精品教育 Unit1 vocabulary I. 1. burning 2. something, a situation or a circumstance,that is dependent on one’s location in the building floor,but in which corner of the building. 3. in an intermittent manner 4. help you 5. Things are satisfactory up to this point II. 1. scoffed 2. dilemma 3. collapsed 4. pandemonium 5. reassuring 6. rumble 7. glancing at 8. meet up with III. 1. panicky 2. descends/descended 3. enjoyable 4. expectation 5. morality 6. persuasion 7. strong 8. energetic IV. 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.D V. 1. amoral /nonmoral 2. disappear 3. wildly 4. uncover/disclose/reveal 5. dissuade 6. happily/joyfully/joyously 7. ordinary/common 8. small/thin/slender VI. 1. helpful/helpless 2. chidish/childlike/childless 3. active 4. persistent 5. revolutionary 6. successful 7. womanly 8. ladylike Focus of the unit I. 1. would 2. would 3. used to would 4. used to 5. used to 6. used to 7. would 8. would 9. used to 10. would would would II. 1. used to travel 2. was not used to accepting 3. was not used to receiving 4. used to think 5. use to living 6. used to say 7. am not used to driving III. 1. insistence 2. habitual action 3. probability 4. willingness 5. Probability 6. polite request 7. improbability 8. capability IV. 1. could would might might should might 2. could/would should could might could would 3. should should would would could V. 1. needn’t have carried 2. needn’t have bought 3. didn’t need to tell 4. needn’t have had 5. needn’t have stood 6. didn’t need to hurry 7. didn’t need to open 8 . didn’t need to take 9. needn’t have washed 10. didn’t need to work Translation 1. 对有些人来说,生死攸关的是此时此刻他们所在的位置——不仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要的是大楼的哪个角落。 2. 周围噪声震耳,烟雾弥漫,梅布勒姆没有意识到,他的朋友朱虹始终就在他身后的楼梯井里。 3. 她一点一点地拼出了哈里逃生的场景:飞机撞击时,他正在第87层楼。 4. 但是,尽管她绞尽了脑汁,问了无数问题,她拼出的场景还是在第36层上逐渐模糊了。 Exercises for integrated skills (1) escape (2) of/about (3) named/called (4) little/no (5) fell (6) over (7) station (8) as (9) ground (10) time (11)left (12)expecting (13) sure (14) down (15) rebuild Unit2 Unit3 Vocabulary I 1.get married 2.if one takes into account that 3.at that time and place,esp.without and delay 3.when 4.move on too II 1.wrapped up 2.fatal 3.fluent 4.has undergone 5.stretch out 6.finaced 7.consequences 8.neighbourhood III 1.insistent 2.depressing 3.consolation 4.inspiration 5.collision 6.diagnosis 7.assurance 8.unconsciousness IV.1~8ABCD CDAD V. 1.fortune 2.unnatural,artificial 3.immediately 4.seldom,hardly 5.back 6.innocence 7.escaped 8.marvelous,wonderful,terrific VI. 1.pretend 2.explicit 3.recur 4.refer mit 6.inject 7.depress 8.reform Grammar Ⅰ 1.I hope it will not rain. 2.She seldom been so successful before./Seldom has she been so successful before. 3:Nowhere in Iceland will you help gold. 4:Donald had never imagined that this strange incident would help him to find a job./Never had Donald imagined that this strange incident would help him to find a job. 5:He had scarcely any time to pack his suitcase./Scarcely had he any time to pack his suitcase. 6:In no circumstances must you tell him this secret. 7:We rarely get more than three consecutive days of hot weather in summer./Rarely do we get more than three consecutive days of hot weather in summer. 8:I had hardly ever worked as hard as I did yesterday./Hardly had I ever worked as hard as I did yesterday. Ⅱ1:无爱之人不可能真正幸福。 2:人人皆有过失。 3:闪光的并非都是金子。 4:这些都不是白做的。 5:我不明白他为什么不在这儿。 6:能不做的事她绝不会做。 7:我认为他没说真话。 8:玛丽只求安宁。 Ⅲ 1:a piece of 2:a lump of 3: an ear of 4:a flash of 5:a head of 6:a blade of 7:A herd of 8:a litter of Ⅳ 1:as 2:as 3:like 4:like 5:as 6:like 7:like 8:like 9:as 10:as Ⅵ 1: By taking people as they are,we make them worse,but by treating them as if they already were what they ought to be,we help make them better. He felt sweat on his forehead,but he took the violin from the wall as calmly as if he were a welcome visitor. 2: After all,World War Ⅱ was still on and atomic bomb research was a secret. After all,any machine can kill.A mechanical man is no more threatening than any other mechanical device. Translation 1:1995年我中风后情绪低落,常常有自杀的念头,她又一次救了我。 2:安妮帮助我度过了一些最困难的时刻,这可不是件容易的事,因为我有时候是个自负的演员。 3:在我刚刚脱离死神,还沉浸在劫后痛苦中的时候,她一直安慰我,但她不能容忍我自怨自艾——她把这个看得很重。 4:她通过帮助别人——如和病友们谈心,交流她的经验,与六位癌症康复者一起建立了妇女癌症研究会——与癌症作斗争,并且彻底康复了。 Exercises for Integrated skills 1:having 2:for 3:of 4:your 5:that 6:so 7:have 8:in 9:responsibility 10:on 11:making 12:up 13:the/our 14:with 15:well Unit4 Vocabulary 一、 1、 as long as can never fail to be reached 2、 no matter 3、 fail to notice at great risk 4、 may be described by these words to varying degrees 5、 were directly confronted with the problem that something in one language cannot be rendered into another. 二、 1、 stepping stone 2、at their peril 3、serve 4、mentality 5、staple 6、facilitating 7、messaging 8、hybrid 三、 1、 Economy 2、accessible 3、 fundamentally 4、homesick 5、 negotiable 6、adjusted 7、 remoteness 8、complacently 四、 1、 D 2、C 3、A 4、D 5、B 6、A 7、B 8、C 五、 1、 time era epoch 2、 meetings 3、 basic fundamental 4、 misshape 5、 unavoidably 6、 worry concern anxiety apprehension 7、 therefore so thus 8、 hide conceal 六、 1、 unbelievable 2、imperfect 3、 disagreement 4、misplace 5、 malfunction 6、enable 7、 surpass 8、submarine Grammar 一、 1、 helps 2、hope are enjoying sunbathe go are going 3、 is being 4、 is typing 5、 am not eating 6、 am reading 7、 are always leaving 8、 go belongs wants is using 9、 is boiling 10、 is putting is rewiring is building 二、 1、 passing -passes is shooting -shoots 2、 T 3、 do -are cry -crying 4、 T 5、 am knowing -know 6、 am gathering -gather 7、 work -am working 8、 do -are sneeze -sneezing 三、 thank are dispatching regret have are contacting hear enclose/are enclosing decide have are listed regret hope enclose/are enclosing 四、 1 aThe speaker is complaining b The speaker gives a fact 2 a am considering b have the opinion 3 a It suggests a permanent nature b It suggests a temporary 4a is taking care of b have no objection to 5 a and b are approximately the same 6 a am waiting for b believe 五、 1 a large pair of red woolen socks 2 a powerful new white German car 3 a small grey rectangular Janpanse radio 4 a big modern concrete office building 5 a medium size French stainless steel saucepan 6 a superb medieval rose-shaped stained-glass window 7 a prominent red triangular road sign 8 a tiny black and white Chinese dog 七、 1 因此,您也许会问,为什么还有人会对这些绝妙的发展顾虑重重?为什么英语成为世界语言会让一部分人惴惴不安? 2 不同的文化并不仅仅是给世界贴上不同标签的人群;语言给了我们塑造世界观的工具,而语言又是不一样的。 3 当千百万人在学习文化沟通的时候,英语国家却越来越沾沾自喜,以为懂得英语就足够啦,因而削减了外语课程。 4 最能推动这一进程的不一定是那些掌握了最新技术、拥有最先进手机的人,而是那些能够理解众多不同语言的言内之意、言下之意以及言外之意的人。 八、填空 1 another 2 many 3 language 4 while 5 without 6 beginning 7 gestures 8 leads 9 never 10 until Unit5 Vocabulary I.1. A disease that gradually became more and more serious 2. With the help of 3. Looking very carefully and hard at 4.Are ready 5. Not caring about II.tilted Led up to Hold on to Care for Is inclined to Make a living Follow example To a degree III. Inclination Indifferent Penetration Frailty Affliction Excellence Progressively Disillusionment IV ACBDB ADB V 1 pessimism 2 painfully desperately 3 cheerless unhappy gloomy 4 fortunately 5 weak feeble 6 disappointed 7 selflessness unselfishness 8 period VI 1 in the same way 2 in progress 3 with no concern 4 coming soon 5 something ready for use 6 handy to use 7 preventing the passage of sound 8 almost or entirely surrounded by land Grammar I. 1 about 100 students 2 more or less 40 pages 3 there are 30 or so questions 4 two hours or thereabouts 5 some 4 miles 6 50ish Ⅱ、 1.a nap 2.very good indeed 3.in a mess 4.on hands and knees 5.very much better than you are 6.talking quickly and continuously 7.very probably 8.a lot of ways Ⅲ、 1.three quarters 2.were 3.25 years plus 4.a second time 5.have seen 6.hours 7.Twenty-nine Ⅳ、Both Both Neither Either Neither Both Each Either Ⅴ、 1.somewhat 2.something 3.some 4.somehow anything 5.anything something 6.something 7.anything 8.some Ⅵ、 1.e.g. In spite of everything I just said, I will still join the trip. In spite of the shortages, people became healthier by eating good, simple foods. 2. E.g. It seems to me that here's little chance of the situation changing in the near future. It seems to her that the whole thing was a waste of time. Translation Ⅰ、 1.常言道猫有九命,我信这话,因为我已经活第三回了,尽管我并不是猫。 2. 我只是个一瘸一拐、幻想破灭的残疾人,一个因为车库和后门之间十四级令人痛苦的台阶而努力保持清醒的头脑,拼命抓住妻子、家庭和工作不放的男人。 3. 其后的几秒钟一切都好像凝滞了,那一刻的羞耻和惊诧深深的穿透了我的肺腑,我感到了一种从未有过的震撼。 4. 我意识到自己极端自怜、自私,对别人的需要麻木不仁,也不为别人着想。 Unit6 Vocabulary 1. 1) only 2) makes me feel painful 3) Further casualties have been caused 4) It is said that... 5)appearing full of ,radiating 2. 1) running 2) tucked 3) inspected 4) taken precautions 5) with an air of 6) adventurous 7) enraged 8) panicked 3. 1) stiffened 2) errors 3) invasion 4) assumption 5) innocence 6)assignment 7) explosion 8) description 4. B D C D C B C A 5. 1) heaps,stacks 2)love,kindness 3) small,lesser 4) surplus,abundance,plenty 5) reasonable,rational 6) terrible desperate 7) bold,brave 8) regular,usual 6. 1) balance 2) defeat 3) catch up and pass 4) emphasize 5) support 6)beat 7)lessen 8)prevent Grammar 1. 1) How big 2)Who 3)What 4) How often 5) Why 6) What 2. 1) what did you do on Friday? 2) What time did you get up? 3) Did you have breakfast? 4) Who’s Mary? 5) Where did you first meet her? 6) What does she do? 7) Where does she live? 8) What’s she like? 9) Did you often see her? 10) Why did she come to you on Friday morning? 3. 1) she has gone? 2) when she will be back. 3) if she went out alone? 4. 1) It signals that rain is expected by the speaker. It signals that the speaker does not expect it to rain. 2) It is more emphatic. It is more formal. The speaker is probably losing patience with the listener. 3) it is used to express doubt or uncertainty. It is used to seek confirmation from the listener and the speaker expects agreement. 4) The speaker expects that the listener has carried out the action The speaker may be displeased or annoyed that the action was performed. 5) a is more polite than b. 6) a is quite friendly while b conveys a bit irritation. 7) With a rising tone, the tag question is used to verify or check information that we think is true or to check information that we aren’t sure is true. When we are trying to be sarcastic ,or to make a strong point, we use the tag question with a falling tone. 8) The non-polarized tag question is used for special effect, such as sarcasm, disbelief, shock, anger, concern, etc. The polarized tag question is used to verify or check information. 5. they had recently sent out their youngest reporter around local hospitals. He had found that while in some cases the facilities provided for out-patients were extremely good, and waiting rooms were bright and cheerful places, in others, patients were still expected to sit in dreary passages, moving from chair to chair as the queue diminished ,no literature was provided, and the canteen, if one existed at all, might be five minutes’walk away, They felt that more could be done to obviate such inconvenience, and that some hospitals were not taking full advantage of the various voluntary bodies which offered excellent assistance in the provision of canteens and suchlike. 6.1)I must endure the hardships for the present, if not for myself, then for my parents I must go on studying hrad aborad, if not for myself, then for my country. 2) It appeared to be only a matter of time before they were caught. You’ll learn hoe to do it eventually-it’s a matter of time. Translation 1. 我所到之处满目疮痍,楼房夷为瓦砾,活人成了死尸,生命的欢乐已然封存在这一具尸体之内,这一切时时刻刻都在刺痛我的心。 2. 当然,我和他们一样,但是自上一个进攻日以后,我的想法改变了。当时我们团的任务是保卫伦敦。 3. 倘若我能回国,我发誓一定要让这些战士英名长存,我要告诉他们的家人:他们为了保卫祖国,使之免遭劫难,英勇地献出自己的生命。 4. 虽说人非圣贤,都有过错,但是滥杀无辜,毁人国土,实在是天理难容! Exercises for integrated shills 1) One 2) in 3) with 4) for 5) as 6) from 7) that 8) into 9) By 10) in Unit7 Vocabulary 1.1) inner nature ;indispensable quality;the most important part. 1.2) Sins leading to damnation.(in chrittianity the phrase specifically refers to “the seven deadly sins pride,covetousness,lust,anger,gluttony,envy ,and sloth ) 1.3) Making you think or act wrongly 1.4) Tasks traditionnally required of students 1.5) Far from enough 2...define irrelevant correspond to flunked rather makes a point of apt to go round removal climatic salvation proficiency assumption normally resentment disastrous 3.. B D C C B D B D 4.1)balanced,compensated 2)unconventional 3)abundant,plentiful 4)evaluated,assessed 5)average 6)essentially,basically 7)lightly,frivolously 8)temporarily 5…1)international 2)translate 3)circumference 4)neoclassical 5)conform 6)antisocial 7)undo 8)outshine Grammar 1…1)Unfortunately,we have run out of stock 2)Hopefully,the report will go out to shareholders no later than June 1. 3)Oddly enough,he did not raise any objection to the plan. 4)Rightly,you returned the money. 5)Luckily,this had attracted the attention of TV network executives. 6)Fortunately,all went well. &)Strangely enough,the burglar didn’t take the diamond away.(The putative “should” in the original sentence is concerned with the expression of an opinion.If “should” is used with a disjunct,it conveys obligation and alters the meaning of the original sentence radically.) 2…..1)It was right that they protested against it.\They were right to have protested against it. 2)It was foolish that the boy didn’t say a single word.\It was foolish of the boy not to say a single word.\The boy was foolish not to say a single word. 3)It was wise that John sent the man away.\It was wise of John to have sent the man away.\John was wise to have sent the man away. 4)It was sad that the storm destroyed the entire tobacco crop. 5)It was remarkable that Mrs Jensen consulted her lawyer. 6)It is regrettable that James refuses to speak. 7)It is lucky that my assistant has arranged for the matter to be considered by an ad hoc worki- 配套讲稿:
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