此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 英语学习计划 篇一:工作后个人英语学习计划 英语学习计划 写给自己的话: 翻开英语学习本看到第一篇英语听力的时间竟然是3月23日,已经过去整整3个月了,但感觉自己的英语仍然没有一点进展,一种颓废感涌上心头。努力回忆下自己的人生历程,英语嫣然已经成为了我旅途中的一个顽疾。初中的时候,虽然班上有着全校最优秀的英语老师,我已经记不清自己有多少次因为成绩不好被老师拉到宿舍谈话;高中的时候,英语老师也是对我“照顾”有加,我可以算得上是当时她最头痛的几个学生之一。多少次因为英语碰壁跌倒,多少次又咬牙爬起来,人要突破自己,往往要从身上的短板开始,克服弱点才能有所成就。我可以被英语击倒,但不能被英语击倒一辈子,无论多艰难我也要站起来。生命不息,奋斗不止! 学习目标: 1.3个月能用英语进行普通的口语交流,6个月能进行商务、技术类交流; 2.3个月能听懂VOA慢速,6个月能听懂VOA常速; 3. 单词量达到5000以上; 4. 能进行公文、邮件、技术应用类文章的书写。 学习计划: 1. 每天学习英语时间不小于2个小时,每周学习时间不小于12个小时。其中,考虑出差、工作等因素,安排一天休息,学习天数每周6天,一天时间休息。 2. 每天保证一定的听力的时间,至少15分钟的时间,集中注意力,并有意识地去记忆好的句子。 3. 日常思考的时候,尝试用英语思考、想问题以培养语感。 4. 每天早上早起7:00听一段VOA或者BBC的广播新闻,可以在上班路上听,时间不小于15分钟,建议听语速较快一点的文章。 5. 每天中午12:30-13:15拿出45分钟用于观看美剧、纪录片等英语短片,也可背单词或句子。 6. 每天晚上拿出1个小时进行英文听写,新概念英语背诵,单词记忆,口语练习等内容的学习。 7. 每个周末对本周的学习情况进行总结和评论,并以周记的形式进行记录。 细则 听力: 1.从VOA(special english)做起。每天听写1篇。一定要坚持。 2.每周坚持看美剧,先从《绝望的主妇》开始。初步定在每周6晚。 精读: 1.学习新概念英语2-3,背诵课文,每周不小于5篇。 2.重点领会作者的写作手法,记忆好的结构性的句子和内容性的句子,根据中文内容进行英文翻译,进行对比。 单词: 1.系统背诵四级词汇。选用星火的四级词汇书。每周3个word list,这样3个月时间可以全部背完。词汇是重中之重,万万不可轻视! 2.利用手机软件背学过的新概念英语单词。 口语: 1.每天坚持听以及复述一段交际、商务英语,使用有道英语的对话教材。 2.每周找一个话题进行内容的编写和口述。剑桥商务英语教程 语法: 主要还是靠使用中掌握,坚持写英语日记的话,会对语法和词汇都大有好处。当然有一本语法书也是很重要的。 其他人的英语学习方法: 去年年底再也受不了以前单位的boss的刻薄(老板都TM刻薄的),炒了他的鱿鱼。今年年初到一个欧美企业上班,话说欧美企业的待遇福利是不错,呵呵,鄙视一下自己,拿的钱比以前多多了。但是刚进去也确实懊恼好久,每天开会,邮件,文档全TM的英语,头大啊。最后还是逼上梁山----学习被我放弃多年的English。小有成就,这里讲讲我自己在这两个多月里的学习英语的经验。 首先学习英语要给自己一个安排,特别像我们这种上班族也好白领也好,没有多少时间来统筹安排的。我保证每天花2个小时学习英语(中午休息时间一个小时加晚上睡前一个小时),进步蛮快的。还有大家要给自己一个压力,有压力才有动力吗!我每天在我的台历上做标志,中午学习完成一个标志,晚上学习完成一个标志,这样一周下来看看是否每天都安排合适了。要不然惩罚自己多背50个单词。呵呵。还有就是英语学习也要讲究策略和好的兵刃,是话说得好,磨刀不误砍柴工啊。好的学习工具和好的学习策略不止事半功倍的效果哦。 好多网友没有个好的耐心和安排,看到什么好就学什么,今天学新概念,明天新东方口语,后天英语900句,我不推荐这样学习。每个课程都有他们自己的特色,我们要系统学习啊。好多人学习到最后就只会简单的句型,因为他们每种教材都只学习前面几课,而每本教材的前面几课都差不多,简单句型,所以他们的英语水平总是保持在简单水平。我自己的选择如下: 课程名称:新概念英语1-4 时间安排:每晚一个小时:半小时复习、半小时学习新课程,还有中午一个小时的时间在公司通过看美剧来学习。 下载网址:网上搜索可以搜索到很多,最好配套文本和mp3的,可以进行听写的。 学习安排:前半小时复习上一课程内容,然后合上书,用脑子想和用嘴描述出来(不一定要背诵出来,用英语描述更有利于以后英语口语能力)。后半小时进行听写,边听边写,同时边跟读。在单位休息时间就是看老友记,很多网上推荐的,我一般都是一集看几遍,常见的口语我会记下来,先是把整个字幕脚本调出来学习下,然后不看字幕来看,最后用英文字幕看一遍。 你知道怎样用电影学英语吗?(转自豆瓣) 来源: 严笑仪 Smile的日志 很多人都知道可以用电影学习英语,但是并不是所有的人都从中受益的,我觉得这其中存在很多的误区。所以,今天我想把我用电影学英语的一些经验和想法写一下,大家参考一下就好。 误区一:电影学英语很有趣。 错!恰恰相反,用电影学英语在大多数情况下是很痛苦的,欣赏电影和用电影学习英语绝对是两码事情,很多时候,你要不停的定格,重复,用笔作笔记,其实你会发现,这样绝对是需要很大耐心的。 误区二:电影里出现的说法都是很实用的。 错!这个要看什么电影了,有些电影粗俗用语很多,比如《prison break》;有些电影又涉及太多的专业领域,比如《CSI》,都是关于侦查,破案的,还有破案用具方面的专业词汇。这些其实都不是特别有必要去记忆的。因为老外也未必知道得很清楚。 误区三:打破砂锅问到底。 很多人看电影学英语,总是喜欢把每个词汇和俚语都弄得很清楚,其实我觉得这样不好,应该是挑选一些自己平时可能会用到,或者感兴趣的来学,一个人除了贵在坚持以外,一些时候该放弃的还是要放弃一些。 误区四:电影学习花不了多少时间。 如果是我的话,一般都是学真人秀节目,一集大概40分钟多一点,第一遍我大概用了5个小时记笔记,之后会看了几遍。所以基本上40分钟的片子大概要消耗你7~8个小时,所以如果是一部2个小时左右的电影。我觉得你拿来一个多月来学习都是不为过的。So?你觉得电影学英语会很爽吗?我告诉你,其实挺无聊啊,而且笔记记得很痛苦。呵呵 。 误区五:从头到尾看 不对,应该是切成一块一块的学。后面再详细说明吧。 好的 基本上我是这样做的: 第一:严格选材 我对我将要学习的电影选择是相当相当严格的。我个人在选择的时候,大概有这样些个的标准: 1, 生活化相当的强,片中的人物的台词,就是现实生活中外国人经常说的。这个怎么去判断呢?呵呵,其实你可以问专业人士或老外。像我就比较懒了,从来不问,因为我挑的一般都是美国,英国的真人秀节目,比如我首推《the apprentice》,为什么呢?所谓真人秀节目就是现实生活中的跟踪拍摄,根本不用去想,百分百的原味生活英语。 2, 这个电影我要相当的喜欢看。我自己要非常非常的喜欢看这个节目,最好是我认为那种百看不厌的电影,这点还是蛮重要的,至少这样的话,可以帮助我坚持把一部电影完整的学完。 3, 电影不能太长。可惜一般的电影都是超过1个半小时的,所以我还是喜欢挑选美国的电视节目,一般都比较短,不会超过45分钟一个小时。 4, 完美的中英文外挂字幕。这个不是废话吗?没字幕,怎么学啊。 第二步: 拿本小本子,本子上写个大标题,《XX电影》,然后准备一个自己写得顺手的笔,从头开始,记笔记吧,记什么?傻的,不要记太多的生词,关键要记句子: 首先,记句子: 我在《飞黄腾达》听到一个句子:“It didn’t appear to be that threatening of an jury that occurred.” 那不是看上去的那么严重。 其实剧情就是讲一个人被朔料块砸了一下脑袋,她就搞得跟真的一样,旁边一个人看到以后的想法。 看到这种句子,要马上记下: (It appears to be……of…....看上去怎么样怎么样,用of后接名字性的东西,表示补充 例句:It didn’t appear to be that threatening of an jury that occurred.) 我笔记本上就是这样记的。 所以,例句要很勤力地去记的,不然以后你没办法复习的。 然后,发现的俚语要记忆 我在看《英国达人》的时候,裁判很喜欢说: and you just blown me away. Blow sb away 震撼某人,我被你震撼了 同样,记下例句。 发现不熟的用法要记: 《飞黄腾达》有个句子: And I just had a little fuel mind game with Amy in return. 这里的in return 是说我通过做这件事情作为反击 先说一个完整的句子后面加in return,表示我做这个事情作为回报,作为反击。 忽略的用法要记,一词多意思要记: I can not for the life of me visualize Sam in that type of position. “感到”这种意思,我们一般用feel,会用visualize吗? 所以记一下,visualize 后面括号,像这样:visualize (feel) 就是说,发誓以后把feel忘记 篇二:留学学习计划书中英文模版8篇 在申请留学及签证的过程中,经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),许多留学的朋友往往搞不清楚学习计划书和个人陈述(personal statement)区别和写法,因此结合自己的工作经验,介绍一下学习计划书的写作。 一般来说学习计划书可以按照提交目的分成两类,既给大使馆申请签证用的,或是给学校申请录取用的。用来申请学校的学习计划从本质上讲和个人陈述是同一类型的文书,关于学校申请类的学习计划书可以参考个人陈述方面的文章,本文主要介绍提交大使馆签证用的学习计划书。欧美国家,特别是移民国家,如澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大等国针对留学生签证的时候往往要求提供学习计划书,通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业的动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来 留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,配合审核您的其它材料决定是否给您发放留学签证,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。 总的来说,学习计划书需要包括以下几方面内容: 1、简单说明自己的学习经历,专业背景及工作经历; 2、说明自己进一步求学的动机及为什么选择该国,该大学与该专业; 3、详细的留学时间安排; 4、介绍留学所需资金及来源; 5、对未来职业目标的阐述,留学后回国的理由。 学习计划书的行文风格和文章结构与个人陈述有很大不同,不需要太多个性化和感性的描述,而应该是结构清晰简单,逻辑严密,阐述的事实明确,相关论据有力可信,学成回国的理由要非常充分,并且绝对不能和申请人的其他材料发生矛盾。关于学习计划书等留学文件的写作,可以上 , 等网站获得帮助。 由于使馆的工作人员每天要处理大量的文件,因此学习计划书切不可写的太长,一般不应超过800字,并且说明一个问题最好只用一个段落,段落前加上标题,如 My Choice of University of Toronto in Canada ,My career objective 等,以便使馆的工作人员对您一段内容的中心思想一目了然。您的阐述应该非常清晰易读,不能希望让使馆的工作人员从您的文字中”挖掘”您”潜在”内容。 学习计划书的重点部分是未来的职业计划和留学后回国的理由,通过这一部分来告诉大使馆您到该国留学后,确实能够对您的职业发展有良好的帮助,并且有可信有力的理由学成归国。虽然要求学习计划书的国家往往是移民国家,但是由于您申请签证的理由是留学,因此通过学习计划书一定要消除您任何移民倾向。回国理由要结合您个人的背景经历和家庭情况给出很合理的解释,如一位拥有多年商业经历的经理获得加拿大读商业管理硕士课程录取,那么阐明他的职业目标是回到中国成为一名跨国公司的高级经理人,而他在中国多年积累的客户资源和社交圈是一笔非常宝贵的财富,这就是非常强硬并合理的一条回国理由。特别需要注意的是,学习计划书中关于回国理由等涉及事实论据的地方,不能任意编造,在工作中,本文作者就遇到过客户因编造事实而被大使馆核查出来并拒签的情况。 Study plan模板1 STUDY PLAN 本人是土木类专业,并修读管理类双学位,去UA读相近专业Master,结合PS进行的完善。 Dear Sir/ Madam, I am looking forward to study in University of Alberta in Canada this fall. As an essential part of visa application process, I understand that a true study plan is important for my further success. Background My name is***, Male, born on *** in***, China. I accepted the offer of admission into the graduate program in Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Alberta. My undergraduate education has laid the groundwork towards the path I now intend to embark on. Pursuing dual degrees from seemingly vastly different fields at ** University endowed me with a solid theoretical background in two diverse fields of engineering and management and placed me in a unique position to appreciate the importance of management within the construction industry. My choice of studying in Canada Over the past decades, China has enjoyed rapid development in all aspects of its economy. Opening its doors to the world has facilitated its expansion; this development necessitated building the proper infrastructures that will sustain the tremendous development the country’s economy is undergoing. In line with this, the rapid rate of economic growth fostered an accompanying rapid rate of constructions. Currently, buildings and skyscrapers are being built in the different cities of China. Apart from infrastructures, these developments require the application of advanced technologies and the implementation of knowledge support, especially in fostering an effective, efficient, and thriving construction engineering and management system. However, as an undergraduate student I know my knowledge and skills are somehow limited, necessitating advanced study in this field. Doing so entails I look outside of China and learn from the experiences of other developed countries, especially those with far advanced systems in place. Learning from their exle will provide me with the exposure necessary for achieving my goals. After a careful and thorough search, I have decided to seek admission to the University of Alberta in Canada. The graduate program in *** is exactly the correct integration of interests I am searching for. One of the main attractions of the university’s program is not only its solid reputation in the field of engineering but its interdisciplinary nature as well. The prospect of studying ***in a new environment to broaden my horizon is a thrilling one, as it will raise new challenges for me to conquer. Compared with somebody holding a Master degree from a Chinese university, a graduate holding one from North America which is not only exam-oriented is much more competitive in China’s labour market. In addition, studying abroad may save time for me to gain the Master degree. Moreover, compared with US and Britain, Canada is able to offer international student the first-class education resources with lower expense and Canada is a peaceful, civilized and safe country. It is a good chance to receive high quality education and to experience diverse cultures. My overall educational goal I have achieved excellent academic performance in both senior high school and ***University and I got band **overall in IELTS. All of these make the basic foundations for my future study in University of Alberta. Anyway, first step of my plan is to overcome the language barrier and adjust myself into the new environment, including new teaching methods, cultural differences and enhancing mutual understanding between the Chinese and other peoples. In addition, the most important thing is to learn the courses of *** to improve my academic ability. I hope I can use limited time to acquire more advanced skills, methodologies and the professional knowledge related to my major. Financial Support My parents have sufficient funds to supply me to study in Canada. They are definitely willing and able to afford my education and it will not influence the future life of our family since they both have enough saving, decent jobs and stable incomes. Return to China and Career Objective After graduation, I intend to return to China and begin my work towards contributing to the development of the field of *** in my country. Although there are numerous efforts towards addressing this issue, the number of specialists in this field of expertise is still sparse in China. This raises the necessity for a new breed of successful and skilled professionals to lead in the creation of this system. As a passionate and creative individual, I believe I am well-suited to contribute to overall efforts meant to fill this void in the job market. I aim to become a professional who can fulfill the position such a relationship necessitates in my homeland and make good use of advanced technologies I learned. One more important, because I am the only child, going back to China and taking good care of my parents after finishing my study is my responsibility. In addition, China’s governmental policy is more attractive for students graduate from universities out of China and favorable conditions will be supplied for our personal and professional development. A successful overseas returned Chinese student is always my aim and motivation. Thank you for your time. Yours Sincerely, Date: April 6, 2020. Signature of Applicant _____________________ Study plan模板2 Study Plan (Application of Student Visa to study in Canada) I believe that this study plan, also submitted as an application for a student visa to study in Canada’s Mount Saint Vincent University, can provide you with an outline of my plan for one year of undergraduate study in Canada and my subsequent career development in China. I look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience. Personal status I am the applicant XXX, female, born in XXX, Jiangsu Province. To realize my dream of becoming an interpreter, I chose English as my major in XXX University. As a sophomore student, I worked very hard. After I learned some information about the exchange program between XXX University and XXX, I decided to take the chance for my better development. So I am applying to study at XXX University in Canada for one year, from September 2020 to August 2020. During the past four semesters, I took several courses related to English, such as compressive English, English listening, and introduction to western countries. The knowledge I have learnt in these courses equips me with confidence and communicating skills to live and study abroad. The reasons I wish to study at XXX XXX is a world-famous university with intelligent student and professional staff and faculty, who are devoted to high-quality teaching and management. Excellence, innovation and discovery are the characteristics that attract students all over the world to study there. I am so glad to take part in the exchange program between my college and XXX. For me, to study at such a well-know university will provide me a big step toward my dream. As an English major student, to study abroad can offer me with the perfect environment to improve my language skills and add my knowledge about the western countries. Also I believe one year’s study in Canada will broaden my view and improve my self-reliance. If I am given the chance to study abroad, the knowledge about the foreign communication will help me a lot to provide foreigners with better service by my professional interpretation. These are all my reasons why I want to be an exchange student in XXX. My goals during the one year in Canada I hope I can acquire advanced skills and methodologies in communication, and the professional knowledge on language and the western customs, through my personal experience. Also I want to develop the independent personality which will allow me to live and study in a completely new environment and enter the society after my graduate in XXX University. If I am given the Visa to study in Canada, I am sure I can achieve my goal and return to China after one year to finish my undergraduate study. My reasons to return to China after one year As a matter of fact, I am still a student in XXX University for I am an exchange student. I will go back to China to finish my undergraduate courses. More importantly, I love my family. My parents and relatives are all living in China. I am the only child in my family and they have spent all of their savings on my education. I have the duty to pay back with my achievement and my care for them in their late years. I don’t want to separate with my parents. And I believe to share my success with them is one of my greatest happiness in my life. There are sufficient job opportunities after my returning to China. My experience abroad will offer me more choices in the talent market. Thank you for your time. Yours Sincerely, DateSignature of Applicant Study plan模板3 Study Plan (Application of Student Visa to study in *******) I believe that this study plan, submitted as an application for a student visa to study in Canada’s University of ********, can provide you with an outline of my plan for two years of graduate study in Canada and my subsequent career development in China. I look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience. Personal status: I am ********, male, born on the **** of *****, ******. To realize my dream of becoming an excellent engineer, I chose to pursue professional knowledge in Electronics and Information Engineering in ********************, Xi’an, Shanxi Province, China, in September ******. After four years of undergraduate study specializing in Electronic Information Engineering in the College of ****************, I received a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in *****. I did very well in my- 配套讲稿:
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