意大利依维柯柴油发电机组维修保养 各种柴油机柴油发电机数据 一;润滑油和煤油的润滑比例是:3:1 2、利用水压法检查汽缸体裂纹,应在 392Mpa 压力下,保持 15 分钟无渗漏 3、柴油机进气门杆部与导管的配合间隙为:0.006——0.107MM 4、柴油机排气门杆部与导管的配合间隙为:0.075——0.127MM 5、柴油机摇臂衬套与摇臂轴的间隙规定为:0.024——0.007MM 6、安装新气门座圈时,为方便装入,可将柴油机缸盖放在机油 中预热至:150——170摄氏度再压入新座圈 7、用磨削法修理气门座时,若气门座偏磨或密封锥面宽窄不均 匀,应选用锥面角度为:75度的砂轮磨出内圆锥孔 8、判断缸套磨损时,要沿气缸套轴线方向分成:4个位置测量 9、判断缸套磨损时,在每个测量位置上要沿:2个方向进行测量 10、测量汽缸套的圆度就是在同一截面位置上:2个方向测量尺 寸的差值 11、缸套的修理尺寸分为:6级 12、缸套外表面穴蚀孔深在:3MM以内时,可将缸套调转90度安装 使用 13、检测活塞环槽端面间隙时应沿活塞环槽圆周方向:3——4个 位置进行测量,其中最大值为该环槽端面间隙 14、利用漏光法检查柴油机活塞与缸套接触密封情况时,一般规 定,在整个活塞圆周方向,漏光处的漏光范围不得大于:30度 15:柴油机连杆大头端盖与大头结合面时,当端盖与连杆大头用 螺栓紧固后,用内径百分表按与连杆杆身轴线呈:45度的方向 上,测量两个互相垂直的直径尺寸 16、柴油机连杆大头端盖与大头结合面的检验,可利用平板使其与 两平面结合,若接触面不显缝隙,即为合格,个别允许有轻微 缝隙,但用:0.026的专用薄片插不进去缝隙为合格 17、在修理柴油机连杆大头孔时,可先从连杆和连杆盖结合的两个 面上,先锉去:0.2——0.3MM厚的金属,然后再镗到标准尺寸 18、柴油机连杆校直后,应进行人工时效处理,具体的工艺是,将 连杆加热到:400——450度,保温0.5——1小时,然后再缓慢 冷却到室温 19、190系列柴油机连杆大小头孔轴线在垂直方向上允许的平行误差 为:0.03MM 20、当柴油机连杆螺栓的残余伸长变形超过原来长度:0.03%时,应 更换新件 21、柴油机连杆小头衬套的安装,将连杆均匀加热到:180——200 度,取出后迅速将小头衬套压入座孔 22、190柴油机要求同台柴油机连杆组质量差不大于:65克 23、在测量柴油机曲轴轴颈磨损时,在每个轴颈上应测取:2个截面 位置 24、在测量柴油机曲轴轴颈磨损时,在每个截面位置上应测量:2个 方向 25、柴油机曲轴轴颈磨损后,可通过磨削修理,轴颈最大缩小量不 应超过:3MM 26、柴油机曲轴轴颈修理尺寸,每:0.25MM为一组 27、柴油机曲轴轴颈修磨后,应修复个油孔,使其具有:2*45度的 倒角 28、用百分表测量柴油机气门头部和气门杆部的摆差,若分别大于 :0.05MM和0.03MM,即认为气门杆弯曲变形 29、190系列柴油机进气门开启的持续角为:300度 30、190系列柴油机的气门重叠角为:128度 31、机油在:50——60度时,自动氧化速度就显著起来 32、安装柴油机活塞销时,应将活塞加热到:150——170度 33、拆检柴油机活塞销时,应将活塞加热到:130——150度 34、安装柴油机油环时,张簧开口应与油环开口交错:180度 35、各柴油机活塞环的开口应相互错开:120度 36、Z12V190B型柴油机活塞销与销座孔标准的配合尺寸是:-0.02 ——0.008MM 37、外径千分尺轴杆螺距为:0.5MM 38、在研磨柴油机气门时,当气门座锥面中间环带出现:1.5—— 2.5MM宽0连续的接触带,即可认为合格 39、如果柴油机气门接触环带宽而偏上,应采用:15度绞刀进行修整 40、如果柴油机气门接触环带宽而偏下,应采用:75度绞刀进行修整 41、利用红丹油鉴别法检验气门密封性能时,应旋转气门:1/4圈, 然后提起气门检查 42、各柴油机,联动机底座平面的平行度误差每米不得大于:0.5MM 43、安装柴油机时,压板螺栓不少于:6个 44、安装机房底座时,一般先安装4号底座,将4号底座前后两个竟口 中心标记与井口位置对准找正,其偏差不能大于:正负5MM 45、柴油机曲轴径向跳动误差大于:0.06MM时应更换曲轴,或者进行 调直修复 46、柴油机曲轴弯曲变形一般大于:0.1MM时,应进行校直 47、如果柴油机轴瓦合金层厚度大于:0.3MM,与轴径配合间隙在允许 范围内,轴瓦表面有少量环状沟痕时,可以继续使用 48、在用内径百分表测量柴油机轴瓦内径时,应在每个位置测量:2个 方向 49、柴油机轴瓦的高度,以高出轴承座平面:0.05-0.10MM为宜 50、在刮柴油机轴瓦时,当各道轴瓦接触面积达到:75%以上即为合格 51、190柴油机曲轴,要求在:980Kpa压力下运行:5分钟,首位两端 不得有渗漏 52、当柴油机气门大头的锥面磨痕深度超过:1MM时,应报废 53、当柴油机气门杆直径磨损超过:0.6MM时,应报废 54、190柴油机进气门头底平面与缸盖平面间距离为:1.7——3MM 55、190柴油机排气门头底平面与缸盖平面间距离为:1.7——2.66MM 56、当柴油机凸轮轴径与轴承座孔之间间隙值大于:0.3MM时应修理 57、190凸轮轴径圆向跳动误差超过:0.05MM时应进行修理 58、当利用样板来检查柴油机挺柱球面磨损时,当漏光大于:0.02MM 时,应进行修理 59、当柴油机滚轮摇臂轴套与摇臂轴的间隙超出:0.20MM时应更换轴套 60、柴油机摇臂轴弯曲变形超过:0.1MM时应冷压校直 61、当柴油机推杆的弯曲变形超过:0.5MM时,应冷压校直 62、柴油机正时齿轮的径向摆差不能超过:0.04MM 63、柴油机平面挺柱和座孔有一定的配合间隙,起值应该在:0.02— 0.03MM范围内 64、190柴油机气门摇臂与摇臂轴的配合间隙规定为:0.12——0.17MM 范围内 65、当柴油机正时齿轮齿厚磨损超过:0.25MM时应更换 66、柴油机正时齿轮键槽磨损后,可在旧键槽成:120度位置开新槽 67、柱塞偶件滑动性实验,应垂直从套筒把柱塞抽出:40——50MM,放 下后自由下落,看其滑动情况 68、在柴油机喷油泵凸轮轴凸轮表面磨损不超过:0.5MM时,可在专用凸 轮磨床上修磨 69、柴油机喷油泵凸轮轴键槽磨损后,可在原键槽相隔:180度开新槽 70、当柴油机喷油泵滚轮体调整螺钉平面沟痕超过:0.5MM时,应通过磨 削光整平面,再镀铬修复。 71、柴油机喷油泵滚轮体导向面与座孔的配合间隙超过:0.2MM时,可绞 削座孔,在导向体面柱上镀铬修复 72、190喷油泵凸轮轴的轴向间隙规定为:0.2——0.4MM 73、190喷油泵柱塞偶件安装上后,上下移动量为:0.5——1MM 74、190机械全制式调速器,其飞铁张开最大直径为:104MM 75、调速器调压弹簧最短自由长度不能短于规定长度的:5% 76、在1500转转速下,摆线转子式输油泵的排量为:0.242L/S时,表示该 泵完好 77、在做柴油机出油阀滑动性实验时,把出油阀从阀座抽出:1/3,放手后 看其自由下落,看其滑动情况 78、摆线转子式输油泵密封实验的要求是,在:0.392Mpa的油压下保持:3 分钟不漏为合格 79、摆线转子式输油泵内外转子工作面出现大于:0.10MM深的划痕应更换 80、摆线转子式输油泵转子轴键槽损坏后,可在旧键槽相隔:90度开新槽 81、摆线转子式输油泵内外转子轴轴颈磨损大于:0.08MM时,可采用绞孔, 镀铬加大轴颈尺寸的方法来修复 82、柴油机水箱散热管水垢,可用含有10%——15%的苛性钠溶液,加热浸 煮:25——30分钟 83、焊堵水箱水管,最多不能超过10% 84、190冷却水泵轴弯曲变形超过:0.05MM时应冷压校直 85、水泵键槽损坏后,可在与旧键槽相隔:20——90度开新槽 86、水泵裂纹,穿孔,可在两端各转直径:2.5MM的止孔,然后氧焊修复 87、水泵其叶轮背面与泵壳轴向间隙为:1.0——1.3MM 88、水泵其叶片与进水法兰端面间隙为:0.8——1.0MM 89、190水泵其性能要求:转速为:2863r/min,水泵排量大于等于: 16。7L/S为正常 90、正常情况下,水温上升到:72摄氏度时,柴油机节温器波纹管筒应将 侧孔关闭,主阀门全开 91、修复后的柴油机中冷器应进行:192Kpa水压密封实验 92、柴油机齿轮式机油泵齿轮外圆与泵体内壁之间的间隙规定为:0.43—— 0.495MM,当用塞尺测量时,其值为:0.215——0.243MM 93、190柴油机齿轮式机油泵,齿轮啮合间隙为:0.15——0.30MM 94、190柴油机齿轮式机油泵,齿轮端面间隙为:0.18——0.25MM 95、油冷器堵死管子的数量不能超过:5根 96、油冷器的密封实验要求是:在294Kpa水压或980Kpa油压下,经过5分钟 不漏为合格 97柴油机性能变坏的标志之一是:在温度正常时,汽缸内压力达不到规定压 力的:70% 98、利用远距离听诊法判断柴油机故障的时候,人员要距离柴油机:20-30M 99、正常情况下,柴油机一般应在:5秒内顺利起动 100、刮柴油机轴瓦时,刀迹与瓦片中心线之间夹角为:45度 101、刮柴油机轴瓦时,刮研点数要求在:25*25平方毫米范围内不少于:6点 102、采用电焊方式焊补柴油机机体裂纹时,应预热机体,预热温度为:600— —700摄氏度 103、采用乙炔焊补柴油机机体时,应先将机体预热到:500摄氏度,焊补后在 500——550度下保温:1小时 104、利用螺钉填补法修复柴油机机体裂纹时,切断后的螺钉要高出机体:1— —1.5MM 105、采用补板法修复柴油机机体裂纹时,补板截成与破口轮廓相似,四周大于 破口15——20MM为宜 106、喷油泵实验检验时,室内温度最好控制在:20正负5度内 107、进行喷油泵喷油量检验时,要使柱塞副完成:400冲次 108、喷油泵的磨合运转时间为:3——5分钟 109、喷油泵磨合时,燃油温度应控制在:40——45摄氏度 110、190系列柴油机活塞连杆组的垂直度要求在:100MM内,其误差不能大 于0.05MM 111、天车游车使用过程中轴承温度不应超过:70摄氏度 112、转盘过热通常是指其温度超过:70摄氏度 113、柴油机可燃混合气形成的时间极短,约占:15——35度曲轴转角 114、柴油机从燃料开始喷入汽缸到发火止,时间一般只有:0.001-0.004秒 115、速燃期一般在活塞离开上止点后:6——10度曲轴转角结束 116、在涡流式燃烧室中,涡流室的容积约占柴油机燃烧室总容积的:60% 117、一般柴油机的适应系数为:1.015——1.10 118、190柴油机动力性的最好使用范围为:588——809KW 119、用碱性溶液清洗零件时,需将溶液加热到:80——90摄氏度 120、用化学清除法清除积碳时,零件需在溶液中浸 Italian Iveco diesel generator set maintenance A variety of diesel engine diesel generator data A; lubricants and kerosene, lubrication ratio is: 3:1 2, using the hydraulic method to check the cylinder body cracks should 392Mpa under pressure to maintain 15 minutes without leakage 3, the diesel engine intake valve rod and the catheter with the gap :0.006 - 0 .107 MM 4, diesel engine exhaust valve rod and the catheter with the gap for :0.075 - 0 .127 the MM 5, the clearance requirements of diesel engine rocker bushings and rocker shaft :0.024 - 0 .007 MM 6, when installing a new valve seat ring for convenient loading, can be cylinder head on the oil Preheated to :150 - 170 degrees Celsius and then pressed into a new seat 7, the grinding method to repair the valve seat, valve seat eccentric wear or seal uneven cone width Uniform, the cone angle should be used: a 75-degree wheel grind tapered bore 8, the judgment of the cylinder liner wear, along the cylinder liner axis direction, divided into: 4 position measurement 9, to determine the cylinder liner wear, in each measurement location along: two directions were measured 10, measuring the roundness of the cylinder liners in the same section position: two directions gauge Inch difference 11, the cylinder liner repair size is divided into: 6 12, cylinder liner cavitation of the outer surface of the hole depth within: 3MM liner turned 90 degrees to install Use 13, the detection of the piston ring groove end clearance should be along the circumferential direction of the piston ring groove :3 - 4 Position measurement, where the maximum value for the ring groove face clearance 14, light leakage method check the diesel engine piston and cylinder liner contact with the sealed case, the general rule In entire piston circumferential direction, the light leakage of light leakage at the range shall not be greater than: 30 degrees 15: Diesel engine connecting rod when the bulk of the end cap with the bulk of the joint surface, when the end cap and connecting rod with Bolt inside diameter dial indicator with the connecting rod shaft axis was: 45 degrees in the direction On the measurement of two perpendicular diameter size 16, the inspection of the diesel engine connecting rod end caps and the bulk of the joint surface, the tablet so that it Two-plane combination, if the contact surface is not significant gap, is the qualified individual to allow a slight Gap: 0.026 dedicated flakes, but could not get into the gap for qualified 17 in the repair of diesel engine connecting rod hole, start with the combination of two of the connecting rod and rod cap Surface, the first filing to go :0.2 - 0.3 MM thick metal, and then boring to the standard size 18, the connecting rod alignment, the artificial aging treatment, the specific process, Rod heated to :400 - 450 degrees, thermal insulation of 0.5 - 1 hour, then slowly Cooled to room temperature 19,190 range allowed by the size of the connecting rod head hole axis in the vertical direction parallel to the error : 0.03MM 20, when the residual elongation of the connecting rod bolts than the original length: 0.03% Replaced with new parts 21, the installation of the diesel engine connecting rod, the rod uniformly heated to :180 - 200 Degree, promptly after removing a small head bushing pressure seat hole 22,190 diesel engines require the same diesel engine connecting rod group of poor quality and not more than: 65 grams 23, when measuring the wear of diesel engine crankshaft journal, each journal should be measured to take: two cross sections Location 24, in the measurement of diesel engine crankshaft journal wear on the location of each cross-section should be measured: 2 Direction 25, the diesel engine crankshaft journal wear and tear can be repaired by grinding, the journal of the largest narrow Should not exceed: 3MM 26, the diesel engine crankshaft journal repair size each: 0.25MM to a group 27, the diesel engine crankshaft journal grinding, repair a hole, it has: 2 * 45 degrees Chamfer 28, measured with a dial indicator to the diesel engine valve head and valve stem to put the poor, were more than : 0.05 MM and 0.03MM, that the valve rod bending 29,190 series diesel engine intake valve open continuous angle: 300 degrees 30,190 series diesel engine valve overlap angle: 128 degrees 31, oil 50 - 60 degrees, the speed of auto-oxidation was significantly up 32, installation of diesel engine piston pin, should piston is heated to :150 - 170 degrees 33 Overhauling diesel engine piston pin, piston heating should be to :130 - 150 degrees 34, diesel oil ring is installed, the sheets spring opening and the oil ring openings staggered: 180 degrees 35, various diesel engine piston ring openings should be staggered: 120 degrees 36, Z12V190B type of diesel engine piston pin with the pin bore standard size is: -0.02 - 0.008MM 37, outer diameter 000-foot shaft rod pitch: 0.5MM 38, in the grinding of diesel engine valve cone middle ring when the valve seat belt :1.5 - 2.5MM wide continuous contact zone can be considered qualified 39, if the diesel engine valve contacts while on the side of the loop bandwidth should be used: 15 reamer dressing 40, diesel engine valve and partial contact with the ring bandwidth should be used: 75 ° reamer dressing 41, the identification method of Hongdan oil test valve sealing performance, the rotary valve: 1/4 turn. Then lift the valve to check 42, diesel engine, linkage machine base plane parallel to the degree of error per meter shall not be greater than: 0.5MM 43, the installation of diesel, the pressure plate bolts not less than: 6 44, when you install the engine room base, generally be installed on the 4th base, on the 4th base before and after the two actually mouth The center mark and the wellhead Alignment alignment, the deviation can not be greater than: positive and negative 5MM 45, diesel engine crankshaft runout is greater than: the 0.06MM should replace the crankshaft, or conduct Straightening repair 46, diesel engine crankshaft bending deformation is generally greater than: 0.1MM when should the school direct 47,. 0.3MM, and the shaft diameter with the gap is allowed if the diesel engine bearing alloy layer thickness is greater than: Within the bearing surface has a small number of annular grooves, you can continue to use 48, in the measurement of diesel engine bearing inner diameter with an inner diameter dial indicator should be measured at each position: 2 Direction 49, the height of the bearing of diesel engine, higher than the bearing plane :0.05-0 .10 MM appropriate 50, in scraping the diesel engine bearing, the bearing contact area of each channel reach: more than 75% is qualified 51,190 diesel engine crankshaft, to run: 980Kpa pressure: 5 minutes, the first ends No leaks 52, when the bulk of the cone of diesel engine valve wear scar depth of more than: 1MM, should be scrapped 53, when the diesel engine valve stem diameter wear over: 0.6 MM, should be scrapped 54,190 diesel engine intake valve head end of the plane and the cylinder head plane distance :1.7 - 3MM 55,190 diesel engine exhaust valve head end of the distance between the plane and the cylinder head plane :1.7 - 2 .66 MM 56, when the diesel engine camshaft diameter and the bearing hole between the gap value is greater than: 0.3MM should repair More than 57,190 camshaft diameter circle to the beat error: 0.05 MM should be repaired 58, when the use of templates to check diesel tappet spherical wear, when the light leakage is greater than: 0.02MM , Should be repaired 59, when the diesel roller rocker bushings and rocker shaft gap beyond: 0.20MM should be replaced with bushings 60, diesel engine rocker shaft bending over: 0.1MM should be cold pressing alignment Alignment of 61, when the diesel engine putting bending over: 0.5MM, should be cold pressing 62, diesel engine timing gear radial swing differential can not exceed: 0.04MM 63, diesel flat tappet and the bore with the gap from the value should be: 0.02- 0.03MM range 64,190 diesel engine valve rocker arm and rocker shaft with the clearance provisions for :0.12 - 0 .17 the MM Within the 65, when the diesel engine is gear wear more than the tooth thickness: 0.25MM should be replaced 66, diesel engine timing gear keyway wear, in the old keyway into: 120 degrees to open the new slot 67, plunger coupled parts sliding experiments, should be perpendicular to the plunger out from the sleeve :40 - 50MM, put Next after the free fall, slide the situation 68, in the diesel fuel injection pump camshaft cam surface wear no more than: 0.5MM, it would be a special convex Grinding wheel grinder 69, diesel fuel injection pump camshaft keyway wear, can be separated in the original keyway: 180 degrees to open the new slot 70, by grinding flat grooves of diesel fuel injection pump roller body adjusting screw more than: 0.5MM Cut light the whole plane, and then chrome-plated repair. 71, diesel fuel injection pump roller body oriented surface and the bore with the gap exceeds: 0.2MM When the can twist Cut the seat hole chrome-plated repair-oriented decent column 72,190 injection pump camshaft axial clearance requirements for :0.2 - 0 .4 MM 73,190 injection pump plunger and barrel assembly installation, move up and down as :0.5 - 1MM 74,190 mechanical system governor, the flying iron to open the largest diameter: 104MM 75, the governor pressure regulator spring minimum free length can not be shorter than the prescribed length: 5% 76, in the rotational speed of 1,500 rpm, the cycloid rotor pump's displacement: 0.242L / S, indicating that the Pump in good condition 77, do diesel delivery valve sliding experiment, the outlet valve seat out: 1/3, let go To see its free-fa- 配套讲稿:
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- 意大利 依维柯 柴油 发电 机组 维修保养
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