隧道工程 tunnel engineering 隧道 tunnel 铁路隧道 ;铁道隧道 railway tunnel 公路隧道 highway tunnel 地铁隧道 subway tunnel; underground railway tunnel; metro tunnel 人行隧道 pedestrian tunnel 水工隧洞 ;输水隧道 hydraulic tunnel 山岭隧道 mountain tunnel 水下隧道 subaqueous tunnel 海底隧道 ;水下隧道 submarine tunnel; underwater tunnel 土质隧道 earth tunnel 岩石隧道 rock tunnel 浅埋隧道 shallow tunnel; shallow-depth tunnel; shallow burying tunnel 深埋隧道 deep tunnel; deep-depth tunnel; deep burying tunnel 偏压隧道 unsymmetrical loading tunnel 马蹄形隧道 ;拱形隧道 horse-shoe tunnel; arch tunnel 圆形隧道 circular tunnel 矩形隧道 rectangular section tunnel 大断面隧道 large cross-section tunnel 长隧道 long tunnel 双线隧道 twin-track tunnel; double track tunnel 曲线隧道 curved tunnel 明洞 open tunnel; opencut tunnel; tunnel without cover; gallery 隧道勘测 tunnel survey 超前探测 drift boring 工程地质勘测 ;工程地质勘探 engineering geological prospecting 隧道测量 tunnel survey 施工测量 construction survey 断面测量 section survey 隧道设计 tunnel design 隧道断面 tunnel section 安全系数 safety coefficient 隧道力学 tunnel mechanics 隧道结构 tunnel structure 隧道洞口设施 facilities of tunnel portal 边墙 side wall 拱顶 arch crown 拱圈 tunnel arch 仰拱 inverted arch 底板 base plate;floor 隧道埋深 depth of tunnel 隧道群 tunnel group 隧道施工 tunnel construction 隧道开挖 tunnel excavation 分部开挖 partial excavation 大断面开挖 large cross-section excavation 全断面开挖 full face tunnelling 开挖面 excavated surface 隧道施工方法 tunnel construction method 钻爆法 drilling and blasting method 新奥法 natm;new austrian tunnelling method 盾构法 shield driving method;shield method 顶进法 pipe jacking method;jack-in method 浅埋暗挖法 sallow buried-tunnelling method 明挖法 cut and cover tunneling;opencut method 地下连续墙法 underground diaphragm wall method;underground wall method 冻结法 freezing method 沉埋法 immersed tube method 管棚法 pipe-shed method 综合机械化掘进 comprehensive mechanized excavation 辅助坑道 auxiliary adit;service gallery 平行坑道 parallel adit 竖井 shaft 斜井 sloping shaft;inclined shaft 导坑 heading 衬砌工艺 lining process 喷锚 ;锚喷 anchor bolt spray;anchor bolt-spray 管段 tube section 接缝 joint 地层加固 reinforcing of natural ground 弃碴 ballast piling 施工监控 construction monitor control 超挖 overbreak 欠挖 underbreak 施工进度 construction progress 隧道贯通 tunnel holing-through 工期 work period 隧道施工机械 tunnel construction machinery 隧道掘进机 tunnelling machine;tunnel boring machine;tbm 单臂掘进机 single cantilever tunnelling machine 全断面掘进机 full face tunnel boring machine 隧道钻眼爆破机械 machine for tunnel drilling and blasting operation 装碴运输机械 loading-conveying ballast equipment 衬砌机械 lining mechanism 钢模板 steel form 模板台车 formworking jumbo 混凝土喷射机 ;砼喷射机 concrete sprayer 盾构 shield 泥水盾构 slurry shield 气压盾构 air pressure shield 挤压闭胸盾构 shotcrete closed shield 土压平衡盾构 soil pressure balancing shield 注浆机械 grouting machine 凿岩机 rock drilling machine;air hammer drill 凿岩台车 drill jumbo;rock drilling jumbo 围岩 surrounding rock 围岩分类 surrounding rock classification 围岩加固 surrounding rock consolidation 围岩稳定 surrounding rock stability 围岩应力 surrounding rock stress 围岩压力 pressure of surrounding rock 山体压力 ;围岩压力 ground pressure;surrounding rock pressure 围岩变形 surrounding rock deformation 围岩破坏 surrounding rock failure 软弱围岩 weak surrounding rock 支护 support 锚喷支护 anchor bolt-spray support 锚杆支护 anchor bolt-support;anchor bolt support 喷射混凝土支护 ;喷射砼支护 shotcrete support;sprayed concrete support 配筋喷射混凝土支护 ;配筋喷射砼支护 reinforced sprayed concrete support 钢架喷射混凝土支护 ;钢架喷射砼支护 rigid-frame shotcrete support 掘进工作面支护 excavation face support 超前支护 advance support 管棚支护 pipe-shed support;pipe roofing support 胶结型锚杆 adhesive anchor bolt 砂浆锚杆 mortar bolt 树脂锚杆 resin anchored bolt 摩擦型锚杆 friction anchor bolt 楔缝式锚杆 slit wedge type rock bolt 涨壳式锚杆 expansion type anchor bolt 机械型锚杆 mechanical anchor bolt 预应力锚杆 prestressed anchor bolt 土层锚杆 soil bolt 岩石锚杆 rock bolt 衬砌 lining 整体式衬砌 integral tunnel lining;integral lining 拼装式衬砌 precast lining 组合衬砌 composite lining 挤压混凝土衬砌 ;挤压砼衬砌 shotcrete tunnel lining;extruding concrete tunnel lining 混凝土衬砌 ;砼衬砌 concrete lining 喷锚衬砌 shotcrete and bolt lining;shotcrete bolt lining 隧道通风 tunnel ventilation 施工通风 construction ventilation 运营通风 operation ventilation 机械通风 mechanical ventilation 自然通风 natural ventilation 隧道射流式通风 ;隧道射流通风 efflux ventilation for tunnel;tunnel efflux ventilation;tunnel injector type ventilation 隧道通风帘幕 curtain for tunnel ventilation;ventilation curtain 通风设备 ventilation equipment 隧道照明 tunnel illumination;tunnel lighting 照明设备 lighting equipment 隧道防水 tunnel waterproofing;waterproofing of tunnel 防水板 waterproofing board;waterproof board;waterproof sheet 防水材料 waterproof material 隧道排水 tunnel drainage 排水设备 drainage facilites 隧道病害 tunnel defect 衬砌裂损 lining split;lining **ing 隧道漏水 water leakage of tunnel;tunnel leak 坍方 landslide;slip 地面塌陷 land yielding 涌水 gushing water 隧道养护 tunnel maintenance 堵漏 leaking stoppage 注浆 grouting 化学注浆 chemical grouting 防寒 cold-proof 整治 regulation 限界检查 clearance examination;checking of clearance;clearance check measurement 隧道管理系统 tunnelling management system 隧道环境 tunnel environment 隧道试验 ;隧道实验 tunnel test 试验段 ;实验段 test section 隧道监控量测 ;隧道监控测量 tunnel monitoring measurement 收敛 convergence 隧道安全 tunnel safety 隧道防火 tunnel fire proofing 火灾 fire hazard 消防 fire fighting 隧道防灾设施 tunnel disaster prevention equipment;tunnel anti-disaster equipment 报警装置 ;报警器 alarming device;warning device 通过隧道 passing tunnel 避车洞 refuge hole 避难洞 ;避车洞 refuge recess;refuge hole 电气化铁道工程 ;电气化铁路工程 electrified railway construction 电气化铁道 ;电气化铁路 electrified railway 直流电气化铁道 dc electrified railway 交流电气化铁道 ;交流电气化铁路 a.c.electrification railway 低频电气化铁道 low frequency electrified railway 工频电气化铁道 ;工频电气化铁路 industry frequency electrified railway 电压制 voltage system 电流制 current system 核子密度湿度测定 determination of nuclear density-moisture 路基承载板测定 determination of bearing slab of subgrade 预留沉落量 reserve settlement; settlement allowance 反压护道 berm with superloading; berm for back pressure; counter swelling berm 石灰砂桩 lime sand pile 换土 change soil; soil replacement 爆破排淤 blasting discharging sedimentation; silt arresting by explosion; discharge of sedimentation by blasting 抛石挤淤 throwing stones to packing sedimentation; packing sedimentation by throwing stones; packing up sedimentation by dumping stones 路堑石方爆破 rock cutting blasting; rock blasting in cut 定向爆破 directional blasting 浅孔爆破 shallow hole blasting 深孔爆破 deep hole blasting 洞室药包爆破 chamber explosive package blasting; chamher blasting 扬弃爆破 abandoned blasting; abandonment blasting 抛掷爆破 pin-point blasting 松动爆破 blasting for loosening rock 药壶爆破 pot hole blasting 裸露腰包爆破 adobe blasting; contact blasting 路堑边坡 cutting slope; side slope of cut 堑顶 top of cutting slope; top of cutting 路堑平台 platform of cutting; berm in cutting 弃土堆 waste bank; bankette; spoil bank 挡土墙 retaining wall铁路施工常用英文词汇1 重力式挡土墙 gravity retaining wall 衡重式挡土墙 balance weight retaining wall; gravity retaining wall with relieving platform; balanced type retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙 anchored retaining wall by tie rods; anchored bulkhead retaining wall; anchored plate retaining wall 加筋土挡土墙 reinforced earth retaining wall; reinforced soil retaining wall 锚杆挡墙 anchored bolt retaining wall; anchoraged retaining wall by tie rods 管柱挡墙 cylindrical shaft retaining wall 沉井挡墙 caisson retaining wall 抗滑桩 anti-slide pile; counter-sliding pile 护墙 guard walltielu 铁路施工 护坡 slope protection; revertment; pitching 排水沟 weep drain; drainage ditch; drain ditch 边沟;侧沟 side ditch 天沟 gutter; overhead ditch; intercepting ditch 吊沟 suspended ditch 跌水 hydraulic drop 截水沟 intercepting ditch; catch-drain 急流槽 chute 排水槽 drainage channel 渗水暗沟 blind drain 渗水隧洞 leak tunnel; permeable tunnel; drainage tunnel 渗井 leaching well; seepage well 渗管 leaky pipe 平孔排水 horizontal hole drainage 反滤层 reverse filtration layer; inverted filter; protective filter 检查井 inspection well; manhole 砂井;排水砂井 sand drain 隔断层 insulating course; insulating layer 透水路堤 pervious embankment; permeable embankment 渗水路堤 immerseable embankment 排水砂垫层 sand filled drainage layer; drainage sand blanker 坡面防护 slope protection 护岸 revetment; shore protection 导流堤 diversion dike 拦石墙 stone cut off wall; stone falling wall; buttree 落石槽 stone falling channel; trough for catching falling rocks 柴排 firewood raft; mattress; willow fascine 固沙造林 stabilization for sands by afforestation 挡风墙 wind-break wall 防风栅栏 wind break fence 砂土液化 sand liquefaction 中-活载 CR-live loading; China railway standard loading 桥梁标准活载 standard live load for bridge 桥梁荷载谱 bridge load spectrum 换算均布活载 equivalent uniform live load 设计荷载 design load 主力 principal load 恒载 dead load 土压力 earth load 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure 浮力 buoyancy 列车活载 live load of train 列车离心力 centrifugal force of train 列车冲击力;冲击荷载 impact force of train 冲击系数 ceofficient of impact 人行道荷载 sidewalk loading 附加力 subsidiary load; secondary load 列车制动力 braking force of train 列车牵引力 tractive force of train 风荷载 wind load 列车横向摇摆力 lateral swaying force of train 流水压力 pressure of water flow 冰压力 ice pressure 冻胀力 frost heaving force 特殊荷载 particular load 船只或排筏的撞击力 collision force of ship or raft 地震力 seismic force 地震烈度 earthquake intensity 地震震级 earthquake magnitude 施工荷载 constructional loading 荷载组合 loading conbination 铁路桥 railway bridge 公铁两用桥 combined bridge; combined highway and railway bridge; combined rail-cum-road bridge 跨线桥;立交桥 overpass bridge; grade separation bridge; flyover 高架桥 viaduct 旱桥 dry bridge 人行桥 foot bridge; pedestrian bridge 圬工桥 masonry bridge 钢桥 steel bridge 铆接钢桥 riveted steel bridge 栓焊钢桥 bolted and welded steel bridge 全焊钢桥 all welded steel bridge 摩擦结合式高强度螺栓 high strength friction grip bolt 扭剪式高强度螺栓 torshear type high strength blot 螺栓示功扳手 bolt wrench with indicator 混凝土桥 concrete bridge 钢筋混凝土桥 reinforced concrete bridge 预应力混凝土桥 prestressed concrete bridge 先张法预应力梁 pretensioned prestressed concrete girder 后张法预应力梁 post-tensioned prestressed concrete girder 部分预应力混凝土桥 partially prestressed concrete bridge 结合梁桥 composite beam bridge 低高度梁 shallow girder 无碴无枕梁 girder without ballast and sleeper 型钢混凝土梁;劲性骨架混凝土梁 girder with rolled steel section encased in concrete; skeleton reinforced concrete girder 简支梁桥 simply supported beam bridge 连续梁桥 continuous beam bridge 悬臂梁桥 cantilever beam bridge 板桥 slab bridge 空心板桥 hollow slab bridge 板梁 plate girder 工形梁 I-beam 箱形梁 box girder 槽形梁 trough girder 桁架 truss 拆装式桁架 demountable truss 刚架桥;刚构桥 rigid frame bridge 斜腿刚架桥;斜腿刚构桥 strutted beam bridge; slant-legged rigid frame bridge 悬板桥;悬带桥 stressed ribbon bridge 悬索桥;吊桥 suspension bridge 斜拉桥 cable-stayed bridge 浮桥 pontoon bridge; floating bridge; bateau bridge 拱桥 arch bridge 固端拱;无铰拱 fixed-end arch 双铰拱 two-hinged arch 三铰拱 three-hinged arch 实腹拱 spandrel-filled arch; solid-spandrel arch 空腹拱 open-spandrel arch 双曲拱 two-way curved arch; cross-curved arch 系杆拱;柔性系杆刚性拱 tied arch 榔格尔式桥;刚性系杆柔性拱桥 Langer bridge; flexible arch bridge with rigid tie 洛泽式桥;直悬杆式刚性拱刚性梁桥 Lohse bridge; rigid arch bridge with rigid tie and vertical sespenders 尼尔森桥 Nielsen systen bridge 尼尔森式骆泽梁桥;斜悬杆式刚性拱梁桥 Nielsen type Lhse bridge; rigid arch bridge with fighd tie and inclined suspenders 活动桥 movable bridge 竖旋桥 bascule bridge 平旋桥 swing bridge 升降桥 lift bridge 正交桥 right bridge 斜交桥 skew bridge 曲线桥 curved bridge 曲梁 curved beam 特大桥 super maior bridge 大桥 major bridge 中桥 medium bridge 小桥 minor bridge 单线桥 single track bridge 双线桥 double track bridge 多线桥 multi-track bridge 正桥; 主桥 main bridge 引桥 approach spans 上承式桥 deck bridge 半穿式桥;中承式 half through bridge; midheight deck bridge 下承式桥 through bridge 双层桥 double-deck bridge 永久性桥 permanent bridge 临时性桥;便桥 temporary bridge 跨径;跨度 span 净跨 clear spam 桥梁全长 overall length of bridge 桥下净空 underneath clearance 主梁中心距 center to center distance between main girder 节间长度 panel length 梁高 depth of girder 拱度 camber 挠度 deflection 节间 panel 锚跨;锚孔 anchor span 悬跨;吊孔 suspended span 桥梁上部结构 superstructure 腹板 web plate 翼缘 flange 翼缘板 flange plate 弦杆 chord member 腹杆 web member 斜杆 diagonal member 竖杆 vertical member 吊杆 suspender hanger 加劲杆 stiffener 节点 panel point 节点板 gusset plate 拼接板 splice plate 缀条 lacing bar 缀板 stay plate; tie plate 侧向水平联结系 lateral bracing 横联 sway bracing 制动撑架 braking bracing 桥门架 portal frame 纵梁 stringer 横梁 floor beam; transverse beam 桥面系 floor system 端横梁 end floor beam 起重横梁 jacking floor beam 梁端缓冲梁 auxiliary girder for controlling angle change 应变时效 strain ageing 碳当量 carbon equivalent 钢丝 steel wire 钢丝束 bundled steel wires 钢绞线 steel strand 钢筋 reinforcement; steel bar 箍筋 stirrup 纵向钢筋 longitudinal reinforcement 弯起钢筋 bent-up bar 架立钢筋 erection bar 构造钢筋 constructional reinforcement 预应力筋 tendon 套管 sheath 梁腋 haunch 拱圈 arch ring 拱肋 arch rib 拱顶 rach crown 拱矢 rise of arch 起拱点 springing 拱腹 soffit 拱腹线 intrados 拱背钱 extrados 桥塔 bridge tower; pylon 索平面 cable plane 缆索 cable 斜缆 stay cable; inclined cable 吊缆 suspension cable 索鞍 cable saddle 索夹 cable band; cable clamp 锚座 socket 锚碇 anchorage 明桥面 open deck; ballastless deck; open floor 桥梁道碴槽 ballast trough 道碴桥面 ballasted deck; ballasted floor 桥梁护轨 guard rall of bridge 桥梁护木 guard timber of bridge 桥枕 bridge tie; bridge sleeper 桥上人行道 sidewalk on bridge 步行板 foot plank 避车台 refuge platform 伸缩缝 expansion joint 正交异性板 orthotropic plate 栏杆 railing; handrail; handrailing 泻水孔 drainage opening 直结轨道 track fastened directly to steel girders 抗剪连接件;抗剪结合件 shear connector 支座 bearing 固定支座 fixed bearing 活动支座 expension bearing; movable bearing 平板支座 plate bearing 摇轴芝座 rocker bearing 滚轴支座 roller bearing 球面支座 spherical bearing 板式橡胶支座 laminated rubber bearing 盆式橡胶支座 pot rubber bearing 聚四氯乙烯支座 poly-tetrafluoroedthylene bearing; PTFE bearing 涡流激振 wortex-excited oscillation 弛振 galloping 颤振 flutter 扰流板 spoiler 风嘴 wind fairing 桥梁自振周期 natural vibration period of bridge 浮运架桥法 bridge erection by floating 架桥机架设法 erection by bridge girder erecting equipment 顶推式架设法 erection by incremental launching 拖拉架设法 launching method 赝架式架设法 erection with scaffolding 悬臂架设法 catilever erection; erection by protrusion 悬臂灌注法 cast-in-place cantilever construction; free cantilever segmental concreting with suspended formwork 悬臂拼装法 cantilevered assembling constrution; free cantilever erection with segments of precast concrete 预制混凝土构件 precast concrete units; precast concrete members 活动模架逐跨施工法 segmental span-by-span construction using form traveller 桥梁合龙 closure 就地贯注法 cast-in-place method; cast-in-situ method 活动吊篮 travelling cradle 顶进法 jack-in method 旋转法施工;转体施工 erection by swing method 液压式张拉千斤顶 hydraulic tensioning jack 桥梁下部结构 substructure 桥台 abutment 重力式桥台 gravity abutment 埋置式桥台 buried abutment 锚定板式桥台 anchor slab abutment U形桥台 U-shaped abutment 耳墙式桥台 abutment with cantilevered retaining wall 台身 abutment body 前墙 front wall 台帽 abutment coping 翼墙 wing wall 锥体护坡 quadrant revetment; truncated cone banking 台后填方 filling behind abutment 桥墩 pier 空心桥墩 hollow pier 实体桥墩 solid pier 重力式桥墩 gravity pier 柔性桥墩 flexible pier 拼装式桥墩 assembly pier; pier constructed with precast units- 配套讲稿:
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