Reference keyModule 1Unit 11 I.1.wond ers 2.d iscussions 3.loud 4.opinions 5.millionsII.1.join 2.ma n-ma d e 3.over 4.a gree with 5.long 6.electricity7.opinion 8.wid e 9.loud 10.ha ve,seen/visitedHI.1.C 2.B 3.D2 I.1.na tura l 2.d iscussion3.a ncient 4.loud 5.Thoughn.1.In my opinion,na tura l wond ers4.metres high,metres wid e2.not sure,a gree with3.wa terfa ll,ha ve,seenm.i.c2.B3.D4.A5.C 6.C7.D8.D 9.B10.A11.C12.D 13.D14.A15.BUnit 21 I.1.rises2.clea r3.replied4.nea rly5.go/going throughII.1.a rrived,ea rly morningHI.1.wond ers 2.With2.nothing to see3.ha ve d isa ppea red3.silent,no sign4.the longest 5.in6.wid er 7.hund red s8.knows 9.to protect 10.arv.1.E 2.A 3.F 4.C 5.B2 I.1.of,a long/on2.behind,on 3.by,for 4.belowII.1.go through 2.looked a cross,the other sid e,nothing to see3.10 miles a wa yffl.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C10.DIV.1.nea r the town of Hyd en 2.a bout 2.7 billion yea rs old 3.a huge wa ve 4.a bout 15 metres 5.a bout 110 metres longUnit 3I.1.ha s seen 2.wa s rea d ing 3.a m ta lking 4.a rrives 5.leftII.1.Thousa nd s of people visit Ha ngzhou every d a y.2.My brother is wa shing his ca r in the ga rd en now.3.I will send you a n ema il tomorrow.4.When I a rrived home,my mother wa s cooking.5.Amy ha s rea d The Adventures of Tom Sawyer severa l times.ni.1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D5.Possible versions:I think so,beca use it would be a firn trip,a nd I would lea rn a bout1English history a s well./Im a fra id not,beca use liking is tiring a nd it ma y ma ke me lose the interest to enjoy the view.Module ReviewI.A.1.D 2.C 3.AB.1.B 2.A 3.C 4.DII.1.d a rk2.signs 3.followed 4.nea rly/a lmost5.top 6.below7.wa ited 8.through 9.shone10.wond erIII.1.d iscussion2.looked over 3.wa s getting out of 4.wond ers5.a grees withIV.1.the ta llest2.will a llow3.build ing 4.to ca rry5.wa s 6.On7.third 8.its 9.pa id 10.aV.One possible version:The Three Gorges Da m lies on the Cha ngjia ng River,in Hubei Province.In 2012,it sta rted to prod uce electricity for people.The Three Gorges Da m is a bout 185 metres high a nd 2,300 metres long.It is the la rgest power sta tion in the world.As a fa mous pla ce of interest,the Three Gorges Da m a ttra cts millions of visitors every yea r.It is one of the most wond erful ma n-ma d e wond ers in the world.VI.One possible version:La st September,I went to the Grea t Wa ll with my cla ssma tes.We set out a t 7:00 a m.After two hours,my legs were so tired tha t I wa nted to stop.My fi,iend told me tha t there is a sa ying in China,“He who d oesnt rea ch the Grea t Wa ll is not a true ma n.So I went on.Fina lly,I got to the top!I felt very excited.The Grea t Wa ll is one of the biggest ma n-ma d e wond ers.It is in North China.It wa s built over 2,000 yea rs a go.It is a bout 8,800 kilometres long.I rea lly like it a nd Im sure Ill visit it a ga in.Module 2Unit 1 I.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.F 5.D 6.EII.1.fla gs,off 2.a ctivities,grea t fun 3.twelfth 4.found ed,ba nd/ba nd s HI.1.I a m going to visit my friend s while they a re sta ying a t home on Sund a y.2.My mother d id nt go to bed until I ca me ba ck home.3.1 go to pla y ba sketba ll every d a y a fter I finish my homework.IV.1.B 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.F2 I.1.Na tiona l Da y 2.ha ve a three-d a y holid a y 3.a ll kind s of 4.ha ve fun5.ta ke a va ca tion 6.sta y with sb.2II.1.a ll kind s of 2.ha d fun 3.wa s sta ying with 4.to ta ke a va ca tion5.ha ve a three-d a y holid a yIII.One possible version:1.I go for running in the pa rk nea r my fla t 2.I will d o my homework first3.My d a d d id nt lea ve the office 4.I ha ve lived with my gra nd pa rentsIV.1.ha ve celebra ted 2.found ed 3.three-d a y 4.somewhere 5.on6.a ctivities 7.va ca tionV.1.In 1776.2.Outd oor a ctivities.3.Red,white a nd blue.4.Firework shows.Unit 21 I.third,fifth,ninth,twelfth,twentiethII.1.grow 2.Pioneers 3.ourselves 4.la yingHI.1.the fourth Thursd a y in November2.wa tch the pa ra d e,sta rt shopping for presents a nd wa tch the ga mes on television3.People give tha nks for the food/People give tha nks for the people who help themIV.1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B10.A 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C2 I.1.speech 2.d ishes 3.twelfth 4.a ll kind s of 5.Ever sinceII.1.Tha nksgiving is a time for a specia l d inner a mong fa mily a nd friend s.2.Tom ha s celebra ted the Spring Festiva l with us since he ca me to China.3.After they la nd ed,the loca l people ta ught them how to grow com.4.The kitchen is the most crowd ed room in our house beca use we a ll help prepa re the food.HI.1.fa lls 2.to wa it 3.before 4.ea rly 5.tha t 6.fbr 7.a ny8.buying 9.a n 10.Wha tIV.1.the April Fool 2.ca rniva l 3.Februa ryUnit 3I.1.first 2.beca me 3.Wa tching 4.kind s 5.or 6.to 7.persons8.most importa nt 9.a re ca lled 10.ha ppilyII.1.Peter d id not ha ve a brea k until he finished the homework yesterd a y.2.We will ha ve the meeting a s soon a s you come ba ck.3.He put the presents a t the end of the bed while his son wa s sleeping.4.Lucy ha s not met him since Ja ck moved to Lond on.DI.1.Melt!Festiva l d oes.2.It ca res a bout people who a re poor,ill,old,etc.3.One possible version:Bella d nim Ta rta n Hea rt Festiva l would be my first choice beca use I like d a nce a s well a s music.Also,I ca n lea rn more a bout Scottish culture a t the festiva l.3Module ReviewI.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D10.D 11.C 12.An.1.B 2.A 3.C4.One possible version:I think tha t writing tha nk-you notes is a good id ea.It ca n help people get closer a nd ca n a lso bring us a wa rm world.in.1.tenth 2.off 3.speech 4.own 5.Ea ch 6.la id 7.ourselves8.over 9.clea ned/tid iedIV.1.ca lled 2.with 3.tha nks 4.refused 5.burning 6.to set7.a nd 8.na medV.One possible version:We Chinese celebra te the Na tiona l Da y on 1st October.We ha ve celebra ted it since the Peoples Republic of China wa s found ed on 1st October,1949.On tha t d a y,you ca n see flowers a nd fla gs everywhere.We usua lly ha ve a seven-d a y holid a y.It is a good time for people to visit rela tives or friend s.Ma ny people a lso choose to ta ke a fa mily trip d uring the holid a y.But the holid a y is a rea lly busy time for tra vel.VI.One possible version:The Spring Festiva l fa lls on the first d a y of the first month in the Chinese luna r ca lend a r.It is celebra ted in China a nd some other Asia n countries.On the eve,fa mily members get together to ha ve a big d inner.They ea t d umplings,fish a nd mea t,a nd give child ren lucky money in red envelopes.During the festiva l,people pa y visits to friend s a nd rela tives to give good wishes.It is a holid a y to celebra te the end of winter a nd the coming of spring a nd to enjoy life.Module 3Unit 11I.1.includ ing2.victory 3.will4.a ttendII.1.includ ing2.a ttend 3.will4.victoryin.1.beca use2.when 3.a ge4.a broa d 5.ga ve up6.a ma zing/grea t7.stopped8.beca me 9.heroIV.1.first 2.but 3.with/through4.most fa mous 5.med a ls6.brought7.how 8.world s9.na tiona l2I.1.once a ga in2.a strong will 3.give up 4.博士学位5.也6.打乒乓球II.1.d octors d egree 2.pla ying ta ble tennis,a strong will,gives up 3.once a ga in4.a s well a s4ID.1.one of the best 2.Wha tever,give up,wa tching the Olympic Ga mes3.ha d a strong willIV.A.1.entered the fina ls of a world-fa mous surfing competition a nd one month la ter wa s seriously hurt while surfing2.pra ctise pla ying the guita r a nd write songs3.first music a lbum ca me outB.One possible version:Wha tever ha ppens in our lives,we ha ve to a ccept it a nd d o the best we ca n.Unit 21 I.1.opera tion 2.sold ier 3.trea ting 4.himself 5.inventionII.1.Ca na d ia n 2.invented 3.med ica l 4.Wa r 5.resting/restHI.1.for 2.without 3.of 4.on 5.inIV.1.Dr Bethune ca me to China to help the Chinese people a nd d ied for them.2.He soon rea lised tha t ma ny people were d ying beca use they d id not get to hospita l quickly enough./He soon rea lised tha t ma ny people were d ying beca use they could nt be sent to hospita l a s soon a s possible.3.They a lwa ys work very ha rd without resting/ha ving a rest or ta king ca re of themselves.V.1.a n 2.d id nt 3.At 4.but 5.were 6.clea ner 7.men8.write/to write 9.beca use 10.tha nks2 I.1.useful 2.opera tion 3.inventions 4.Ca na d ia nn.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.AID.1.E 2.A 3.D 4.BUnit 3I.1.so 2.beca use 3.so tha t 4.beca useII.1.My pa rents got up ea rly this morning so tha t they could ca tch the first tra in to Beijing.2.They ga ve money to the villa ge so tha t more child ren could return to school.3.She rea d the instructions ca refully so tha t she could use the new ma chine in a right wa y.III.1.bra vely 2.heroes 3.a ctor 4.But 5.scientists 6.to d evelop7.tries 8.lost 9.a lthough 10.victoryIV.1.To become a n a rtist himself.2.Beca use he d eveloped a style a nd ta lent for colour.3.For ten yea rs.Module Review1.A.1.D 2.B 3.Dn.B.1.B 2.C 3.A4.One possible version:I prefer to go swimming with my friend s in summer.No ma tter how hot the wea ther is,the pool is the best pla ce for us to pla y wa ter ga mes a nd keep cool.Ifs5rea lly fiin.II.1.will 2.a broa d 3.continue 4.wound 5.includ ingIII.1.yea rs5 2.first 3.to grow 4.it 5.a 6.increa sed/ha ve increa sed7.being 8.hobbies 9.of 10.tha tIV.One possible version:Wu Da jing is a fa mous Chinese short tra ck speed ska ter.He wa s bom on 24th July,1994.At the a ge of 10,he sta rted to tra in a s a ska ter.In 2010,he joined China s na tiona l tea m.In 2018 a nd 2022,Wu won gold med a ls a t the Winter Olympics.He ha s a strong will a nd never gives up.Wu Da jing is a good exa mple of young people.V.One possible version:As we know,most people ha ve heroes in their hea rts.For me,Dr Norma n Bethune is the hero in my hea rt.He wa s a grea t d octor from Ca na d a.Dr Bethune wa s good a t performing opera tions.In 1938,he ca me to China.He opened hospita ls a nd invented med ica l tools.He worked so ha rd tha t he sa ved thousa nd s of Chinese people.He d id nt stop to ta ke ca re of his own injured ha nd a nd d ied.I a m d eeply moved by his stories.He is a rea l hero in my hea rt.And Ill work ha rd a nd d o my best to help others.Module 4Unit 11 I.1.miss2.text 3.pa ssengers 4.a d d ress 5.simpleII.1.sta tion 2.on your own/a ll by yourself 3.Don5t worry5.forget itffl.1.So d id I 2.So will I 3.So d o I4.missIV.1.D 2.C 3.E2 I.1.E 2.A 3.D4.B 5.F4.B 5.CII.1.a couple of 2.two weeks of school 3.be ca reful with 4.ma ke sure5.plenty of 6.wa ke upin.A.1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B5.D 6.D 7.D8.C 9.D10.C 11.C 12.B 13.AB.One possible version:He is a positive person with a strong will,a nd he ha s a fa mily full of love to support him.Unit 21 I.1.be bored with 2.lea ve me a lone 3.be worried a bout 4.a s soon a s5.ha nd in 6.feel lonely 7.a ll d a y long 8.so.tha t.II.1.As,like a ll other boys,to be a ma n 2.Although,felt/wa s a bit unha ppy with63.wonied a bout,ha d to,on business4.rea lised being home a lone,a lwa ys perfectIII.1.a lthough 2.First 3.more 4.to pra ctise 5.themselves 6.a s7.fa milies 8.properlyIV.One possible version:On a Sa turd a y morning,I wa s a t home a lone with my ba by sister.I d rew a picture with some ca nd les,but there wa s no pa int a t home.I wa s so bored tha t I set fire to a kitchen towel with the ca nd les.The fire burned a huge hole in the kitchen floor.I felt sca red a nd hid myself in the room.La ter,my mum ca me ba ck a nd found the hole.As a result,I wa s ground ed for months.2 I.1.for 2.a bout 3.with 4.withoutII.1.ord er/ord ers 2.unha ppy 3.a ctua lly 4.ma na ged 5.empty m.1.The tra ining wa s so ha rd tha t Ja ck lost the interest in pla ying ba sketba ll.2.I locked the d oor so tha t my ca t would be una ble to enter my bed room.3.Tomorrow I will be a t home a lone beca use my d a d will go to New York on business for ad a y.IV.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.C10.B 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.BUnit 3I.1.shut 2.unha ppily 3.ra ng 4.wokeII.1.d epend on 2.be worried a bout 3.a s soon a s 4.be bored with5.ha nd,inIII.1.something 2.a nything 3.nobod y 4.everybod y 5.somebod yIV.1.The tea m tra ined so ha rd tha t they won the ma tch fina lly.2.Although my gra nd fa ther is 70 yea rs old,he looks young a nd hea lthy.3.I could nt get to the office on time beca use I missed the ea rly bus.4.My fa ther d oesnt often ma ke d inner for us but he ca n cook.5.The tea cher spoke slowly so tha t a ll the stud ents could und ersta nd him.V.1.Beca use ifs psychic,ifs the a ge,ifs chemica l.2.To buy a ha t,buy a coa t or pet,or ta ke up d a ncing.3.Your sa d ness,your sha d ow,wha tever it wa s d one to you.Module ReviewI.1.D 2.C 3.A4.Possible versions:Its not a good id ea.Tha t would ma ke child ren feel sca red.There a re ma ny wa ys to lea rn growing up.Lea rning should be a fun thing,not a sca ry thing./I love this id ea!I a lwa ys wa nt to ha ve a n a d venture in the wild.I ca n use the skills I lea rned7from the books to get through d ifficulties.II.1.miss2.una ble 3.ca re 4.a d d ress5.worried 6.lock7.a nybod y/a nyone 8.ma na ge 9.wa keLU.1.empty2.turn off3.ta sk 4.shut5.unha ppyIV.1.ca refully2.better3.Ma ke 4.by5.a nd 6.word s 7.a8.to sha re9.a ctua lly10.will beV.One possible version:Yesterd a y,I wa s home a lone beca use my pa rents ha d to work la te a t the fa ctory.When I got home,I locked the d oor first a nd then cooked the d umplings.After supper,I ga ve my mum a ca ll a nd a sked her not to worry a bout me.Then I bega n to d o the homework.At a bout 10:00 pm,I went to bed.When my pa rents ca me ba ck home a t mid night,I ha d slept.Both of them think I ca n ma na ge the time well.I a m rea lly proud of myself.VI.One possible version:ril never forget my first time being home a lone.It ha ppened when I wa s only twelve yea rs old.It wa s a Sund a y a nd my pa rents ha d to go for something importa nt.In the morning,I got up ea rly a nd ha d some brea d a nd milk for brea kfa st.Then I d id homework a ll morning.At noon,I tried ha rd to follow the steps of cooking tha t my mother left for me.I ma d e egg nood les for lunch.In the a fternoon,I clea ned the house,a s my mum often d id.When Mum a nd Da d ca me ba ck in the evening a nd sa w the nood les on the ta ble for them,they smiled ha ppily.I wa s rea lly proud of myself a nd felt like a n a d ult.Module 5Unit 1 I.1.D 2.F 3.H 4.A 5.C 6.G 7.B 8.EII.1.exhibition 2.rule 3.rope 4.ta il 5.entry 6.missing7.d ownsta irs 8.punishHI.1.No touching./Dont touch it.2.No entiy./Dont go in.3.No littering./Don?t d rop litter.4.No pa rking here./Don pa rk your ca r here.IV.1.the concert 2.ta ke my pet d og/ca t 3.keep your mobile phone off/turn it off4.bring a ny food or d rinks 5.will ha ve to lea ve/will be a sked to lea ve2 I.1.a ga inst 2.upsta irs 3.punish 4.ta il 5.exhibition 6.ropeII.1.a ga inst the rules 2.missing 3.closed 4.Keep quiet 5.No entry6.in trouble 7.went d ownsta irs/ha s gone d ownsta irs 8.No wond erHI.1.At school.2.Sweet cupca kes a nd d elicious cookies.3.Sweet trea ts.4.To help kid s keep hea lthy.5.She felt sa d./Sa d.6.One possible version:I like this rule,beca use less sweet food is good for kid s hea lth,a nd8we ca n choose something- 配套讲稿:
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