目 录 农业-------------------------------------------------------------------------2 农场牧场--------------------------------------------------------------------3 耕作-------------------------------------------------------------------------4 农机设备--------------------------------------------------------------------6 农牧产品--------------------------------------------------------------------7 2012年政府工作报告中涉及的农业问题---------------------------9 农业 land, soil 土壤 arable land, tilled land 耕地 dry soil 旱田 fertile soil 沃土,肥沃的土壤 humus 腐殖质 irrigable land 水浇地 lean soil, poor soil 贫瘠土壤 wasteland, barren land 荒地 grass 草 grassland 草地 meadow 草甸 prairie 大草原 pasture land 牧场 to lie fallow 休闲 fallow 休闲地 stubble, stubble field 亩茬地 straw, hay 稿杆 rural population 农村人口 rural exodus 农村迁徙 land reform, agrarian reform 土地改革 mechanization of farming 农业机械化 mechanized farming 机械化耕作 farm 农场 cattle farm 奶牛场 ranch 大农场,牧场 hacienda 庄园 holding 田产 plot, parcel, lot 地块 cooperative farm 合作农场 collective farm 集体农场 country, countryside 农村 countryman 农民,农民 countrywoman 农民,农妇 agronomist 农学家 latifundium, large landed estate 大农场主 farmer 农户 producer 农业工人 settle 佃户 landowner 地主,土地拥有者 absentee landlord 外居地主 smallholder, small farmer 小农 rancher 牧场主 tenant farmer, leaseholder 土地租用人 sharecropper 佃农 ploughman 农民,犁田者 farm labourers 农场工人,农业工人 (美作:farm laborers) farm hand 农场短工 cattle farmer 牧场工人 cowherd, cowboy 牛仔 shepherd 牧人 fruit grower 果农 vinegrower 葡萄栽植者 vintager 采葡萄者 farming, husbandry 农业 animal husbandry, animal breeding 畜牧业 dairy farming 乳品业,乳牛业 horticulture 园艺 market gardening 商品蔬菜种植业 fruit growing 果树栽培 vinegrowing, viticulture 葡萄栽培 olive growing 油橄榄栽培 arboriculture 树艺学 silviculture 造林学 agricultural products, farm products 农产品 foodstuffs 食品 dairy produce, dairy products 乳制品 dairy industry 乳品加工业 crop year, farming year 农事年 season 季节 agricultural, commodities market 农业市场 livestock 牲畜 农场牧场 farmhouse 农舍 pasture 牧场 overalls 稻草人 haystacks 大干草垛 silo 筒仓 granary 谷仓 outbuildings 附属建筑 barn, shed 棚 granary, grain store 粮仓 chicken house 鸡场 windmill 磨坊 implement shed 农具房 grain silo 谷粮仓 hayloft 干草棚 stable 畜栏 litter 褥草 cowshed 牛棚 corral 围栏 dairy barn 挤奶厂 pigpen 猪圈 (美作:hog pen) sheep pen, fold 羊圈 rabbit hutch 兔窝 hen house, henroost 鸡舍 incubator, brooder 孵卵室 laying house 产蛋室 watering trough, drinking trough 饮水器 piglet 猪仔 boar 公猪 feeding trough, feed trough 喂食器 feeding rack, manger, crib 饲槽 greenhouse, glasshouse 温室 nursery 苗圃 seedbed 苗床 threshing floor 打谷场 manure heap, dung heap 麦堆 field 田地 corn field 麦地 furrow 沟,渠 ridge 垅 clod 土块 terrace 梯田 haystack, hayrick 草垛 shock 禾捆堆 sheaf 禾捆 plantation 栽植 cabbage patch 圆白菜地 tomato patch 土豆地 vineyard 葡萄园 kitchen garden 菜园 market garden 商品菜园 orchard 果园 耕作 land tenure 土地所有制 tenancy, leasing, lease 租佃 land settlement policy 殖民政策,移民政策 land consolidation 土地集约 to cultivate, to farm 耕作 to till, to manage, to run 经营 dry farming 旱作农业 irrigated farming 浇灌农业 extensive cultivation 粗放耕作 intensive cultivation 集约耕作 crop rotation 轮作 mixed farming 多种经营 single-crop farming 单一经营 to clear 采伐 to weed 除草 to plough 犁,耕 (美作:to plow) ploughing 耕作 (美作:plowing) to fallow, to plough up, to turn 休闲 to loosen 松土 to dig 挖掘 to earth up 覆土 to harrow, to rake 耙 to grow 栽培 to plant 栽植 to transplant, to plant out 移植 seed 种子 to sow 播种 broadcasting, broadcast sowing 撒播 to stake 支木柱 stake 支柱 to prune 修剪,整枝 pruning 修剪,整枝 to graft 嫁接 to harvest 收获 harvest, harvesting 收获 reaping 收割 to pick 采摘 picking 采摘 to cut, to mow 刈割 cutting, mowing 刈割 to thresh 脱粒 threshing 脱粒 haymaking 割晒牧草 to bind(into sheaves) 捆,扎 to ensile, to pit 青贮 soil improvement, soil dressing 土壤改良 land reclamation 开垦荒地 irrigation ditch, irrigation channel 灌渠 manure 肥料 to manure 施肥 fertilizer 化学肥料 to fertilize 施化肥 spreading 撒布 to fumigate 熏蒸 to spray 喷射 insecticide 杀虫剂 pesticide 农药 weed killer, herbicide 除草剂 pest 农业害虫 parasite 寄生虫 locust 蝗虫 termite 白蚁 rodent 啮齿类 weeds 杂草 rust 锈病 smut 黑穗病 mildew 霉病 ergot 麦角 phylloxera 葡萄根病蚜 农机设备 shovel 铁锹 spade 铲 hoe 锄 weeding hoe 除草锄 mechanical hoe 动力锄 rake 搂草机 fork 叉子 hayfork, pitchfork 干草叉 scythe 大钐刀 sickle 镰刀 flail 连枷 billhook, brushhook 钩镰 (field)roller 滚压器 plough 犁 (美作:plow) ridging plough, ridger 起垄犁 weeding machine 除草机 weeder, weeding hook 除草锄 weeding fork 除草叉 disc harrow 圆盘耙 clod crusher 碎土块机 tractor 拖拉机 sprinkler 喷水器,人工降雨器 manure spreader 撒肥机 fertilizer distributor 化肥撒肥机 rotovator 中耕机 (美作:cultivator) planter 种植机 disk harrow 圆盘耙 cotton picker 摘棉机 potato harvester 马铃薯收割机 seeder, broadcaster 播种机 seed drill, drilling machine 条播机 mower 割草机 (power)mower 动力割草机 harvester, reaper 收割机 combine (harvester) 联合收割机 binder 捆束机 bale loader 装草机 harvesting machinery 收割机械 threshing machine, thresher 脱粒机 winnower, winnowing machine 风选机 sheafer 束禾机 grader, sorter 分类机,分级机 sieve 细筛 winepress 葡萄榨汁机 milking machine 挤奶机 churn 搅乳器 农牧产品 cereals, grain 谷物 coarse grain 谷粒 rye 黑麦 barley 大麦 oats 燕麦 millet 粟,黍 sorghum 高粱 bran 麸,糠 flour, meal 粗磨谷粉 wheat 小麦 maize 玉米 (美作:corn) maize cob 玉米棒子 (美作:corn cob) rice 稻 buckwheat 荞麦 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 cocoa 可可树 coca 古柯 tobacco 烟草 hop 蛇麻,啤酒花 tuber crops 块茎作物 sugar beet 糖用甜菜 potato 马铃薯 sweet potato 甘薯 vegetables 蔬菜 carrot 胡萝卜 cassava, manioc 木薯 turnip 芜菁 yam 山药,薯蓣 pulses, leguminous plants 豆类植物 bean 菜豆 pea 豌豆 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 lentil 小扁豆 soya bean 大豆 (美作:soybean) forage plants 饲料食物 fodder grain 饲用谷物 clover 三叶草 lucern, lucerne 苜蓿 (美作:alfalfa) textile plants 纤维植物 cotton 棉,草棉 flax 亚麻 hemp 大麻 American agave 龙舌兰 sisal 剑麻,西沙尔麻 kapok tree 木棉树 jute 黄麻 Manila hemp 马尼拉麻 raffia 酒椰 yucca 丝兰 oil plants 油料植物 sunflower 向日葵 groundnut, peanut 落花生 olive 油橄榄 olive tree 油橄榄树 sesame 芝麻 castor oil plant 蓖麻 rape seed 油菜籽 rubber tree 橡胶树 resin plant 树脂植物 mangrove 红树 fruits 水果 fruit tree 果树 grapevine 葡萄藤 grape 葡萄 turkey 火鸡 chicken 鸡 piglet 猪仔 sow 母猪 boar 公猪 sheep 绵羊 ram 公羊 ewe 母羊 lamb 羊羔 mutton 羊肉 colt 雄马驹 filly 雌马驹 horse 马 cow 奶牛 bull 公牛 calf 水牛 2012年 政府工作报告里涉及到的三农问题 (三)促进农业稳定发展和农民持续增收 在工业化和城镇化发展进程中,要更加重视农业现代化。必须坚持把解决好“三农”问题作为各项工作的重中之重,进一步加大强农惠农富农政策力度,巩固和发展农业农村好形势。 稳定发展农业生产,多渠道增加农民收入。继续开展粮食稳定增产行动,稳定粮食种植面积,着力提高单产。引导农民调整结构,扩大紧缺、优质农产品生产,支持蔬菜、肉蛋奶、水产品等生产。农业补贴要继续增加总量,提高标准,扩大范围,完善机制,新增补贴重点向种养大户、农民专业合作社及各种生产服务组织倾斜。 继续提高粮食最低收购价,今年小麦、稻谷最低收购价平均每50公斤分别提高7.4元和16元。健全主产区利益补偿机制,增加粮油、生猪等重要农产品生产大县奖励补助资金。实施新10年农村扶贫开发纲要,按照新的国家扶贫标准,全面做好扶贫开发工作,加大集中连片特殊困难地区扶贫开发力度,让扶贫对象更多地分享改革发展成果。 加快农业科技进步。农业的根本出路在科技。要大力推动农业科技创新,加大对良种繁育、疫病防控、农产品质量安全等关键技术研发和应用的支持力度。加快推进基层农技推广服务体系改革和建设,健全乡镇或区域性农业公共服务机构。完善农业技术补贴制度,促进先进适用农业技术到田到户。建好现代农业示范区,推进高产创建和标准化创建。加快农业机械化步伐。 加强农业农村基础设施建设。今年中央财政用于“三农”的投入拟安排12287亿元,比上年增加1868亿元。要搞好灌区配套改造和小型农田水利建设,大力发展节水农业,加大土地开发整理复垦力度,大规模建设旱涝保收高标准基本农田。加快中小河流治理、小型水库除险加固和山洪地质灾害综合防治。加强农村水电路气以及文化体育等基础设施建设,推进农村环境治理,加快农村危房改造,继续改善农村生产生活条件。 深化农村改革。坚持农村基本经营制度不动摇。要认真搞好土地确权登记颁证。土地承包经营权、宅基地使用权、集体收益分配权是法律赋予农民的财产权利,任何人都不能侵犯。加强土地承包经营权流转管理和服务,发展适度规模经营。严格保护耕地。制定出台农村集体土地征收补偿条例。扶持发展农民专业合作社、产业化龙头企业,开展多种形式的农业社会化服务,发展农业保险,提高农业产业化、组织化程度。深化农村综合改革。推进国有农场、林场体制改革。 3. Promoting steady growth of agriculture and sustained increases in rural incomes We need to pay even greater attention to modernizing agriculture in the course of industrialization and urbanization. We must continue to make solving problems related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers a top priority in all of our work; increase policy support to strengthen agriculture, benefit farmers, and enrich rural areas; and consolidate and build upon achievements in the development of agriculture and rural areas. We will steadily develop agricultural production and increase farmers' incomes by various means. We will continue to carry out activities to steadily increase grain production, keep the area of land sown to grain crops stable, and increase per-unit yields. We will guide farmers to adjust their mix of crops or livestock, and produce more farm products that are high in quality or short in supply. We will support the production of vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, and aquatic products. We will continue to increase agricultural subsidies, raise their standard, expand their coverage, improve mechanisms for issuing them, and direct new subsidy increases mainly to large family farms, specialized farmer cooperatives, and producer-oriented service organizations. We will continue to raise the minimum purchase price for grain, and we will raise the average floor prices for wheat and rice by 7.4 yuan and 16 yuan per 50 kilograms, respectively. We will improve the mechanism for subsidizing major growing areas and increase rewards and subsidies to major counties that produce important agricultural products such as grain, oilseed, and hogs. We will implement the 2011-2020 rural poverty alleviation and development program and, in accordance with the new national standards for poverty alleviation, do a good job of all poverty alleviation and development work, and step up our work in contiguous areas with particular difficulties to ensure that people in poverty share more fruits of reform and development. We will speed up progress in agricultural science and technology. The fundamental way to develop agriculture is through science and technology. We will vigorously promote innovations in agro-science and increase support for R&D on and the application of key technologies for cultivating superior varieties and breeds, preventing and controlling animal and plant epidemics, and ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products. We will accelerate reform and development of the service system for spreading agricultural technology in villages, and improve public service agricultural agencies in townships, towns, and regions. We will improve the system for subsidizing agricultural technologies and encourage farmers to use advanced and appropriate agricultural technologies. We will develop modern agriculture demonstration sites, encourage farmers to grow high-yield crops, promote the standardization of farming techniques, and accelerate agricultural mechanization. We will strengthen agricultural and rural infrastructure. The central government plans to allocate 1.2287 trillion yuan for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, 186.8 billion yuan more than last year. With these funds we will build and upgrade water-saving facilities in irrigated areas and build more small water conservancy projects, and vigorously develop water-efficient agriculture. We will intensify efforts to develop, improve, and reclaim rural land and develop on a large scale basic farmland that meets high drought and flood resistance standards. We will take speedy steps to harness small and medium-sized rivers, reinforce small aging reservoirs, and take comprehensive measures to prevent and mitigate geological disasters caused by mountain torrents. We will continue to improve working and living conditions in rural areas by strengthening infrastructure such as water, power, and methane supply facilities, roads, and cultural and sports venues, and by cleaning up the environment and renovating dilapidated houses more quickly. We will deepen rural reform. We will uphold the basic rural operation system. We will work diligently to determine, register, and certify land ownership. Farmers' rights to the land they contract to work on, to the land on which their houses sit, and to proceeds from collective undertakings are property rights conferred by law, and these rights must not to be violated by anyone. We will provide better supervision and services for the transfer of contracted land-use rights, and develop farming operations on an appropriately large scale. We will place farmland under strict protection, and formulate and promulgate regulations concerning compensation for the expropriation of rural collective land. We will support large-scale farming by specialized farmer cooperatives and leading enterprises, encourage various sectors of society to provide services for agriculture, develop agricultural insurance, and increase commercialization and specialization in agriculture. We will deepen comprehensive rural reform. We will also reform systems for managing state-owned farms and forest farms and continue to deepen reform of tenure in collective forests. 22- 配套讲稿:
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