廣東省對外貿易經濟合作廳 香港考察團訪問湛江及陽江之活動取得圓滿成功,對促進香港與廣東西部的經濟合作及交流起了積極作用。繼湛江及陽江之考察活動後,「擴大粵港經濟合作腹地專責小組」將組織港商於六月二十日至二十二日訪問韶關及清遠,探討如何促進香港及粵北地區的商業發展機遇。 主辦單位: 「擴大粵港經濟合作腹地專責小組」- 此小組是粤港合作聯席會議所成立的十五個專責小組其中之一個,粤方由廣東省對外貿易經濟合作廰為牽頭單位,港方由香港貿易發展局為牽頭單位。 活動目標: · 擴大香港及廣東腹地之經濟合作。 · 鼓勵香港公司把生產擴大至廣東腹地,利用當地低成本優勢, 增強產品競爭力。 · 宣傳香港作為內地企業接通國際市場平台的優勢,以吸引更多廣東省企業來港投資。 活動詳情: 是次考察團將由政務司司長曾蔭權先生率領,團員將參觀韶關、清遠兩地之重點企業及工業園,並參與經貿合作交流會,全面探討香港及廣東腹地之合作機會。 有關考察團行程安排請參閱附件。 重點及具發展潛力之行業: 韶關:玩具、製衣/製鞋、汽車配件、資訊科技、家電、五金、製藥、農業、物流、旅遊等。 清遠:能源、生物/醫藥、陶瓷、建材、紡織、家電、五金、旅遊等。 韶關及清遠之經濟數據(2003年): 韶關 清遠 人口 314.85萬 389.97萬 本地生產總值 (人民幣) 268.11億(á12.9%) 196.3億(á13.7%) 人均本地生產總值(人民幣) 8,515 5,030 進出口額 (美元) 4.35億 (á 45.47%) 6.18億 出口額 (美元) 2.01億(á40.25%) 3.08億 外資企業出口額 (美元) 0.6億(á3.64%) 2.46億 實際利用外資額(美元) 3.05億 1.8億 外商投資企業數目 782 (港資企業約有628家) 818 (港資企業約有747家) 參加費用及辦法: 參加費用為每位港幣二千八百元正(包括酒店住宿及交通費用)。請登上是次活動之網頁- 下載報名表格及查詢最新活動資料及詳情。如有任何疑問,請與香港貿易發展局鄧沅婷小姐聯絡(電話:2584 4153 傳真: 2169 9722)。 備註: 是次考察團將以廣東話及普通話為主。 申請表 請注意 : ® 除註明外,所有資料請以中文填寫。 ® 貴公司所提供的資料,將用於印製考察團宣傳資料及下載於考察團之網頁內。 ® 請將填妥的申請表傳真至(852) 2730 9851或郵寄至九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行825室 香港出口商會 蘇碧慧小姐收。 ® 截止報名日期: 2004年6月4日。 A 公司資料 1. 公司名稱 (中文): 公司名稱 (英文): 2. 公司登記地址: 通訊地址 同上 3. 電話: 4. 傳真: 5. 電子郵件: 6. 網址: 7. 商業登記證號碼: B 出席考察團之公司代表 1. 中文姓名: 先生/小姐/女士 2. 中文姓名: 先生/小姐/女士 英文姓名: 英文姓名: 職位: 職位: 香港身份證姓名: 香港身份證姓名: 香港身份證號碼: 香港身份證號碼: 回鄉證/護照號碼: 回鄉證/護照號碼: 手提電話 : 香港 手提電話 : 香港 內地 內地 C 聯絡人資料 1. 中文姓名: 先生/小姐/女士 2. 英文姓名: 3. 職位: 4. 直線電話號碼: 5. 電子郵件: 6. 直線傳真號碼: D 公司業務狀況(作統計用) 資產總值(2003年): 港幣 HK$: 過去兩年營業額: 2002年: 港幣 HK$: 2003年: 港幣 HK$: 僱員數目: 香港: 中國內地: 境外: E 業務性質 請在適當的空格上加“P”。(可多於一項) 製造業: 代理商 零售商 生產商 (生產設施設於香港 生產設施設於香港境外 (請註明): ) 其他 (請註明): 產品類別(請註明): 品牌名稱: 服務業: 法律 物流 市場推廣 銀行及金融服務 會計 貿易 旅遊 顧問服務 其他 (請註明): 服務範圍: (*如以上選擇多於一項,請註明最主要之業務性質以作分類。主要業務: ) F 在內地投資方式及地點 (如適用) 請在適當的空格上加“P”。(可多於一項) 投資地點: 韶關 (業務類型): 清遠 (業務類型): 珠三角地區 廣州 深圳 東莞 珠海 惠州 中山 佛山 肇慶 江門 長三角地區(包括:上海、江蘇省南部、浙江省北部) 環渤海地區 (包括:北京、天津、山東省、河北、遼寧) 西部地區 (包括:重慶、甘肅、貴州、青海、陝西、四川、雲南、廣西、內蒙古、寧夏、西藏、新彊) 其他地區 (請註明): 投資方式: 合資 獨資 合作 其他(請註明): G 參加考察團的主要目的 請在適當的空格上加“P”。(可多於一項) 閣下曾否到過韶關及清遠? 是 (請註明: 韶關 清遠) 否 1. 了解投資環境(如:投資建廠) 2. 尋找合作伙伴 3. 委任代理商 / 分銷商 4. 獲取市場經驗 5. 其他(請註明): H 參加費用 參加費用為每位港幣二千八百元正(包括酒店住宿及交通費用)。 參加費用 X 公司代表人數 = HK$ HK$ 2,800 請將填妥之表格連同參加費用交回香港出口商會 (地址:九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行825室) 蘇碧慧小姐收。 本票抬頭請註明“香港貿易發展局”。 I 其他資料 請參加公司提供以下資料以供製作團刊之用作並以電子郵件傳送至。 1. 公司簡介 (中文,不超過200字,並以微軟文件格式儲存)。 2. 出席是項活動之公司代表近照 (可郵寄照片並於背面寫上姓名及公司名稱或以JPEG格式電郵至本會,建議解析度為300像素)。 J 活動查詢 蘇碧慧小姐 市務推廣助理經理 電話: (852) 2730 9851 傳真: (852) 2730 1869 電子郵件: 網址: 地址:九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號星光行825室 鄧沅婷小姐 助理經理 (專責事務) 電話: (852) 2584 4153 傳真: (852) 2169 9722 電子郵件: 網址: 地址:香港灣仔港灣道一號會展廣場辦公大樓三十八樓 K 條款 本公司 (公司名稱) 茲申請參加香港考察團訪問韶關及清遠,並同意遵守香港貿易發展局訂定及適時修改或增新之參與條款及規則。本公司明白及同意,上述資料將會存儲在香港貿易發展局及香港出口商會資料庫內,以作宣傳用途,並將有關資料用於印製考察團之宣傳資料及下載於考察團之網頁內。本公司保證及同意,上述資料如有錯漏,香港貿易發展局及香港出口商會毋須負責。 姓名(正楷): 職位: 日期: 公司印鑑及負責人簽署: 參與條款 CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION 1. DEFINITIONS In these Conditions of Participation and the Application Form, save as the context otherwise requires: "Applicant" means the company named in Section A of the Application Form. "Application" means the application by the Applicant to participate in the Mission made by submitting the Application Form together with all necessary payments to the Council. "Application Form" means the application form to which these conditions are annexed. "Conditions" means these Conditions of Participation as amended by the Council from time to time. "Council" means the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. "Delegate(s)" means the individual(s) named in Section B of the Application Form who is/are nominated by the Participant to attend and represent it in the Mission. "Executive Director" means the Executive Director appointed by the Council from time to time; "Hong Kong" means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. "Mission" means the mission named in the Application Form. "Participant" means the Applicant after its Application has been accepted by the Council. "Participation Fee" means the amount(s) payable by the Participant to the Council for the right to participate in the Mission, as specified in Section H of the Application Form. "Project Manager" means the project manager for the Mission appointed by the Council. "Publicity Material" means all and any promotional gifts, catalogues, pamphlets, advertising and publicity material whatsoever which the Participant wishes to display, distribute or use at or for the purpose of the Mission. "Related Companies" in respect of the Applicant or Participant means its holding companies, subsidiaries and subsidiaries of its holding companies. 2. ACCEPTANCE (a) The Applicant must be a Hong Kong entity with a valid Hong Kong business registration certificate with substantial operations in Hong Kong. (b) The Executive Director of the Council, on behalf of the Council, may in his absolute discretion accept or reject the Application. 3. PAYMENT (a) Upon submission of its Application, the Applicant shall pay to the Council the Participation Fee. (b) If the Application is rejected, the Council will within 30 days of the date of notice of rejection refund to the Applicant the Participation Fee received by it from the Applicant without interest. (c) When the Application is accepted by the Council, the Applicant will become a Participant. If it subsequently wishes to withdraw its participation, it may do so by notice in writing to the Council whereupon the Participation Fee will be forfeited by the Council. (d) i. The Delegates shall settle with the hotel directly all charges incurred by them at the hotel when they check out from the hotel. ii. The Participant shall indemnify the Council against all liabilities incurred by its Delegates in connection with the hotel or symposium venue and shall on demand pay to the Council immediately all amounts claimed by the hotel against the Council in respect thereof. (e) All payments by the Applicant/Participant to the Council shall be made promptly without any deduction, set-off or counterclaim. (f) The Council reserves the right to offset any balance to be refunded to the Applicant/Participant against any outstanding liabilities due by the latter to the Council in relation to their participation in the Council's other activities. (g) No interest will be payable by the Council in respect of any refund amounts to the Applicant/Participant. 4. PARTICIPATION IN THE MISSION (a) The Participant must be represented in the Mission by at least 1 Delegate. (b) Any Delegate nominated to represent the Participant in the Mission must be a senior executive of the Participant. (c) The Participant shall ensure that :- i. each of its Delegates shall be fully conversant with the Products and shall be duly authorised to negotiate and conclude contracts for the sale of the Products; ii. its Delegates shall comply with the Conditions and with all directions which the Project Manager may from time to time give in connection with any matter appertaining to the Mission. (d) The Council reserves the right in its absolute discretion and without giving any reasons to require the Participant to replace any of its Delegates forthwith. (e) The Participant shall use its best endeavours to uphold the reputation of the Council and to promote the success of the Mission. 5. TERMINATION OF RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE (a) Without prejudice to the Council's other rights and remedies, the Council has the right to terminate forthwith by notice the Participant's right to participate in the Mission on or following the occurrence of any of the following events:- i. if the Participant or any of its Delegates, officers, representatives, agents or employees commits a breach of any of the Conditions; ii. if the Participant, being a body corporate, enters into liquidation whether compulsorily or voluntarily or compounds with its creditors or has a receiver appointed over all or any part of its assets or if the Participant, being a sole proprietorship or partnership, becomes or one of its members becomes bankrupt or insolvent or enters into any arrangements with its creditors; iii. if the Executive Director in his absolute discretion decides that such right shall be terminated. (b) The Participant's right to participate in the Mission shall automatically terminate in the event that all its Delegates are refused entry visa or entry permit to the country or place where the Mission shall be held by any competent authorities. (c) In the event that the Participant's right to participate in the Mission is terminated, the Participation Fee will not be refunded to the Participant and any expenses incurred by the Council for and on behalf of the Participant prior to such termination and all other expenses reasonably incurred by the Council as a consequence of such termination shall be paid on demand by the Participant to the Council. 6. CANCELLATION The Council reserves the right to cancel or postpone the Mission or to shorten or prolong its duration at any time without incurring any liability whatsoever to the Participant and its Delegates if circumstances outside the control of the Council (including but not limited to war, embargo, civil unrest, legal proceedings or government regulations) make it in the sole opinion of the Council (which opinion shall be conclusive) impossible, impractical or undesirable for the Council to hold the Mission. 7. EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY (a) The Council shall not be liable for any loss, damage or personal injury howsoever suffered by or caused to the Participant or its Delegates, officers, representatives, agents, employees or any third party, or its Products or other property in the course of or in relation to the Mission, unless such loss, damage or personal injury shall be caused by any breach by the Council or its employees of the Conditions. (b) The Council assumes no responsibilities for any introduction or transaction made between the Participant and any third party during or as a result of the Mission. (c) The Participant shall be responsible for effecting all insurance coverage necessary in connection with its participation in the Mission including but not limited to insurance in respect of the Products, its other property and its Delegates (including travel and medical insurance). (d) The Participant undertakes to indemnify and at all times hereafter to keep indemnified the Council from and against all liabilities, actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs and expenses whatsoever which it may suffer or incur by reason of or in relation to any act, omission or default by the Participant or its Delegates, officers, representatives, agents and employees in the course of or in relation to the Mission. 8. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION The Participant shall not disclose or permit to be disclosed to any person or otherwise make use of or permit to be made use of any information relating to the business or affairs of the Council or other participants in the Mission which has been acquired by reason of the Participant's participation in the Mission. 9. WAIVER No failure or delay by the Council in exercising or enforcing any right or power hereunder shall operate or be construed or operated as a waiver thereof. No waiver of any breach shall be construed as a waiver of any continuing or subsequent breach. 10. NOTICE (a) Every notice or demand shall be in writing but may be given or made by post, cable, telex or fax. (b) Every notice or demand to be given by the Council may be sent to the address of the Participant stated in its Application Form. Every notice to be given by the Participant to the Council shall be sent to the offices of the Council at 38th Floor, Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Hong Kong. (c) Every notice or demand shall be deemed to have been received in the case of a telex, or fax, at the time of despatch, and in the case of a letter three days after the posting of the same by prepaid post. 11. GENERAL (a) Nothing in the Application Form or the Conditions shall create or be deemed to create a partnership or the relationship of principal and agent or employer and employee between the Council and the Participant. (b) The Application Form and the Conditions embody and set out the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersede all prior oral or written agreements, understandings or arrangements between the Council and the Applicant relating to the Mission. 12. GOVERNING LAW The Application Form and the Conditions shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and all the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts. (此參與條款以英文原文為準。如欲索取參與條款之中文譯本,請登上- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 广东省 对外贸易经济合作
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