雅思小作文1 1.目录动态趋势图静态数据图静态数据图流程图和地图归纳总结2 2.Page 3小作文基本信息n字数:150字n时间:17-20分钟为宜n分值比重:占了作文分数的1/3n类型:图表类作文Page 4小作文类型n线形图:line graphn柱状图:bar chartn饼图:pie chartn表格:tablen流程图:flow chartn地图:mapPage 5line graphPage 6line graphPage 7bar chartPage 8bar chartPage 9pie chartPage 10pie chartPage 11tablePage 12tablePage 13flow chartPage 14mapPage 15主流题型n线形图n柱状图n饼图n表格Page 16主流图形分类n把上述4种图形可以总的分为2种:n1 动态趋势图n2 静态数据图n区分标准:n1 动态趋势图:多时间,上升下降,做纵向比较n2 静态数据图:单时间,多和少,做横向比较Page 17动态图中的线形图Page 18上升(v)nincreasenrisengo upngrownjumpnclimbPage 19下降(v)ndecreasendeclinengo downnfallndropPage 20修饰上升下降(v)的变化幅度词(adv)n轻微地nslowlynslightlynmarginallyPage 21变化幅度词(adv)n平缓地nsteadilynsmoothlyngraduallynmoderatelyPage 22变化幅度词(adv)n剧烈地nsignificantlynsharplyndramaticallyndrasticallynsteeplynsurprisinglynstrikinglynhugelyPage 23几个特殊动词nincrease significantly=nsoarnrocketnsurgePage 24上升(n)nincreasenrisengrowthPage 25下降(n)ndecreasendeclinenfallndropPage 26修饰上升下降(n)的变化幅度词(adj)n把刚才变化幅度词(adv)去掉ly,就成了形容词,除了下面三个词:ndramatically-dramaticndrastically-drasticnsteadily-steadyPage 27Page 28到达顶点nreach the peaknpeak(v)n注:达到底点 reach the bottomPage 29波动性下降nsth have/show a downward trendnsth decrease with(minor)fluctuationsn注:波动性上升nsth have/show an upward trendnsth increase with(minor)fluctuationsPage 30保持不变nkeep/remain+nunchangednstablensteadynconstantPage 31带数据的介词Page 32带数据的介词n从到 fromtoneg:The sales of the computers increased slightly from 500 to 700.Page 33带数据的介词n表示“了”byn比如:电脑销量轻微地上升了200台。nThe sales of computers increased slightly by 200.Page 34带数据的介词n表示某个时间点稳定的数据 at stand atn比如:1990年的时候电脑的销量是500台。nThe sales of computers were/stood at 500 in 1990.n比如:电脑的销量在2005年的时候以2100台的水平达到了顶点。nThe sales of the computers reached the peak at 2100 in 1990.Page 35时间的表达Page 36时间的表达n1 在某个时间点nin+年或月 in 2010 in the year of 2010 in Augustnon+日 on 1stnat+小时 at 10pm Page 37时间的表达n2 从一个时间到另一个时间n如:从1990年到1997年nfrom 1990 to 1997Page 38时间的表达n3 在一个时间和另一个时间之间n如:在1990年到1997年之间nbetween 1990 and 1997Page 39时间的表达n4在某段之间里n如:在1990年到1997年的7年之间nduring/over/throughout 7-year period between 1990 and 1997nduring/over/throughout 7-year period from 1990 to 1997Page 40时间的表达n5 自从since n直到untilPage 41动态图中必用的三大句型n1 主题+变化(v)+变化幅度(adv)+数据+时间n2 There be+a+变化幅度(adj)+变化(n)+in+主题+数据+时间n3 时间+see/experience/witness/undergo+a+变化幅度(adj)+变化(n)+in+主题+数据 n注:第三种句型也可以用主题做主语Page 42第一部分nThe sales of the computers increased slowly from about 600 to 900 between 2001 and 2002.nThere was a marginal growth in the sales of the computers from 600 in 2001 to 900 in 2002.Page 43第二部分nThe sales of the computers rose steadily by 500 in the following year.nThe following year saw/witnessed/experienced a steady increase to 1400.Page 44第三部分nThe sales of computers went up dramatically since 2003,reaching the peak at 4000 in 2005.nThe sales of computers increased steeply to the peak at 4000 in 2005.Page 45第四部分nThe sales of computers showed a downward trend,decreasing to 3000 in 2007.nThere was a downward trend in the sales of computers during the following two years,which decreased to 3000 in 2007.Page 46第五部分nThe sales of the computers remained steady at 3000 in 2008.Page 47第六部分nThe sales of computers declined dramatically to 1800 in 2009.Page 48全段nThere was a slight growth in the sales of computers from 600 to 900 between 2001 and 2002,and they increased gradually to 1400 in the following year.Then they rose dramatically to the peak at 4000 in 2005.After that there was a downward trend in the sales,which decreased to 3000 in 2007.Before they decreased sharply to 1800 in 2009,they remained constant at 3000.Page 49动态图中起点的写法n第一种:直接带过法nThere was a slight growth in the sales of computers from 600 to 900 between 2001 and 2002,and they increased marginally to 1400 in the following year.Page 50动态图中起点的写法n第二种:起点单独介绍n如果起点单独介绍又可以用2种手段na:用介词at带数据法nb:用直接带数据法Page 51a:用介词at带数据法写起点nThe sales of computers stood/were at 600 in the year of 2001.nBeef was most popular in the year of 1979,for its consumption was at 200 grams per person per week.Page 52b:用直接带数据法nIn 2001,600 computers were sold in that shop.nAbout 7 million tonnes of CFC-11 were produced in the year of 1980.n注:2种单独写起点的手法,后面可以直接跟上which从句Page 53写顶点的方法n第一种方法:用分词的方法nThe sales of computers went up dramatically since 2003,reaching the peak at 4000 in 2005.n第二种方法:用which从句形式nThe sales of computers went up dramatically since 2003,which reached the peak at 4000 in 2005.n第三种方法:直接法nThe sales of computers increased steeply to the peak at 4000 in 2005.Page 54呈现出向上或向下趋势n用了show/have a downward trend这个句型后发现数据比较难带,可以采用以下的办法:nThe sales of the computers showed a downward trend,decreasing/which decreased from XX to XX.Page 55带数据方法的总结n1 介词带数据法n2 直接带数据法n3 从句带数据法n4 分词带数据法n5 括号带数据法Page 56动态小作文开头段nThe line graph/bar chart shows/illustrates/demonstrates/reveals/describe the changes/trends in+数据表现形式+数据表达对象+地点+时间。Page 57The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004Page 58静态图形的写作n其实要写好静态图的一个关键步骤是如何加工数据。n如果数据加工不好,会产生两个比较严重的问题,一是字数不够,二是感觉文章是数字的罗列。Page 59加工数据的方法 数据加工一般可以有三种方法n1 描写数据本身所传达给你的最直观信息n2 进行各个项目之间的横向比较,这个是最重要的n3 对数据进行一个模糊化表达Page 60横向比较的方法n所谓横向比较,就是两个或者多个不同事物在同一时间或者同一范围内的比较。在静态图的写作中极其重要。一般我们会有以下的8种方式进行横向比较。Page 61第一种nthe popularity of different car colorPage 62第一种n1 The most popular car color is white.n在此基础上,我们可以用小括号带数据,定语从句,或者分词带入数据。nThe most popular color is white,1 which accounts for 56%2 accounting for 56%3(56%)Page 63第一种n2 在主系表结构中,还可以把主语和表语互换。nWhite is the most popular car color.n3 The highest percentage of the popularity of car color is white.greatest proportion largest n4 White has the largest percentage of all car colors.n5 White has 56%of all the car colorPage 64第二种n图中红色所占百分比仅此于白色,所以我们也可以说:nA significant percentage of car color is rednRed is substantially/considerably/significantly/much/far more common than blue.n如果表示只多一点点,那么可以说:nSth is a little more common that sth.Page 65第三种n从数据的比较中,还可以考虑用分数的表达方式:nRed has almost a third of the total number of different car colors.nSchool A has almost a quarter students as school B.nThere is a quarter as many students in school A as in school B.Page 66第四种n与分词相类似的是倍数n1 White is about twice as common as red.n2 The number of students in school A is twice as many as that in school B.Page 67第五种n有时候比较的数量比较多,可以将其排序,尤其可用于饼图和表格图中。nA is largest,followed by B.C comes next.D ranks fourth.E takes the fifth position.F lies last.Page 68第六种n两个被比较对象如果数量相同,也值得描述n1 A and B both had 10%.n2 A is exactly the same popular as B.n3 A is same in size/popularity with B.Page 69第七种n两个比较数据数量接近,也要考虑n1 School A has almost/nearly as many students as school B.n2 School A has almost the same number of students as school B.n3 The number of students in school A is similar with that in school B.n4 School A come close to school B in the number of students.Page 70第八种n要是比较对象相差很悬殊的话nThe greatest difference is found in sp,where A,B,nThe main difference between A and B is thatPage 71The pie chart shows the total meat sold.Page 72nAs can be seen in the pie chart,chicken,which makes up 40%,is the most popular among the total meat sold,then next is pork and it occupies 20%,followed by the beef,constituting 18%;and finally come lamb,fish and others,at 15%,5%and 2%respectively.Page 73表格nThe table shows the female workforce and managers in 5 countries.Page 74nThe table lists the percentage of the total workforce and the percentage of managers who are women in five countries.nThe Unite States has a roughly gender-balanced workforce:women make up about half the countrys working population(46%).Women in Australia and Japan have similar share of the countrys labor force(42%and 41%respectively).Next comes Sri Lanka with 37%of all workers being women.Finally,Egypt is where the most striking gender difference is found:there is only one women for every four men in the workplace.Page 75nTurning to employment at management levels,the United States and Australia have a similar percentage of managers who are women(43%and 41%respectively),which is only slightly lower than the corresponding percentage of women in the overall workforce.However,managerial positions in the other three countries are predominantly occupied by men,as women constitutes only 12%of all managers in both Egypt and Japan,and only 9%in Sri LankaPage 76 动静结合图Page 77动静结合nThe charts below give information about USA marriage and divorce rates between 1970 and 2000,and the marital status of adults Americans in two of the years.Page 78Numer of marriages and divorce in the USA 1970-2000Page 79Marital status of adult Americans,1970 and 2000Page 80nIn terms of the marital status of adults in America,it can be seen that the majority of Americans were married,for the percentage in 1970 was highest,accounting for 70%.Compared with that of married adults,the percentage of widowed adults was considerably lower,at 8%.But the percentage of both marital status showed a downward trend in the following 30 years,decreasing to 59%and 6%in 2000.Page 81nWhile about 15%of adults never married and only a tiny share of adults divorced(2%)in 1970.and the figues increased gradually to 20%and 8%respectively in the year of 2000.Page 82流程图n流程图注意事项:n1 时态为一般现在时态n2 尽可能多使用被动语态,以显示客观和正式n3 分清楚图中基本上分几个步骤,把箭头变成相应的动词n4 多使用表示顺序的连接词n5 如有可能,多使用表示被动的分词,来代替被动语态Page 83流程图n流程图开头的写法nThe diagram shows the production of sth,and the whole procedure can be divided into(how many)stages.It works as follows.nThe following picture shows the structure of sth,and it mainly consist of(how many)parts.Page 84流程图n表示时间顺序的连词:n首先nin the first stagenthe first stage is to do sthnthe first stage involves sthnto begin withPage 85流程图n表示时间顺序的连词:n其次nafter thisnin the following stagenthe second stage is to do sthPage 86流程图n表示时间顺序的连词:n最后neventuallynin the last stagePage 87流程图1nThe diagram below show the life cycle of this silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth.Page 88流程图1Page 89范文1nThe first diagram shows that there are four main stages in the life of the silkworth.nFirst of all,egges are produced by the moth and it takes ten days for each egg to become a silkworm larva that feeds on mulberry leaves.This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself.After a period of about three weeks,the adult moths eventually emerge from these cocoons and the life cycle begins again.Page 90范文1nThe cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth.Once selected,they are boiled in water and the threads can be seperated in the unwinding stage.Each thread is between 300 and 900 meters long,which means they can be twisted together,dyed and then used to produce cloth in the weaving stage.nOverall,the diagrams show that the coccon stage of the silkworm can be used to produce silk cloth through a very simple process.Page 91流程图2nThe diagram below shows how to recycle organic waste to produce garden fertilizer.Page 92范文2nThis series of five diagrams shows how three kinds of organic wastes are turned into a chemical mixture or fertilizer to be used for garden plants.nA plastic container,two cubic meters in volume,stores these wastes.On its fours walls are three tires of vents for air coming in and going out.nWaste food lies at the bottom of the container and piles up to 15cm in height.On its top is grass which is also 15cm in thickness.Then shredded newspaper are spread over.Page 93范文2nNitrogen is poured in.Water is needed only when it is hot in weather.With the cover tightly closed on the container,the decomposition process of these organic wastes is starting under the effect of heat and vapor begins emitting out,too.The biogas arises continuously from the pile of wastes and releases out.nAfter six months of fermentation all the wastes are finally converted into fertilizer.This illustrates a chain of chemical reactions than can be transform what are the wastes to something useful,even valuable.Page 94流程图3nThe flow chart below shows the three stages of glass bottle recycling.Page 95范文3nThis diagram illustrates the recycling process of glass bottles.The whole process is a cycle which can be divided into three main stages.nIn the first stage,used bottles are collected at a recycling point ready to be transported by a truck.The second stage first takes place in a cleaning plant,where these recycled bottles are sorted by color into green,brown and clear ones,and washed by high pressurised water.When this clean process finishes,the bottles are transported to a glass factory where they are cut into pieces which are then poured into a furnace.After being heated in the furnace,the molten glass,mixed with added glass liquid from other sources,flows into a glass mold.After the remolding process a new bottle emerges.Page 96范文3nIn the final stage,new,empty bottles are filled with liquid,packed and despatched to the supermarket ready to be picked by consumers.At this point,a cycle has been completed and a new cycle will begin.Page 97地图n地图要注意是否有指南针,要是没有就按照上北下南,左西右东。Page 98地图1nThe diagrams below show the development of the village of Kelsbey between 1780 and 2000.Page 99范文1nThe three diagrams illustrate what the village of Kelsbey looked like in 1780,1860 and 2000.nIn 1780,Kelsbey had only 100 homes.But it had a large expanse of woods in the eastern part of the village and four plots of farmland in the middle,In the west there was a river running from north to south.nThe year 1860 saw a doubling of the number of homes.But the size of farmland and woods was reduced by half.In the same year,a bridge could be seen over the river and a road was constructed linking the river to the residences.n140 years later,the number of homes more than doubled to 500,but farms and woods completely disappeared.Several school buildings and sports facilities were constructed at the south-eastern corner of the village,which were connected with the residential area in the north by a newly-built road.Some shops opened up along the river bank and a large stretch of wetland for birds was established at the southern end of the river.Page 100地图2nThe map below is of the town of Garlsdon.A nee supermarket(S)is planed for the town.The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket.Page 101地图2Page 102范文2nThe map shows two proposed locations for a new supermarket for the town of Garlsdon.nThe first potential location(S1)is outside the town itself,and is sited just off the main road to the town of Hindon,lying 12 kms to the north-west.This site is in the countryside and so would be able to accommodate a lot of car parking.This would make it accessible to shoppers from both Hindon and Garlsdon who could travel by car.As it is also close to the railway line linking the towns to Cransdon(25 km to the south-east),a potentially large number of shoppers would also be able to travel by train.Page 103范文2nIn contrast,the suggested location,S2,is right in the town centre,which would be good for local residents.Theorically the store could be accessed by road or rail from the surrounding towns,including Bransdon,but as the central area is a no-traffic zone,cars would be unable to park a- 配套讲稿:
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