��Ŀ��I don't have any ( ), you can order anything in the manue. request restriction interest barrier �𰸣�restriction ��Ŀ��Would you ( ) opening the window? mind make want please �𰸣�mind ��Ŀ��I'll ask you some questions as I have to make ( ). nurisng records a check health history an information �𰸣�nurisng records ��Ŀ��You will get ( ) before you leave for the Operating Room tomorrow morning. anesthesia skin test painkillers pre-medication �𰸣�pre-medication ��Ŀ��I don��t have any health insurance, how can I ( ) for one? borrow apply buy get �𰸣�apply ��Ŀ��Can you turn the air-conditioning ( ) please, this room need to be cooled dowm . on over up down �𰸣�on ��Ŀ��( ), it'll be just a prick, when the needle goes in. No problem Take it easy My pleasure By the way �𰸣�Take it easy ��Ŀ��I'll get you the ( ) so that you can pass urine in bed. bed pan container urinal bowel �𰸣�urinal ��Ŀ��Ptient with high blood pressure should have ( ) meat and salt everyday. lots less little no �𰸣�little ��Ŀ��All vital signs should be taken every ( ) hours for the patient in severe conditions of vommiting and diarrhea. half 2 3 4 �𰸣�4 ��Ŀ��Her blood sugar is well ( ). tested developed controlled dropped �𰸣�controlled ��Ŀ��I'll ( ) your back and massage it in order to prevent bedsores. clean rub scratch brush �𰸣�rub ��Ŀ��You should have ( ) food, which means the food has little sodium. tasted liquid light fluid �𰸣�light ��Ŀ��As a/an ( ) , you will stay in hospital for one night or more nights, for test, medical treatments or surgery. emergency patient day patient outpatient inpatient �𰸣�inpatient ��Ŀ��Please press the ( ) if you need any help. call button phone alarm door �𰸣�call button ��Ŀ��Before insert the needle into veins, you have to ( ) the skin of the injection site. select sterilize clean check �𰸣�sterilize ��Ŀ��My veins don't stand ( ) clearly. straight on up out �𰸣�out ��Ŀ��It will take you ( ) one month's rest to recover completely. almost most of about at least �𰸣�at least ��Ŀ��Im not very sure about available beds, I'll call the ( ). staff nurse Bed Control ward receptionist �𰸣�Bed Control ��Ŀ��The form 'tid.' means to give ( ) a day. At evry 8 hours. 3 doses 2 doses 2 injection 3 injections �𰸣�3 doses ��Ŀ��The suture can be removed ( ) days after operation. 3 7 10 5 �𰸣�7 ��Ŀ��Don't ( ) to ask if you have any questions. nervous feel free shy hesitate �𰸣�hesitate ��Ŀ��You have to ( ) the Surgical Consent Form so that we can arrange the surgery for you. copy sign record tape up �𰸣�sign ��Ŀ��I'll get you the ( ) so that you can pass stool in bed. bed pan urinal bowel container �𰸣�bed pan ��Ŀ��Please feel ( ) to ask me if you need. nothing happy free convenient �𰸣�free ��Ŀ��I am ( ) good health , don't worry. in on at above �𰸣�in ��Ŀ��The patient has to wait ( ) minutes after been given the skin test for observation. 10 40 20 30 �𰸣�20 ��Ŀ��You can start eating with ( ) diet after passing gas. little soft liquid warm �𰸣�liquid ��Ŀ��Her great toe look really bad. She was in tears when she told me about her possible ( ). amputated amputate amputating amputation �𰸣�amputation ��Ŀ��What should I do ( ) I want a nurse? and if because that �𰸣�if ��Ŀ��Let me ( ) your pulse rate. count have take measure �𰸣�count ��Ŀ��I ( ) everything you and other staff here did for me. appreciate thank mind congratulate �𰸣�appreciate ��Ŀ��Here are your medications, have you read the ( ) I gave to you yesterday? explanation label prescription name �𰸣�explanation ��Ŀ��You must care about your diet and rest ( ). from now on in a while in no time since now �𰸣�from now on ��Ŀ��When you are going to close account, don't forfet to bring your ( ) with you. discharging teaching plan medical insurance card deposit money medical prescription �𰸣�medical insurance card ��Ŀ��Can you turn the heating ( ) please, this room is warm enough . down up over on �𰸣�down ��Ŀ��Now my belly is still ( ) but I have got nothing in the toilet. pain hurting empty burning �𰸣�hurting ��Ŀ��Your passing gas indicates that you have normal ( ). discomfort intestine bowel movements movements �𰸣�bowel movements ��Ŀ��You can ( ) small everyday things in the bedside table. bring put keep lock �𰸣�keep ��Ŀ��Skin rashes after eating something is a sign of ( ). disease allergy treatment pain �𰸣�allergy ��Ŀ��Use the ( ) for sterilizing skin before injection. solution fluid serum tincture �𰸣�tincture ��Ŀ��You can ( ) three meals in hospital. get call order ask �𰸣�order ��Ŀ��I will give you some solution to ( ) your mouth. wash clean rub brush �𰸣�brush ��Ŀ��You ( ) better put your valuables away. are would did had �𰸣�had ��Ŀ��You can return work after you get complete ( ). treatment rest recovery exercise �𰸣�recovery ��Ŀ��( ) in Chinese dishes may cause allergy among foreigners. Hot pot MSG Salt Spicy food �𰸣�MSG ��Ŀ��These are all informations so far, any ( ) questions? more different personal other �𰸣�more ��Ŀ��I am ( ) low-salt diet since I have got high blood pressure. on eatting in having �𰸣�on ��Ŀ��Every thing will work well, the doctor who is going to gove you the operation is ( ). careful experienced excellent considering �𰸣�experienced ��Ŀ��Remember come to the Outpatient Department for a consultation ( ) seven days. between before in after �𰸣�in ��Ŀ��Thans for your ( ), I hardly remember to bring that explanation here. remingding instruction guidance teaching �𰸣�remingding ��Ŀ��Please collect urine by using the container with your ( ) on. number picture name label name �𰸣�name label ��Ŀ��Besides the general preparation s for operation, the gastro-intestinal surgeryies also need ( ). pre-medications skin preparation anema edema �𰸣�anema ��Ŀ��If you have any ( ) on the list, call your doctor. instructions symptoms labels prescription �𰸣�symptoms ��Ŀ��I can assist you if you couldn't ( ) teeth by yourself. scratch clean rub brush �𰸣�brush ��Ŀ��How many times you ( ) stools per day? pass past take have �𰸣�pass ��Ŀ��The purpose of skin test is to see if the patient has any ( ) to a certain drug. sensitivity skin reaction allergy reaction �𰸣�sensitivity ��Ŀ��Narrative chartinf may stand ( ) or may be complemented by flowsheets and checklists. by alone at side single �𰸣�alone ��Ŀ��It is over 3 hours since I had last ( ) and I really can't stand the pain. pain shot skin test somnia killer movements �𰸣�pain shot ��Ŀ��You can turn your head aside if you feel ( ) scard to watch the whol;e process. tired stressed scared awful �𰸣�scared ��Ŀ��Documentation is a valuable method of demonstrating that nurses have applied their knowledge, skills and judgement accoring to ( ). peaceful standards equal standars efficient standards professional standards �𰸣�professional standards ��Ŀ��You can have meals in your room, 6 p.m. for ( ). breakfast snacks lunch dinner �𰸣�dinner ��Ŀ��She had her first does last night, it's a ( ) order, so she will need two more doses today. q4 hour q12 hour q8 hour q6 hour �𰸣�q8 hour ��Ŀ��Do not move until I finishing ( ) or else the needle will drop put of the vein. tape up put up take off fix up �𰸣�tape up ��Ŀ��Please shave hair for the patient by using the ( ). suture needle razor shavor �𰸣�razor ��Ŀ��You can have meals in your room, 7:30 a.m. for ( ). lunch snacks breakfast dinner �𰸣�breakfast ��Ŀ��You have to ( ) or else the razor will hurt you. be stable stand still be confined stay still �𰸣�stay still ��Ŀ��The wound is hurting, could you ask the doctor to see if I can have some ( )? tinctures pain killers sterilizing injections �𰸣�pain killers ��Ŀ��The doctor has ordered to take your urine and stoll ( ). specimens containers labels passes �𰸣�specimens ��Ŀ��If you remember an important point after you have completed dicumentation, chart the information with a '( )' notation. added on plus late entery additional �𰸣�late entery ��Ŀ��Students invarious health disciplines use patient records as tools in ( ). exercise research practice education �𰸣�education ��Ŀ��There are a ( ��of foods for your choice. different piece lot variety �𰸣�variety ��Ŀ��I have got all ( ), can I leave now? completed cleared settled finished �𰸣�settled ��Ŀ��Do I need special ( ) after I go back home? meals nourishment food diet �𰸣�nourishment ��Ŀ��Have you passed gas ( )? later before already yet �𰸣�yet ��Ŀ��I have been to the washroom more than then times last night, I feel ( ). awful sore painful hurting �𰸣�awful ��Ŀ��She had her first ( ) last night, it's a q8 hour order. treatment injection prescription does �𰸣�does ��Ŀ��A person with a family history of high blood presure should check BP regularly as hypertension has an obvious ( ). fanily tendency hereditary popularity family-centered tendency hereditary tendency �𰸣�hereditary tendency ��Ŀ��Here is the ( ) for you. Are you ready to go home? discharging form discharging plan diet instruction medication explanation �𰸣�discharging form ��Ŀ��Enema is to let the solution flows into your ( ). anus stomach rectum intestine �𰸣�rectum ��Ŀ��Try to ( ) away from stressful and tiring conditions. give walk leave stay �𰸣�stay ��Ŀ��Legally speaking, proper documentation will help keeping you out of ( ) in the first place. law matter trouble court �𰸣�court ��Ŀ��I can ( ) hold much longer, please stop the flowing of solution. nearly hardly easily slowly �𰸣�hardly ��Ŀ��Narrative charting is a method in which nursing interventions and impacts of these interventions on patients' outcomes are recorded in ( ) order covering a specific time and frame. action intervention chronological A-Z �𰸣�chronological ��Ŀ��Can you turn the ( ) down please, It is cool enough now. light air-conditioning monitor television �𰸣�air-conditioning ��Ŀ��You need to ask your doctor for ( ) before you decide to return to your work. explanation instrution advice plans �𰸣�advice ��Ŀ��Eating crab causes skin rashes, so I am allergic to ( ). food diet ainimals seafood �𰸣�seafood ��Ŀ��Documentation can be a valuable research ( ). aim method tool plan �𰸣�tool ��Ŀ��I am really ( ) because this is my first time to have operation. depressed scared anxious tender �𰸣�scared ��Ŀ��Normally, patients need to come back hospital for consultation in ( ) days after discharge. 14 7 3 5 �𰸣�7 ��Ŀ��The most important thing for a nurse to give medication is to ( ) the patient has takin them in right ways. see that introduce watch tell �𰸣�see that ��Ŀ��Are you able to work or you need a ( )? favor bed chair wheelchair �𰸣�wheelchair ��Ŀ��( )! I can dischage tomorrow. Watch out Sorry Congratulations Terrific �𰸣�Terrific ��Ŀ��You will be on ( ) so that you will feel nothing during the operation. Inhalation anesthesia. Genaral aedthesia. Spinal anesthesia. Local anesthesia. �𰸣�Genaral aedthesia. ��Ŀ��( ) is the last process for an inpatient in hospital. Operation Tansmission Discharge Admission �𰸣�Discharge ��Ŀ��Put your hand ( ) the wound so you won't feel the pain. at around on in �𰸣�on ��Ŀ��The patient must have the ( )for preraring the surgery if he/she is going to undergo appendectomy. skin test shaving edema enema �𰸣�enema ��Ŀ��I need to ( ) your blood pressure, please roll up your sleeve. measure take count have �𰸣�take ��Ŀ��Would you please ( ) the registration form first? answer fill complete write �𰸣�complete ��Ŀ��Would you please tunrn over to ( ) side? both other another the other �𰸣�the other ��Ŀ��I have �� ��your family for your dischaging and they will come to see you this afternoon. phoned called told informed �𰸣�informed ��Ŀ��Enema is used to clean your ( ) up. bowel belly stomach buttock �𰸣�bowel ��Ŀ��You will be given ( ) if you are constipated. wash flows rinse enema flush �𰸣�enema ��Ŀ��The foot does smell, we have to put her into a ( ) room. isolated single private patient's �𰸣�private ��Ŀ��There are 4 beds are ( ) for accepting new patients. ready left available empty �𰸣�available ��Ŀ��May I ask some questions about the ( ) and insurance? teartment admission operation billing �𰸣�billing ��Ŀ��Recording information increases the ( ) that the patient will receive consistent and informed care. chance difficulty likehood charge �𰸣�likehood ��Ŀ��Enema is to flush out your ( ) with solutions. gastric intestine rectum stomach �𰸣�intestine ��Ŀ��In a court of law, the nurse's notes serves as the ( ) evidence of the service provided. law lawsuits legal lawyer �𰸣�legal ��Ŀ��This is the special area for patient's ( ) come and visit them. relatives partners colleagues friends �𰸣�relatives ��Ŀ��I don't wangt to be ( ) in bed by the IV infusion. confined blocked stopped trapped �𰸣�confined ��Ŀ��When you stand up while on IV infusion, remrember to keep your IV site ( ) than your heart. slower faster higher lower �𰸣�lower ��Ŀ��Information recorded on flow sheets or checklist doesnot need to be ( ) in the progress notes. repeated rewritten copied recorded �𰸣�repeated ��Ŀ��The ( ) will show you your room and bed. staff doctor team care giver �𰸣�staff ��Ŀ��I'll ( ) the hair around the operating area for you, take it easy! shave off cut off clean up remove �𰸣�shave off ��Ŀ��We will look at your ( ) after a while since finished giving you the hypodermic injection. allergy reaction condition sensitivity �𰸣�reaction ��Ŀ��Here are medicines ( ) by the doctor for you to take home. collocted given prescribed explained �𰸣�prescribed ��Ŀ��Exanmination and treatments cannot be delayed to inquire about methods of ( ). exchange payment spending cost �𰸣�payment ��Ŀ��Patients are usually admitted to hospital either as an emergency or as a ( ) admission in western countries. planned expected booked prescribed �𰸣�booked ��Ŀ��Make sure you get enough rest, sfter one week, you can begin to do some ( ) exercise. tiring light time little �𰸣�light ��Ŀ��( ) is important that must be collected as some diseases have a hereditary tendency. health history health condition family history medication �𰸣�family history ��Ŀ��It is my ( ) of helping you to clean up. fault responsiblility bad pleasure �𰸣�pleasure ��Ŀ��Take this tablets three times daily after ( ). dinner meals lunch breakfast �𰸣�meals ��Ŀ��Your medical insuran will ( ) all the expense in hospital. cover spend measure buy �𰸣�cover ��Ŀ��A nurse is ( ) to give a discharge teaching to a petient. in charge called assigned on shift �𰸣�assigned ��Ŀ��Normally, the patient should be given a ( ) before been given injection of Penicillin. skin test shot treatment blood test �𰸣�skin test ��Ŀ��I you find ( ) on your buttock, that caused by too much injection in this area. swealling ulcers redness lumps �𰸣�lumps ��Ŀ��I am going to ( ) the patient's information into the computer. make write have put �𰸣�put ��Ŀ��Please ( ) your fist after the needle is in. release drop grab make �𰸣�release ��Ŀ��It ( ) how your everything works out, then we can decide the time for your leaving. works well accounts for stays still depend on �𰸣�depend on ��Ŀ��Please hold the solution of enema for 10mminutes before ( ) it. exhale pass expel leave �𰸣�expel ��Ŀ��You can watch TV here, and ( ) is the remote control. it there this here �𰸣�here ��Ŀ��The medicine will make you urinate more, so you will loose some ( ). sodium glucose nourishment potassium �𰸣�potassium ��Ŀ��If fluid run too fast to enter your body, your heart will be ( ). tired enlarged swelling overloaded �𰸣�overloaded ��Ŀ��Please ( ) your belt and pull your trousers down a little bit, I'll give you the injection. release untie open remove �𰸣�untie ��Ŀ��You'd better go to the ( ) first as the intravenous infusion takes longer time. bed restroom doctor washroom �𰸣�washroom ��Ŀ��I am going to the Admission Office to get the ( ) closed. discharging prescription deposit account �𰸣�account ��Ŀ��Now ( ) a fist so that I can find out veins easilier. hold release make keep �𰸣�make ��Ŀ��I'll draw down the ( ) between your bed and the other one, so nobody can see you except me. sheet blanket curtain flush �𰸣�curtain ��Ŀ��I am going to the ( ) to get the account closed. Nurse's Station Outpatient Department Admission Office Inpatient Department �𰸣�Admission Office ��Ŀ��I have been told to fast last night for taking routines tests once I ( ) in the morning. have breakfast leave bed take medicine wake up �𰸣�wake up ��Ŀ��Now I'll take blood specimen for you. Can I ( ) please? take your arm take your hand have your hand have your arm �𰸣�have your arm ��Ŀ��In ( )charting, the assessment of patient status, the interventions carried out and the impact of the interventions on the patient outcomes are organized. SOAP Narrative flow focus �𰸣�focus ��Ŀ��You can have meals in hospital restaurant, 12 at noon time for ( ). dinner lunch breakfast snacks �𰸣�lunch ��Ŀ��Come here for ( ) the suture after 1 week. removing sewing shaving rubbing �𰸣�removing ��Ŀ��Have you ever taken Penicillin before? Do you know if you are ( ) to it? discomfort reactive allergic sensitive �𰸣�allergic ��Ŀ��I appreciate all the �� �� here did for me. physicians nurses staff doctors �𰸣�staff ��Ŀ��I'll wind the ( ) round tour arm to sellect a good vein. cuff tournique belt rubber belt �𰸣�tournique ��Ŀ��Terrific! I am so ( ) to go home. awful urgent eager terrible �𰸣�eager ��Ŀ��I will call the doctor to see ( ) I can give you a pain killer. unless until if till �𰸣�if ��Ŀ��SOAP notes is a ( ) approach to documentation whereby the nurse identifies and lists patient's problems. time-precessed time-flows focus-based problem-oriented �𰸣�problem-oriented ��Ŀ��This medicine works on your sore throat, you have to keep it in your mouth ( ) it is melt. when for if until �𰸣�until ��Ŀ��My grandmother died ( ) car inccident. because of for of from �𰸣�of ��Ŀ��I hope you will recover in ( ) time. no little some a �𰸣�no ��Ŀ��Please ( ) me and I will take you to your bed. ask follow answer call �𰸣�follow ��Ŀ��After the patient's information has been ( ),you need to put the information into the medical information system. listed filled collected asked �𰸣�collected ��Ŀ��This is the first time I have been ( ), Iam a little scared. admitted in the hospital sent to hospital hospitalized �𰸣�admitted ��Ŀ��Can I have the ( ) please, the I can read your temperature. cuff thermometer stethoscope scale �𰸣�thermometer ��Ŀ��Don't be ( ���� nobody can see I'm shaving your hair except me. scared anxious panic shy �𰸣�shy ��Ŀ��Once you are admitted, a bracelet ( ) band will be put on your wrist oe ankle. information diagnosis identification expensive �𰸣�identification ��Ŀ��I have been in difficult sleeping for years, Now I am on medications for ( ). sleeping difficulties heart beats insomnia �𰸣�insomnia ��Ŀ��Can you turn the ( ) down please, It is warm enough now. monitor television air-conditioning heating �𰸣�heating ��Ŀ��You have to ( ) the pain for a while until it is not the time to give your next pain shot. persist hold stand keep �𰸣�stand ��Ŀ��I'll chekck out the ( )that Dr. Williams ordered. It calls for an additional 2 units of regular insulin if her Accucheck is between 150 and 200. calculating scale mix scale sliding scale ratio scale �𰸣�sliding scale ��Ŀ��Early movements after surgery can help to ( ) intestinal adhesion. suffer prevent remove leave �𰸣�prevent ��Ŀ��Don't worry, I will return the ( ) when you return this wheel chair. label billing deposit time �𰸣�deposit ��Ŀ��Please read the ( ) I put on the medication before you take them. signature color price instruction label �𰸣�instruction label ��Ŀ��You have to keep ( ) your blood pressure, take it at the same time everyday. monitoring recording measuring watching �𰸣�monitoring ��Ŀ��I began to have ( ) pains and I went to the toilet frequently since midnight. belly stomaches abdominal severe �𰸣�abdominal ��Ŀ��There is another ( ) in the bathroom in case you need. bedside table television call button locker �𰸣�call button ��Ŀ��Can you supply a/an ( ) health history of the patient? immediate simple short brief �𰸣�brief ��Ŀ��You can walk ( ) this room after you get out of bed. round around through in �𰸣�around ��Ŀ��Just ( ) your time, we still have plenty of time. bring return take rent �𰸣�take ��Ŀ��Your relatives are making ( ) for your leaving the hospital. arrangements transports plans judgements �𰸣�arrangements ��Ŀ��After you finish all the tablets, you can get a new ( ) when you come back to hosipital for consultation in a week. discharge tablet prescription consultation �𰸣�prescription ��Ŀ��Which one of the followings as NOT the right way of corrcting errors in nurse's notes? Write 'error' above the incorrect entery. White-out an inccorect entery. Initial and date the correction. Draw one straight line across the incorrect entery. �𰸣�White-out an inccorect entery. ��Ŀ��The ( ) will approach special diet for patients. clinical dietitian nurses doctors head nurse �𰸣�clinical dietitian ��Ŀ��I am sorry to ( ) that your father passes away. hear know get see �𰸣�hear ��Ŀ��You will be given pre-medications at least( ) minutes before you leave for the Operating Room. 60 10 20 30 �𰸣�30 ��Ŀ��I will try to ( ) your advice and keep myself healthy. work follow hear listen �𰸣�follow ��Ŀ��It is necessary to ( ) your intestine in order to keep your bowel clean for operation. flush out clean up rinse up shave off �𰸣�flush out ��Ŀ��To 'quit' smoking and alcohol means to ( ) them. stay away stay stil give up stay out give away �𰸣�stay away give up ��Ŀ��What are the routine tests for a new patient? Stool routine test. Brain routine tests. Abdominal routine test. Blood routine test. Urine routine test. �𰸣�Stool routine test. Blood routine test. Urine routine test. ��Ŀ��What should prepare for the patient who is going to take an appendectomy? Give pre-medications before the patient is sent to the Operating Room. Shaving the abdominal area. Ask the patient to sign the consent. Giving enema. No drinking and eating after midnight on the day befor the surgery. �𰸣�Give pre-medications before the patient is sent to the Operating Room. Shaving the abdominal area. Ask the patient to sign the consent. Giving enema. No drinking and eating after midnight on the day befor the surgery. ��Ŀ��A nursing record frequently provides a conprehensive view of ( ). the nurses the family the illness the patient the assistance provided �𰸣�the illness the patient the assistance provided ��Ŀ��What are might a nurse do to help patients during morning care? Change pillow cases. Help the patient to get change of clean clothes. Inquiry health condition of the patient. Change clean bed sheets. To give a bed-bath. �𰸣�Change pillow cases. Help the patient to get change of clean clothes. Inquiry health condition of the patient. Change clean bed sheets. To give a bed-bath. ��Ŀ��There is no ( ), your are not allergic to Penicillin. swelling pain sweating ulcers redness �𰸣�swelling redness ��Ŀ��Accurate recording information decreases the potential for ( ). miscommunication actions medical errors complications outcomes �𰸣�miscommunication medical errors ��Ŀ��All hospital staff will treat you equally and will always respect your ( ) while providing care. religious background privacy education background cultural vackground marriage status �𰸣�religious background privacy cultural vackground ��Ŀ��What are the daily articles that patients need to bring in hospital? Towels. Slippers. Toothbrush. Toothpaste. Pajamas. �𰸣�Towels. Slippers. Toothbrush. Toothpaste. ��Ŀ��Please check the ( ) I put on the medication before you take them. instruction label number name price signature �𰸣�instruction label name ��Ŀ��Nurses could communication through notes on ( ) to the patient. outcomes of actions doubtings observations decesions actions �𰸣�outcomes of actions observations decesions actions ��Ŀ��When take notes, which ones are not allowed? Chart what someone else said, heard, felt or smelled. Alter a patient's record. Use any shorthand or abbreviations. Chart a symptom without charting what you did about it. Write imperecise descriptions. �𰸣�Alter a patient's record. Chart a symptom without charting what you did about it. Write imperecise descriptions. ��Ŀ��Which ones are encouraged for the patient to do after the surgery? Take Exercise in bed and out of bed. Walk slowly after getting out of the bed the first time. Have fluid diet once passing gas. Put hand on the wound when have movements. To get out of bed as eraly as possible. �𰸣�Take Exercise in bed and out of bed. Walk slowly after getting out of the bed the first time. Have fluid diet once passing gas. Put hand on the wound when have movements. To get out of bed as eraly as possible. ��Ŀ��What are things need to be done after the operation? To deliver Wound care. Remove the suture. Early movements out of bed. Manage pain. Passes gas. �𰸣�To deliver Wound care. Remove the suture. Early movements out of bed. Manage pain. Passes gas. ��Ŀ��You are allergic to seafood, so you'd better not have ( ). spicy pot crab mashroom shrimp fish �𰸣�crab shrimp fish ��Ŀ��What are the solutions normally fo with medicine in it for IV infusion? Penicillin. Tincture. Saline solution. Normal saline. Glucose solution. �𰸣�Normal saline. Glucose solution. ��Ŀ��Patients should take medicine for a long time if suffering long-term disease such as ( ). insomnia heart problems diabetes high blood pressure gastric ulcer �𰸣�insomnia heart problems diabetes high blood pressure gastric ulcer ��Ŀ��What are informations the nurse would get from a new patient? The nect of kin. The home address and phine number. The family health history. The health insurance. The health histary. �𰸣�The nect of kin. The home address and phine number. The family health history. The health insurance. The health histary. ��Ŀ��What are the ways of giving medications through the pareneral route? Keep the pill in the mouth. Hypodermic injection. Keep the tablet under the mouth. Intravenous infusion. Intramuscular injection. �𰸣�Hypodermic injection. Intravenous infusion. Intramuscular injection. ��Ŀ��Which ones of the followings are correct ways of making notes? Chart the precautions. Chart the time , the route, and patient's response of giving medications. Record all the time, exact message and response of phone calls to a physician. Write legibly. Make sure you have gor the correct chart before writing. �𰸣�Chart the precautions. Chart the time , the route, and patient's response of giving medications. Record all the time, exact message and response of phone calls to a physician. Write legibly. Make sure you have gor the correct chart before writing. ��Ŀ��What are the purpose of making nurse's notes? To supply data for research and education. To facilitate communication. To promote good nursing care. To supply resources to evidence-based medical practice. To meet professional and legal standards. �𰸣�To supply data for research and education. To facilitate communication. To promote good nursing care. To supply resources to evidence-based medical practice. To meet professional and legal standards. ��Ŀ��What are common choices of food for patients in hospital? Muslin food. Cheep food. Fast food. Chinese food. Weatern food. �𰸣�Muslin food. Chinese food. Weatern food. ��Ŀ��If you ( )at the site, that means the IV fluid is out of veins. see redness feel sweating see lump feel pain see swelling �𰸣�feel pain see swelling ��Ŀ��Which ones of the followings may cause allergy? Aspirin. MSG. Peneccilin. Some nuts. Seafood. �𰸣�Aspirin. MSG. Peneccilin. Some nuts. Seafood. ��Ŀ��What are included in bedding that would be changed during morning care? Pillow cases. Quilt covers. Blankets. Curtains. Bed sheets. �𰸣�Pillow cases. Quilt covers. Blankets. Bed sheets. ��Ŀ��What would probablly happen is a person eat something awrong? Nausea. Diarrhea. Abdominal pain. Heart attack. Vommit. �𰸣�Nausea. Diarrhea. Abdominal pain. Vommit. ��Ŀ��Patient come to the hospital may ( ). attended as an outpatient. be admitted as a day patient be admitted as booked patient be admitted as an inpatient be admitted as emergency patient �𰸣�attended as an outpatient. be admitted as a day patient be admitted as an inpatient be admitted as emergency patient ��Ŀ��What can we read from the ID band of patients? Patient's date of birth. Registration No. The admission time. The admitted department Patient's name. �𰸣�Patient's date of birth. Registration No. The admitted department Patient's name. ��Ŀ��Accurate documentation of patient ( ) is critical to proper treatment. observations response words symptoms feelings �𰸣�observations symptoms ��Ŀ��You need enough rest before you back to work, and you must avoid ( ). complete recovery light exercise tiring work good mood mental stress �𰸣�tiring work mental stress ��Ŀ��Petients need longer time for recovery at home must ( ). maintain good mental condition start from light exercise be fore back to work get overloaded work have enough rest. avoid tiring work �𰸣�maintain good mental condition start from light exercise be fore back to work have enough rest. avoid tiring work ��Ŀ��What are things need to be done before the operation? Sign the Surgical Consent Form. To be on nothing by mouth. Proceeding enema. Shaving the hair at the surgical area. Administer pre-medication. �𰸣�Sign the Surgical Consent Form. To be on nothing by mouth. Proceeding enema. Shaving the hair at the surgical area. Administer pre-medication. ��Ŀ��The length of time you stayed in the Recovery Romm is depend on ( ). the health problem you have the operation procedures time of the operation finishes your recovery from the anesthesia the surgeon �𰸣�the operation procedures your recovery from the anesthesia ��Ŀ��Which ones of the followings are corrct ways of taking medications for patients after dischage from hospital? Drink plenty water with medications. Come back to hospital if need new prescription. Read the name of medicinec before take them. Check the instruction label before taking. Take medications at any time you want. �𰸣�Drink plenty water with medications. Come back to hospital if need new prescription. Read the name of medicinec before take them. Check the instruction label before taking. ��Ŀ��One week after discharge, you can come back to hospital for ( ). deposit insurance new prescription instruction consultation �𰸣�deposit consultation ��Ŀ��Which ones are included in hospitalization regulations? The demand of special diet. The meal service. The non-smoking policy. The visiting time. Setting of the bed unit. �𰸣�The non-smoking policy. The visiting time. ��Ŀ��Which are correct description of 'bed sore'? They are also called 'pressure ulcer'. To turn over from time to time can help preventing it. They are caused by persistent pressure. Clean and dry skin is easier to suffer from it. To change body positions will help avoid it. �𰸣�They are also called 'pressure ulcer'. To turn over from time to time can help preventing it. They are caused by persistent pressure. ��Ŀ��Health records may include ( ). e-mails faxes electronic medical records audio or video tapes images �𰸣�e-mails faxes electronic medical records audio or video tapes images ��Ŀ��What are Vital signs? Bood pressure. Temperature. Pains. Respiration. Pulse. �𰸣�Bood pressure. Temperature. Respiration. Pulse. ��Ŀ��What will a patient have if be allergic to Penicillin? Skin redness and swelling. Sweating. Heart attack. Chest pain. Dizziness. �𰸣�Skin redness and swelling. Sweating. Chest pain. Dizziness. ��Ŀ��Which ones are used to equip a bed? The small sheet. The rubber sheet. The blanket. The quilt cover. The mattress. �𰸣�The small sheet. The rubber sheet. The blanket. The quilt cover. The mattress. ��Ŀ��Which ones of the followings are giving medication through the oral route? Injecting. Breathing in. Under the tongue. Swallowing. Chewing. �𰸣�Under the tongue. Swallowing. Chewing. ��Ŀ��Which ones of the followings show up food restriction? Low-fat. Low-diet. No seafood. Salt-free. Free of MSG. �𰸣�Low-fat. Low-diet. No seafood. Salt-free. Free of MSG. ��Ŀ��Making nurse's notes encourages nurses to ( ). identify patients' changes assess patients' progress remembe patients' names make determine of effective interventions record patients' changes to nursing plans �𰸣�identify patients' changes assess patients' progress make determine of effective interventions record patients' changes to nursing plans ��Ŀ��There are several ways of anesthesia such as ( ) . Genaral aedthesia. Local anesthesia. Skin anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia. Inhalation anesthesia. �𰸣�Genaral aedthesia. Local anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia. Inhalation anesthesia. ��Ŀ��Nursing documentation can be a valuable source of data for ( ). potentially improving the quality of nursing practice making decesions about funding using information to reflect on nursing practice and make necessary changes facilitating nursing research making decesions about resource management �𰸣�potentially improving the quality of nursing practice making decesions about funding using information to reflect on nursing practice and make necessary changes facilitating nursing research making decesions about resource management ��Ŀ��How should the patient take position for a few minutes after the appliance of enema? To lie on the stomach. To lie on the back. To lie on the right side. To lie on the upper side. To lie on the left side. �𰸣�To lie on the back. To lie on the right side. ��Ŀ��What are efficient ways of controling blood pressure? Giving up Smoking. Take little salt. Stay away from dringking alcohol. Monitoring BP. Eat lots of vegetables. �𰸣�Giving up Smoking. Take little salt. Stay away from dringking alcohol. Monitoring BP. Eat lots of vegetables. ��Ŀ��Here are routine tests for you. I will take blood sample for you, and you have to colloct ( ) specimens for yourself. food stool fluid vomits uring �𰸣�stool uring ��Ŀ��A patient bay be admitted by ( ). walk-in walk-in ubder support transfered by a strcher carry sitting in a wheelchair �𰸣�walk-in walk-in ubder support transfered by a strcher sitting in a wheelchair ��Ŀ��Which ones of the followings contain more potassium? peanuts bananas eggs oranges kelp �𰸣�peanuts bananas oranges ��Ŀ��When will the patient be given enema? The patient islieing on the belly. The patient is going to take a gastro-intestinal surgery. The patient ia constipated. The patient oasses gas. The patient has abdominal pain. �𰸣�The patient is going to take a gastro-intestinal surgery. The patient ia constipated. Smoking. Take little salt. Stay away from dringking alcohol. Monitoring BP. Eat lots of vegetables. ��Ŀ��Here are routine tests for you. I will take blood sample for you, and you have to colloct ( ) specimens for yourself. food stool fluid vomits uring �𰸣�stool uring ��Ŀ��A patient bay be admitted by ( ). walk-in walk-in ubder support transfered by a strcher carry sitting in a wheelchair �𰸣�walk-in walk-in ubder support transfered by a strcher sitting in a wheelchair ��Ŀ��Which ones of the followings contain more potassium? peanuts bananas eggs oranges kelp �𰸣�peanuts bananas oranges ��Ŀ��When will the patient be given enema? The patient islieing on the belly. The patient is going to take a gastro-intestinal surgery. The patient ia constipated. The patient oasses gas. 060a0550-b0bd-4cd7-a25e-925db1ee56da_xljtemp- 配套讲稿:
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