Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the TextUnit 9:ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation Translation第1页第1页Unit 9:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension1.1.What is the issue Akers discusses in the passage?What is the issue Akers discusses in the passage?The The issue issue Akers Akers discusses discusses is is the the relationship relationship between between ethics ethics and competitivenessand competitiveness.Ex.I,p.172ReferenceReference第2页第2页Unit 9:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension2.2.What What is is the the wide wide angle angle of of vision vision with with which,which,as as Akers Akers urges,urges,managers ought to look at ethics and competitiveness?managers ought to look at ethics and competitiveness?When When they they think think of of competitiveness,competitiveness,they they should should think think not not just just of of seeking seeking their their own own selfish selfish advantage,advantage,but but of of striving striving to to improve improve living living standards standards for for all.all.When When they they think think of of ethics,ethics,they they should should think think not not just just as as managers managers focusing focusing on on business business ethics,but as citizens of a larger society.ethics,but as citizens of a larger society.ReferenceReference第3页第3页Unit 9:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension3.3.Why Why does does Akers Akers think think that that ethics ethics and and competitiveness competitiveness are are inseparable?inseparable?Ethics Ethics and and competitiveness competitiveness are are inseparable inseparable because because we we compete as a pete as a society.ReferenceReference第4页第4页Unit 9:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension4.4.What What fact fact does does Akers Akers acknowledge acknowledge in in the the introductory introductory part part of of his essay?his essay?The The greater greater the the measure measure of of mutual mutual trust trust and and confidence confidence in in the ethics of a society,the greater its economic strength.the ethics of a society,the greater its economic strength.ReferenceReference第5页第5页Unit 9:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension5.5.What What are are the the three three suggestions suggestions Akers Akers makes makes so so that that we we work work in in an an atmosphere atmosphere characterized characterized by by mutual mutual trust trust and and confidence?confidence?First,First,we we should should fortify fortify the the practical practical ethical ethical buttresses;buttresses;second,second,ethical ethical instruction instruction must must include include a a demanding demanding study study of of history history and and literature;literature;and and above above all all we we should should keep keep our our priorities straight.priorities straight.ReferenceReference第6页第6页Unit 9:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension6.6.What What ethical ethical buttresses buttresses does does Akers Akers talk talk about about in in the the first first suggestion he makes?suggestion he makes?They They are are role role models,models,the the honor honor system,system,and and codes codes of of conduct.conduct.ReferenceReference第7页第7页Unit 9:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension7.7.What What subject subject should should we we consider,consider,according according to to Akers,Akers,in in the the beginning of our ethical instruction?And why?beginning of our ethical instruction?And why?We We should should start start with with a a clear-cut clear-cut study study of of the the past,past,because because our ethical standards come out of the past.our ethical standards come out of the past.ReferenceReference第8页第8页Unit 3:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension8.8.What What bothers bothers Akers Akers when when he he hears hears reports reports that that American American high high school school students students know know little little or or nothing nothing about about their their countrys literature and history?countrys literature and history?What What bothers bothers Akers Akers is is that that they they have have missed missed the the humane humane lessons lessons in in individual individual ethical ethical conduct,conduct,which which can can be be found found in in the the annals annals of of world world history,history,the the biographies biographies of of great great men men and women and works of literature.and women and works of literature.ReferenceReference第9页第9页Unit 9:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension9.9.What What does does Akers Akers respond respond to to the the fact fact that that businessmen businessmen and and women can be unabashedly proud of their companies?women can be unabashedly proud of their companies?He He thinks thinks that that the the good good of of an an entire entire society society counts counts more more than that of any single corporation.than that of any single corporation.ReferenceReference第10页第10页Unit 9:Reading comprehensionReading comprehension10.10.What do we remember Benjamin Franklin for?What do we remember Benjamin Franklin for?We We remember remember him him because because he he did did not not see see winning winning or or self-advancement self-advancement or or even even life life itself itself as as the the only only thing.thing.He He saw his newly born nation greater than himself.saw his newly born nation greater than himself.ReferenceReference第11页第11页1.1.Introduction(Paras.15)Introduction(Paras.15)2.2.Body(Paras.623)Body(Paras.623)3.3.Conclusion(Para.24)Conclusion(Para.24)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 3:Structure of the textStructure of the textEx.II,p.173第12页第12页1.1.Introduction(Paras.15)Introduction(Paras.15)We We A A central central subject subject in in international international business business competition competition is is _._.We We are are urged urged to to look look at at _ _ with with a a wide wide angle angle of of vision.vision.Ethics Ethics and and competitiveness competitiveness are are _,_,they they are are important important not not only only in in _ _ but but also also in in _._.Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 9:Structure of the textStructure of the textethicsethicsethics and competitivenessethics and competitivenessrunning a companyrunning a company inseparable inseparablerunning and managing a country.running and managing a country.第13页第13页2.2.Body(Paras.623)Body(Paras.623)1)1)_Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 9:Structure of the textStructure of the textEthicalEthical buttressesbuttresses2)2)_3 3_keep _keep our our sense sense of of order order straight.straight.Ethics teachingEthics teaching Putting Putting firstfirst things things firstfirst:第14页第14页2.2.Body(Paras.623)Body(Paras.623)Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 9:Structure of the textStructure of the textA.A.We should _ We should _ that help that help all of us know and understand andall of us know and understand and_._.The The simplest and most powerful buttress issimplest and most powerful buttress is _ _._.B.B.There are other ethical buttresses such as the institutional There are other ethical buttresses such as the institutional buttresses _buttresses _C.C._ _ _._.fortify the practical ethical buttressesfortify the practical ethical buttressesdo exactly what isdo exactly what isthe role modelthe role model1)_.1)_.EthicalEthical buttressesbuttresseshonor system.honor system.There There are are professional professional standards standards and and business business codes codes of of conduct.conduct.required of usrequired of us第15页第15页2.2.Body(Paras.623)Body(Paras.623)2)2)_Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 9:Structure of the textStructure of the textA.Ethical instruction is important in a business school or A.Ethical instruction is important in a business school or anywhere else in the universities,but to take ethical anywhere else in the universities,but to take ethical examination_examination_Ethics teachingEthics teachingof workplace safety,consumer protection,of workplace safety,consumer protection,environmental safeguards,and the rights of the individual environmental safeguards,and the rights of the individual employeeemployee within the organization.within the organization.第16页第16页2.2.Body(Paras.623)Body(Paras.623)2)2)_Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 9:Structure of the textStructure of the textB.B.We We should should start start from from kindergarten kindergarten to to twelfth twelfth grade grade with with a a clear-cut study of the past because _clear-cut study of the past because _._.Ethics teachingEthics teachingourour ethical standardsethical standardscome out of the pastout of our inheritances as acome out of the pastout of our inheritances as a people:religious,philosophical,historical people:religious,philosophical,historical第17页第17页2.2.Body(Paras.623)Body(Paras.623)2)2)_Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 9:Structure of the textStructure of the textc.The morec.The more we know of the history of us,the more _ we know of the history of us,the more _ _Ethics teachingEthics teachingsure-sure-footedly we can inculcate ethical conduct in the future.footedly we can inculcate ethical conduct in the future.第18页第18页2.2.Body(Paras.315)Body(Paras.315)3)3)_:_:keep keep our our sense sense of of order order straightstraightText OutlineText OutlineUnit 9:Structure of the textStructure of the textPutting first things firstPutting first things first第19页第19页Text OutlineText OutlineUnit 9:Structure of the textStructure of the text3.3.Conclusion(Para.24)Conclusion(Para.24)By By taking taking advice advice of of the the three three suggestionssuggestions,_we shall go far toward discharging our responsibilities aswe shall go far toward discharging our responsibilities asmanagers and as human beings.managers and as human beings.第20页第20页Part A,Ex.V,p.175Complete Complete the the following following sentences sentences with with words words given given below,below,making making sure sure that that each each word word is is used used in in the the right right form.form.Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyinculcateinculcate1.1.To To our our great great surprise,surprise,Mary Mary put put forward forward a a _ _ suggestion after her long-time thought.suggestion after her long-time thought.ludicrousludicrous第21页第21页2.2.John John is is very very happy happy these these days days for for he he will will soon soon be be married married to to Diana,Diana,whose whose beauty beauty has has made made her her the the envy envy of of many many less lavishly _.less lavishly _.Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyinculcateinculcate endowedendowed第22页第22页3.3.Though Though he he was was removed removed from from office office a a year year ago,ago,the the company company now now suffers suffers the the _ _ of of his his mismanagement.mismanagement.Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyinculcateinculcate consequencesconsequences第23页第23页Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyInculcateInculcate4.4.I I dont dont know know what what proper proper action action we we should should take,take,for for they they gave _ accounts of what has happened.gave _ accounts of what has happened.conflictingconflicting第24页第24页Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyinculcateinculcate5.5.The The captain captain of of a a big big liner liner has has the the _ _ of of thousands thousands of lives in his keeping.of lives in his keeping.safetysafety第25页第25页Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyinculcateinculcate6.6.Proper Proper clothes clothes _ _ for for much much in in business.business.Thats Thats why why you see most business people dress formally.you see most business people dress formally.countcount第26页第26页Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyinculcateinculcate7.7.When When she she was was stopped stopped by by the the police police for for speeding,speeding,she she gave them a certificate which has clearly been _.gave them a certificate which has clearly been _.falsifiedfalsified第27页第27页Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyinculcateinculcate8.8.On On hearing hearing the the news news that that the the enemy enemy troops troops would would come come soon,soon,all all the the families families hurriedly hurriedly _ _ the the village village with with barricades of carts,tree trunks and whatever came to hand.barricades of carts,tree trunks and whatever came to hand.fortifiedfortified第28页第28页Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyinculcateinculcate9.9.Our Our football football coach coach has has worked worked hard hard to to _ _ a a team team spirit into the players.spirit into the players.inculcateinculcate第29页第29页Unit 9:VocabularyVocabularyprofitprofitludicrousludicrousendowendowconsequenceconsequenceconflictconflict safetysafetycountcountvexvexentertainentertainfalsifyfalsifyfortifyfortifyinculcateinculcate10.10.This This settlement settlement will will resolve resolve one one of of the the most most _ _ problems in the field of industrial relations.problems in the field of industrial relations.Part B vexingvexing第30页第30页Part B,Ex.V,pp.175176Choose Choose the the word word or or phrase phrase that that is is closest closest in in meaning meaning to to the the underlinedunderlined part of the sentence.part of the sentence.Unit 9:VocabularyVocabulary1.1.We are a moral,We are a moral,high-principledhigh-principled people and therefore people and therefore we do not approve of their activities.we do not approve of their activities.A.noble A.noble B.upright B.upright C.conscientious C.conscientious D.ethical D.ethical 1.1.We are a moral,We are a moral,high-principledhigh-principled people and therefore people and therefore we do not approve of their activities.we do not approve of their activities.A.noble A.noble B.upright B.upr- 配套讲稿:
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