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Out,(1915)explored the tensions experienced by women who want marriage and a career.Woolfs major works such as,Mrs.Dalloway,(1925),To the Lighthouse,(1927),and,The Waves,(1931)*rejected the boundaries of traditional narrative form.She sought to develop a,stream of consciousness narrative,that could capture the essence of the sensibility,the experience itself in terms of time,memory,and consciousness.She is considered one of the founders of the Modernist movement.,5/35,Her,social and political concerns revolved chiefly around the rights of women and,women writers.In,A Room of Ones Own,(1929)Woolf argues that a,woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction of any merit.,Despite the material comforts enjoyed by her family,Woolf s childhood was a traumatic one.She suffered sexual abuse by her half brothers after the death of c her mother in 1895.She had to contend with frequent bouts of depression throughout her life.Sensing the onset of another breakdown,on 28 March,1941 Woolf drowned herself.,6/35,Before committing suicide she had left the following poignant note behind for her husband Leonard Woolf:,Dearest,I feel certain I am going mad again.I feel we cant go through another of those terrible times.And I shant recover this time.,In October 1940,Virginia Woolf wrote the story called The Legacy about a widower(a right-wing politician)who discovers from reading his wifes diaries that she had fallen in love with a radical working man and committed suicide.,7/35,Virginia Woolf(1882-1941),英国,女作家,被认为是二十世纪当代主义与女性主义先锋之一。在两次世界大战期间,伍尔芙是,伦敦,文学界关键人物,她同时也是布卢姆茨伯里派(Bloomsbury Group)组员之一。其最著名小说包含戴洛维夫人(Mrs.Dalloway)、灯塔行(To the Lighthouse)、雅各房间(Jakobs Room)。,Cultural Notes,8/35,出生于伦敦伍尔芙是在家中接收教育。结婚以前她名字是艾德琳弗吉尼亚斯蒂芬(Adeline Virginia Stephen)。1895年母亲逝世之后,她第一次精神瓦解。以后她在自传存在瞬间(Moments of Being)中道出她和姐姐瓦内萨贝尔(Vanessa Bell)曾遭受同母异父哥哥乔治和杰瑞德杜克沃斯(Gerald Duckworth)性侵犯。19她父亲莱斯利斯蒂芬爵士(Sir Leslie Stephen,著名编辑和文学批评家)逝世之后,她和瓦内萨迁居到了布卢姆斯伯里(Bloomsbury)。以后以她们和几位朋友为中心创建了布卢姆茨伯里派文人团体。她在19开始职业写作生涯,刚开始是为泰晤士报文学增刊撰稿。,19和雷纳德伍尔夫(Leonard Woolf)结婚,丈夫是一位公务员、政治理论家。对于自己婚姻,弗吉尼亚伍尔夫曾大犯犹豫。她就像自己小说到灯塔去里莉丽,尽管认为爱情宛如壮丽火焰,但因为必须以焚弃个性“珍宝”为代价,所以视婚姻为“丧失自我身份灾难”。一个女人抱持这么消极看法,又是在三十岁,9/35,“高龄”上才开始构筑“二人空间”,,其困难是可想而知。然而事后证实,弗吉尼亚忧虑纯属多出,倒是她心理症结落下性恐惧和性冷淡,使婚姻生活从一开始就走上了歧路。伦纳德毕业于剑桥大学,饶有文才,深具眼力,与其说他观赏弗吉尼亚娴雅风度,毋宁说他倾慕弗吉尼亚超凡智慧。在他眼里,弗吉尼亚是只可远观不可亵玩“智慧童贞女”,在她身上完全不粘附世俗肉欲色彩。应该说,起初,伦纳德心有不甘,他抱着幻想,认为自己能像王子唤醒睡美人那样唤醒弗吉尼亚体内性意识。几经努力,徒劳无功之后,他创作小说智慧童贞女,借用男主人公哈里大卫口吻训斥了冷血女人,认为“那些长着白皮肤和金色头发苍白女人是冰凉,同时也使人冰凉”,他这些心怀不忿说辞(近乎指桑骂槐)无疑对弗吉尼亚自尊组成了深深伤害。弗吉尼亚婚后“精神雪崩”给伦纳德适时地敲响了警钟,他决定从此认命,转而追求精神之爱这一更高远境界。他这么做,仅需一条理由“她是个天才”就足够了。弗吉尼亚感激之情也溢于言表,她明确地宣告伦纳德是自己生命中隐藏关键,是她创造力源泉。1930年,弗吉尼亚告诉一位朋友,没有伦纳德,她可能早就开枪自杀了。弗吉尼亚能以多病之身取得非凡文学成就,伦纳德可谓居功至伟。,10/35,Wedding in the west,Until the middle of the 19th century,weddings in Western society were modest events that took place in homes.By 1900 formal weddings and their attendant rituals had become major events in middle-class families.The white wedding-a formal affair with the bride dressed in white-is now the standard throughout the US,Canada,and Europe,and its practice has spread to Asia and Africa as well.,Many weddings involve a religious ceremony.These ceremonies vary depending on the religion of the bride and groom.,Some couples prefer a nonreligious,or civil,wedding ceremony.Such weddings typically occur in commercial wedding chapels or reception halls,courthouses or other governmental offices,or outdoors.These events tend to be smaller and less formal affairs than traditional religious ceremonies.,Most couples exchange some sort of marriage vows(promises).Vows may be prescribed by the church or written by the couple.Traditional Protestant vows include the promise to love and to cherish,for better and for worse,for richer and for poorer,in sickness and in health,until parted by death.,11/35,Following the wedding ceremony,religious or civil,many couples hold a reception.At the reception friends and family gather to eat,drink,listen to music and dance,make toasts,and give gifts to the bride and groom.During the reception,the couple typically cut a special,large cake that is shared with all the guests.The bride and groom may also conduct a receiving line where they greet and thank each guest for attending their wedding.,Many newlyweds take a honey moon trip after their wedding.During the honeymoon,the couple can spend time by themselves exploring their new status as husband and wife.,12/35,The Legacy,The Text Structure,Part Paragraphs Main idea,Part I Paras 1-11?,Part II paras12?,Part III Para 13?,Part IV Paras 14-24?,13/35,Part I(P1-11),Questions:,.What will Sissy Millers role be in the narrative?,What legacy might Angela have left her husband,considerate as she had been?,What will the remaining text be about?,Main idea:,Gilbert meets Sissy Miller and gives her the gift his wife Angela left for her.,14/35,The Legacy,Legacy:,1.money or personal possessions that pass to Sb.on the death of the owner according to his official written wish/will.遗产,Sth.passed on or left behind by sb.else遗留之物赠与之物,A lasting result 遗址,1.token,It doesnt have to be a big presentits just a token really.,Wear this ring as a token of our love,15/35,2,.consideration:,the act of thinking about sth.;thoughtful attention to the needs or feelings of others 考虑关心,In consideration of,:in view of,Take-into consideration:,consider,In consideration of her fine work,they decided to give her a raise.,The judge took into consideration her past history before making a decision.,16/35,3.have a passion/liking for:,have a strong interest in 热爱酷爱,Peter has a consuming passion for science fiction.,She has a passion for chocolate.,17/35,4.distress:V,.cause great suffering to使忧伤 n.a state of extreme sorrow,suffering,or pain,I hope I havent distressed you with all these personal questions.,Jealousy causes distress and painful emotions.,18/35,5.Discretion:,n discreet:adj.,a.good judgment慎重,e.g.It is a delicate matter that must be handled with the utmost discretion.,b.the ability to decide exactly what should be done in a particular situation 判断力,酌情决定权,e.g.Promotions are left to the discretion of the supervisor.(提升事宜由主管决定。),at sbs discretion,:according to sbs decision or wishes,e.g.The size of your payment may be changed at your discretion.,你收入多少能够随你遗愿而改变。,19/35,6.fall to sb:,be the duty of,(esp.an unpleasant one)是,职责,落在肩上,The job of arranging the new schedule fell to John.,It fell to me to give her the bad news.,fall to doing sth,:start doing sth,e.g.When things really started to go wrong,they fell to arguing among themselves.,fall to sbs lot,:to be sth sb has or must deal with注定由某人做某事,成为某人不可推卸责任,20/35,7.incongruous a.,inappropriate,out of place 不恰当,It seems incongruous to have woman as the editor of a mens magazine.,The new computer looked incongruous in the dark book-filled library.,21/35,8.in mourning:,wearing black clothes to show grief at the death of sb.戴孝,The whole nation was in mourning for those who died in the war.,He was in deep mourning for his dear ones who died in the earthquake.,22/35,9.intrude:,v.put oneself into a situation where one is unwelcome;enter unwanted(,followed by on/into/upon,),打搅闯进,Newspaper editors are urged not to intrude on/into the grief of the families of missing servicemen.,The press has been blamed for intruding peoples personal lives in an unacceptable way.,23/35,Part II(P12),In Angelas diary Gilbert reads about how she felt,proud of him at first as a promising politician,and then a bit lonely at home.,24/35,10.speculate:,talk about a matter without having the necessary facts(followed by about/on;that;+wh)猜测,A spokesperson declined to speculate on the cause of the train crash.,The newspapers have speculated that they will get married next year.,The readers can speculate what will happen next.,25/35,Part III P13,Angelas diary reveals how she went to work with the poor in the East End and developed an affection for B.M.,26/35,11 East End:,an area to the east of the City of London,from the Tower of London along the north bank of the River Thames.It contains most of the old docks,where many of the local people used to work.The people living in the East End wee mostly poor but well known for their friendly and lively nature.The East End has always been one of the poorest areas of London.With recent new housing developments,the character of the area has completely changed.,12 Whitechapel:,a district of the East End,adjacent to the City of London,synonymous in the Victorian and Edwardian periods with the miseries of poverty,overcrowding,pollution etc.,27/35,13 Tower of London:,one of the oldest and most famous buildings in London.It is an ancient fortress on the north bank of the river Thames to the east of the city,and is a popular tourist attraction.It was made a World Heritage Site in 1988.,14.air ones view:,make ones view known to people 发表自己看法,Every Friday there is a meeting in the department where the students can air their views and discuss problems.,Citizens have the right to air their views fully.,28/35,15.,The Coming Revolution,:,The Coming Revolution in England,(1884)is a,32-page document by Henry Mayers Hyndman,(1 842-192 l),a famous Socialist of his day.,16.Wait up:,delay going to bed(为等人)不睡,No matter how late I went home,my mother would wait up for me.,Ill be back late;dont wait up for me.,29/35,17.,cease:stop,Cease to do/cease doing,The law will cease to be valid from midnight tonight.,We must cease dumping waste in the sea.,30/35,Part IV(p14-24),Gilbert finally comes to realize that Angela committed suicide in order to escape from him and rejoin her lover,31/35,Marriage Tips,32/35,1.Never both be angry at the same time.,2.Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire.,3.If one of you has to win an argument,let it be your mate.,4.If you must criticize,do it lovingly.,5.Never bring up mistakes of the past.,33/35,6.Neglect the whole world rather than each other.,7.Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled.,8.At least once every day say a kind or complimentary word to your life partner.,9.When you have done something wrong,admit it and ask for forgiveness.,10.Remember it takes two to make a quarrel.,34/35,Thank you,35/35,- 配套讲稿:
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