WWW.JUYANGPAI.COM 聚 洋 派 JUYANGPAI --JUYANGPAI.COM 商业计划书 Business Plan 目录 Contents 1.执行纲要 5 1.Summary 5 1.1环境与契机 5 1.1 Environment and opportunity 5 1.2产品与服务 7 1.2 Products and service 7 1.3市场研究与分析 7 1.3 Market research and analysis 7 1.4公司及战略 8 1.4 Company strategy 8 1.5公司管理 9 1.5 Company management 9 1.6技术可行性分析 10 1.6 Technical feasibility analysis 10 1.7资金需求 10 1.7 Capital demand 10 2.环境与契机 10 2.Environment and opportunity 10 2.1 各种环境的基本情况 10 2.1 Basic situation of various kinds of environment 10 2.2 市场现状 12 2.2 The market situation 12 3.产品与服务 14 3.Products and service 14 3.1服务定位 14 3.1 Service orientation 14 3.2 产品 119 3.2 Products 119 4.市场研究与分析 19 4. Market research and analysis 19 4.1市场概述 20 4.1 Market overview 20 4.2目标市场分析 20 4.2 Target market analysis 20 4.3市场定位 25 4.3 Market localization 25 4.4市场需求预测 25 4.4 Market demand forecasting 25 4.5市场营销策略 27 4.5 Marketing strategy 27 4.6具体执行方案 30 4.6 Specific implementation 30 5.竞争分析 33 5.Competitive analysis 33 5.1 SWOT分析 33 5.1 SWOT analysis 33 5.2竞争力量分析 34 5.2 Competitive forces analysis 34 5.3 分析总结 39 5.3 Analysis summary 39 6.公司及战略 40 6.The company and the strategic 40 6.1公司宗旨 40 6.1Company tenet 40 6.2公司经营理念 40 6.2 Company Operate philosophy 40 6.3公司目标 40 6.3 Company target 40 6.4 公司战略 41 6.4 Company strategy 41 7.公司管理 43 7.The company management 43 7.1核心管理层经理工作职责 44 7.1 The core management manager job responsibilities 44 7.2员工 46 7.2 Employees 46 7.3服务流程图 47 7.3 The service flow chart 47 7.4价值链管理 48 7.4 Value chain management 48 8.技术可行性分析 52 8.Technical feasibility analysis 52 8.1主要技术 52 8.1 Main technology 52 8.2安全技术 53 8.2 Security technology 53 8.3技术维护与开发的人力资源 54 8.3 Maintenance and development of human resources 54 8.4总结 54 8.4 Conclusion 54 9.资金需求 55 9.Capital demand 55 9.1 目前资金需求量 55 9.1 Current capital demand 55 9.2 其他资金需求 55 9.2 Other capital needs 55 9.3 资本金具体使用 56 9.3 Specific use of the capital 56 10.财务分析 57 10.Financial analysis 57 10.1财务基本假设 58 10.1 Financial basic assumptions 58 10.2财务报表(见附表) 59 10.2 Financial statements (see attached table) 59 10.3财务分析 59 10.3 Financial analysis 59 10.4总结 65 10.4 Conclusion 65 11.风险资本的退出 67 11.The exit of venture capital 67 11.1资金退出计划 67 11.1 Capital exit plan 67 11.2总结 68 11.2 Conclusion 68 12.团队介绍 69 12.Team introduce 69 附录一: 70 Appendix one: 70 商业计划书 Business Plan 1. 执行纲要 1.Summary 1.1环境与契机 1.1Environment and opportunity 据中国电子商务研究中心监测数据显示,2012年中国海外代购市场交易规模达483亿元,较2011年同比增长82.3%,并呈明显上升趋势。(图一) According to the China electronic commerce research center monitoring data,In 2012, China has purchased 48.3 billion RMB oversea commodities, compare to 2011, it has grew 82.3%, and shows a obvious increasing trend.(figure 1) (图一)(figure 1) 近年来,由于中国综合实力和居民生活质量的提升,使得中高产阶级群体对生活品质的注重,优质海外商品的市场需求在不断攀升,国外消费品越来越受到国内市场的青睐。 In recent years, due to China's improvement of comprehensive national strength and residents getting rich , rich people are care more about their quality of life, the demand of high-quality oversea products are rising , oversea products are getting more and more popular by Chinese market. 随着电子信息技术和经济全球化的深入发展, 电子商务在国际贸易中的地位和作用日益凸显,已经成为中国对外贸易的发展趋势。跨境电商越来越受到政府部门的高度重视。发改委、商务部、海关总署、人民银行、质检总局、国家邮政局、国家标准委等部门积极围绕综合法律法规、信息监管、支付清算、通关、物流保税、电子认证、纠纷解决、经营者行为、示范试点等标准规范和配套管理制度层面,跨境电子商务法律政策环境不断完善。 With the further development of electronic information technology and economic globalization, the position and function of e-commerce in international trade is growing, it has become a development trend of China's foreign trade.Chinese government pay high attention to Cross-border e-commerce .Development and reform commission, ministry of commerce, general administration of customs, the people's bank of China, quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, the national post office, the national standards committee and other departments formed a complete set of management system in comprehensive laws and regulations, regulatory information, payment and settlement, customs clearance, bonded logistics, electronic authentication, dispute resolution, the operator behavior, pilot demonstration and other standard specification, the policies of cross-border e-commerce are improving . 今年跨境进口电商政策在跨境支付、通关和保税模式等方面对跨境电商呈现多重利好。 This year,Cross-border e-commerce has multiple positive policies in cross-border payment, customs clearance ,bonded pattern and other aspects . 1.2产品与服务 1.2 Products and service 在国家针对跨境电商的政策越来越开放的背景下,结合我们的团队在国外的货源优势以及电商运营的经验,以“顾客至上、便捷购物、品质保证”的原则为口号,最终搭建一个服务大众的跨境购物平台。主要商品为欧美的名牌时装及服饰,日韩的化妆品,澳新的奶粉,以及发达国家生产的名牌日用品等。 Under the background of national policies towards cross-border e-commerce, in combination with our team's abroad source advantage and cross-border e-commerce business experience, our slogan is"customer first, convenient shopping and quality guarantee" , to build a serving public cross-border e-commerce website.the Main products are from European and American brand-name fashion and clothing, Japan and South Korea's cosmetics, Australia's milk powder, and famous brand commodities in the developed countries. 附录一: Appendix one: 利润表 单位:美元 Profits statement Currency:USD 第一年 First year 第二年 Second year 第三年 Third year 第四年 Fourth year 第五年 Fifth year 一 主营业务收入: One:main business income 2,665,406 6,860,953 13,351,711 22,085,852 33,736,392 减: 主营业务成本: Reduce:Main business cost 1,243,856 3,247,847 5,752,835 9,618,118 14,829,565 主营业务税金及其附加 Main business taxes 48,866 122,164 232,112 375,045 560,857 二 主营业务利润 Two;main business profits 1,372,684 3,490,942 7,366,763 12,092,689 18,345,970 加: 其他业务收入 Plus:other business income 200,000 260,000 338,000 439,400 571,220 减:其它业务税金及其附加 Reduce:other business taxes 6,600 8,580 11,154 14,500 18,850 减 :营业费用 Reduce:operation fee 1,158,736 1,889,177 2,953,519 4,225,917 5,865,001 管理费用 Management fee 908,502 973,062 1,085,378 1,156,952 1,249,117 财务费用 Financial fee 40,950 40,950 40,950 40,950 40,950 三 营业利润 Three operation profits (542,104) 839,172 3,613,761 7,093,769 11,743,272 四 税前利润 Four pre-tax profits (542,104) 839,172 3,613,761 7,093,769 11,743,272 减 :所得税 Reduce:income tax 0 0 542,064 1,064,065 1,761,491 五 净利润 Five net profits (542,104) 839,172 3,071,697 6,029,704 9,981,781 现金流量表 单位:美元 Cash flow statement Currency:USD 项 目 Project 第一年 First year 第二年 Second year 第三年 Third year 第四年 Fourth year 第五年 Fifth year 一、 经营活动产生的现金流量: One:cash flow form business 销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 Cash from Sale goods,provide labor service 2865406 7120953 13689711 22525252 34307612 现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflow 2865406 7120953 13689711 22525252 34307612 购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 Cash from purchase goods,accept labor service 870699 2646650 5001339 8458533 13266131 经营租赁所支付的现金 Cash paying for Operating lease 78000 78000 78000 78000 78000 支付给职工的现金 Cash paying for employee salary 746423 899459 1097691 1339626 1636407 支付的所得税 Paying income tax 0 0 542064 1064065 1761491 支付其他税费 Paying Other taxes 55466 130744 243266 389545 579707 支付其他与经营活动有关的现金 Paying cash for other relative activities 1012213 1654179 2592744 3704781 5139248 现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash out flow 2762801 5409031 9555105 15034551 22460985 经营活动产生的现金流量净额 Net Cash flow from business 102605 1711922 4134606 7490701 11846628 二、 投资活动产生的现金流量: Two:net cash flow from investment 购建固定资产所支付的现金 cash for purchase fixed assets 958900 0 191780 0 0 购建无形资产所支付的现金 cash paying for purchase intangible assets 267000 0 26700 0 0 投资活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flow from investment (1225900) 0 (218480) 0 0 三、 筹资活动产生的现金流量: Three: cash flow from Financing activities 吸收权益性投资所收到的现金 Cash from absorb equity investment 1500000 0 0 0 0 借款所收到的现金 Cash from loan 700000 0 0 0 0 现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash flow 2200000 0 0 0 0 偿还借款所支付的现金 Cash paying for refund loan 0 0 0 0 700000 分配股利所支付的现金 Cash from allocate stock 0 0 491472 964753 1597085 偿付利息所支付的现金 Cash paying for refund interest 40950 40950 40950 40950 40950 现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash flow (40950) (40950) (532422) (1005703) (2338035) 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flow form financing activities 2159050 (40950) (532422) (1005703) (2338035) 四、 现金及现金等价物净增加额 Four:cash and cash equivalent net increase amount 1035755 1670972 3383705 6484999 9508593 资产负债表 单位: 美元 Balance sheet Currency:USD 资产 assets 第一年 First year 第二年 Second year 第三年 Third year 第四年 Fourth year 第五年 Fifth year 流动资产: Current assets 货币资金 Monetary capital 1,035,755 2,706,727 6,090,431 12,575,430 22,084,023 流动资产合计 Total Current capital 固定资产: Fixed assets 958,900 958,900 1,150,680 1,150,680 1,150,680 减:累计折旧 Reduce:Accumulated depreciation 177,202 354,404 566,126 767,849 969,571 固定资产净值 Net fixed assets 781,698 604,496 584,554 382,831 181,109 无形资产 Intangible assets 267,000 267,000 293,700 293,700 293,700 减:累计摊销 Reduce:Accumulated amortization 53,400 106,800 165,540 224,280 283,020 无形资产净值 Net intangible assets 213,600 160,200 128,160 69,420 10,680 资产合计 Total assets 2,031,053 3,471,423 6,803,145 13,027,681 22,275,812 负债及权益 Debt and equity 第一年 First year 第二年 Second year 第三年 Third year 第四年 Fourth year 第五年 Fifth year 流动负债: Current debts 应付帐款 Account payable 373,157 974,354 1,725,851 2,885,436 4,448,870 流动负债合计 Total current debts 373,157 974,354 1,725,851 2,885,436 4,448,870 长期借款 Long-tern loan 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 0 负债合计 Total debts 1,073,157 1,674,354 2,425,851 3,585,436 4,448,870 所有者权益: Owner’s equity 实收资本 Paid-up capital 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 盈余公积 Earned surplus 0 59,414 673,753 1,879,694 3,876,050 未分配利润 Undistributed profit -542,104 237,655 2,203,541 6,062,552 12,450,892 所有者权益合计 Total owner’s equity 957,896 1,797,069 4,377,294 9,442,246 17,826,942 负债及权益合计 Total debts and equity 2,031,053 3,471,423 6,803,145 13,027,681 22,275,812 成本费用表 单位:美元 Expenses statement Currency:USD 第一年 First year 第二年 Second year 第三年 Third year 第四年 Fourth year 第五年 Fifth year 2,633 3,949 5,923 7,700 10,010 一 主营业务收入: One main business income: 2,665,406 6,860,953 13,351,711 22,085,852 33,736,392 核心会员会费收入 Core member fee income 789,750 1,974,375 3,751,313 6,061,331 9,064,356 核心会员消费 Core member consumption 1,579,500 3,948,750 7,502,625 12,122,663 18,128,711 普通会员会费收入 Ordinary member fee income 98,719 246,797 468,914 757,666 1,133,044 普通会员消费 Ordinary member income 197,438 691,031 1,628,859 3,144,192 5,410,281 减: 主营业务成本: Reduce:main business cost 1,243,856 3,247,847 5,752,835 9,618,118 14,829,565 其他成本 Other cost 1,066,163 2,783,869 5,478,891 9,160,113 14,123,395 支付品牌推广费 Brand promote fee 177,694 463,978 0 0 0 支付物流费 Logistic fee 0 0 273,945 458,006 706,170 主营业务税金及其附加 Main business taxes 48,866 122,164 232,112 375,045 560,857 营业税 Operating tax 44,423 111,059 211,011 340,950 509,870 城市维护建设费 City maintain construction fee 3,110 7,774 14,771 23,866 35,691 教育及附加 Education and other fee 1,333 3,332 6,330 10,228 15,296 二 主营业务利润 Two main business profits 1,372,684 3,490,942 7,366,763 12,092,689 18,345,970 加: 其他业务收入 Plus:other income 200,000 260,000 338,000 439,400 571,220 广告收入 advertising income 200,000 260,000 338,000 439,400 571,220 减:其他业务税金及其附加 Reduce:other business taxes 6,600 8,580 11,154 14,500 18,850 减: 营业费用 Reduce:operating cost 1,158,736 1,889,177 2,953,519 4,225,917 5,865,001 广告费 Advertising fee 360,000 432,000 518,400 622,080 746,496 网络广告 Internet advertising 240,000 288,000 345,600 414,720 497,664 杂志广告 Magazine advertising 120,000 144,000 172,800 207,360 248,832 业务推广费 Business promote fee 329,063 493,594 740,391 962,508 1,251,260 核心会员 Core member 263,250 394,875 592,313 770,006 1,001,008 普通会员 Ordinary member 65,813 98,719 148,078 192,502 250,252 会员维护费 Member maintain fee 263,250 658,125 1,250,438 2,020,444 3,021,452 核心会员 Core member 210,600 526,500 1,000,350 1,616,355 2,417,162 普通会员 Ordinary member 52,650 131,625 250,088 404,089 604,290 销售人员工资 Sales salary 206,423 305,459 444,291 620,886 845,793 基本工资 Basic salary 162,000 194,400 233,280 279,936 335,923 销售提成 Sales commissions 44,423 111,059 211,011 340,950 509,870 减 : 管理费用: Reduce:management fee 908,502 973,062 1,085,378 1,156,952 1,249,117 管理人员工资 Management employees’ salary 540,000 594,000 653,400 718,740 790,614 培训费 Training fee 12,000 13,200 14,520 15,972 17,569 场所租赁费 Rental fee 78,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 78,000 无形资产摊销费 intangible assets Amortization 53,400 53,400 58,740 58,740 58,740 开办费摊销 initial expenses Amortization 23,360 23,360 23,360 23,360 23,360 其他无形资产摊销 Other intangible assets Amortization 30,040 30,040 35,380 35,380 35,380 域名注册费 Domain registration fee 300 300 300 300 300 虚拟主机托管费 Virtual host trustee fee 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 折旧 depreciation 177,202 177,202 211,722 201,722 201,722 硬件设备折旧 Hardware device depreciation 167,202 167,202 201,722 201,722 201,722 其他固定资产折旧 Other fixed assets depreciation 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 0 办公费用 Office expenses 14,400 15,840 17,424 19,166 21,083 话费 Telephone charge 7,200 7,920 8,712 9,583 10,542 网络费用 Internet fee 24,000 3- 配套讲稿:
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