福建师范大学教育硕士学位论文中文摘要听、说、读、写,是语言的四项基本技能。要想掌握一门外语,需要这四 种能力的均衡发展。但在我国,英语听力教学长期处于被忽略的地位。在高中 英语听力教学中,由于历史遗留的和实际教学的原因,教与学双方存在着较多 的问题。大部分教师对听力教学重视不够,教学方法单调,而很多学生对听力 不感兴趣,听力水平较低。因此,当务之急是要寻求一条改进听力教学的途径。教育部在新的英语课程标准中明确指出:倡导任务型的教学模式。目前,国内大部分任务型教学法研究侧重于该教学法在英语阅读、写作和口语中的运 用,却很少有涉及任务型教学法在英语听力教学中的应用。因此,本文旨在探 讨如何在高中英语听力教学中有效地应用任务型教学法,提高学生的听力能 力。本文采用的研究方法是文献综述法和实验法。大量的理论支持和实验班前 后测成绩的对比分析,表明任务型教学法是一种以人为本的,能体现语言价值 的、先进的、有效的教学方法,能在一定程度上有效地提高学生的英语听力能 力。同时我们应该用辨证的观点去看待任务型教学,它并不是完美的。关键词:任务型教学法;英语听力教学;任务福建师范大学教育硕士学位论文中文文摘听力是日常交际活动的核心,是学习者获得可理解性输入的重要途径之一。听力测试在 高考总分中占20%。英语课程标准(2001)明确提出了高中英语听力教学的目标。因此,听力教学的重要性不言而喻。然而听力教学一直是高中英语教学中一个比较薄弱的环节。作者对仍然盛行在高中英语听力教学中的传统教学法进行了分析,指出传统教学法已越来 越不能满足高中学生英语听力学习的交际要求。如何实施英语听力教学,提高学生的听力 水平已成为英语教师新的研究课题。从目前国内外英语教学的发展趋势看,以任务为主线,以学生为中心的任务型教学法得到了更多的共识。任务型教学法的研究在国外已有了二十多年的历史。从1979年Prabhu在印度南部 Bangalore交际教学实验至今,语言学家David Nunan%Jane Willis和Peter Skehan等 分别对任务型教学法进行了多维的研究,涉及任务的各个层面,包括任务的界定、任务的 选择标准、任务的排列、任务学习的模式、情感与任务、认知与任务、交际与任务。可以 说,任务型学习与教学的研究已进入了成熟阶段。现在,国外任务型教学法的研究已开始 涉足社会文化领域。在国内,任务型教学法的研究还是处于起步阶段。2001年,我国英语课程标准提 出了倡导任务型的教学模式。从整体来看,任务型教学法研究的论著大都是关于任务型教 学法在阅读、写作和口语方面中的运用,却较少涉及任务型教学法在英语听力教学中的应 用。任务型教学法能否给困境中的高中英语听力教学带来曙光,它能否有效地提高学生的 听力能力。因此,本文旨在探讨将任务型教学法应用到高中英语听力教学中去,提高学生 听力水平在实践中的可行性。本论文分为六章:第一章,序言;第二章,对听力理解及听力加工模式的综述:第三章,简要论述任务型教学法的理论依据;第四章,探讨将任务型教学法应用到高中英语听力教 学中,提高学生听力能力在实践中的可行性;第五章,实证研究;第六章,结论。第一章概述了本论文研究的背景、目的、意义、方法和论文的结构。第二章是对听力理解及听力加工模式的综述。作者首先对“理解”、“完全理解”和“听 力理解”进行了定义,认为第二语言学习的听力理解的研究重点是个人语言单位(如音位、单词、语法结构)的作用以及听者期待、情境和上下文、背景知识和话题的作用,它包括 从上到下过程法和从下到上过程法。作者以为传统的语言教学法总是不够重视听力理解教 学的重要性,近来的一些教学法很重视听力对于培养语言能力的作用,并认为在第二语言 或外语学习的最初阶段应该加强听力的教学。接着,作者对从上到下过程法和从下到上过 程法进行了比较研究,指出了它们各自的本质特征,从而得出结论:老师们最好把听力理 解过程当作是从上到下过程法和从下到上过程法相结合的过程。作者还阐述了图式在听力 理解中所起的作用,从而提请老师和学生们更加重视在听力之前采取适当的措施来唤醒学 生已有的图式。m福建师范大学教育硕士学位论文另外,为了帮助读者更全面地了解听力理解,作者还分析了听力过程的特征一自发性、情境性、视觉线索、学习者反应和说话者的调整;探讨了听力理解所需要的微技能、学生 听力困难的原因;提出了听力活动设计的原则和课堂听力活动评价的标准。第三章简要论述任务型教学法的理论依据。首先,作者比较了不同语言学家对“任务”的不同定义,指出“任务”至少要具备情景、活动、目标、结果、意义和语言六方面的内 容。其次,作者分析比较了 Skehan.Littlewood和不同语言学家对任务特征的看法以及任 务的类型。再次,作者探讨了任务型教学法的特征以及它建立的理论基础。通过以上分析,作者最后指出:“任务型”语言教学模式是20世纪80年代外语教学法研究者和第二语言习 得研究者在大量研究和实践的基础上,提出的具有重要影响和深远意义的教学理论。让学 生体验学习过程是任务型教学法的宗旨之一.任务型教学法坚信有效的学习不是传授性的,而是经历性的。任务型教学法体现沟通、合作、真实性,关注过程,重视学生主体参与,鼓励学生学用结合。本章旨在通过剖析这种教学模式,让读者全面了解它,在心里建构一 个更为系统的教学框架。第四章重点探讨将任务型教学法应用到高中英语听力教学中,提高学生听力能力在实践 中的可行性。作者首先分析了目前高中英语听力教学存在的问题,进而指出任务型教学法 可以较好地解决这些问题。然后,依据Uis的任务型教学执行模式和Underwood的听力 教学模式以及王蔷的听力活动设计,结合普通高中课程标准实验教科书(英语),作者陈述 了任务型听力教学的实施过程、具体的实施步骤,分析了这些步骤如何体现任务型教学法 的理念。而且,为了方便教师更好地实施任务型听力教学,作者还探讨了任务型听力任务 设计的原则,完成任务的策略以及教师在学生完成听力任务中的作用。第五章有关实证研究。为了证明任务型听力教学的可行性以及它优于传统听力教学,作 者在永安九中高一年段进行了一学期的实验。第五章详细说明了实验的准备、设计、步骤 和结果。通过实验班前测和后测的成绩对比,说明任务型听力教学模式对实验班学生是有 益的。由此可证:任务型听力教学法是提高高中学生听力能力的有效途径。第六章,结论部分。作者认为把任务型教学法应用到听力教学中,使听力的语境相对较 真实,交互性增强,从而激发学生的兴趣,自然地唤醒学生已有的图式,这样可以比较妥 善地解决目前听力教学在教学方式、教学材料及教学手段中存在的问题。作者进行的教学 实验也证明了任务型听力教学法是提高高中学生听力能力的有效途径。然而,每一种教学 法都有它的局限性。因此,本文分析了任务型听力教学法的优势和不足,提出了一些尝试 性建议。任务型听力教学法虽有一些有待进一步改进和完善的地方,但它仍不失为一种提 高学生英语听力能力的有效途径。该教学法可挖掘的潜力很大,值得广大的外语教学研究 者和教师去研究和实践,以便对这种教学法有更透彻的了解,找到一个班为有效的教学途 径。福建师范大学教育硕士学位论文AbstractListening,speaking,reading and writing are the four essential skills of language competence.The mastery of a foreign language requires balanced development in these four areas.However,in China,English listening teaching has been neglected for a long period of time.In senior high schools,due to the historical and practical reasons,there still exist many problems in both teaching and learning.Many teachers are indifferent to their listening instruction and they still adopt the traditional approach,while quite a few students take little interest in listening and their low efficiency in listening cant meet the ever-increasing economic demand of the world.Therefore,its important to find a better way to improve the instruction of listening.The Task-based Approach is the approach recommended to be applied in senior high schools by Chinas Ministry of Education.Nowadays,in China,many books and articles have been written on the adoption of the Task-based Approach in reading,writing and speaking,yet few of them have a systematic study of the application of the Task-based Approach to listening teaching.What this thesis focuses on is the application of the Task-based Approach in senior high schools.It provides a briefly study on the literature review of listening comprehension and the Task-based Approach.It makes an analysis of what is drawn from the experimental teaching.Lots of works and the experimental teaching on the Task-based Approach show that this kind of teaching approach is an advanced and efficient one which puts the students in the first place and which reflects the language value.It proves that the Task-based Approach is effective in enhancing the students*English listening competence.But,every coin has two sides.Apart from the strengths of the Task-based Approach,the author also points out its weaknesses.Key Words:Task-based Approach;English Listening Teaching;Tasku福建师范大学教育硕士学位论文SynopsisAs is known to all,the students in senior high schools in China as a whole exhibit a rather low level of English proficiency in listening and this weakness calls for an urgent inquiry into the realm of teaching methodology.The Task-based Approach(hereinafter called TBA),as a replacement of the traditional listening teaching method,may shed some lights on English listening teaching.At present,researchers abroad tend to study TBA from a socialcultural perspective,which opens an area of inquiry full of hope and challenge in the study of TBA.In our country,the study of TBA is only in the initial stage.But in viewing the situation as a whole,the study of TBA still remains in the stage of individual introductions and the works have mainly concentrated on the adoption of TBA in reading,writing and speaking,yet few of them have a systematic study of the application of TBA to the English listening teaching,which has long been neglected and is receiving more and more attention at present.Hence,the purpose of this thesis is to survey some theoretical principles of TBA and to explore some effective ways of applying those principles to English listening teaching.This thesis consists of six parts.Chapter One,Introduction;Chapter Two,A Review of the Studies on Listening Comprehension;Chapter Three,A Review of the Studies on the Task-based Approach;Chapter Four,The Application of the Task-based Approach to the Instruction of English Listening;Chapter Five,An Empirical Study;Chapter Six,Conclusion.Chapter One serves as an introduction to bring out the background,purpose,significance,methodology and structure of the thesis.Chapter Two makes a review of the studies on listening comprehension.The author first defines Comprehension,(Complete comprehension,and c listening comprehension,then analyzes the three models of listening processing and points out that the essential features of the bottom-up processing are that the listener tries to decode each individual letter encountered by matching it to the minimal units of meaning in the sound system(the phoneme)to arrive at a meaning of the text,whereas with the top-down processing,the interaction process between the listener and the text involves the listener in activating his knowledge of the world,plus his past experiences,expectations and intuitions,to arrive at a meaning of the text But as Jeremy has said,teachers had better see acts of listening as interactions between the top-down processing and the bottom-up processing.Whats more,the author elaborates on the roles students1 schemata play in their listening comprehension in order to make teachers pay more attention to the activation of their students7 schemata before listening.Besides,the author also provides us with such contents as characteristics of listening process,micro skills of listening comprehension,reasons for listening difficulty,principles for designing listening activities and the criteria for evaluating classroom activities,which he thinks may help teachers understand listening comprehension more comprehensively.Chapter Three explores TBA from a theoretical perspective.It discusses the definition of a task and the Task-based Approach,the characteristics of a task and task types.TBA is an important and profound pedagogical theory,which is proposed on the basis of a large amount of research and practice.Students*experiencing learning process is one of the tenets of TBA.The teaching approach claims that effective learning is not instructional,but experiential.TBA is characterized as collaboration,authenticity,focusing on the process and students participation,and learning by using it(Wei Yonghong,2004:33-50).福建师范大学教育硕士学位检文Also,this chapter reviews the rationale for TBA.It shows that TBA matches the fundamental principles of the social constructivist theory,the comprehensible input hypothesis,the second language acquisition,the interaction hypothesis and the zone of proximal development.The author attempts to make an ideological anatomy of the approach so that readers can both acquire a more comprehensive knowledge of the model and construct a more systematic pedagogical framework in their mind.Chapter Four mainly discusses the possibility of applying TBA to the instruction of English listening teaching.The author analyzes the problems of current English listening teaching and then provides the reasons why TBA can be chosen to solve the problems of current English listening teaching and the ways of how to apply TBA to English listening teaching.Based on Willis model for task-based instruction and Underwoods listening teaching model,a practical task-based listening teaching model is provided with us.In this chapter,the author also provides a variety of tasks selected from New Senior English for China(hereinafter called NSEFC)for different listening stages.Furthermore,the principles for designing listening tasks,the strategies for completing listening tasks and the roles of teachers are discussed.In Chapter Five,an empirical study is carried out.The author introduces the experiment in details,including its purpose,its subjects,its methods,its procedures and so on and then presents one sample of listening instruction.The result of the post-test further shows that the students in the experimental group have benefited a lot from the application of TBA.In other words,applying TBA to the instruction of English listening has been proved to be an effective way to improve the students*listening ability.Fm sure that with the implementation of the task-based listening teaching,the students will improve their overall listening ability greatly and do better in NMET,Chapter six serves as conclusion.From the theoretical perspective,as is discussed in Chapter Two and Chapter Three,applying TBA to English listening teaching,which makes listening more interactive and its context more authentic,greatly arouses the students,interest and naturally activates their schemata.Thus,task-based listening teaching can well solve the problems of current English listening teaching.From the empirical study,it has been proved that the application of TBA to the instruction of English listening is an effective way to help students improve their listening ability.Therefore,we teachers should attach importance to this teaching model in listening instruction.However,every teaching method has its limitations.Thus,the author makes an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of task-based listening teaching.He holds the view that although TBA has its limitations,it has much potential and it is worthwhile for researchers and teachers to carry out further researches and make more investigations in order to get a deeper understanding of this approach and find the most effective way in teaching.VIChapter One IntroductionChapter One IntroductionNowadays,the research of TBA is very popular in the research of Second Language Acquisition and Classroom Research.In the past twenty years,many applied linguists have made deep research on TBA from different points of views.U Research BackgroundListening comprehension plays an important role in communication.The statistics offered by the American foreign language pedagogical experts Lifbs.W and Tampel.M shows that listening takes up forty-five percent of human beings,communicative activities(Huang Hebin et al,2001:110).Listening,speaking,reading and writing are the four essential skills of language competence.The mastery of a foreign language requires balanced development in these four areas.However,in China,English listening teaching has been neglected for a long period of time.As a result,a large number of learners,including a great many university students on advanced programs,were unable to express them freely or to have a conversation with foreigners though they could write well in English.In recent years,with China opening more and more widely,listening will play a more and more important role in English learning.To meet the demand of Chinas development,the National English Curriculum Standard,a new English course syllabus,was issued in 2001.It has set higher requirements for senior high school students in listening competence.Because of the increasing importance of English listening,corresponding changes have taken place in NMET In 1997,listening was tested in Guang Dong Province for the first time.At first,the total score for listening test,which consisted of 5 dialogues,5 conversations and 1 monologue,was only 20 points with 15 questions.But in 2003 the total score was 30 points with 20 questions.In 1999,only 8 questions tested the students9 listening comprehension ability while in 2001,the number increased to 12,and 2002 to 14.From the trend,we can easily draw the conclusion that listening test now emphasizes more on students9 comprehension ability rather than memory.Moreover,since 2006 all the students who wish to take NMET have taken the listening test(Liu Chen,2004:3).Because of the great changes in the course syllabus and listening test in NME it becomes more and more important to improve the students9 listening comprehension ability.But in senior福建师范大学教育硕士学佟论文high schools,listening has been neglected by both teachers and students for a long period of time.And there are two weak points just as Wang Qiang(2000:89)pointed out,In the traditional listening classroom,students listen to tapes with headphones and then answer listening comprehension questions.There arc two problems with this approach.One is that it does not give students chance to practice listening and speaking skills together.The second problem is that the listening comprehension questions only test the students,but do not train the students how to listen or how to develop effective listening strategies.”L2 Purpose of this studyIn recent years,a mighty curriculum reform in compulsory education has been vigorously carried out in China.Of course)the English course is not an exception.The New English Curriculum Standard highly advocates the use of the Task-based Approach,in which teachers involve the students in the task performance s- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 任务 教学法 高中英语 听力 教学 中的 应用 英文
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