牛津初中英语牛津初中英语8AUnit 2 School Life第1页第1页一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析中心话题:学校生活中心话题:学校生活中心话题:学校生活中心话题:学校生活通过通过通过通过John John 和和和和NancyNancy对自己对自己对自己对自己学校生活叙述,理解英美两国学校生活情况。如:学校生活叙述,理解英美两国学校生活情况。如:学校生活叙述,理解英美两国学校生活情况。如:学校生活叙述,理解英美两国学校生活情况。如:学习科目,课外活动,假期时间,家庭作业等。再学习科目,课外活动,假期时间,家庭作业等。再学习科目,课外活动,假期时间,家庭作业等。再学习科目,课外活动,假期时间,家庭作业等。再结合中国情况,进一步阐述学校生活。为学生写好结合中国情况,进一步阐述学校生活。为学生写好结合中国情况,进一步阐述学校生活。为学生写好结合中国情况,进一步阐述学校生活。为学生写好自己心中抱负学校提供材料。自己心中抱负学校提供材料。自己心中抱负学校提供材料。自己心中抱负学校提供材料。第2页第2页1.掌握一些英美表示方式不同单词,如:fall and autumn,lift and elevator,football and soccer,movie and film等。2.经过英美中三国学校生活对比,深入掌握比较级和最高级使用方法,尤其是more/fewer/lessthan,the most/the fewest/the least使用方法。3.be the same as 与be different from使用方法。二、语言功效和重点二、语言功效和重点第3页第3页三、本单元各部分材料分析三、本单元各部分材料分析1.Welcome to this unit内容:Eddie和Hobo对话.一些英美表示方式不同单词。作用:热身,为后面教学作好铺垫,激发学生学习兴趣。作用:热身,为后面教学作好铺垫,激发学生学习兴趣。作用:热身,为后面教学作好铺垫,激发学生学习兴趣。作用:热身,为后面教学作好铺垫,激发学生学习兴趣。本本课课能能够够看看做做是是一一个个单单元元读读前前热热身身活活动动。在在备备学学时时应应先先阅阅读读整整个个单单元元,理理解解本本单单元元话话题题、功功效效和和语语法法项项目目以以及及中中心心任任务务,同同时时,理理解解学学生生在在这这些些方方面面已已有有知知识识。在在此此基基础础上上,教教师师才才干干在在这这一一学学时时有有效效激激活活学学生生已已有有知知识识,充充足足调调动动学学生生对对本本单单元元学学习习兴兴趣趣,为为后后面面几几种种学学时时学习做好铺垫。学习做好铺垫。第4页第4页2.Reading2.Reading内容:内容:内容:内容:John John 和和和和NancyNancy对自己学校生活陈说。对自己学校生活陈说。对自己学校生活陈说。对自己学校生活陈说。作用:单元关键,训练学生阅读理解能力。作用:单元关键,训练学生阅读理解能力。作用:单元关键,训练学生阅读理解能力。作用:单元关键,训练学生阅读理解能力。阅读是一个单元语言输入比较集中环节,普通用两个学阅读是一个单元语言输入比较集中环节,普通用两个学时完毕。阅读教学主要围绕阅读材料本身内容展开活动,要时完毕。阅读教学主要围绕阅读材料本身内容展开活动,要求学生说出文章大意,将细节内容归类等。阅读后活动旨在求学生说出文章大意,将细节内容归类等。阅读后活动旨在让学生通过提问、讨论和语言难点学习等形式进一步加深对让学生通过提问、讨论和语言难点学习等形式进一步加深对文章理解。阅读课还应当配合听、说、读、写活动,培养学文章理解。阅读课还应当配合听、说、读、写活动,培养学生综合利用英语能力。生综合利用英语能力。第5页第5页3.Vocabulary3.Vocabulary内容:学习科目和一些反义词内容:学习科目和一些反义词内容:学习科目和一些反义词内容:学习科目和一些反义词 词汇部分围绕本单元话题简介一些新词,以便学生在后面学词汇部分围绕本单元话题简介一些新词,以便学生在后面学习活动中使用,同时,将同一类别单词集中学习,有助于提升习活动中使用,同时,将同一类别单词集中学习,有助于提升学生单词学习效率,快速扩大词汇量。教师在教学中可依据实学生单词学习效率,快速扩大词汇量。教师在教学中可依据实际情况对该部分词汇进行补充,并帮助学生掌握一些单词记忆际情况对该部分词汇进行补充,并帮助学生掌握一些单词记忆办法。办法。作用:复习并扩大学习科目方面词汇,在情境作用:复习并扩大学习科目方面词汇,在情境作用:复习并扩大学习科目方面词汇,在情境作用:复习并扩大学习科目方面词汇,在情境 中学习反义词中学习反义词中学习反义词中学习反义词,为后面进行学校生活讨论作铺垫。为后面进行学校生活讨论作铺垫。为后面进行学校生活讨论作铺垫。为后面进行学校生活讨论作铺垫。第6页第6页4、Grammar内容:学习比较级内容:学习比较级more/fewer/lessthan,最高,最高级级the most/the fewest/the least以及以及be the same as 与与 be different from使用办法。使用办法。作用:在情境中学习语法知识点,有助于学生理作用:在情境中学习语法知识点,有助于学生理解,消化和接受。解,消化和接受。在教授语法项目时,第一,坚持在尽也许真实语境中展现和练习语法项目。第二,从分步展现、分步练习到综合利用,层次清楚,循序渐进。第三,学生通过观测和实践自己总结语言规律,符合语言学习普通规律。教学中应将语言意义、情景和实际利用放在首位。第7页第7页5.Integrated Skills内容:英美中三国学校生活对比。内容:英美中三国学校生活对比。作用:针对性地训练学生听说能力。作用:针对性地训练学生听说能力。Integrated skills 在在前前面面语语言言学学习习和和技技能能训训练练基基础础上上,将将听听、说说、读读、写写融融为为一一体体,培培养养学学生生综综合合利利用用英英语语能能力力。教教学学中中应应注注意意培培养养学学生生从从所所给给听听力力或或书书面面材材料料中中获获取取、选选择择和和重重新新组组合合信信息息能能力力,在在此此基基础础上上培培养养学学生生口口头头、笔笔头头表示能力。表示能力。第8页第8页6.Pronunciation6.Pronunciation内容:内容:内容:内容:在详细语境中正确利用升降调。在详细语境中正确利用升降调。在详细语境中正确利用升降调。在详细语境中正确利用升降调。作用:提升学生口语水平。作用:提升学生口语水平。作用:提升学生口语水平。作用:提升学生口语水平。Study skills 通通过过活活动动或或练练习习让让学学生生取取得得一一些些基基本本学学习习技技巧巧,教教学学中中应应当当坚坚持持让让学学生生通通过过实实践践以以取取得得学学习习技巧技巧 。第9页第9页7.Main Task内容:一份关于学校生活调查表和内容:一份关于学校生活调查表和Daniel一篇文章一篇文章-我心中抱负学校。我心中抱负学校。作用:培养学生写作能力。作用:培养学生写作能力。Main task 是每个单元关键部分。这部分要引导和帮助学生综合利用本单元所掌握知识和技能,完成特定任务。Main task 在第一课时就已经点明,此后各项活动和子任务都在不同程度上指向Main task。布置任务要求目标明确、步骤清楚。第10页第10页8.Checkout作用:复习本单元出现一些主要语法和主要作用:复习本单元出现一些主要语法和主要作用:复习本单元出现一些主要语法和主要作用:复习本单元出现一些主要语法和主要 语言现象。语言现象。语言现象。语言现象。Checkout表表达达了了本本单单元元在在语语言言知知识识上上最最基基本本要要求求,比比较较容容易易,学学生生能能够够轻轻松松完完毕毕,充充足足体体验验成成功功。教教学学中中,教教师师应应带带领领学学生生对对本本单单元元所所学学习习内内容容进进行行充充足足复复习习,使使学学生生能能顺顺利利通通过过Checkout t。当当然然,对对于于学学习习程程度度较较高高学学生生,教教师师能能够够依依据详细情况制定自己检测原则。据详细情况制定自己检测原则。第11页第11页 书本课程安排符合学生学习规律书本课程安排符合学生学习规律书本课程安排符合学生学习规律书本课程安排符合学生学习规律,能让学生在详能让学生在详能让学生在详能让学生在详细语言环境中掌握和应用所学知识。但在教学过程中,细语言环境中掌握和应用所学知识。但在教学过程中,细语言环境中掌握和应用所学知识。但在教学过程中,细语言环境中掌握和应用所学知识。但在教学过程中,我们也能够依据课程难易程度,内容连接情况和每课我们也能够依据课程难易程度,内容连接情况和每课我们也能够依据课程难易程度,内容连接情况和每课我们也能够依据课程难易程度,内容连接情况和每课实际所需时间,对原有学时顺序稍作调整。实际所需时间,对原有学时顺序稍作调整。实际所需时间,对原有学时顺序稍作调整。实际所需时间,对原有学时顺序稍作调整。四、学时安排四、学时安排第12页第12页本单元学时安排本单元学时安排Period 1 Comic strips&Welcome to the unitPeriod 1 Comic strips&Welcome to the unitPeriod 2-3 ReadingPeriod 2-3 ReadingPeriod 4 Vocabulary&Grammar CPeriod 4 Vocabulary&Grammar CPeriod 5 Grammar A&BPeriod 5 Grammar A&BPeriod 6 Integrated SkillsPeriod 6 Integrated SkillsPeriod 7 Pronunciation&CheckoutPeriod 7 Pronunciation&CheckoutPeriod 8 Main taskPeriod 8 Main task第13页第13页Period 1Comic strips&Welcome to the unit 本课时基本任务:1.介绍本单元主题:学校生活。2.学习一些英美表示方式不同单词。第14页第14页I.单词单词British,lift,post,eraser,fall,elevator,math,movie,soccerII.词组词组be smart,be like doing,there be,tell sb about sthbothand,ask sb to do,on the left/right,few/a fewIII.重点句型重点句型Why dont sb do sth?=why not do sth?第15页第15页I.Lead-in T:Do you like our school?What do you like?How many subjects do you learn?Can you tell me some names of them?S:Chinese,Math,English,PE,Geography,etc.(勉励学生们多说,增长一些词汇,为后面教学作铺垫勉励学生们多说,增长一些词汇,为后面教学作铺垫)T:Good.Is there another word for Math?S:Yes.Maths.T:Great.Maths is Math.Maths is British English.While Math is American English(write on Bb)II.Pre-taskT:I know many boys like playing football.第16页第16页 Do you know what it says in American English?S:Soccer.(Write on Bb)Do you know the same use of other words?Please give me some examples.Write other right answers of the students on the Bb.Teach the students the new words:BE=British English AE=American English BEautumnliftfootballmathsrubberpost groundfloorsecondaryschoolAEfallelevatorsocermatherasermailfirstfloorhigh schooll第17页第17页III.While-taskTask1 Practise the new words more.Task2 Finish Part A on Page 19.Point out:bothand,ask sb to do,on the left/rightTask3 Write down both the British and American words,then finish Part B.第18页第18页Task4 Comic strips Do you remember Hobo and Eddie?They are talking about school life.Listen to the tape and answer:What does Eddie think of the school life?Listen again and read after it.Point out:Why dont you do sth?=Why not do sth?be smart,be like doing sth,there be,few/a few Look at the Picture and practise the dialogue Act the dialogue in groups and pairs.第19页第19页IV.Post-task Fill in the blankets with American English:Its my first day in high school.I felt a little tired,but I had a good time.Our classroom is on the (ground/first)floor.So we dont need an (lift/elevator).I like to go outside playing (soccer/football)after class.Its my (favourite/favorite)sport.Today we had 6 classes.I still found (maths/math)was too difficult for me.But the new classmate next to me helped me work out a difficult problem.V.Homework Try to remember the new words and drills.Preview the next lesson.firstsoccerelevatorfavoriteMath 第20页第20页Period 23Reading 本学时基本任务本学时基本任务:1.1.阅读关于英美两国学校生活文章;阅读关于英美两国学校生活文章;2.2.掌握相关词汇、短语和本文中出现掌握相关词汇、短语和本文中出现 语言点。语言点。第21页第21页单词单词单词单词:mixed,together,subject,myself,tasty,meal,guy(s),twice,mixed,together,subject,myself,tasty,meal,guy(s),twice,softball,practice,buddy,senior,hero,close,article,admire softball,practice,buddy,senior,hero,close,article,admire词组词组词组词组:tell sb to do sth,write about,in Year 8=in Grade 8 tell sb to do sth,write about,in Year 8=in Grade 8,a mixed school,Home Economics,learn how to do sth,a mixed school,Home Economics,learn how to do sth,do sth for oneself,cook healthy and tasty meals,bring in,do sth for oneself,cook healthy and tasty meals,bring in,a reading week,the end of sth,a reading week,the end of sth,as wellas well,take a bus,take a bus,twice a week,spend time doing sth,learn about,twice a week,spend time doing sth,learn about,help sb with sth,each other,have a great time help sb with sth,each other,have a great time句型句型句型句型:Its a Its a mixedmixed school.school.I like learning I like learning how to cook and sewhow to cook and sew.We can even We can even bring inbring in books and magazines from home.books and magazines from home.He had He had driving lessonsdriving lessons in school last year.in school last year.第22页第22页I.Lead-inI.Lead-in Review the words in different forms.Review the words in different forms.Act the dialogue between Hobo and Eddie.Act the dialogue between Hobo and Eddie.II.Pre-taskII.Pre-task Use some pictures to teach some new words.Use some pictures to teach some new words.Ask:What are they doing in the picture?Ask:What are they doing in the picture?第23页第23页III.While-taskIII.While-task T:Eddie think school is like watching TV.Now John and Nancy T:Eddie think school is like watching TV.Now John and Nancy are talking about their lives in school.Lets see if it is like watching TV.are talking about their lives in school.Lets see if it is like watching TV.Life in a British school:Life in a British school:Task 1 Task 1 Read Paragraph 1 and answer:Read Paragraph 1 and answer:1.What grade is John in?(In 1.What grade is John in?(In Year 8Year 8.).)2.Is it a school for boys?(No,its a 2.Is it a school for boys?(No,its a mixed mixed school.)school.)3.Whats his favorite 3.Whats his favorite subjectsubject?(?(Home EconomicsHome Economics)4.What can he cook?(4.What can he cook?(Healthy and tasty mealsHealthy and tasty meals)Task 2 Read the new words and phrases more.Task 2 Read the new words and phrases more.Listen to the tape and read after it.Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 1-4 to sum up Paragraph 1.Use Questions 1-4 to sum up Paragraph 1.第24页第24页Task 3 Read Paragraph 2 and answer:Task 3 Read Paragraph 2 and answer:5.Does he have 5.Does he have a reading weeka reading week every year?every year?6.What books can they read?6.What books can they read?7.What can they do near the end of the reading class?7.What can they do near the end of the reading class?8.Why does he think the reading week is too short?8.Why does he think the reading week is too short?Point out:Point out:as well,also,too,either.as well,also,too,either.Task 4 Read the new words and phrases more.Task 4 Read the new words and phrases more.Listen to the tape and read after it.Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 5-8 to sum up Paragraph 2.Use Questions 5-8 to sum up Paragraph 2.Point out:I like learning Point out:I like learning how to cook and sewhow to cook and sew.We can even We can even bring inbring in books and magazines from home.books and magazines from home.第25页第25页Task 5 Practice the new words and phrases more.Task 5 Practice the new words and phrases more.Read Johns composition together/by themselves.Read Johns composition together/by themselves.Try to sum up the whole article.Try to sum up the whole article.Task 6 Fill in the blankets according to Johns composition.Task 6 Fill in the blankets according to Johns composition.John was in _ at Woodland School near London.Its John was in _ at Woodland School near London.Its a _school.His favorite subject is _.So he a _school.His favorite subject is _.So he can cook healthy and _meals now.His school has acan cook healthy and _meals now.His school has a_ week every year.He and his classmates can read books_ week every year.He and his classmates can read books from the school library.And they can also _ in books and from the school library.And they can also _ in books and _ from home.The reading week is too _ because _ from home.The reading week is too _ because he wants to read others books _.he wants to read others books _.第26页第26页Life in an American school.Life in an American school.Task 1 Task 1 Read Paragraph 1 and answer:Read Paragraph 1 and answer:1.How old is Nancy?Where does she study?1.How old is Nancy?Where does she study?2.How old is her brother?What did he learn last year?2.How old is her brother?What did he learn last year?3.Is it great that Denver drives her to school?Why?3.Is it great that Denver drives her to school?Why?Task 2 Read the new words and phrases more.Task 2 Read the new words and phrases more.Listen to the tape and read after it.Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 1-3 to sum up Paragraph 1.Use Questions 1-3 to sum up Paragraph 1.Task 3 Read Paragraph 2 and answer:Task 3 Read Paragraph 2 and answer:4.How often does she play 4.How often does she play softballsoftball?(?(Twice Twice a week.)a week.)5.Where does she go every Monday?(A 5.Where does she go every Monday?(A buddy buddy club.)club.)第27页第27页 6.Who is her buddy?(Teach:6.Who is her buddy?(Teach:seniorsenior)What can they do there?What can they do there?7.What does Nancy think of Julie?Why?7.What does Nancy think of Julie?Why?Task4 Practice the new words and phrases more.Task4 Practice the new words and phrases more.Listen to the tape and read after it.Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 4-7 to sum up Paragraph 2.Use Questions 4-7 to sum up Paragraph 2.Task5 Read Paragraph 3 and answer:Task5 Read Paragraph 3 and answer:8.Does she have a good time during lunchtime?8.Does she have a good time during lunchtime?9.What do they sometimes do after school?9.What do they sometimes do after school?Task6 Practice the new words and phrases more.Task6 Practice the new words and phrases more.Listen to the tape and read after it.Listen to the tape and read after it.Use Questions 8-9 to sum up Paragraph 3.Use Questions 8-9 to sum up Paragraph 3.第28页第28页Task7 Read the article by themselves and try to sum it up.Task7 Read the article by themselves and try to sum it up.Task8 Fill in the blankets according to Nancys composition.Task8 Fill in the blankets according to Nancys composition.Nancy is 14 years old.She is in 9 Nancy is 14 years old.She is in 9thth g_ at Rocky Mountain g_ at Rocky Mountain High School.Her brother Denver had d_ lessons last year.High School.Her brother Denver had d_ lessons last year.Its great for her because he d_ her to school every day.Its Its great for her because he d_ her to school every day.Its f_ than taking a bus.She plays s_ twice a week.She f_ than taking a bus.She plays s_ twice a week.She spends lots of time p_.Every Monday she goes to a spends lots of time p_.Every Monday she goes to a b_ club.Her buddy is Julie.Julie h_ Nancy learn all about b_ club.Her buddy is Julie.Julie h_ Nancy learn all about her new school.She helps Nancy with her homework and listens her new school.She helps Nancy with her homework and listens to her p_.Nancy thinks Julie is a h_.During lunchtime to her p_.Nancy thinks Julie is a h_.During lunchtime she has a good time t_ with her friends.Sometimes,they she has a good time t_ with her friends.Sometimes,they go to s_ malls after school.go to s_ malls after school.第29页第29页IV.Post-taskTask 1 Finish Part B2 on Page 21.Point out:tell sb about sth,at lunchtime,in 12th grade What does the wordmean?Task 2 Finish Parts B1 and C1 and check how they mask the reading,and solve their problems.Task 3 Translate the sentences into English.1、我最喜欢科目是家政。、我最喜欢科目是家政。2、在我到这个学校之前我不知道该如何为自己做事。、在我到这个学校之前我不知道该如何为自己做事。3、李华喜欢打垒球,天天花诸多时间练习它。、李华喜欢打垒球,天天花诸多时间练习它。4、老师经常告诉我们课后也要练习英语。、老师经常告诉我们课后也要练习英语。5、我想学如何做健康可口饭菜。、我想学如何做健康可口饭菜。6、乘出租车去公园比骑自行车去要快得多。、乘出租车去公园比骑自行车去要快得多。V.Homework Read the two articles carefully and try to sum up them.Preview the next lesson.第30页第30页Period 4Vocabulary&Grammar CVocabulary&Grammar C本学时基本任务本学时基本任务本学时基本任务本学时基本任务:1 1 1 1.复习并扩大学习科目方面词汇;复习并扩大学习科目方面词汇;复习并扩大学习科目方面词汇;复习并扩大学习科目方面词汇;在详细语境中利用恰当形容词表示必定或否认;在详细语境中利用恰当形容词表示必定或否认;在详细语境中利用恰当形容词表示必定或否认;在详细语境中利用恰当形容词表示必- 配套讲稿:
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