Unit TwoLiuNa1 1.n ncadrecadre英英英英 kdri:,k:dre kdri:,k:dre 美美美美 kdri,kdre kdri,kdre n n干部;干部;骨架;骨架;核心;核心;骨干骨干n n1.N-COUNT 1.N-COUNT n n骨干骨干队队伍;基干人伍;基干人员员 A cadre is a small group of people who A cadre is a small group of people who have been specially chosen,trained,and organized for a have been specially chosen,trained,and organized for a particular purpose.particular purpose.n n2.N-COUNT 2.N-COUNT n n(尤指共尤指共产产党的党的)党党务务工作者,干部工作者,干部 In some political parties,In some political parties,especially the Communist Party,a cadre is a party worker or especially the Communist Party,a cadre is a party worker or official.official.n ne.g By public servant we mean a cadre who serves the people e.g By public servant we mean a cadre who serves the people whole-heartedly.whole-heartedly.n n所所谓谓“公仆公仆”,是指干部要全心全意,是指干部要全心全意为为人民服人民服务务。2 2.n npromote cadrepromote cadre提干提干n ntechnical cadretechnical cadre技技术术干部干部n nagendaagenda英英英英 dend dend 美美美美 dnd dnd n nn.n.议议事日程;事日程;待待议诸议诸事事项项一一览览表;表;日常工作事日常工作事项项;议议程程(agendumagendum的名的名词词复数)复数)n nN-COUNT N-COUNT n n议议事日程事日程 An agenda is a list of the items that have to be An agenda is a list of the items that have to be discussed at a meeting.discussed at a meeting.n ne.g If there is no objection,the agenda is adopted.e.g If there is no objection,the agenda is adopted.n n如果没有意如果没有意见见,议议程就通程就通过过了了n nhidden agendahidden agenda 秘密秘密议议程,不可告人的目的程,不可告人的目的 隐隐藏的藏的动动机机(或目的或目的)3 3.n naddressaddress英英英英 dres dres 美美美美 drs drsn nVERB VERB n n向向作正式作正式讲话讲话;对对发发表演表演说说 If you If you addressaddress a group a group of people,you give a speech to them.of people,you give a speech to them.n ne.g He is due to address a conference on human rights e.g He is due to address a conference on human rights next week.next week.n n他下星期将在一个大会上他下星期将在一个大会上发发表关于人表关于人权权的演的演说说。n nexcerptexcerpt英英英英 eks:pt eks:pt 美美美美 kspt ksptn nn.n.摘摘录录;引用;引用;摘要;摘要;节录节录 n n.N-COUNT N-COUNT n n摘摘录录;节选节选;选选段段 An An excerptexcerpt is a short piece of writing or is a short piece of writing or music which is taken from a larger piecemusic which is taken from a larger piecen ne.g This is an e.g This is an excerptexcerpt from a novel.from a novel.n n这这是一部小是一部小说说的摘的摘录录。n nextractextract(从从书书中中)抄抄录录,摘抄,摘,摘抄,摘录录,摘取;摘要,摘取;摘要发发表,表,摘摘录发录发表,表,选载选载(一篇文章等一篇文章等):n ncitationcitationn.n.引用,引引用,引证证4 4.n nimplementimplement英英英英 implimnt implimnt 美美美美 mplmnt mplmntn nvt.vt.实实施,施,执执行;行;使生效,使生效,实现实现;落落实实(政策);(政策);n n1.VERB 1.VERB n n履行履行;实实施施 If you implement something such as a plan,you If you implement something such as a plan,you ensure that what has been planned is doneensure that what has been planned is donen ne.g The government has agreed to implement the e.g The government has agreed to implement the recommendation in the report.recommendation in the report.n n政府已同意政府已同意实实施施报报告中的建告中的建议议。n naffluentaffluent英英英英 flunt flunt 美美美美 flunt,flu-flunt,flu-n nadj.adj.富裕的,富足的;富裕的,富足的;流流畅畅,滔滔不,滔滔不绝绝的的 n nADJ-GRADED ADJ-GRADED n n富裕的;富足的富裕的;富足的 If you are affluent,you have a lot of money.If you are affluent,you have a lot of money.n ne.g He hails from an affluent background.e.g He hails from an affluent background.n n他出身于一个富有的家庭。他出身于一个富有的家庭。n n小康社会小康社会affluent societyaffluent societyn n富二代富二代 affluent 2nd generationaffluent 2nd generation;rich second generationrich second generation;指指8080年代出生、年代出生、继继承上承上亿亿家家产产的富家子女的富家子女.5 5.n n高富高富帅帅 men who are tall,rich and handsomemen who are tall,rich and handsome;网网络络词汇词汇,在各大在各大论坛论坛、贴贴吧高吧高频频出出现现,它形容男人身高八尺它形容男人身高八尺有余有余,在身材在身材,财财富富,相貌上的完美无缺相貌上的完美无缺,对应对应于于“屌丝屌丝”即即“矮矮穷穷挫挫”.n nladies from a decent family,who are fair-skinned and ladies from a decent family,who are fair-skinned and attractiveattractiven nattainattain英英英英 tein tein 美美美美 ten ten n nvt.&vi.vt.&vi.达到,达到,获获得;得;遂愿;遂愿;经过经过努力到达某事物努力到达某事物n nVERB VERB n n(通常指(通常指经过经过努力)努力)获获得,达到得,达到 If you If you attainattain something,you gain it or achieve it,often after a lot of something,you gain it or achieve it,often after a lot of effort.effort.n ne.g For us,its something that we may aspire to but e.g For us,its something that we may aspire to but can never can never attainattain.n n对对我我们们来来说说,那是可望而不可即的,那是可望而不可即的6 6.n nideologicalideological英英英英 adi:ldkl,di:-adi:ldkl,di:-美美美美 adildkl,adildkl,di-di-n nADJ ADJ n n思想体系的思想体系的;意意识识形形态态的的;观观念形念形态态的的 Ideological means Ideological means relating to principles or beliefs.relating to principles or beliefs.n ne.g The ideological divisions between the parties arent e.g The ideological divisions between the parties arent always obvious.always obvious.n n政党之政党之间间的意的意识识形形态态界界线线并不并不总总是是泾泾渭分明的。渭分明的。n nfosterfoster英英英英 fst(r)fst(r)美美美美 fstr fstrn nVERB VERB n n促促进进;鼓励鼓励;培养培养 To foster something such as an activity or To foster something such as an activity or idea means to help it to develop.idea means to help it to develop.n ne.g The mayor has tried to foster civic pride by having a e.g The mayor has tried to foster civic pride by having a new public library built in the city.new public library built in the city.n n市市长试图长试图在城市里建造一座新的在城市里建造一座新的图书馆图书馆以此来培养市民的荣以此来培养市民的荣誉感。誉感。7 7.n n VERB VERB n n寄养寄养;代养代养 If you foster a child,you take it into your family If you foster a child,you take it into your family for a period of time,without becoming its legal parent.for a period of time,without becoming its legal parent.n nfoster parents foster parents 养父母养父母n nbackdropbackdrop英英英英 bkdrp bkdrp 美美美美 bkdrp bkdrpn nn.n.背景幕布;背景幕布;背景;背景;交流声交流声n n1 N-COUNT 1 N-COUNT n n(挂在舞台后部的)彩画幕布,背景幕布(挂在舞台后部的)彩画幕布,背景幕布 A backdrop is a A backdrop is a large piece of cloth,often with scenery painted on it,that is large piece of cloth,often with scenery painted on it,that is hung at the back of a stage while a play is being performed.hung at the back of a stage while a play is being performed.n n2 N-COUNT 2 N-COUNT n n(事件的)背景(事件的)背景 The backdrop to an event is the general The backdrop to an event is the general situation in which it happens.situation in which it happens.n nThe World War The World War provided the backdrop for the film.provided the backdrop for the film.n n这这部影片以二部影片以二战为战为背景。背景。8 8.n nbackgroundbackgroundn nn.n.(画等的)背景;(画等的)背景;底色;底色;背景背景资资料;料;配配乐乐n ne.g She came from a working-class background.e.g She came from a working-class background.n n她出身于工人家庭。她出身于工人家庭。n nbackground informationbackground informationn nbackground musicbackground musicn nbackground background 可以指可以指实际实际的背景,也可以是政治,的背景,也可以是政治,经济经济等背景等背景;backdrop;backdrop多用于多用于戏剧戏剧中的背景中的背景 n ndrainagedrainage英英英英 dreinid dreinid 美美美美 drend drendn nn.n.排水,放水;排水,放水;排水系排水系统统;排走物,排走物,废废水;水;排水区域排水区域 n ne.g The drainage system has collapsed because of too e.g The drainage system has collapsed because of too much rain.much rain.n n由于降雨由于降雨过过多,排水系多,排水系统统已已经彻经彻底底瘫痪瘫痪了。了。9 9.n ntangibletangible英英英英 tndbl tndbl 美美美美 tndbl tndbln nadj.adj.可触知的;可触知的;确确实实的,真的,真实实的;的;实际实际的;的;法法 有形的有形的n nADJ-GRADED ADJ-GRADED n n清晰可清晰可见见的的;摸得着的摸得着的;感感觉觉得到的得到的;明明显显的的 If something is If something is tangibletangible,it is clear enough or definite enough to be easily,it is clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen,felt,or noticed.seen,felt,or noticed.n ne.g The policy has not yet brought any e.g The policy has not yet brought any tangibletangible benefits.benefits.n n这项这项政策政策还还没有没有带带来任何来任何实质实质性的好性的好处处。n ntangible assets tangible assets 有形有形资产资产n nintangibleintangible英英英英 ntndbl ntndbl 美美美美 ntntndblndbln nadj.adj.触不到的;触不到的;难难以理解的;以理解的;无法确定的无法确定的 1010.n nswiftlyswiftly英英英英 swftl swftl 美美美美 swftl swftl n nadv.adv.迅速地,敏捷地;迅速地,敏捷地;n nswiftswift英英 swift swift 美美 swft swft n nadj.adj.迅速的迅速的;敏捷的;敏捷的;立刻的;立刻的;突然突然发发生的生的n nADJ-GRADED ADJ-GRADED n n快的快的;迅速的迅速的 A swift event or process happens very A swift event or process happens very quickly or without delayquickly or without delayn ne.g The police were swift to act.e.g The police were swift to act.n n警方行警方行动动迅速。迅速。n nSwifter,Higher and Stronger is one of the Olympic tenets.Swifter,Higher and Stronger is one of the Olympic tenets.n n更快,更高、更更快,更高、更强强是奥林匹克运是奥林匹克运动动宗旨之一。宗旨之一。n nswift horse swift horse 千里千里马马1111.n nstagnationstagnation英英英英 stgnen stgnen 美美美美 stnen stnen n nn.n.淤塞,停滞;淤塞,停滞;淤塞,停滞;淤塞,停滞;不景气;不景气;不景气;不景气;滞止滞止滞止滞止 n neconomic stagnation economic stagnation 经济经济停滞停滞 ;经济经济障碍障碍n nstagnatestagnate英英英英 stneit stneit 美美美美 stnet stnet n nVERB VERB n n停滞不前停滞不前;不不发发展展;无无变变化化 If something such as a If something such as a business or society stagnates,it stops changing or business or society stagnates,it stops changing or progressing.progressing.n ne.g Poor economic policies led to a long period of e.g Poor economic policies led to a long period of stagnation and decline.stagnation and decline.n n糟糕的糟糕的经济经济政策道致了政策道致了长时间长时间的的经济萧经济萧条和下滑。条和下滑。1212.n nstreamlinestreamline英英英英 stri:mlain stri:mlain 美美美美 strimlan strimlann nvt.vt.把把做成流做成流线线型;型;使使现现代化;代化;组织组织;使使简单简单化化 n nn.n.流流线线;流流线线型型 n nVERB VERB n n使使(机构或机构或过过程程)效率更高效率更高;精精简简 To streamline an To streamline an organization or process means to make it more efficient organization or process means to make it more efficient by removing unnecessary parts of it.by removing unnecessary parts of it.n ne.g We must streamline our methods.e.g We must streamline our methods.n n我我们们必必须简须简化方法。化方法。n nCan you streamline this kind of airship?Can you streamline this kind of airship?n n你能把你能把这这种种飞飞艇艇设计设计成流成流线线型型吗吗?n nstreamline shape streamline shape 流流线线型型n nsubsistencesubsistence英英英英 sbsstns sbsstns 美美美美 sbsstns sbsstns n nn.n.存活,生存;存活,生存;生生计计,维维生之道生之道 n n.N-UNCOUNT.N-UNCOUNT n n勉勉强维强维持生活持生活;生存生存;存活存活 Subsistence is the condition of Subsistence is the condition of just having enough food or money to stay alive.just having enough food or money to stay alive.1313.e.g The standard of living today is on the edge of e.g The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence.subsistence.现现在的生活水平几乎快要无法在的生活水平几乎快要无法维维持生持生计计。subsistence wage subsistence wage 生存工生存工资资 ;维维生工生工资资 ;维维持生活的最持生活的最低工低工资资optimizeoptimize英英英英 ptmaz ptmaz 美美美美 ptmaz ptmaz vt.vt.使最使最优优化,使尽可能有效化,使尽可能有效 VERB VERB 充分利用充分利用 To optimize a situation or opportunity means To optimize a situation or opportunity means to get as much advantage or benefit from it as you canto get as much advantage or benefit from it as you cane.g We must optimize the opportunities for better e.g We must optimize the opportunities for better understanding.understanding.我我们们必必须须充分利用机会作更充分利用机会作更进进一步的了解。一步的了解。sustainablesustainable英英英英 sstenbl sstenbl 美美美美 sstenbl sstenbladj.adj.可持可持续续的;的;可以忍受的;可以忍受的;可支撑的可支撑的1414.n nADJ-GRADED ADJ-GRADED n n(自然自然资资源源)可持可持续续的,不破坏的,不破坏环环境的境的 You use You use sustainable to describe the use of natural resources sustainable to describe the use of natural resources when this use is kept at a steady level that is not likely when this use is kept at a steady level that is not likely to damage the environment.to damage the environment.n n e.g Try to buy wood that you know has come e.g Try to buy wood that you know has come from a sustainable source.from a sustainable source.n n尽量尽量尽量尽量购买购买来自可持来自可持来自可持来自可持续发续发展林的木材。展林的木材。展林的木材。展林的木材。n nsustainable development sustainable development 可持可持可持可持续发续发展展展展n nsustainable growth sustainable growth 可持可持可持可持续续增增增增长长n ninvigorateinvigorate英英英英 nvgret nvgret 美美美美 nvret nvretn n1.vt.1.vt.使生气勃勃,使精力充沛,使健壮使生气勃勃,使精力充沛,使健壮n nVERB VERB n n使精神振使精神振奋奋;使精力充沛使精力充沛;使活使活跃跃 If something If something invigoratesinvigorates you,it makes you feel more energetic.you,it makes you feel more energetic.n ne.g Take a deep breath in to e.g Take a deep breath in to invigorateinvigorate you.you.n n深吸一口气来提提神。深吸一口气来提提神。1515.n n2.VERB 2.VERB n n激励激励;刺激刺激;振振兴兴 To invigorate a situation or a process To invigorate a situation or a process means to make it more efficient or more effective.means to make it more efficient or more effective.n ne.g They promise that they would invigorate the e.g They promise that they would invigorate the economy.economy.n n他他们许们许下的振下的振兴经济兴经济的承的承诺诺n nflourishflourish英英英英 flri flri 美美美美 flr,flr-flr,flr-n nvi.vi.挥挥舞;舞;茂盛,繁荣;茂盛,繁荣;活活跃跃,蓬勃,蓬勃 n n1.VERB 1.VERB n n繁荣繁荣;兴兴盛盛;兴兴旺旺 If something flourishes,it is successful,If something flourishes,it is successful,active,or common,and developing quickly and stronglyactive,or common,and developing quickly and stronglyn ne.g Business flourished.e.g Business flourished.生意生意红红火起来。火起来。n nsubsidysubsidy英英英英 sbsidi sbsidi 美美美美 sbsdi sbsdi n.n.补贴补贴;津津贴贴;助学金;助学金;奖奖金金 N-COUNT N-COUNT 补贴补贴;补补助金助金;津津贴贴 A subsidy is money that is paid by a A subsidy is money that is paid by a government or other authority in order to help an government or other authority in order to help an industry or business,or to pay for a public serviceindustry or business,or to pay for a public service1616.n ngovernment subsidy government subsidy 政府政府补补助金,政府助金,政府补贴补贴 rewardreward是指是指奖奖金金报报酬,是指酬,是指对对品德高尚和勤品德高尚和勤劳劳的人所的人所给给予的予的奖奖励。也可指励。也可指为为某事付酬金。某事付酬金。compensation compensation 补偿补偿(或或赔偿赔偿)物;(尤指)物;(尤指)赔偿赔偿金,金,补偿补偿金;金;赔偿赔偿,一般是指,一般是指对对不利事情的不利事情的赔偿赔偿 salary:salary:指按年定下,按月或星期平均指按年定下,按月或星期平均给给予的予的报报酬,通常酬,通常指指脑脑力力劳动劳动者的薪水。者的薪水。wage:wage:多用复数形式,指按小多用复数形式,指按小时时、日或星期的、日或星期的报报酬,通酬,通常指体力常指体力劳动劳动者的工者的工资资。bonus:bonus:奖奖金,金,红红利,津利,津贴贴。如年。如年终奖终奖 year-end bonusyear-end bonus,退役退役费费 an army discharge bonusan army discharge bonus commission commission:主要是指佣金,回扣,如商:主要是指佣金,回扣,如商务务英英语语中常有中常有的代的代购购佣金,佣金,buying commisionbuying commision tip:tip:小小费费:给给一个提供一一个提供一项项服服务务的人的一小笔的人的一小笔钱钱;赏钱赏钱 income:income:用一段用一段时间时间的的劳劳力或服力或服务务而而换换得的金得的金钱钱收益或同收益或同等收益,如出售等收益,如出售货货物或物或资产资产投投资资的收益的收益 1717.n nmanifestmanifest英英英英 mnifest mnifest 美美美美 mnfst mnfst n nvt.vt.显显示,表明;示,表明;证证明;明;使使显现显现n nV-ERG V-ERG n n显显示示;显显露露 If you If you manifestmanifest a particular quality,feeling,a particular quality,feeling,or illness,or if it or illness,or if it manifests itselfmanifests itself,it becomes visible or,it becomes visible or obvious.obvious.n ne.g The virus needs two weeks to manifest itself.e.g The virus needs two weeks to manifest itself.n n这这种病毒潜伏两周种病毒潜伏两周时间时间才会才会发发作。作。n nmanifestationmanifestation 英英 mmnfestennfesten 美美 mmnfstennfsten n nFever is one Fever is one manifestationmanifestation of cold.of cold.n n发烧发烧是感冒的一种表是感冒的一种表现现形式。形式。n nimperativeimperative英英英英 impertiv impertiv 美美美美 mprtv mprtv n nadj.adj.必要的,不可避免的;必要的,不可避免的;命令的,命令的,专专横的;横的;势势在必行在必行的;的;语语 祈使的祈使的 1818.n nADJ-GRADED ADJ-GRADED n n极重要的极重要的;必要的必要的;紧紧急的急的 If it is If it is imperativeimperative that that something is done,that thing is extremely important and something is done,that thing is extremely important and must be donemust be donen ne.g He always speaks in an e.g He always speaks in an imperativeimperative tone of voice.tone of voice.n n他老是用命令的口吻他老是用命令的口吻讲话讲话n nalleviatealleviate英英英英 li:vieit li:vieit 美美美美 liviet liviet n nvt.vt.减减轻轻,缓缓和和 n n.VERB VERB n n减减轻轻,缓缓解(痛苦等)解(痛苦等)If you If you alleviatealleviate pain,suffering,pain,suffering,or an unpleasant condition,you make it less intense or or an unpleasant condition,you make it less intense or severeseveren ne.g The doctor gave her an injection to e.g The doctor gave her an injection to alleviatealleviate the the pain.pain.n n医生医生给给她注射以减她注射以减轻轻疼痛疼痛n nproactiveproactive英英英英 pruktiv pruktiv 美美美美 proktv proktv n nadj.adj.前前摄摄的;的;- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 英语 医学
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