商务英语证书 什么是BEC? (Cambridge ESOL)(English for Speakers of Other Languages) 商务英语是一种在工作环境中使用的、世界通用的语言,适用于政府机关、事业单位、企业、商社等各种机构的日常公务和商贸活动。商务英语证书(BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE)是教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,于1993年起举办的考试。该系列考试是一项语言水平考试,根据公务或商务工作的实际需要,对考生在一般工作环境下和商务活动中使用英语的能力从听、说、读、写四个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的标准统一的成绩证书。该证书由于其颁发机构的权威性,在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,作为确认证书持有者英语能力证明的首选证书。也是在所有举办该项考试的国家和地区求职的“通行证”。现在该证书的功能已不仅限于求职,已扩展至进入大学本科学习的语言能力证明。目前,BEC考试已经从中国推广到亚洲、欧洲、南美洲、澳洲等六十几个国家。 BEC考试是为英语学习者提供的国际商务语言资格证书考试。它注重考查考生在实际工作环境中用英语解决问题的能力。BEC考试适用于不同职业背景的考生,并对考生的学习深造以及求职应聘具有实用价值。剑桥BEC考试被世界各地的众多大学、企业以及国际教育机构所认可,并将其作为入学考试或招聘录用的英语语言水平要求。例如BEC高级是众多大学入学及MBA课程的英语能力要求。 欲了解有关BEC的详情, 请查询: www.CambridgeESOLcn.org www.CambridgeESOL.org/BEC 报考对象 BEC考试分别要求考生具备中级以上及高级英语水平。其招考对象为学生或各类在职人员。BEC各级别考试有助于考生提高在听、说、读、写各方面实际运用英语能力,也可为参加更高级别考试打下坚实基础。 BEC试题材料及内容对即将从事或正从事日常办公室工作、市场营销、生产、金融等工作的人员很有益处。 BEC考试内容 BEC试题中的词汇、文章类型的选择以及情景的设置都与"职业"有关。此外,BEC考核考生理解文章主旨大意和在听力材料中猜测生词的能力。 BEC考核考生在广阔的实际工作环境中应用英语的能力,如提供或询问个人信息、安排约会或会谈;了解办公室沟通方式(报告、信函、备忘录等);迎接外宾、查询信息/作预定或定购工作;作电话记录;了解并说明公司产品/产品的定购/产品的运输系统;询问并提供有关产品或服务的信息等。 BEC考试涉及的主题包括: 个人情况说明;办公室、商务环境与惯例;客户娱乐、业余时间与同事及客户的关系; 旅游与会议;使用电话;健康与安全; 买卖;公司结构、系统及程序;产品与服务;结果与成绩;商业问题。 考试题型 考试由阅读、写作、 听力、口试四部分内容组成,四项成绩各占总分的25%: 阅读: - 阅读短篇消息、广告、论文、报告等不同文体材料,回答多项选择形式的阅读理解题 - 把图表或字母与相应的描述连接起来 - 填空题:考核考生对文章结构的理解 - 填空题:考核考生对词汇及语法知识掌握的准确性 - 改错 写作: - 写短篇消息 - 写信函或报告 听力: - 根据所听材料填补全文中所缺内容 - 把摘录和相应的主题或要点连接起来 - 听对话、采访或报告,回答多项选择形式的理解题 口试: - 与考官就你的工作和爱好进行交谈 - 就与实际工作相关的主题与另一考生交换信息 - 就与实际工作相关的主题展开讨论 考试时间 - 阅读 BEC初级 BEC中级 BEC高级 阅读写作共计90分钟 60分钟 60分钟 - 写作 BEC初级 BEC中级 BEC高级 阅读写作共计90分钟 45分钟 70分钟 - 听力 BEC初级 BEC中级 BEC高级 40分钟 40分钟 40分钟 - 口试 BEC初级 BEC中级 BEC高级 12分钟 14分钟 16分钟 考试级别 BEC(Higher) 高级水平 BEC(Vantage) 中高级水平 BEC(Preliminary) 中低级水平 Entry (A2) 入门级 *考虑到广大考生和使用BEC证书机构的要求, ESOL考试部在BEC P中增加了A2级别, 原有参加初级(BEC P)考试的考生, 如果成绩达到了A2水平而达不到B1时, 也能得到剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的A2证书。 A2水平是欧洲委员会语言教学大纲制订的英语水平, 相当于初级水平。 BEC考试特点 - 高质量的国际英语考试 - 国际认可的商务英语证书 - 首家由中国教育部考试中心承办的英国权威英语考试 - 有严格质量监控的面对面的口试 - 考察工作环境中应用英语的能力 - 适用于不同职业背景 - 求职者的有力语言能力证明 剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)及雅思(IELTS)的对应关系: 英语水平描述 商务英语证书 雅 思 IELTS 高级 BECH 7.5 7.0 中高级 BECV 6.5 5.0 中初级 BECP 4.5 3.5 初级 Entry (A2) 3.0 2.0 它的最高级别考试在欧美又称为国际商贸英语证书考试:CEIBT(Certificate in English for International Business and Trade)。 考试准备: 2005年报名截止日期 2005 Registration Ending Dates 上半年: BEC 2005年3月20日 下半年: BEC 2005年9月20日 Spring BEC March 20, 2005 Autumn BEC September 20, 2005 2005年考试日期 2005 Exam Dates 上半年: BEC 初级: 2005年5月14日 BEC 中级: 2005年5月28日 BEC 高级:2005年5月21日 下半年: BEC 初级: 2005年11月19日 BEC 中级: 2005年12月3日 BEC 高级: 2005年11月26日 Spring BEC Preliminary:May 14,2005 BEC Vantage: May 28, 2005 BEC Higher: May 21, 2005 Autumn BEC Preliminary: November 19, 2005 BEC Vantage: December 3, 2005 BEC Higher: November 26, 2005 BEC3级已被英国许多大学和中国一些大学定为MBA必修课之一。并被英国50多所大学认可作为入学英语语言能力证明。 BEC初级难度相当于我国大学英语四级;BEC中级介于我国大学英语四、六级之间,相当于剑桥第一证书英语考试(First Certificate in English);BEC高级介于我国大学英语六级和英语专业八级之间,相当于剑桥熟练英语证书考试(Certificate of Proficiency in English)。 BEC中级培训 从听、说、读、写全方位训练学员识别和使用英语进行准确的交流,包括: ◇ 个人英文简历的编写; ◇ 外企面试应答英语和技巧; ◇ 传真稿件的拟定和修改、便条和备忘录的编写; ◇ 拟定和修改商业信函商业计划; ◇ 建立和保持商业关系; ◇ 完全用英语自主开发基础商业项目; ◇ 水平达到外贸专业专科级别和MBA基础课程中对商务英语的要求; ◇ 熟悉基本商业词汇和这些词汇所代表的概念。 BEC高级培训 ◇ 自由地与外籍同事或领导进行商务交流; ◇ 熟练掌握面试英语的技巧并在面试中取得主动; ◇ 词汇量达到一万左右; ◇ 达到或超过MBA课程中对商务英语的要求。 BEC (Business English Certificates) There are three BEC exams - BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage and BEC Higher - which test English language ability used in the context of business. They are ideal if you are preparing for a career in business. The BEC exams are linked to the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and to the UK Qualifications and Curriculum Authority's National Standards for Literacy, within the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Why take BEC? More than ever, a good knowledge of English is needed to succeed in international business and commerce. If you can show you have relevant language skills you'll have a great advantage in the jobs market and much greater flexibility if you want to work abroad. An internationally recognised business qualification can help you show that you have learned English to an appropriate standard and can use it in a professional context. What does the exam involve? BEC Preliminary Reading and Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) In the Reading part there are seven tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, Right/Wrong/Doesn't Say, multiple choice gap-filling and form-filling. The Reading part is 25% of the total marks. In the Writing part there are two tasks, both compulsory. Candidates produce a piece of internal company communication (approx. 30-40 words), and a piece of business communication (based on Reading input, approx. 60-80 words). The Writing part is 25% of the total marks. Listening (approx. 40 minutes) In the Listening component there are four tasks of the following types: multiple choice, gap-filling and form-filling. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks. Speaking (approx. 12 minutes per pair of candidates) The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.) During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks. BEC Vantage Reading (1 hour) In the Reading paper there are five tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, sentence level gap-filling, multiple choice gap-filling and error identification. The Reading paper is 25% of the total marks. Writing (45 minutes) In the Writing paper there are two tasks, both compulsory. Candidates produce a piece of internal company communication (approx. 40-50 words), and a short report, proposal or piece of business correspondence (based on Reading input, approx. 120-140 words). The Writing paper is 25% of the total marks. Listening (approx. 40 minutes) In the Listening paper there are three tasks of the following types: gap-filling or note completion, matching and multiple choice. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks. Speaking (approx. 14 minutes per pair of candidates) The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.) During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks. BEC Higher Reading (1 hour) In the Reading paper there are six tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, word level gap-filling, sentence level gap-filling, multiple choice gap-filling and error identification. The Reading paper is 25% of the total marks. Writing (1 hour 10 minutes) In the Writing paper there are two tasks. In Part One candidates produce a short report (based on graphic input, approx. 120-140 words). In Part Two candidates choose whether to write a report, proposal or piece of business correspondence. The Writing paper is 25% of the total marks. Listening (approx. 40 minutes) In the Listening paper there are three tasks of the following types: gap-filling or note completion, matching and multiple choice. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening paper is 25% of the total marks. Speaking (approx. 16 minutes per pair of candidates) The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.) During the test each candidate responds to questions, gives a 'mini-presentation' lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking Test is 25% of the total marks. Exam dates Please note: not all sessions are offered at all centres. Please contact your local centre to confirm that your preferred date is possible. BEC Preliminary ·Thursday 17 March 2005 ·Saturday 14 May 2005 ·Wednesday 8 June 2005 ·Saturday 19 November 2005 BEC Vantage ·Friday 18 March 2005 ·Saturday 28 May 2005 ·Thursday 9 June 2005 ·Saturday 3 December 2005 BEC Higher ·Wednesday 16 March 2005 ·Saturday 21 May 2005 ·Tuesday 7 June 2005 ·Saturday 26 November 2005 Special timetable arrangements may apply for candidates at centres in the UK. The Speaking test takes place on a date of the centre's choosing within a window period specified by Cambridge ESOL. How to register To register for the exam, you need to contact a Cambridge ESOL exam centre, authorised to run BEC, at least ten weeks before the exam - entries cannot be made directly to Cambridge. The centre will give you full information about the fees for taking BEC, the dates of the tests and other arrangements. Many candidates take a preparation course before entering for BEC. If you are studying English at the moment, speak to your teacher about preparing for BEC. If you are not studying at the moment, your nearest Cambridge ESOL exam centre will be able to advise you. Find a centre. If you have a disability or a specific learning difficulty (such as dyslexia) it may be possible to ask for Special Arrangements to be made when taking the exam. Results A single, overall grade is awarded, based on the aggregate of marks gained in the four components indicated above. There are no pass/fail marks for individual papers, so you do not need to reach a particular level in any component in order to achieve a pass in the examination. There are two pass grades - Pass with Merit and Pass. There are two fail grades - Narrow Fail and Fail. You will also receive a statement of results which shows your performance in each paper. These are shown against the scale Exceptional - Good - Borderline - Weak and indicate your relative performance in each paper. If you pass, you will be awarded a certificate from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Once awarded Cambridge ESOL BEC certificates are valid for life. Revised BEC In line with Cambridge ESOL's policy of reviewing its tests at regular intervals, a review of BEC was begun in 1999. The result of this review and the subsequent exam revision is Revised BEC, introduced in March 2002. Before March 2002, the BEC examinations were known as BEC 1, BEC 2 and BEC 3. If you have a BEC 1, BEC 2 or BEC 3 certificate, you may find it useful to download a statement giving advice to users (for example employers and universities) on recognition of pre-2002 results. BEC Preliminary BEC Preliminary assesses language ability used in the context of business at the Council of Europe’s Threshold Level (B1) for general language proficiency, which is Entry Level 3 in the UK National Qualifications Framework. Examination Content Test of Reading and Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) In the Reading component there are seven tasks of the following types: multiple choice, matching, Right/Wrong/Doesn’t Say, multiple-choice gap-filling and form-filling. The Reading component contributes 25% of the total marks. In the Writing component there are two tasks, both compulsory. Candidates produce a piece of internal company communication (approx. 30–40 words), and a piece of business communication (based on Reading input, approx. 60–80 words). The Writing component contributes 25% of the total marks. Test of Listening (approximately 40 minutes including time for completion of answer sheets) In the Listening component there are four tasks of the following types: multiple choice, gap-filling and form-filling. Texts used are monologues and dialogues, including interviews, discussions, telephone conversations and messages. The Listening component contributes 25% of the total marks. Test of Speaking (approximately 12 minutes per pair of candidates) The Speaking Test is conducted by two external examiners and candidates are tested in pairs. At centres with an uneven number of candidates, the last single candidate is examined with the last pair in a group of three. (N.B. The group of three format may only be used to deal with uneven numbers, unexpected absence of candidates, illness, etc. It is not an option that may be selected in normal circumstances where there is an even number of candidates at a session.) There are four tasks in which each candidate responds to questions, gives a ‘mini-presentation’ lasting approximately one minute, takes part in a collaborative task with the other candidate and takes part in a discussion with the other candidate and the interlocutor. The Speaking component contributes 25% of the total marks. Results A single, overall grade is awarded, based on the aggregate of marks gained in the four components indicated above. There are no pass/fail marks for individual components, hence there is no requirement to reach a particular level in any component in order to achieve a pass in the examination. Two classes of passing grade are available, Pass with Merit and Pass, and two classes of failing grade, Narrow Fail and Fail. All candidates are provided with a Statement of Results which includes a graphical display of the candidate’s performance in each paper. These are shown against the scale Exceptional – Good – Borderline- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 商务英语 证书
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