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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 俄罗斯煤炭买卖合同范本中英文 1932年美国法学界在《合同法重述》中提出:“合同是一个允诺或者一系列允诺,法律对违反这种允诺给予救济。”这是近几十年来在英美普通法系国家广泛被接受的合同要领其特点是突出了当事人的允诺。今天范文网小编要与大家分享的是:中英文版的俄罗斯煤炭买卖合同相关范本,具体内容如下,欢迎参考阅读! 俄罗斯煤炭买卖合同 (中英文) CONTRACT ON TRADE OF RUSSIA COAL 卖方:俄罗斯国海参崴矿业进出口有限公司 The Seller:Vladivostok Mining Import / Export Company Ltd. , Russia 地址 (Address): 买方The Buyer: 地址Address: 依下列条款卖方同意卖出、买方同意买进俄罗斯产煤炭。 The Buyer agree to buy and The Seller agree to sell coal produced in Russia on terms and conditions as set forth below: 一、品名和规格 Goods Name and Specification 品名:燃煤 Goods Name: Coal 规格:Specification 二、装运/卸货港与保险 Shipping/ Destination and Insurance (1) 装运港:俄罗斯海参崴 Port of Loading : Vladivostok Port, Russia (2) 卸货港:中国 上海 黄浦港 Port of Destination: Huangpu Port, Shanghai, China (3) 保险:按110%发票金额由卖方负责担保 Insurance : To be covered by The Seller for 110% of the Invoice Value. (4) 履约保证金:Performance Bond (A) 在合同签定后5个工作日内,卖方将30,000美元的履约保证金交予买方。 The Seller should submit USD30,000 of the Performance Bond within 5 working days after signing the contract. (B) 当卖方履行完合同中之装运及交货后,买方应一次性将卖方交纳的履约保证金30,000美元无息退还给卖方。 Once The Seller has effected the shipment / delivery of the contract, The Buyer should return the total amount of USD 30,000 to The Seller without any interest charges. 三、付款与单据 Payment and Bill of Document 付款方式: Terms of Payment : 由有资质银行开列的不可撤销,100%付款跟单即期信用证。付款分以下部份: By document, Transferable, Irrevocable 100% payable, at sight L/C opened by Buyer’s agent from Prime Bank. Settlement shall be divided as per follow: 提交议付行90%首付金额单据如下: The document should be presented to negotiate on Bank for 90% Provisional Payment as follow : (1) 卖方签署的商业发票一正三副。 Signed commercial invoice in 1 origin and 3 copies. (2) 3/3全套全本清洁的已装船的提单空白处标明”运费已付”,并于卸货港通知开证申请人。 3/3 full set origin Clean on Board Bill of Loading made out to order, blank endorsed marked “ Freight Prepaid “, and notifying the Applicant at the destination port. (3) 由俄罗斯海关商检出具的装船取样分析证书,正本一份及副本二份。 Original Certificate of Sling and Analysis is issued by PT. Superindending Company of Russia the commodity inspection authorities in 1 origin and 2 copies. (4) 由俄罗斯商检出具的装港重量证书,正本一份及副本二份。 Origin Certification of Weight issued by PT. Superindending Company of Russia (SUCOFINDO) in 1 origin and 2 copies. (5) 由俄罗斯贸易和工业有关部门或相关的商业或任何相关的协会出具的原产地证书。 Certificate of Origin issued by relevant Department of Trade Industry Republic of Russia or relevant (Provincial) Chamber of Commerce or any authorized institute in Russia. (6) 俄罗斯主要保险公司出具的保险单,正本一份及副本二份。 Insurance Policy issued by the major insurance company of Russia in 1 origin or 2 copies. (7) 10%尾款于船到港后15天支付。所需文件如下: The balance of 10% payment subject to 15 days after vessel arrival at the destination part. The required documents as follow: (8) 卖方签署的商业发票,正本一份及副本三份。 Signed commercial Invoice in 1 origin and 3 copies. (9) 船到港的文件。Vessel arrival document at destination port. (10) 如果发生需要修改或扩充信用证的情况,提出的一方必须承担有关银行的费用。 The requesting party shall bear the bank charges for the amendment or extension of Letters of Credit as and when such situations arise. 四、检验 Inspection (6) 检验:重量由水尺检验方法测定,而重量及质量检验标准由俄罗斯的商检机构抽取样本进行检验,并出具检验报告为首要标准。相关的证书将作为最终结算依据之文件。 Inspection: Inspection weight to be determined by DRAFT SURVEY INSPECTED also with quality analysis based on certificate issue by The commodity inspection authorities . The relevant certificates shall be final document for any payment. 五、装卸Shipping and Discharging (1) 装运时间:卖方将于收到买方所开列信用证的30天以内完成装运。 The Seller will effect the shipment within 30 days after receipt of Buyer’s Letter of Credit. (2) 装货装率以8,000吨/天为准。装货时间从船舶靠港后起算。 The Loading shall be on basis of 8,000 MT/day from the time the ship park the loading port. (3) 货物完成装船后的2天内,卖方应告知买方合同号码,货物名称,发票金额,船名及装船时间。 Within two working days after completion of loading of the goods on board the vessel. The Seller shall advise the Buyer of the contract no, the name of goods, the invoice amount, the vessel’s name and the date of shipment. 六、验收标准:The Standard for checking and acceptance: 6.1 全水分(Total Moisture) 若俄罗斯SUCOFINDO(SGS)所出具的商检报告中全水分超过合约值,买方有权从已交付的煤炭中按超出水分百分比扣除煤量,若全水分超过22%,买方有权拒收,扣煤量计算如下(每吨单位以FOB价计算): If the actual Total Moisture percentage of the shipment of the Coal as the Certificate of Analysis issued by Sucofindo (Russia) is higher than standard specification, if the actual Total Moisture is higher than 22.0%, then the Buyer can refuse to accept the steam coal; then the actual weight of the Coal shall be adjusted by the following formula (the tonnage price base on FOB price): 6.2 灰分 (ASH Content) 若实际灰分超过合同标准值时,每超过1%,则按比例每吨扣除USD$0.30 (计算公式如下): If the actual ASH Content is higher than standard specification, then a penalty of each 1% faction pro rata will be USD$0.30 per metric ton. 6.3 全硫 (Total Sulfur) 若实际全硫超过合同标准值时,每超过0.1%,则按比例每吨扣除USD$0.30;若实际全硫超过1.1%,买方有权拒收,计算公式如下: If the actual Total Sulfur is higher than standard specification, then a penalty of each 0.1% fraction pro rata will be USD$0.30 per metric ton, if the actual total sulfur is higher than 1.1% , then the Buyer can refuse to accept the steam coal. 6.4 挥发分 (Volatile Matter) 若实际挥发分低于合约标准值,每低于1%,则按比例每吨扣除USD$0.20 (计算公式如下): If the actual Volatile Matter is lower than standard specification, then a penalty of each 1% fraction pro rata will be USD$0.20 per metric ton. 6.5 灰熔点温度ASH Fusion temperature T1 若灰熔点之变形温勿低于合约值,则每低100℃,买分有权从应付的货款中每吨扣除USD$0.20,计算公式如下: If the actual ASH Fusion temperature TI is lower than standard specification, then a penalty of each low 100℃ will be USD$0.20 per metric ton. 6.6 热值 Gross Calorific Value (1) 若高位发热量(收到基,ADB)低于5450卡,每低于100大卡单价扣减0.6每元;若高位发热量(收到基,ADB)超过5450大卡,每增加100大卡,单价增加0.50美元,6000大卡/kg封顶。 In case of Gross Calorific Value (ADB) less than 5450 kcal, the unit price should be deducted USD$0.60 for every 100 kcal reduction. In case of Gross Calorific Value (ADB) more than 5450 kcal, the unit price should be increased USD$0.50 for every 100 kcal up to 6000 kcal. (2) 当高位发热量(收到基,ADB)低于5400大卡,每低于100大卡单价扣减1.20美元/吨。 Shall and when to Gross Calorific Value (ADB) below 5400 kcal/kg, unit price shall be reduced by USD$1.20 per metric ton for every decrease of 100 kcal/kg. 7. 有下列任一情况,买方有权拒收货物 In case of any of the follow condition, the Buyer has right to refuse the goods: (7.1) 灰分大于15% Ash content > 15% (7.2) 含硫量大于等于1.1% Total Sulphur ≧ 1.1% (7.3) 挥发分:低于38%或高于47% Volatile Matter 47% (7.4) 收到基高位发热量(空干基):小于5300大卡/公斤 Gross Calorie Value (ADB) 八、 价格调整 Price adjustment (8.1) 双方同意如果实际装运的货物与合同的第一条规定的质量有差别,则价格将有所调整。 Both parties agree, shall the quality of the loaded cargo difference from of the quality as stipulated in article 1 aforementioned, the following price adjustment shall be effect. (8.2) 如遇买卖双方不可控制和不预见的因素作调整。这些调整因素包括全世界的燃料上涨,俄罗斯政府增加的税收等,所有调整的价格皆需买卖双方同意。 The price stated is subject to unforeseen price raise that are beyond the control of the supplier. This may include fuel increases worldwide, by Russia government, additional fees such as increases in taxes and duties. All adjusted are to be mutually agreed by both parties. 九、 人力不可抗拒因素 Force Majeure 由于一般公认的人力不可抗拒原因而不能交货或推迟装运,卖方不负责任。卖方必须在事故发生时立即电告买方并在事故发生后20天内航空邮寄给买方灾害发生地点之有关政府或商会所发给的证件证实灾害的存在。除因不可抗拒推迟交货或不能交货,如卖方不能按合同规定期限交货,则应赔偿买方直接由于迟期交货或不能按合同交货所遭受的一切合理损失及费用。人力不可抗拒事故继续存在60天以上时,买方有权撤销合同或合同中未交付部分。 The Seller shall not be help responsible if they fail, owing to Force Majeure cause of causes, to make delivery within the time stipulated in this Sales Contract or cannot delivery the goods. However, the Seller shall inform immediately the Buyer by fax or other writer form of the accident and airmail to Buyer within 20 days after the accident, a certificate of accident issued by the competent government authorities or the chamber of commerce which is located at the place where the accident occurs as evident thereof. With the exception of delayed delivery or non-delivery due to “Force majeure” causes, in case the Seller mail to make delivery within time as stipulated in the contract, the Seller should indemnify the Buyer for all justifiable and normal losses incurred to latter directly attributable to delayed delivery or failed to make delivery of the goods in accordance with the terms of this contract, if the “Force Majeure” cause lasts over 60 days, the Buyer have the right to cancel the contract or the un-delivery part of the contract. 十、仲裁:Arbitration : 一起因执行合同所发生与本合同有关之争执,双方应友好协商解决。如双方协商不能解决时,应提交新加坡国际贸易仲裁中心对外经济仲裁委员会,根据其仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁的裁决为终局裁决,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费育重非有关仲裁机构另有决定外均由败诉方负担。 All disputes arising in connection with this Sales Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by way of amicable negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached between the two parties, the case at issue shall then be submitted for arbitration to Singapore International Trading Arbitration Council. The aard by such arbitration shall be deemed as final and binding upon both parties. The fees for Arbitration shall borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded. Buyers (Signature): 卖方 Sellers (signature): Director Director Date Date 8- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 俄罗斯 煤炭 买卖合同 范本 中英文
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