English in Architecture and Construction Wang Yong-guang Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering Yang Zhou University 2004.08.08 UNIT ONE Text History of Water Supply [1] Man’s search for pure water began in prehistoric times. 人类在史前时期就开始寻求洁净的水。 Much of his earliest activity is subject to speculation. 人类最早的许多活动是不难推测的。 Some individuals might have led water where they wanted it through trenches dug in the earth. 一些人可能在地上挖沟,把水引到所需要的地方。 Later, a hollow log was perhaps used as the first water pipe. 后来,空心圆木可能作为最初的水管得到使用。 ·subject to 服从……指挥,视……而定,以……为条件,常遭…… ·speculation [spekju´lei∫ən] n. 推测,思索,投机(买卖) on speculation 冒险地,投机地 ·trench [trent∫] n. 深沟,地沟,[军]堑沟,壕沟 vt. 切开,挖(战壕于……),用壕沟防御 vi. 挖战壕,侵犯,侵占(他人土地、权利、时间等),接近,近乎 in the trenches 在第一线,在现场 trench on (或upon) 侵犯,侵占,近乎,接近 [2] Thousands of years must have passed before our more recent ancestors learned to build cities and enjoy the convenience of water piped to the home and drains for water-carried wastes. 一定是在数千年后,我们更近代的祖先才学会建设城市,享受到管道供水进家和下水道泄水排污的便利。 Our earliest archeological records of central water supply and wastewater disposal date back about 5000 years, to Nippur of Sumeria. 有关集中给水排水设施的最早考古记录可上溯至约五千年前的苏米里亚德尼波城。 In the ruins of Nippur there is an arched drain with the stones set in full “voussoir” position, each stone being a wedge tapering downward into place. 在尼波城的废墟中有一拱顶下水道,其楔形石块尖头向下,被砌成完美的拱形。 Water was drawn from wells and cisterns. 水由井和蓄水池汲入。 An extensive system of drainage conveyed the wastes from the palaces and residential districts of the city. 完善的排水系统排除来自该城王宫和居民区的废水。 ·archeological[˛a:ki´ ləd ikəl] a. 考古学的(=archaeological) ·water supply and wastewater disposal 给水排水设施 water supply and sewerage engineering 给水排水工程 ·Nippur of Sumeria 古巴比伦南部地区的一个古城 ·arch[a:t∫] n. 拱形结构,拱(门),弓形,半圆形,弓状物,牌楼 vt. 用拱连接,盖以拱顶,使弯成弓形,使弯曲 vi. 成为弓形,拱起,以拱跨越(或横越) arch[a:t∫] a. 主要的,总的,伶俐的,狡猾的,调皮的 an arch look 一幅调皮相 arch- [前缀]表示“主要的”,“总的”,“最重要的” (archbishop n. 大主教) -arch [构成名词的后缀]表示“统治者” (matriarch n. 女家长) ·voussoir[vu:swa:] n. [建](拱)楔块,(楔形)拱石 ·wedge[wed ] n. 楔(状物),起因,引起渐变、分裂等的行动或过程,坡跟鞋 vt. 楔入,分裂,挤进,挤满 vi. 楔入,挤进 drive a wedge into (或between) 在……打进一个楔子,分裂……,造成……的不和 ·taper[´teipə] n. 蜡烛,微光,(形体、力量等的)逐渐减弱,锥形(物),锥体 a. 一头逐渐变细的,长而尖细的 v. 使逐渐变小(细) taper down 削减,减少 taper off (使)一头逐渐变细,(使)逐渐减少,逐渐停止 ·cistern[´sistən] n.蓄水池,贮水器 [3] The earliest recorded knowledge of water treatment is in the Sanskrit medical lore and Egyptian Wall inscriptions. 最早关于水处理知识的记载现保留在梵文医学典籍和埃及壁刻中。 Sanskrit writings dating about 2000 B.C. tell how to purity foul water by boiling in copper vessels, exposing to sunlight, filering through charcoal, and cooling in an earthen vessel. 约公元前2000年的梵文著作叙述了如何通过在铜器皿中煮沸,日光照晒,木炭过滤和在陶土器皿中冷却等方法来净化污浊的水。 ·Sanskrit[´sænskrit] n. 梵文,(包括梵文在内的)古印度文 a. 梵文的 ·lore[l :] n. (古)教训,教诲,(专门的)知识,(特殊的)学问 lore[l :] n. [动]眼端(指鸟的眼与啄之间,蛇或鱼的眼与鼻之间的部位) ·inscription[in´skrip∫ən] n.(铭)刻,碑文 ·foul[faul] a. 令人作呕的,臭的,(天气)恶劣的,(比赛中)犯规的,不诚实的 ad. 犯规地,不正当地 n. 不正当的事件 vt. 使肮脏,污染,使丧失名誉,阻碍,(比赛中)对……犯规 vi. 变脏,阻碍,(比赛中)犯规 foul out [篮球]犯规5次被罚下场,(比赛中)犯规越过限定次数而被罚下场 foul up [美口]破坏(某人的计划等),使混乱,陷入困境,使降低,污染 play someone foul 用卑鄙的手段对付某人,不公正地对待某人 through foul and fair(或fair and foul) 不管顺利或困难,在任何情况下 ·charcoal[´t∫a:kəul] n.(木)炭,木炭画,深灰色,炭黑色 vt. 用炭写(或画) charcoal black 炭黑 charcoal burner 木炭窑(或)炉,烧炭人 ·earthen[´ə:θən] a. 土制的,陶制的,地球的,尘世的,现世的 [4] The earliest known apparatus for clarifying liquids was pictured on Egyptian walls in the fifteenth and thirteenth centuries B.C. 人们已知的最早的液体净化装置出现在公元前15至13世纪的埃及壁画中。 The first picture represents the siphoning of either water or settled wine. 第一幅画描述了如何用虹吸管吸水或者是沉淀后过的酒。 A second picture shows the use of wick siphons in an Egyptian kitchen. 第二幅画显示在当时埃及的厨房里使用油绳虹吸的方法。 ·siphon[´saifən] n. ; v. 虹吸(管),用虹吸管输送 ·wick[wik] n. 灯芯,(吸)油绳,村,镇 [5] The first engineering report on water supply and treatment was made in A. D. 98 by Sextus Julius Fronntinus, water commissioner of Rome. 公元98年,罗马水务长官赛克特斯·朱利叶斯·弗朗提纳作出了第一份有关供水和水处理的工程报告。 He produced two books on the water supply of Rome. 他写了两本有关罗马供水的书。 In these he described a settling reservoir at the head of one of the aqueducts. 在这两本书中,他描述了位于一渡槽头的沉淀池。 His writings were first translated into English by the noted hydraulic engineer Clemens Herschel in 1899. 他的著作最先由著名的水利工程师克莱蒙斯·荷思切尔于1899年译成英文。 ·commissioner[kə´mi∫ənə] n. 受任命者,委员,厅长,局长,公共事业部局级官员 ·reservoir[´rezəvwa:] n. 蓄水池,水库,贮液器,[生物](病菌等的)储主 ·aqueduct[˛ækwid kt] n. 渡槽,沟渠,(导)水管 ·hydraulic[hai˛dr :lik] a. 水力(学)的,液压的 hydraulic brikes 液压刹车 hydraulic gradient 水力坡度 hydraulic press [机]液压机 [6] In the eighth century A. D. an Arabian alchemist, Geber, wrote a rather specialized treatise on distillation that included various stills for water and other liquids. 公元八世纪,阿拉伯炼丹士詹伯写了一遍颇具专业水平的有关蒸馏的论文,其中涉及到水及其它液体的各种蒸馏器具。 ·alchemist[´ælkimist] n. 炼金术士,炼丹家 ·treatise[´tri:tiz] n. (正式而有系统的专题)论文,论述 ·distillation[˛disti´lei∫ən] n. 蒸馏(法),蒸馏物,蒸馏液,精华,精髓 ·still[stil] n. 蒸馏器,蒸馏室(=distillery,尤指酒厂) v. 蒸馏 [7] The English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon wrote of his experiments on the purification of water by filtration, boiling, distillation and clarification by coagulation. 英国哲学家弗朗西斯·培根爵士写到他用过滤、煮沸、蒸馏和混凝澄清等方法净化水的试验。 This was published in 1627, one year after his death. 有关试验情况于1627年即他死后一年发表。 Bacon also noted that clarifying water tends to improve health and increase the “pleasure of the eye”. 培根还指出澄清的水往往有益健康,令人“悦目”。 ·filtration[fil´trei∫ən] n. 过滤 ·clarification[klærifi´kei∫ən] n. 澄清,净化 ·coagulation[kəuægju´lei∫ən] n. 凝聚,混凝 ·flocculation[fl kju´lei∫ən] n. 絮凝(作用) ·clarify[´klærifai] v. (使)澄清(尤指液体),讲清楚,阐明 [8] The first known illustrated description of sand filters was published in 1685 by Luc Antonio Porzio, an Italian physician. 已知的第一个对砂滤池有插图的描述,由一位意大利的内科医生鲁克·安东尼奥·帕罗发表于1685年。 He wrote a book on conserving the health of soldiers in camps, based on his experience in the Austro-Turkish War. 他根据自己在奥土战争中的经历,写了一本关于军营中士兵保健的书。 This was probably the earliest published work on mass sanitation. 这很可能是有关公共卫生的最早的出版物。 He described and illustrated the use of sand filters and sedimentation. 他描述并图示了砂滤池和沉淀法的利用。 Porozio also stated that his filtration was the same as “by those who built the wells in the Palace of the Doges in Venice and in the palace of Cardinal Sachett, at Rome.” 帕罗还指出他的过滤法与那些在威尼斯道吉宫和罗马卡帝诺·萨切特宫筑井的人使用的方法原理是一样的。 ·sanitation[˛sæni´tei∫ən] n. (环境)卫生,(尤指下水道等)卫生设备 mass sanitation 公共卫生 ·sedimentation[˛sedimən´tei∫ən] n. 沉淀(作用),沉积 [9] The oldest known archeological examples of water filtration are in Venice and the colonies she occupied. 最古老的在考古学上已知的水过滤的例子见于威尼斯及其占领的殖民地。 The ornate heads on the cisterns bear dates, but it is not known when the filters were placed. 蓄水池华丽的池口上载有日期,但人们尚不知过滤池建于何时。 Venice, built on a series of islands, depended on catching and storing rainwater for its principal freshwater supply for over 1300 years. 威尼斯,这个建在诸岛上的城市,1300多年以来靠接蓄雨水作为该市的主要淡水供应。 Cisterns were built and many were connected with sand and filters. 人们建造蓄水池并把很多蓄水池和砂滤池相接。 The rainwater ran off the house tops to the streets, where it was collected in stone-grated catch basins and then filtered through sand into cisterns. 雨水自屋顶冲刷而下流至街道,在那儿被收集到有石制格栅过滤器的集水池中,然后经砂床过滤至蓄水池。 ·ornate[ :´neit] n. 装饰华丽的,(文体)华美的,(文体)华而不实的 ·grate[greit] vt. 磨碎,摩擦,磨响,激怒,使生气,使焦急 vi. 摩擦,摩擦发声,有刺激效果,令人生气 grate on(或upon) 刺激,激怒 grate up 把……擦成碎片,弄碎 grate[greit] n. 炉栅,炉格,壁炉,火炉,[采矿]固定筛 vt. 装炉栅于,装格栅于 ·basin[´beisn] n. 水池,水槽,(水)盆,一盆的容量,池塘,海湾,流域,[海]海盆 catch basin 截流井,雨水口,沉水池,集水池,汇水盆地 [10] A comprehensive article on the water supply of Venice appeared in the Practical Mechanics Journal in 1863. 关于威尼斯供水的一篇综述见于1863年的“实用力学期刊”。 The land area of Venice was 12.85 acres and the average yearly rainwater was 32 inch (in). 威尼斯陆地面积12.85英亩,年平均降雨量为32英寸。 Nearly all of this rainfall was collected in 177 public and 1900 private cisterns. 几乎所有的这些降雨都被收集在177个公共的和1900个私人的蓄水池中。 These cisterns provided a daily average supply of about 4.2 gallons per capita per day (gpcd). 这些蓄水池平均供水量约每人每日4.2加仑(gpcd)。 This low consumption was due in part to the absence of sewers, the practice of washing clothes in the lagoon, and the universal drinking of wine. 如此低的耗水量部分归于缺乏下水道以及人们惯于在废水池洗衣服和普遍饮酒。 These cisterns continued to be the principal water supply of Venice until about the sixteenth century. 在大约16世纪前,这些蓄水池一直是威尼斯的主要供水设备。 ·sewer[´səuə] n. 缝纫者,缝具 sewer[´sjuə] n. 下水道,污水管,阴沟 vt. 用下水道排除(污水),敷设下水道于 sewer[´sjuə] n. (中世纪)负责款待宾客进餐的高级仆人 ·lagoon[lə´gu:n] n.(污)水池,浅湖(尤指与大湖或大河相接的小湖),泻湖,咸水湖 ·universal[˛ju:ni´və:sə] a. 宇宙的,普遍(存在)的,全体的,知识渊博的,通用的 n. [逻]全称命题,[哲]一般概念 [11] Many experiments were conducted in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in England, France, Germany, and Russia. 18至19世纪在英、法、德、俄等国做了许多试验。 Henry Darcy patented filters in France and England in 1856 and anticipated all aspects of the American rapid sand filer expect coagulation. 亨利·达西于1856年在法国和英国取得了滤池的专利,除凝聚工艺外,他在其它各方面促进了美国快速砂滤池的问世。 He appears to be the first to apply the laws of hydraulics to filter design. 他似乎首先将水力学原理应用于滤池设计。 The first filter to supply water to whole town was completed at Paisley, Scotland, in 1804, but this water was carted to consumers. 第一个供应全城镇用水的滤池于1804年建于苏格兰的佩斯里,但水是用车送至用户的。 In Glasgow, Scotland, in 1807 filtered water was piped to consumers. 到1807年,在苏格兰的格拉斯哥,滤后水由管道输送用户。 ·patent[´peitənt] n. 专利(尤指专利文献)专利权,专利证,独享的权利 a. 专利的,特许的,专利证允许的,开放的,明显的,公开的 vt. 给予……专利权(或证),取得……的专利权(或证) ·anticipate[æn´tisipeit] vt. 盼望,预期,使提前发生,促进,抢在……的前,预用 [12] In the United States little attention was gives to water treatment until the Civil War. 在美国,直到内战以后水处理问题才得一顾。 Turbidity was not as urgent a problem as in Europe. 解决水混浊的问题不像在欧洲那样迫切。 The first filters were of the slow sand type, similar to British design. 第一批滤池属慢速砂滤型,和英国的设计相似。 About 1890 rapid sand filters were developed in the United States and coagulants were introduced to increase their efficiency. 约在1890年,快速砂滤池在美国问世,并使用了凝聚剂以提高滤池的效率。 These filters soon evolved to our present rapid sand filters with slight modification. 这些滤池经稍许改进,不久发展成我们目前使用的快速砂滤池。 ·turbidity[tə:´biditi] n. 混浊(性),混浊(度) ·coagulant[kəu´ægjulənt] n. [化]凝结剂,凝聚剂 ·evolve[i´v lv] vt. 逐渐展开,发展,阐明,推论,释出,发出(气体,热等) vi. 渐进,演化,进化,发达,发育,[美]进展,展开,显露 Emphasis Words and Expressions ·trench ·cistern ·drainage ·drainage ·foul ·siphon ·settle ·aqueduct ·hydraulic ·distillation ·still ·filtration ·clarification ·coagulation ·sanitation ·sedimentation ·basin ·patent ·turbidity ·coagulation Exercises Reading Comprehension I. Say whether the following statements are True(T) or False(F) according to the text: 1. (T) 2. (T) 3. (F) 4. (F) 5. (F) 6. (F) 7. (T) 8. (F) 9. (F) 10. (F) II. Identify main ideas for each paragraph by matching the following ideas with their appropriate paragraph numbers: (learning by oneself) Vocabulary II. Complete each of the following statements with one of the four choices given below: (learning by oneself) Reading Material A Title Major Water Pollutants(I) 1)The greatest industrial generators of organic wastes are the food and pulp-and-paper industries, which have numerous plants, many of which discharge massive loads of organic wastes into waters. 最大的工业有机废物制造者是食品和纸浆造纸工业,这些工业有众多生产厂家,其中许多厂家都将大量的有机废物排入水体。 2) When plant nutrients spill over in large amounts into water, they act as fertilizers, stimulating the intensive and extensive growth of water plants, such as algae and water weed. 当植物营养素大量流入水中时,它们便作为肥料而促使水生植物(如藻类和水草),密集而又大范围地生长。 3) Such excessive development of plant life from surplus nutrients in surface streams, lakes, and ponds is known as eutrophication. 在地表的河流、湖泊和池塘中,由于过剩的营养素而造成的这种植物的过分生长被称为富营养化。 Homework ·Vocabulary I P.5 ·Reading Material B P.8~9 UNIT TWO Text Water [1] In order to survive, all animals and plants must have an ample supply of water free from toxic materials and pathogenic microorganisms. 动植物生存必须有丰富的、不含有毒物质和致病菌的水源。 As people congregate more and more in metropolitan areas, the problem of supplying an adequate quantity of pure water becomes greater and greater. 人类越来越向大城市集中,提供足够的洁净水这一问题也越来越重要。 One of the prime functions of the sanitary engineers is to ensure that there is always a safe supply of potable water. 环卫工程师的一个主要职能便是保证饮用水的安全供应。 So well has the sanitary engineer done this job that it is possible to obtain pure, safe drinking water in some developed countries. 这一工作做得很出色,发达国家已能获得清洁、可靠的饮用水。 Their citizens have become so accustomed to obtaining pure drinking water that they easily fall prey to contaminated water in many areas outside their countries. 这些国家的公民已习惯于饮用洁净水,而一旦到了国外的许多地方,他们就很容易成为污染水源的受害者。 ·ample[´æmpl] a. (体积、长度等)宽大的,广阔的,充足的,富足的,足够的 ·pathogenic [˛pæθə´l d ikəl] a. 病理学的,病理上的,由疾病引起的,强迫的 a pathogenic liar 被迫说谎的人 ·microorganism[´maikrəu´ :gənizəm] n. [生物]微生物 ·congregate[´k ŋgrigeit] v. 聚集成团,(使)集合,集会 [´k ŋgrigit] a. 聚集的,集合在一起的,集体的 ·metropolitan[˛metrə´p litən] a. 主要城市的,大城市的,[宗]大主教教区的 n. 大都市的居民,大城市人,[东正教]都主教 metropolitan area 大都会区,大城市 ·potable[´pəutəbl] a. 可饮的,适合饮用的 n. 饮料 ·prey[prei] n. (原义)战利品,被捕食的动物,牺牲品,捕食 vi. 抢夺,捕食,使某一阶层的人受害,伤害,使烦恼 easy prey 容易猎取的动物,头脑简单的人,容易- 配套讲稿:
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