning glow. 我有个更好的提议 I'll do you one better. 今晚在拉布福的大型舞会上碰面 Why don't I sign them tonight 然后签约怎么样 when I see you all at the La Bouff's great ball? 你真心急啊 蒂亚纳 You drive a hot pot, Tiana. 一个人 谢谢 Table for one, please. 妈妈 Oh, mama. 送你一点东西帮你开张 Here's a little something to help you get started. 爸爸的秋葵汤锅 Oh, daddy's gumbo pot. 我明白 I know. 我也很想他 I missed him too. 好了 快点 开门吧 Well now, hurry up and open the door. 快来瞧 妈妈 Look at it, mama. 有没有种想哭的感觉 Doesn't it just make you wanna cry? 是啊 Yes. 你站的地方的右边会有个收银台 We'll make the deals on right at where you're standing. 那边会有个厨房 Oh, and over here, a gourmet kitchen. 还有 天花板上 And, and here from the ceiling, 会有一盏大大的水晶吊灯 a big all crystal chandelier here. 真不愧是你爸爸的女儿 You're your daddy's daughter, alright. 他以前也总是不停地唠叨这些 Used to go on and on about this old sugar mill too. 亲爱的 Petite cakes. 我相信这地方会焕然一新的 I'm sure this place is gonna be just wonderful. 但糟糕的是你会很辛苦 But it's a shame you're working so hard. 但我怎能在马上成功时半途而废呢 But how can I let up now when I am so close. 我得确保爸爸的艰辛 I've gotta make sure all daddy's 得到应有的回报 hard work means something. 蒂亚纳 或许你爸爸没能得到 Tiana, your daddy may not have gotten the place 你梦想中的房子 但他拥有比这更好的 you always wanted but he had something better. 他拥有爱 He had love. 这也是我唯一希望你能得到的 宝贝 That's all I want for you, sweetheart. 遇见你的白马王子 To meet your Prince Charming 从此之后与他快乐的共舞 and dance off into your happily ever after. 妈妈 我没有时间跳舞 Mama, I don't have time for dances. 这件事只能先等等 That's just gonna have to wait a while. 到底要等多久 How long are we talking about here? 光阴似水 弥足珍贵 Ain't got time for messing around. 虚度光阴 非我本性 And it's not my style. 我要抱外孙 I want some grandkids. 慵懒之城 催人倦怠 This whole town can slow you down. 驱使众人 择易而行 People taking the easy way. 我心所欲 了然于心 But I know exactly where I'm going to get. 日有所新 日渐接近 And getting closer, closer, everyday. 成功之日 已不远矣 And I'm almost there, I'm almost there. 众人笑我疯狂 但是我心依旧 People down here think I'm crazy but I don't care. 陷阱磨难 我皆不惧 Traps and tribulations have had my share. 如今势不可挡 There ain't nothing gonna stop me now 而我势在必得 cause I'm almost there. 爸爸曾说 童话亦可成真 I remember Daddy told me: "Fairytales can come true." 实现与否 全权在你 You gotta make 'em happen, it all depends on you." 谨遵此言 勤奋不懈 So I work real hard each and every day. 果不其然 事随我愿 Now, things, for sure are going my way. 如愿以偿 Just doing what I do. 瞧瞧吧 伙计们 成功之日 已不远矣 Look out boys, I'm coming through. 成功之日 已不远矣 And I'm almost there. 成功之日 已不远矣 I'm almost there. 八方宾客 汇聚一堂 People gonna come here from everywhere. 成功之日 已不远矣 And I'm almost there. 成功之日 已不远矣 I'm almost there. 陷阱磨难 There has been traps and tribulations. 我皆不惧 You know I have had my share. 爬过高山 But I've climbed the mountain. 趟过河流 I've crossed the river. 成功之日 已不远矣 And I'm almost there. 成功之日 已不远矣 I'm almost there. 成功之日 已不远矣 I'm almost there! 借过 Excuse me. 需要帮忙吗 老兄 You need a hand there, buddy? 好样的 Oh... yes! 他在跳舞 Well, he's dancing. 少爷 我在到处找你 Sir, I've been looking for you everywhere. 真巧 劳伦斯 Oh, what a coincidence, Lawrence. 我在到处躲你 I've been avoiding you everywhere. 化装舞会要迟到了 We're going to be late for the masquerade. 听着 劳伦斯 听着 Listen, Lawrence. Listen. 太棒了 爵士乐 Oh... yes. Jazz music. 原本这里很无聊 It was boring here. 但你们的出现增添了美感 It's beautiful, you know. 不行 No hope. 和我跳舞吧 胖墩先生 Oh, dance with me, fat man. 放松点 老兄 Stay loose, bro. 你现在该在舞会上 You should be in the ball right now. 是的 是的 是的 Yes. Yes. Yes. 但首先 我想请这里所有人喝一杯 But first, I'll buy everyone here a drink. 拿什么请 With what? 说到这 你有两个选择 At this point, you have two choices. 娶一个富婆或是 You would marry a rich lady or... 找份工作 get a job! 好吧 Alright. 好吧 Fine. 但首先 我们要跳舞 But first, we dance! 因为有人看不到自己的双脚 For someone who cannot see his feet. 得了吧 骗人的 Come on, you lie on this. 太完美了 This is perfect. 你终于融入音乐了 You've finally got into the music. 你听懂我的笑话了吗 Do you get my joke? 因为你的头 被大号罩住了 Because your head is... it's in a tuba. 帮我拿下来 Get me out! 好吧 Alright then. 抓紧 Hold on. 你还笑 You're grinning? 从来没人这样对待过我 I've never been something agitated. 你们好 Hello? 先生们 很高兴见到你们 Gentlemen, enchanté. 法兹利尔博士向你们问好 A tip of the hat from Dr. Facilier. 你好吗 How are you doing? 塔罗牌占卜师 Tarot readings. 护身符 魔药 帮你梦想成真 Charms, potions, dreams made real. 这都是骗人的 [speaks Maldonian] 什么 我像个赌徒吗 What? Were I a betting man? 当然不像 我不喜欢碰运气 And I'm not, I stay away from games of chance. 少爷 Sire! 我感到我正和来访的王室成员同行 Ah, I'd wager I'm in the company of visiting royalty. 劳伦斯 劳伦斯 Lawrence Lawrence 这位大师刚刚看了我的手相 This remarkable gentleman has just read my palm. 或者他是看了今早的报纸 Or this morning's newspaper. 少爷 这家伙明显不是好人 Sire, this cat is obviously a Satan. 我建议我们去个 And I suggest we move on to a less... 你竟敢对我不敬 小矮子 Don't you disrespect me, little man! 竟敢诽谤和嘲笑我 Don't you derogate or deride. 你们在我的地盘上 不是你们的地盘 You're in my world now, not your world. 法兹利尔巫师 巫术商店 另一边有我的同党 And I got friends on the other side. 另一边有他的同党 He's got friends on the other side... 那是回声 先生们 That's an echo, gentlemen. 只是路易斯安那的一点风物 Just a little something we have here in Louisiana. 接待来宾的小把戏 别担心 A little parlour trick. Don't worry. 坐到我的桌边 Sit down at my table. 放松心情 Put your minds at ease. 你们若能放松 我就能随心所欲 If you relax it will enable me to do anything I please. 我能预见你们的未来 I can read your future. 亦能改变些许未来 I can change it around some, too. 我会审视你们的内心和灵魂 I'll look deep into your heart and soul. 你有灵魂吧 有吗 劳伦斯 You do have a soul, don't you, Lawrence? 实现你们最迫切的梦想 Make your wildest dreams come true. 我会巫术 I got Voodoo. 我会魔法 I go- 配套讲稿:
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