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nsit ie s at Su r f ac e Cond it ionsDENSITYDe ad Oil FVT Pr ope r t ie s(No Dissolve d Gas)Wat e r PVT Pr c iDe r t ie sILOil d e nsit y.0.93kg/m八3sWat e r d e nsit y 1kg/m人3sGas d e nsit y _0.1kg/m3s久蟆入油气水的密密|Apply|R e se tHe lpINS:i二、数据准备PVT Keywords PVT Sect ion Data Manager BoduTe ECLIPSE1、点击被处,插入水的名及物利一项CWATER PVT二叵I区IFVT Ke ywor d s|OaaH Oil PX/T Pr nnar f iae f Nc Di父anlv/ar l IGa父I PROPERTIES)oZJECHOR e f e r e nc e pr e ssur e(Pr e f)Wat e r FVF at Pr e fWat e r c ompr e ssibilit yWat e r visc osit y at Pr e fWat e r visc osibilit uWdte r FVT Pr ope r t ie sFluid De nsit ie s at Sur f ac e Cond it ions2、蟆入油藏参考人力Mic rosof t Fowe r r.:245bar/bar/bar;r m3lbar=7标率大叫爪=0.1MPAR e se tHe lpINSWind ows Ex plore rECLIPSE Simulat e3 oic e皿/明q 5,16 1。二、数据准备Pl PVT Keywords-PVT Section-Data lanager lodule-ECLIPSE/、点击被处,插入DEADHEO1LPVTPROPERT1ES(NO:ie w Ke ywor d Type s He lpFileINSMic rosof t Powe r?茄b 3 Wind ows Ex plore r ECLX FSE Simu lat iM8 of f i c e曰/国 q f 16:23开始 e Q数据准备EJb of f i c 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P.:绘图国)-匹|1自选图形),、口。D=ItH工阂3IAgui e rTr ac e rMise e llane ou sR e gi ons/Arr ays后it店1泛目hGYiR e gionsSc he d uleSummar yMult iple Se nsit ivit ie sOpt imizeDat um De pt hPr e ssur e at Dat um De pt hWOC De pt hOW Cap Pr e ssur eGOC De pt h2450Ima245barH2535|m臼barH|m H2、点击 keywo rd t ypes这群 eq uilibrat io n。31国|三-|y单击此处添加备注目 g%_|_二、数据准备一本地磁盘CE:)Mic rsof t Powe r P-ECLIPSE SimuX aix数据准备回Ix iil:iaJ.iza-.二File Ed it Vie wEquilibr at ion R e gior2开始二-e age r lod u lKe ywor d Type sMi s c e ll&ne ous*Eqiix librat i Aqui e r Tr ac e rFIP R e por tEQUIL Equt hbr ahHi st ory mat c hingDat um De pt hPr e ssur e at Dat um De pt hR e gi ons/Ar raysWOC De pt hOW Cap Pr e ssur eGOC De pt hGO Cap Pr e ssur eR s/Pb v De pt h TableR v/Pd v De pt h TableAc c ur ac yMi c rosot Powe r F.ECLIPSj点 击 keywo rd t ypes,迄 琳 miscellaneo us。|Apply|He lp本地磁盘CE)ECLX PSE Simulat eR J of i c e区叵区INS9:18数据准备Mi c rosot Powe r F.本地磁盘CE)ECLX PSE Simulat eR J of i c e9:21数据准备回Ix iit ializat:ion Se c t ionDa-t a Banage r lod u leECLIPSE Of f ic e区叵区Gri d i e w He lpIni t i allse Mod e lFile E d i t.Vi e w Ke ywor d Type s FIP R e por tR J of i c e本地磁盘CE)ECLX PSE Simulat eMi c rosot Powe r F.数据准备0!ECLIPSE使用说啕-ppt】皿回国至文件 编辑 视图 9 插入 g 格式工具B)幻灯片放映(f i)窗口 也)帮助QP二 XSe c t ionsCase De f init ionGr idFVTSCALInit ializat ionR e gionsSc he d ule S ummar yMult iple Se nsit ivit ie sOpt imize34:绘图1 gj 自选图形00、口 Q J Tl门 应属 上 三萝三一J 后幻灯片32/43默认设计模极中文(中国)邛始 e 2;Pr od uc t ion We ll Cont r ol(Y72X 2)Pr od uc t ion We ll Cont r ol(Y72-32)Pr od uc t ion We ll Cont r ol(Y72K53)Inie c t ion We ll Cont r ol(Y72-12)Inj e c t ion We ll Cont f ol(Y72-9)CiossfGr oupI Loc at ionJ Loc at ionDat um De pt hPr e f e r r e d PhaseDr ainage R ad iusAut omat icFVWe ll Spe c if ic at ion(WELSPECS)De f ine We lls.Gr oss&Conne c t ionsWe ll Cont r ols and Limit sEc onomic Limit s and Coning Cont r ol y/t ic al Flow Pe r f or manc eWe llInf low Equat io/、造落油井生产按糊。Mic r osof t Fowe r F.|Apply|ECLIPSE SimulaijI Pr od uc t ion We ll Cont r olInj e c t ion We ll Cont r olInj e c t ionW Cont r ol(no gr oup c ont r ol)/oup Cont r ols and Limit sAut omat ic Dr illing and Wor kove r Cont r olsAc t ion Ke ywor d Fac ilit yPe r iod ic T e st ing and Cyc ling We llsAr t if ic ial Lif t Ope r at ionsFlash Tr ansf or mat ion&Se par at or Cond it ionsAquif e r Cont r olsDissolve d Gas&Vapor ise d Oil Const r aint s02 of f ic eOKR e se tCont r ol DHist or icMod ewAppbHist or ic alhing Inj e c t ion We lls)r Pat t e r n Flood Inj e c t ion We lls uc t ion We ll Dat a)r y Mat c hing We lkTe mpe r at ur e(THT)Calc ulat ionsmc e lHe lp2、迄落灌入井生产按糊。He lpINS)10 18数据准备【TSc he d u le Se c t ion Dat a Kanage r Kod u le ECLIPSE Of f ic eFile Ed it Vie w Time Eve nt He lpfimT,IMC二、数据准备Se c t ionsod u l。-ECLIPSE Of i”一 Case De f init ionGndFVTSCALInit ializat ionSum ary Se c t ion Dat a Manage r Mod u le ECLIPSE Of f ic eFile Di splay HelpKeywords Selected二熊苞方由司二二 R Bloc k|Comple t ion|Fie ld|Gr oup|We ll|R e gion百回区I7、点击summary。Ke ywor d s在此窗口碉用馀需要做曲彼的赵据,儿 右割右;希靓熬据、网格熬据、急并熬 据、油田熬据、井俎熬据、单井照据、油田内区块熬据。数据准备几个常用数据的低置wui uo。53口Ge ne r al|Bloc kPhase s Type s|Comple t ion J二二F雨二二Oil Pr od uc t ion R at eWat e rLiquid ot he r sPr od uc t ion T ot al Pr od uc t ion Hist or y ln|e c t ion R at e Inj e c t ion Tot al Inie c t ion Hist or y R at ioKe ywor d sFGLRFGLR HFGORR H RR H/、油田日油犍力。2、油田至油比。y w j i uo j j.j j viGe ne r al|Bloc k|Comple t ion id 二二 F 囹4二二二1Phase sType sKe ywor d s品油田日油水平。Pr od uc t ion R at e Oil数据准备回区+GridSCALe l念 ECLIPSE Of f ic eJt.j l I.Ve r sionHost NameNON-FVM LOCAL Envir onme ntf ile Submit Mom t/、R un Time Monit or ing f Summar y Solut ionsPar alle l Opt ions:Of fNo.of Simulat ions:1Simulat ion R e sour c e s:0点击该处。Ad d Simulat ion R e sour c e sPolling Time Int e r v(mse c)3000FVM Envir onme nt OnlyMax CPU Time(se c)1000000Max Elapse d Time(se c j1000000I G。|号ECUTSE使用.2 Wind ows-ECUTSE Sim.Input File For matUnf or mat t e d For mat t e dIS叵区I久点g。,开始运行。Save File TypeSave File For mat Mult iple Unif ie d Unf or mat t e d For mat t e dMe mor y R e quir e dChar ac t e r Me mor y R e quir e d00Dat a Che c k Only(NOSIMJ/Display Me ssage TableR e se t03 ox c e卜,金山词索2006INS R EAD数据准备日回区IQ Messages Table t i ons He lp/R e ad INIT File/R e ad All Dat a f r om R e st ar t File sAd d t o ListR e move R owsFile He lpFOPP vs.DATE700三X 14/10/91 d ays,Y 308.40 SM3/DAYAV U/三(zddf/、点击被处,进入三报界 面。Save Te mplat e s.Expor tPrint Pre vi e w.Print Se t u p.Print Layoxit.Print Type.rintEx rac/Load Solu t ions(Y72_E 100)R e suJL Vie we r lod u le-ECLIPSE O.-但口|Cle ar ListHe lp三、模拟输电El R e su lt Vie we r lod u le-ECLIPSEOf f ic eFile Ed it Vie w Line Plot Tools 2D Qpt ions He lp0曷 遂Dat a-H Summar yl H|Y72_E1(田 EZf I|国 LZJwSolut ioni-Y72_E100+Init ialf+R e c ur r e ntObse r ve d1(FOPP vs.DATE(Y72_E100)2(Y72_E100,k=1,29 De c 1996-3(Y72_E100,k=1,01 Se p 19904(Y72_E100,k=1,01 Se p 1990X 2.06347e+007 m,Y:4.15153e+006 mY72_E100,k=1.01415220C-4152000 4151600-4151600 W 4151400-4151200 4151000-4150800-晋.2SO0.00000/、点击2D,显示Z报网格 画面。0,199450.398900,5983580Pic t ur e 5 of 5口三、模拟输电登以 囱 电 口 岸 融运 ae电软 早 Ba 3囱GJ 3D-Y72_E1OO/、点击该处,显示3箱网格 画面。值1(FOPP vs.DATE(Y72_E100J)2(Y72_E100,k=1,29 De c 1996-3(Y72_E100,k=1,01 Se p 19904(Y72_E100,k=1,01 Se p 1990X 2.06347e+007 m,Y 4.15088e+006 m口三、模拟输的El 3D-Y72_E100File Ed it Vi目Sc e ne Ut ili t i e s Pre f e re nc e s Wind ow He lp直击祓如,鼠标为指针可点击(0)01 Se p 1990Y72_E100:global:30 23 1(3022)SOIL=0.74800三、模拟输由点击被处,鼠标为一个多,可搭劭梗型方便理察。(0)01 Se p 1990三、模拟输曲El 3D-Y72_E100File Ed i t Vi e w Sc e ne Ut ili t ie s Pre f e re nc e s Wind ow He lp0199450.598350.797800.39890(0)01 Se p 1990三、模拟输由Sc e ne Ut ili t i e s Pre f e re nc e s Wind ow3D-Y72 E1OO(S 睦$1 zT(0)01 Se p 1990模拟输曲3D-YT2 _E100Sc e ne Ut ilit ie s Pre f e re nc e s Wind ow3田冲(0J 01 Se p 1330模拟输曲El 3D-Y72_E100Sc e ne Ut ili t i e s Pre f e re nc e s Wind ow昌隆 a zi3田逊(0)01 Se p 1990三、模拟输曲3D-YT2 _E1OOSc e ne Ut ili t i e s Pre f e re nc e s Wind ow昌隆$1 zl3田冲Df f ic R?n(15A0.79780(0)01 Se p 1990三、模拟输曲El 3D-Y72_E100File Edit ViScene Utili ti es Preferences Window Help目:国隆 a zi(0)01 Se p 1990模拟输曲Of f ic e 2005AOilSat0.398900.598350.79780(0)01 Se p 1990模拟输曲0.00000019945OilSat0.598350.79780(0)01 Se p 1990模拟输曲曰 3D-Y72_E100OilSat0199450.000000.598350.79780(0)01 Se p 1990模拟输曲El 3D-Y72_E100口叵区|File Edit Vi目Scene Utili ti es Preferences Window Help(0)01 Se p 1990三、模拟输曲日 3D-Y72_E100File Edi t Vi ew Scene Utili ti es Preferences Window HelpOf f ic e 2005AX-Axis点击被处,乳 示/去掉坐标抽。OilSat0.000000199450.59835Tt9780(0)01 Se p 1990三、模拟输曲Scene Utili ties Preferences Windaw3D-Y72 E1OO(0)01 Se p 1990模拟输曲El 3D-Y72_E100File Edit Vi目Scene Utili ti es Preferences Window Help(0)01 Se p 1990三、模拟输曲日 3D-Y72_EI回区Of f ic e 2005AIbl NUU4 U8CN,.000000.199450.39890KIUTSE使用说明.ppittfc 3 Windows ExplorerECLXPSE Simulateses揖 2 口按震系同时间 小衣显示。nsat0.5983579780三、模拟输曲三、模拟输电直曜 t1 71Init ialCe ll Ge ome t r yAlways On TopCe ll Pr ope r t ie sglobal104 14 135541(psia)1 00000ClosePr intHe lpINS READY72_E100 PR ESSUR ESOIL 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