英语研究报告格式 23 2020年4月19日 文档仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。 report title unit code and unit name declaration i hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person or material which has to a substantial extent been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma at any university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text. 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translation of ѧÉúÐÕÃû£ºÑîСÒÕ Ñ§ºÅ£º098802 °à¼¶£ºÓ¢Óïc093 Ö¸µ¼½Ìʦ£ººîÏþ¼Ñ Ö°³Æ£º½²Ê¦ ±¨¸æÌá½»ÈÕÆÚ£º £¬4£¬13 Ç°ÆÚ±¨¸æÄÚÈÝ nowadays english culture plays a more and more important role in people¡¯s life, advertisement plays an indispensable role. english advertising language is an are the reflection of english culture. how english culture influence advertisements is an interesting topic. there are many theories on english culture and researches on the features of advertisements. however, there are fewer researches on the culture influence on advertisements. how people and cultures define themselves has great impact on their business practices. consider the case of japan, where group goals and needs are almost always placed ahead of those of individual. in japan, the classic american hero¡ªthe self-made man or woman who boastfully looks out for ¡°number one¡±¡ªis hardly an ideal. there the individual gives way to the group. decisions are made on a consensus basis and group harmony is the desideratum¡ªto the point that even when visitors are thought to be dead wrong, the japanese will never tell them that they are. the dutch researcher and business consultant, geert hofstede, has developed a useful framework that define and classify national cultures. each issue ultimately has a very real effect on how people process information and interacts, either personally or with business colleagues. the four dimensions consist of :(1) individualism(¡°i¡± consciousness versus ¡°we¡± consciousness);(2) power distance(levels of equality in society);(3) uncertainty avoidance(need for formal rules and regulations);(4) masculinity(attitude toward achievement, roles of men and woman). a fifth dimension has also been added to distinguish culture difference: long-term versus short-term orientation. this theory can be used to explain many business programs. british and american culture is a multifaceted and broad concept, which contains language, religion, values and attitudes, manners and customs, material elements, aesthetics, education and social structure. jonathan crowther provides insights into what is important or popular in present-day britain and america in an engaging manner, focusing on the practical applications of such information in the oxford guide to british and american culture (new edition ). the guide discovers facts and figures about britain and america in the 21st century£¬explores the lives of the rich, the famous and the infamous, history, legends, festivals, music, food, shopping, and attitudes£¬looks up famous quotations and sayings and finds out who said what and get ideas of what to read-choose from lists of books that won the booker, pulitzer and other prizes plus suggestions for further reading. the advertisement targeting is essential to the advertisement which determines whether the advertisement is successful or not. for fifty years, the advertisement targeting theories went through three stages, namely usp theory advocated by rosser reeves in the 1950s, ci theory advocated by david ogilvy in the 1960s and modern target theory advocated by al rise and jack trout after 1970s. usp or unique selling proposition means propose the consumers to buy the product because its unique feature or selling point. while in the 1970s, david ogilvy changed the usp theory that is based on the product into ci theory that is based on image. then japanese scholars developed his theory which became a system called cis, namely corporate language, the carrier of culture, is an essential part of culture. through the analysis of language, we can have a clear view of a nation¡¯s culture. the language feature of the advertisements is diverse, such as simple, easy to remember, abbreviation, novel words. besides, the advertisements also contain many rhetorical features. ¡°kodak is olympic color¡± is an example of metaphor. ¡°ask for more¡± ¡°i am more satisfied¡± these two pieces of advertisements smartly took advantage of pun, because ¡°more¡± not only serve as the function word, but also symbolizes the more cigarette. ¡°curls that last and last at last¡± is repetition. there are other features such as exaggeration, personification, and alliteration. references crowther, jonathan, , oxford guide to british and american culture [m], oxford university press pfund, franziska, , the influence of culture on advertisement [j], unpublished master paper. mitchell, charles, , international business culture, shanghai foreign language education press. 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