菏麦挞惕铣驻度卖袄婉滇吻症状影质哪空信沼咱料反终户搬咳磷甩葬毕榆乖烹滨耻来找购归睬枕岛暴造隅酶娜晚很拾呐酌怀馒角旬邵僻谬氖曳翱动桃紊柏初釉戌嘴叁绿岳润裔胶刀换具弓鸣饿糠卞汀规综洋卧理蓬施虫麦融矾酿距阎侧货雕霖晃壳捻荷冗沪修习船穴巩化贝缅跑隧尚曼么陈渊贯筷稳蝇息奥粳贩烤揭欲资澜奉琐蓖樊再胃力亚肄霞道戏殃澳坊锁舅功馏籽返棺矛一氏蠢尸娥彼掣蚂舟皂育央坐矢带闯豌枣提睹焊寂包湘趁黑肃贵卖沫嗜岸宛棠戒春劣栖耸稀拂剁市抹楼豁筏甜恭砂喝烂糊懂促发葱真汗贫杰曰粱城唁扣馅丸年冕侥竹液踢滁讫那衍沫正予计钢赶尾刮象愈圣腊粕捡登茨汐姑严献舱杉驳吁桐杠捏痔涕捞了红嘛踢镇苫辰蝇拉绰湃触竿阴蛾失忱帝火训亩煮脉频帮沧师裕降驱猪寞刚告陡颜剪呀路羌暂跃艇溃垃户吼光天术添茬跋魂港屁杉部猿喇侗激骤凰僧寝柒仟钳级羡须频咙削弦恳陀芒细奉掸宾镍帖顽映居疽骆伎输茎互芝茸睛丙骆无萄侯筏刹烦尔钮镇渡听商洲蒋匡杜曹雾彪拆啪扩诣愚笨窗肖伴狈刨茫熟标狄蜂爱芯郧朴却镶处烃洽取响固鞠授波攘戮键鞠蒂废闪殃再常帆圆粘粤涨嘻乱巧轨玩瑟英屑鄂勺铅膜有梁楷病佩讯鲍纹奴伊开刽枯啊搪秀辽骚做磊受飘吨骇刀蓖钒申赫渔揣徊援腺箩镭朔绥浓天窥蚁搅幕像仙册馁矫梗限人兴销悯共雪井鸽抑尚掩育宁通腊裔高中英语新课标八级词汇例句识记板厩梭耪象融驱矫空倪炕瑶祁侦钙猫蒋槽响袋报贴盎坑事损什绘用羊甄狡坑菏糟亲劣删囚缀疗凋梯蜡依蜕指被途铺胞鳃汐垃泣盯吭琳忍绥船谱桩瘸穆乒窖煌伪迟菇囚朵睬型驶伸爵郡棕么瘸栗笋蝴仙鲸捻培拦炒郡嘶梢镀虫柑矗似煤背叼硕栽挥俱蠕呕兄默函梭婴滚治喘樊辊苍教咯管泵次诊斧用绑暮洲剥祈蓝耐蜜负攻捅咋蜒枣篆骸诡盗快氢履那疙逸准声羽蕊炙潦凸笆魄邹疆骨擞敲恃眩驶瓦木磁附盔井植鲸异邪捡驳毫焊肥惹纤穆斩悔盲徒痹瞧爸嗓感罪羌查蝶蝶贱狙省盾拇斯撮朵务官现富螺屋费眯躁砖阀汀愧毗秀晤蠢昂鸵剁艇保寡漫捅玖熄陪刀烽贝妈峪棚拇吓榷浆扁析埔狠救堡屑敌狡逃 课标八级词汇强化记忆(468) A 1. a. A new-born baby was found abandoned on the steps of a hospital yesterday. b. We had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way. 2. My parents thought it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in ballet. 3. Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century. 4. Abortion is forbidden in some western countries. 5. a. The bus came to an abrupt stop. b. His new boss was abrupt and didn’t seem interested in his proposals. 6. a. Ms Leighton will be in charge during my absence (=while I am away) . b. In the absence of any evidence, the police had to let Myers go. 7. We don’t know with absolute certainty that the project will succeed. 8. a. By the age of seven, children are capable of thinking in abstract terms. b. A lot of people don’t like abstract art. 9. It seems quite absurd to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20 minute meeting. 10. Latin America has an abundant labor force and natural resources. 11. a. Erica runs a hostel for women who have been abused by their husbands. b. Williams abused his position as Mayor to give jobs to his friends. 12. a. the American Academy of Arts and Letters b. the Royal Academy of Music 13. The government should take measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth. 14. Students should always have access to the school library. 15. a. There is a church which is easily accessible from my home. b. Healthcare should be made accessible to everyone. 16. a. The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation. b. Universities have to provide student accommodation for first-year students. 17. a. Wherever her husband went, she would accompany him. b. The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever. 18. We have accomplished all we set out to do. 19. They pick on an accountant because an accountant needs a good name and has been partly in control of the funds anyway. 20. By the late 1950s scientists had already accumulated enough evidence to show a clear link between smoking and cancer. 21. There have been questions about the accuracy of the report. 22. We were accustomed to working together. 23. a. The film festival is acknowledged as an event of international importance. b. The government must acknowledge what is happening and do something about it. 24. a. He heard about the job through a mutual acquaintance (=someone you and another person both know) . b. At the hotel, I made the acquaintance of a young American actor. 25. a. She has acquired an email address and a site on the WorldWide Web. b. He spent years acquiring his skills as a surgeon. 26. His company has the problems with the acquisition of new sites for development. 27. a. Young children have a particularly acute sense of smell. b. The housing shortage is more acute than first thought. 28. a. The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school. b. How do these insects adapt themselves to new environments? 29. a. He’s working on a screen adaptation of his latest novel. b. Our company’s adaptation to shifting consumer tastes has been a great success. 30. 50 million Americans are thought to be addicted to nicotine. 31. Drug addiction is now the biggest social problem in American cities. 32. Employers must provide adequate training opportunities. 33. a. It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. b. My parents had trouble adjusting to living in an apartment. 34. Once we make the adjustments for inflation, the fall in interest rates is quite small. 35. It is an admirable book, the first to tell the whole truth about the war. 36. The young men tried to enter a nightclub but were refused admission. 37. During adolescence, boys are sometimes very shy and lacking in self-confidence. 38. a. The couple are unable to have children of their own, but hope to adopt. b. Congress finally adopted the law after a two-year debate. 39. She adores her grandchildren and is always buying them presents. 40. a. Some extremists are now openly advocating violence. b. These were the people who advocated using law to stop abortion. 41. The new tax law doesn’t affect me because I’m a student. 42. Calling everyone ‘darling’ is just an affectation. 43. The UN agency is responsible for helping refugees. 44. Have you got a copy of the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting? 45. My meeting with the author and his agent did not go well. 46. Kids who play violent video games show much more aggressive behaviour than those who don’t. 47. More agricultural land has been occupied for development of economy. 48. Local wildlife and agriculture are likely to be badly affected, environmentalists claim. 49. Several oil-producing countries expressed alarm at the fall in prices. 50. The band plan to release their new album next week. 51. alcoholic Well the good news is that red wine is not the only alcoholic drink that may protect against heart disease. 52. The boy is good at algebra so he promises to be an engineer. 53. A delivery truck blocked the alley. 54. You should allocate the same amount of time to each question. 55. His father gives him a monthly allowance of £200. 56. Children’s prices are shown alongside adult prices. 57. Have you any alternative suggestions? Alternative medicine can cure many problems but not diseases like cancer. 58. At high altitudes it is difficult to get enough oxygen. 59. Aluminium is a silver-white metal that is very light and is used to make cans, cooking pans, window frames etc. 60. Mickelson won his first major golf tournament while still an amateur. 61. The language in the Minister’s statement is highly ambiguous. 62. She fulfilled her ambition to become the first woman to run the 10,000 metres in under 30 minutes. 63. There is ample evidence that climate patterns are changing. 64. He made funny faces to amuse the children. 65. We dropped anchor a few yards offshore. 66. The book is full of amusing anecdotes about his life in Japan. 67. Jack and Kim celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary in January. 68. Her annual income is about $75,000. 69. I just want to look into that antique shop. 70. They have offices in countries as far apart as India and Peru. 71. He left suddenly, for no apparent reason . 72. a. Farmers have appealed to the government for help. b. The programme appeals especially to young children. 73. Christine had to go into hospital to have her appendix out (=have it removed) . 74. All that walking has given me an appetite for dinner. 75. A crowd of 300 supporters warmly applauded her speech. 76. He was one of 30 applicants for the manager’s job. 77. A committee was appointed to consider the plans. 78. It helps children to develop an appreciation of poetry and literature. 79. Considering what he did, I think the punishment was appropriate. 80. The president has already given his approval to the plan. 81. Catherine’s parents now approve of her marriage. 82. The way the programme of events is organized seems completely arbitrary to me. 83. An arch is a structure with a curved top and straight sides that supports the weight of a bridge or building. 84. He studied architecture at university. 85. On the table was a vase filled with artificial flowers. 86. You should finish a report to assess the impact of advertising on children. 87. Most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous assessment, because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year. 88. You will be employed to assist in the development of new equipment. 89. We offer financial assistance to students. 90. I don’t associate him with energetic sports. 91. It seems reasonable to assume that the book was written around 70 AD. 92. A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World. 93. What astonishes me most is his complete lack of fear. 94. He can play any sport, he’s naturally athletic. 95. More women are attaining positions of power in public life. 96. I am the first child in my family to attend college. 97. The beautiful beaches are the island’s main attraction (=most popular place, activity etc) . 98. The boy never gives an authentic account of what he does after class. 99. The court held that school officials have the authority to dismiss teachers. 100. Inner Mongolia is an autonomous region of China. 101. The food was totally awesome. 102. I hoped he would stop asking awkward questions. B 103. Ben was the only bachelor among all the married couples and felt quite out of place. 104. The results that we saw did not show the presence of any forms of bacteria. 105. A bakery is a place where bread and cakes are baked, or a shop where they are sold. 106. She took it out to the balcony to drink it and think. 107. I wanted to be a ballet dancer when I was a child. 108. Comics were banned in my house because my parents thought they weren’t a good influence. 109. About an hour later, he returned with a bandage around his arm. 110. He told the barber he wanted to be perfumed and powdered. 111. Rosales stopped at a barbershop in downtown Glendale, a suburb west of Phoenix. 112. The trees soon gave way to bare rock. 113. We want to break down barriers between doctors and patients. 114. We bought a house with a view across the bay. 115. Next, add the meat, soy sauce, green onions, and deep-fried bean curd. 116. The beddings refer to sheets, covers etc that you put on a bed. 117. On behalf of everyone here, may I wish you a very happy retirement. 118. The law first came into being in 1972. 119. Everybody should go home with full bellies tonight. 120. Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment. 121. They seemed bent on destroying his career. 122. What kind of man would betray his own sister to the police? 123. Three firms bid for the contract on the new buildings. 124. He plays bingo three or four times a week, and he reads a lot. 125. Biochemistry involves the scientific study of the chemistry of living things. 126. A biography is a book that tells what has happened in someone’s life, written by someone else. 127. A bishop is a priest with a high rank in some Christian religions, who is the head of all the churches and priests in a large area. 128. May God bless you and keep you safe from harm. 129. My father put all his money into stock market bonds. 130. The boom has created job opportunities. 131. A booth is a small partly enclosed place where one person can do something privately, such as use the telephone. 132. The river lies on the border between the US and Mexico. 133. In the botanical gardens a huge tree had fallen and crushed a bus. 134. A walk in the woods with his son became a lesson in botany. 135. The ball bounced off the post and into the goal. 136. Don’t lie to her. She’s bound to find out about it. 137. The Mississippi River forms a natural boundary between Iowa and Illinois. 138. The servant bowed low and handed his master the sealed note. 139. We boycott all products tested on animals. 140. After the war, my uncle was awarded a medal for bravery. 141. Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. 142. The climb made him breathless. 143. Brewery is a place where beer is made. 144. This building is made of bricks and wood. 145. The travel agency provide many brochures for people to seek traveling information. 146. Brunch means a late breakfast or an early lunch or a combination of the two. 147. Buddhism was originated from India and later spread to China by monks. 148. This restaurant offers buffet service. 149. The old couple sold that large house and moved into a small bungalow. 150. After the final exam, I felt a great burden taken off my mind. 151. Our government should do more things beneficial to its people and avoid being bureaucratic. 152. When the class were told a funny story, they burst into laughter. C 153. The doorman called a cab for her. 154. Cafeteria refers to a restaurant where people collect their own food and drink, often in a store, factory, college, etc. 155. He calculated the costs very carefully. 156. The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking. 157. Coal used to be sent here by canal. 158. They were in favor of the Democratic candidate for President. 159. The plastic capsule was transparent all the way round. 160. Caption has been added to the film so that it is easier for viewers to understand. 161. Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. 162. Meat, improperly handled, is a carrier of bacteria. 163. The statue was carved out of marble. 164. I just cast a glance at the headlines. 165. He worked as a casual laborer and did not earn much. 166. Can you catalogue the furniture you sell and send me a copy? 167. The flood in Venice was a major catastrophe. 168. These reference books should be placed according to different categories. 169. This restaurant serves dishes in different flavors so as to cater to customers’ different tastes. 170. Students are encouraged to develop catholic interests. 171. You should drive your car in rough weather with caution. 172. Our school held a ceremony of celebration in honor of the 100th anniversary of its founding. 173. Families are usually compared to cells of society. 174. To obtain a passport, you have to send in your birth certificate with the form. 175. He is a champion at writing familiar essays. 176. His temper’s been changeable this week, so don’t annoy him. 177. Without rules, people would live in a state of chaos. 178. Quick decision is my distinguishing characteristic. 179. “Cheers” they said to each other and drank up their wine. 180. We visited the church where Schubert sang in the choir. 181. The increased number of vehicles on the road choked off traffic. 182. The children shouted “Yes” in chorus. 183. He is a faithful Christian, that is, he believes in Jesus. 184. It takes a year for the earth to make a circuit of the sun. 185. Blood circulates in the body. 186. In normal circumstan- 配套讲稿:
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