大学英语四级词汇串讲 主讲:唐昕月 欢迎使用对啊网络课堂电子讲义 内容提要 四级词汇抛砖引玉 四级词汇出奇制胜 四级词汇融会贯通 四级词汇细枝末节 一 、四级词汇抛砖引玉 词汇才是硬道理 Vocabulary is an Unyielding Principle. No Zuo No Die 像背π一样背单词 狂写自虐 按字母顺序单一背词 和尚念经 When we was young… 拼音拼读 象形文字 偏旁部首 形近字组词 同音字组词 行文造句写作文 听写背课文 将汉语的精髓融入到英语学习去 Great minds think alike 庖丁解牛 中西合璧 追根溯源 铁索连环 物尽其用 22:19:40 。Fernweh 2015/5/20 22:19:40 后缀代表词性 动词后缀:-ate Nominate Nomi/nate 名字 – 提名 Formulate Form/ulate 形状 – 让它有形状 – 形成 动词后缀:-ify Identify Id/entify 使有ID -- 识别 Purify Pure/ fy 使变的纯洁 – 净化,提纯 名词后缀:-ee Employee Em- 使 Ploy “仆” - ee 被…的人 被变成仆人 – 被雇佣者 Trainee, refugee 名词后缀:-ness 状态 品质 Happiness 快乐 Usefulness 有用有效 Selfishness 自私 形容词后缀:-ful, -less Useful / Useless Meaningful/ meaningless Brainless 没脑子 – 愚笨 Fellowless 无敌的 Bottomless 很深的 形容词后缀: -ous 富含…的;有…品质的;像…的 Dangerous Ambitious 有雄心的 Conscientious Con/sci/en/tious Sci: 知道 – 知道的多,认真学的 – 认真的,审慎的 形容词后缀:-able Changeable Appreciable Ap/preci/able Preci = price 可估价的,可察觉的 Flexible Flex 弯折 灵活的 22:24:09 。Fernweh 2015/5/20 22:24:09 庖丁解牛 通过语音、词义、词性解剖单词 Anniversary Anni/vers/ary 周年纪念日 Annual Ann/ual 年度的,每年的 Dissatisfaction Dis/satisfac/tion 不满意的 Satisfy = sat/tis/fy Anonymous A/no- Nym- name Mous 形容词 无名的,匿名的 Tuition Tu/i/tion (图一生)学费 Thorough Tho/rough (馊咯!) 彻底的,详尽的 Complete Sophisticated Soph/ist/icated Soph- 有智慧的人 老练的,世故的 Sophomore Suffer more 大二 Freshmen 大一 中西合璧 Ambulance 救护车 Agony 痛苦的 Pregnant 怀孕 Shabby 简陋的,卑鄙的 Ambition 雄心 Bale 灾祸 Bachelor 学士、单身 Tongue 舌头 追根溯源 词根 前缀 后缀 变形 前缀代表方向 Pro- 向前,pre- 在…前 Progress 向前走 – 进步 Profit 向“钱”更舒服 – 利润 Preface 前面的面 – 前言 Previous 上集概要 Predict Pre(前面),dict(说)-- 预言 Com- 共同的,(con/cor/col) Compose 放在一起摆pose – 组成,构成 Combine 联合,合并 Combine with Cooperation Co/operat/ion 合作 。Fernweh 2015/5/20 22:25:37 铁索连环 The evil is the ___ of the good Reverse Diverse Converse Inverse Reverse Re/verse v. 往回转,扭转,颠倒 I reversed my BMW when I saw a hot girl. The last goal of Brazil could not reverse the trend. 反面的,颠倒的 Diverse Di/verse 分离/转向 – 使转向,不同 – 多种多样的 Adj. 不同的 Diversify v. 使不同,多样化 Diversity n. 多样性 多种多样的 Various Vary ≈ Very 变过来 v. 变异,变化,改变 Various Adj. 各种各样的 Variety n. 多样性; 种类 Converse v.交谈 Conversation 谈话 ‘It's none of your business, ’ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’ Converse with 交谈;(持不同意见)相反 Inverse In/verse 里面/转动 -- 颠倒,反面,对立 Invert a. 相反的;n. 反面 The evil is the ___ of the good. Invent V. 发明,创造 Invention 发明 Computer is the most useful invention in 21 century. Prevent 预防,阻碍,阻止 We should take steps to prevent it happening. The prevention of heart disease. 预防心脏病 Crime prevention 防止犯罪 物尽其用 Make full use of your surroundings. Use your eye to see Hurl用力投掷,大声叫骂 Use your ears to hear Habits form character, and character determines destiny Let it go Let it go The cold never bothered me anyway It’s funny how some distance Makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me Can’t get to me at all Bother Brother 打扰,麻烦 My fluent oral English bothers me a lot. Don’t bother me. Distance n. 距离 Long distance will never stop me. The distance wouldn’t be a problem. Fear 害怕,担心 He looked at me with fear because he feared to memorize vocabulary. Control 控制 Out of control Under my control Use your Mouth to speak and hand to write. Produce, produce, produce. No matter how shy you are or how much you don’t “get” English, force yourself to speak. Use your body to move Fit Ambition Unfortunately Despise 行文造句 Try to use the word to make a sentence Dedicate De(加强)/dic(说)/ate 总说要爱我一辈子 奉献于… Delicate De/lic(像lip,诱惑)/ate 精致的 I dedicate myself to remembering the delicate word. Applause 鼓掌 Stop the applause = however 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 All or Nothing, Now or Never 22:41:36 。Fernweh 2015/5/20 22:41:36 庖丁解牛 通过语音、词义、词性解剖单词 Anniversary Anni/vers/ary 周年纪念日 Annual Ann/ual 年度的,每年的 Dissatisfaction Dis/satisfac/tion 不满意的 Satisfy = sat/tis/fy Anonymous A/no- Nym- name Mous 形容词 无名的,匿名的 Tuition Tu/i/tion (图一生)学费 Thorough Tho/rough (馊咯!) 彻底的,详尽的 Complete Sophisticated Soph/ist/icated Soph- 有智慧的人 老练的,世故的 Sophomore Suffer more 大二 Freshmen 大一 中西合璧 Ambulance 救护车 Agony 痛苦的 Pregnant 怀孕 Shabby 简陋的,卑鄙的 Ambition 雄心 Bale 灾祸 Bachelor 学士、单身 Tongue 舌头 追根溯源 词根 前缀 后缀 变形 前缀代表方向 Pro- 向前,pre- 在…前 Progress 向前走 – 进步 Profit 向“钱”更舒服 – 利润 Preface 前面的面 – 前言 Previous 上集概要 Predict Pre(前面),dict(说)-- 预言 Com- 共同的,(con/cor/col) Compose 放在一起摆pose – 组成,构成 Combine 联合,合并 Combine with Cooperation Co/operat/ion 合作 四级词汇出奇制胜 高频核心词汇 常见的 用法多样的 出题点 中西合璧法 1. Abandon v. 丢弃,放弃,抛弃 We will never abandon our principles. n. 放任,纵情 People were shouting and cheering with abandon. Abundant a.丰富的,大量的 Rainfall is abundant in this region. 2. Access A/cc/e/ss n. 接近,入口,打开 He is a man of easy access. I can’t access the file. Accommodation A/cco/mmo/dation n. 提供住宿 Accompany v. 陪伴 Accompany sb. to I will accompany you to the hospital. Keep sb. accompany 陪伴 I will always keep you accompany. 3. Astonished As/ton/ished 我伙呆 – a.惊讶的 Astonishment n. 吃惊 Amaze ※ v. 使惊奇, 使惊愕 Be amazed at 惊讶于 Amazing 惊人的,令人深刻的 Amazingly Adv. 惊人地,十分地 Startle (一鸣惊人)惊吓; 使吃惊;震惊 The news will soon startle the city. Appall (形) 惊骇,恐惧 4. Abroad Broad=b+ road 广阔的,宽的 A+broad 在国外; 到处; 广泛流传 Go abroad 出国 Broaden v.拓宽 ~ our horizon 拓宽视野 Broadcast (漂流瓶)广播,传播 Wide a. 宽的,普遍的 Wide mouth WWW=World Wide Web Width 宽度, 广度 Widely adv. 广泛地,普遍的 It’s widely known that CET-4 is very important for college students. 蓦然回首 Abandon – Abundant Access – Accommodation – Accompany Astonished – Amaze – Startle -- Appall Amazing Amazingly Abroad – Broad -- Wide Broaden Width Broadcast Widely 22:47:32 。Fernweh 2015/5/20 22:47:32 5. Adopt Vt. 领养,采纳; He is their adopted son. Adapt v. 适应 adapt to. Adapt to the climate v. 改编 adapt for Adapt novel for movies The film is adapted from a novel of same title. 电影改编自同名小说 6. Charge n. 收费 charge for sth. v. 掌管 in charge of I am in charge of the work to pat cats. v. 充电 discharge 放电; 排放;释放 7. Compare ≈ com/pair v.对比 n. Comparison 对比 Comparable Compar/able 可以比较的,类似的 Compare A to B 把A比作B A≈B A teacher’s work is often compared to a candle Compare A with B A和B相比 Never compare your girlfriend with your ex. 8. Crowd Crow 乌鸦 人群 Crowded 拥挤的,水泄不通的 Big Data Volume ※ 量 Crowd sourcing 众包 Outsourcing Crowd funding 众筹 9. Damage Damn it! v. 损害,毁坏; n. 损害 The bridge was damaged badly. Ruin (抽象的)长期损坏,不能修复的破坏 You ruin my life. Destroy 彻底的毁坏 The earthquake destroyed the city. All his hopes were destroyed. Destruction n.破坏 Structure sTrucTure 结构 Stable structure S-table 稳定的结构 Instruct v. 教, 讲授,指导 Instructive a. 启发性的 Instruction n. 指令,说明书 Construct v. 组成,构成 The earthquake destroyed the city, which instructs us to build stable structure. 蓦然回首 Adopt – Adapt Compare Comparison Crowd –Crowded Crowd sourcing – crowd funding Damage –Destroy – Ruin Destruction – Instruct – Construct 10. Diamond 钻石, 菱形 红桃 heart; 黑桃 Spade 方片 Diamond; 梅花 Club 吸血鬼日记 Vampire Diaries Diary 日记 Dairy 乳制品 Dai/ry Dial v. 打电话 The subscriber you have dialed is power off. 您所拨打的电话已关机 11. Disappoint v. 使失望,使破灭 We will do our best not to disappoint you. Disappointed a. 失望的 I will feel ~ if there is no gifts for my birthday. Appoint Ap/point v. 任命 关于App的那些事儿 App – Application 应用程序 Apply v. 应用 Apply to 应用于 Apply for 申请 We need to apply theory to practice when we apply for a job. Applicable 可应用的 Applicant 申请人 Appeal v. 吸引,恳求 Appeal for 恳求某事 Appeal to 吸引 ≈ attract Yu’ebao appeals to Taobao users. Attract Attractive 有吸引力的 She is the most ~ girl that I have ever seen. Appreciate Ap/preci/ate v. 增值,涨价; 感激,欣赏 I ~ that you can take this class. You don’t like this music because you can’t ~ it. Appreciated Adj. 感激的 Appropriate Ap/propr/iate Pro/per 合适的 a. 合适的 adj. Girls always want to pick up a ~ dress for different occasion. Inappropriate 不合适的 b.私用,占为己有 v. app/ro/p/riate It’s inappropriate to appropriate public funds for personal use. 私人挪用公款是不合适的。 Approximate Appro/xim/ate Xim = same 近似的, 大约 Approximately There are ~50 people in our classroom. 蓦然回首 Diamond– Diary – Dairy – Dial Disappoint Appoint Apply –Appeal–Appreciate–Appropriate– Approximate Application Appreciated Approximately Applicable 12. Doubt※ doub(t) n/v. 疑惑,怀疑 I doubt that = I don’t think so I doubt that she will change her mind. I doubt if / whether … 我拿不准 Do you doubt that = Do you believe that Doubtful 怀疑的, 难以预测的 Undoubtedly 毋庸置疑的 No doubt/ without doubt = believe No doubt that you are fooled. There is no doubt about it. No one has any doubt on this point. Suspicious Adj. 怀疑的,可疑的 Suspect v. 猜疑,怀疑 Suspicion质疑 A spirit of suspicion His suspicious behavior made the police suspect. The locals tend to be suspicious of strangers. 13. Familiar Famili/ar family adj. 熟悉的,亲近的 Fa/mi/liar n. 密友 Familiar with sb/sth 和… 亲近的/对…熟悉 I am ~ with my girlfriend’s ~ friend. 闺蜜: Blossom BFF – best friend forever Besties Ladybro 铁: tight 柏拉图式: Platonic friendship 男闺蜜: Bromeo= brother Romeo 14. Glance v./n. 暼 Glance at At a glance Gaze 凝视,注视 Stare 盯着,好奇 Stare at Peer 窥视 Glare at 怒视 Glimpse ≈ glance 看一眼 When we feel lazy, one glimpse at ourselves in the mirror is enough. 15. Grand Grandmother 极其重要的; 豪华的, 宏伟的,壮观的 You are the grandest person for me, so I want to have a grand view of sunrise with you. Grant T 特许 v. 允许,承认, 授予 n. 拨款 Why grant economy this special status? Take for granted ※ 认为…理所当然 We always take our parents 'love for granted. Grateful ≈ great/ful Adj. 令人愉悦的; 感激的 Gratitude ≈Great/attitude n. 感激的 (>thankful) Express my ~ for your reading this letter Attitude 态度 Strike an attitude 摆出一种姿态 Take up an attitude 采取某种态度 Take up an active/negative attitude What is the author’s ~ towards smoking? 蓦然回首 Doubt – Suspicious No doubt Suspect Familiar – Friends Glance – Stare – Glare – Stare – Peer Grand – Grant – Grateful – Gratitude Attitude Attitude decides everything, details determine success or failure. 态度决定一切,细节决定成败。 Altitude 高度; 海拔 Attitude decides altitude. Inspiration to fly high. 《态度决定高度》 Life is life. Life is an interesting journey of ups and downs. But how the journey ends, is up to you today. Once you give up, then there is no hope. But until you give up, there is that hope. Every time you fall down, you learn something new. You are ready for the next one. Go for it! 。Fernweh 2015/5/20 23:16:01 Attitude decides everything, details determine success or failure. 态度决定一切,细节决定成败。 1. Consume v. 消耗; 耗尽;吃光,喝光; 沉溺; 浪费 LOL will consume much time and energy, so does girlfriend. The memories consumed him. Consume … on sth/consume doing sth We ~ much time studying English. Consumer n. 消费者 Consumption n. 消费量 The average daily ~ of fruit is around 200g. Consuming Adj. 消费的; 强烈的 Time-consuming My sadness is consuming. Similar meanings 吃光,喝光 Drink up Eat up … up =… 完 Use up Our fuel is used up. 消耗时间 Spend Spend time/money on sth. Spend time/money in doing sth. Take sb. sometime. to sth. It takes me ten years to say this to you. 浪费 Waste It’s a waste of time! Similar Spelling -sume = take 拿走 Assume As/sume v. 假设; 呈现,承担 If something is very expensive, we assume it’s also of good quality. You will assume the role of president of student union. Assumption n. 假设 Resume v. 重新开始; 恢复 n. 简历 The search will resume early today. Our web service will resume tomorrow. Show me your resume please. A reader who is unfamiliar with these variations may assume that your resume contains errors. ( 2006.6) Presume v. 以为,认为; 假定;推测 They presume the man to be innocent. In/no/cent;Innocence 无辜的 I presume what you said is reasonable, but what if he don’t accept? Reason/able 合理的 Opposite Meaning (op/po/site 相对的,对立的) Produce Product 产品 v. 生产,产生;制造,引起 Gases are produced by burning coal and oil. Apple produce ipad. Productive Adj. 多产的,富有成效的 Productive soils Our talks will be productive. Production n. 生产,产量 Earn v. 赚钱; 赢得 She earns little money but applause. It’s hard to earn a living. The company must earn a reputation for honesty. Re/put/ation 声誉;名声 2. Social adj. 社交的,合群的 n. 联谊会 We should organize more social events. Sociable 好交际的, 友善的 Society 社会,社团 Community Comm/uni/ty (union 联合) 社团,社区 Communicate v. 交流,通讯,传达 We should ~ more to settle down the name of our community. Communication 交流,交通 Communism 共产主义 Socialism 社会主义 Capitalism 资本主义 Capital n. 首都;资本 Adj. 重要的,极好的,主要的 Idealism 唯心主义 Ideal 理想的 Materialism 唯物主义 Material 物质 Sociology 社会学 Astrology Astro- 星星 占星学 Astronomy 天文学 Biology 生物学 Math Mathematics 数学 History 历史 Required course/ compulsory course 必修课 Optional course 选修课 Accounting 会计学 3. Tend v. 朝着,倾向于 照顾 Tend to(towards) 倾向于 Husbands tend not to tell their wives the truth. We usually tend to focus on something easy. 照料; 护理 For years he tended her as a volunteer. Some girls are brought up to tend to the needs of others. Tender Adj. 温柔的 Tenderly Adv. 温柔地 When I have children of my own, they asked their mother, what will I be? Will I be handsome,will I be rich? I told them tenderly. Tendency- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 大学 英语四 词汇 串讲
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