北师大版小学六年级数学下册全册教案(word 版可编辑修改)manipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment,but also more common.Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned,simple(or simple)industrial equipment.So he can see them now,however these two control modes(relay and discrete electronic circuits)are these fatal flaws:(1)cannot adapt to the complex logic control,(2)only for the current project,the lack of compatibility and(3)not reforming the system with equipment improvements.Spring for the development of Chinas modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation,completed the perfect relay of the computer too much.In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages:(1)each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors;(2)the official designer of the software writing content control is all about.Now in several ways in the context of industrial automation can often be seen in three ways:(1)Programmable Logical Controller(referred to as IPC);(2)Distributed Control System(DCS for short),and(3)the Programmable Logical Controller(PLC for short).2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1,each of the three technologies of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer.The men brought in terms of hardware there,using a high level of standardization,can use more compatibility tools,is a rich software resources,especially the need for immediacy in operational systems.So the computer can effectively control is used to control and meet its speed,on the virtual model,real-time and in computational requirements.Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument used to control,whereas now it is successfully developed into industrial control computer used as a central collection and distribution system and transition of distributed control system in analogue handling,loop control,has begun to reflect the use of a huge advantage.Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation,but only as a means of continuous process control.Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was born,its main use in the work order control,early primary is replaced relay this hulking system,focused on the switch controlling the running order of functions.Marked by the microprocessor in the early 1970 of the 20th century emerged,micro-electronics technology has developed rapidly,people soon microelectronics processing technology will be used in the Programmable Logical Controller(that is北师大版小学六年级数学下册全册教案(word 版可编辑修改)编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(北师大版小学六年级数学下册全册教案(word 版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为北师大版小学六年级数学下册全册教案(word 版可编辑修改)的全部内容。北师大版小学六年级数学下册全册教案(word 版可编辑修改)manipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment,but also more common.Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned,simple(or simple)industrial equipment.So he can see them now,however these two control modes(relay and discrete electronic circuits)are these fatal flaws:(1)cannot adapt to the complex logic control,(2)only for the current project,the lack of compatibility and(3)not reforming the system with equipment improvements.Spring for the development of Chinas modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation,completed the perfect relay of the computer too much.In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages:(1)each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors;(2)the official designer of the software writing content control is all about.Now in several ways in the context of industrial automation can often be seen in three ways:(1)Programmable Logical Controller(referred to as IPC);(2)Distributed Control System(DCS for short),and(3)the Programmable Logical Controller(PLC for short).2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1,each of the three technologies of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer.The men brought in terms of hardware there,using a high level of standardization,can use more compatibility tools,is a rich software resources,especially the need for immediacy in operational systems.So the computer can effectively control is used to control and meet its speed,on the virtual model,real-time and in computational requirements.Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument used to control,whereas now it is successfully developed into industrial control computer used as a central collection and distribution system and transition of distributed control system in analogue handling,loop control,has begun to reflect the use of a huge advantage.Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation,but only as a means of continuous process control.Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was born,its main use in the work order control,early primary is replaced relay this hulking system,focused on the switch controlling the running order of functions.Marked by the microprocessor in the early 1970 of the 20th century emerged,micro-electronics technology has developed rapidly,people soon microelectronics processing technology will be used in the Programmable Logical Controller(that is北师大版六年级下册数学全册教案北师大版六年级下册数学全册教案第一单元 圆柱与圆锥单元教学内容:面的旋转 圆柱的表面积 圆柱的体积 圆锥的体积单元教学目标:1、结合具体情境和操作活动,引导学生整体把握“点、线、面、体之间的联系.2、从多种角度探索圆柱和圆锥的特征.3、探索圆柱表面积的计算方法,发展空间观念.4、经历圆柱和圆锥体积计算方法的探索过程,体会“类比”的思想。5、在解决实际问题中用活所学知识,感受数学与生活的联系。单元教材分析:学生已经直观认识了长方体、正方体、圆柱和球,并初步了解了长方形、正方形、圆等平面图形的性质,学习了这些图形的面积计算,学生还认识了长方体(正方体),掌握了长方体(正方体)表面积与体积的含义及其计算方法。在此基础上,本单元进一步学习圆柱和圆锥的知识。本单元主要通过五个活动,引导学生学习面的旋转(圆柱和圆锥的认识)、圆柱的表面积、圆柱的体积、圆锥的体积等内容,并参与实践活动。本单元教材编写力图体现以下主要特点:1.结合具体情境和操作活动,引导学生经历“点动成线”“线动成面”“面动成体”的过程,体会“点、线、面、体之间的联系教材的第一个活动体现的内容是“由平面图形经过旋转形成几何体”,这不仅是对几何体形成过程的学习,同时体会面和体的关系也是发展空间观念的重要途径,这也是教材将此课题目定为“面的旋转”的原因.教材呈现了几个生活中的具体情境,鼓励学生进行观察,激活学生的生活经验,使学生经历“点动成线”“线动成面”“面动成体”的过程.在结合具体情境感受的基础上,教材又设计了一个操作活动,通过北师大版小学六年级数学下册全册教案(word 版可编辑修改)manipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment,but also more common.Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned,simple(or simple)industrial equipment.So he can see them now,however these two control modes(relay and discrete electronic circuits)are these fatal flaws:(1)cannot adapt to the complex logic control,(2)only for the current project,the lack of compatibility and(3)not reforming the system with equipment improvements.Spring for the development of Chinas modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation,completed the perfect relay of the computer too much.In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages:(1)each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors;(2)the official designer of the software writing content control is all about.Now in several ways in the context of industrial automation can often be seen in three ways:(1)Programmable Logical Controller(referred to as IPC);(2)Distributed Control System(DCS for short),and(3)the Programmable Logical Controller(PLC for short).2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1,each of the three technologies of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer.The men brought in terms of hardware there,using a high level of standardization,can use more compatibility tools,is a rich software resources,especially the need for immediacy in operational systems.So the computer can effectively control is used to control and meet its speed,on the virtual model,real-time and in computational requirements.Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument used to control,whereas now it is successfully developed into industrial control computer used as a central collection and distribution system and transition of distributed control system in analogue handling,loop control,has begun to reflect the use of a huge advantage.Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation,but only as a means of continuous process control.Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was born,its main use in the work order control,early primary is replaced relay this hulking system,focused on the switch controlling the running order of functions.Marked by the microprocessor in the early 1970 of the 20th century emerged,micro-electronics technology has developed rapidly,people soon microelectronics processing technology will be used in the Programmable Logical Controller(that is快速旋转小旗,引导学生结合空间想象体会立体图形的形成过程,发展空间观念。教材还提供了若干由面旋转成体的练习。2.重视操作与思考、想象相结合,发展学生的空间观念操作与思考、想象相结合是学生认识图形、探索图形特征、发展空间观念的重要途径。在本单元中,教材重视学生操作活动的安排,在每个主题活动中都安排了操作活动,促进学生理解数学知识、发展空间观念。如“圆柱的表面积”的教学中,教材引导学生通过操作来说明圆柱的侧面展开后是一个怎样的图形,并呈现了两种操作的方法:一种是把圆柱形纸盒剪开,侧面展开后是一个长方形;另一种是用一张长方形纸卷成圆柱形。再如本单元的最后专门安排了一个“用长方形纸卷圆柱形”的实践活动,先让学生用两张完全一样的长方形纸,一张横着卷成一个圆柱形,另一张竖着卷成一个圆柱形,研究两个圆柱体积的大小;然后组织学生将两张完全一样的长方形纸裁开,把变化形状后的纸再卷成圆柱形,研究圆柱体积的变化,引导学生发现规律,深化对圆柱表面积、体积的认识,并体会变量之间的关系.3。引导学生经历圆柱和圆锥体积计算方法的探索过程,体会类比等数学思想方法类比是一种重要的数学思想方法,是合情推理时常用的方法。教材重视类比、转化等数学思想方法的渗透。在“圆柱的体积”教学时,教材引导学生经历“类比猜想-验证说明的探索过程.由于圆柱和长方体、正方体都是直柱体,而且长方体与正方体的体积都等于“底面积高”,由此可以产生猜想:圆柱的体积计算方法也可能是“底面积高。在形成猜想后,教材再引导学生“验证说明”自己的猜想。在“圆锥的体积”教学时,教材继续渗透类比的思想,再次引导学生经历“类比猜想验证说明”的探索过程。另外,教材还注意转化、化曲为直等思想方法的渗透,如在验证说明“圆柱的体积底面积高”时,引导学生把圆柱切割拼成近似的长方体进行研究,体现了化曲为直的思想方法.4.在解决实际问题中巩固所学知识,感受数学与生活的联系圆柱和圆锥的知识在生活中有着较为广泛的应用,教材在编排练习时,选择了来自于现实生活的问题,引导学生灵活运用所北师大版小学六年级数学下册全册教案(word 版可编辑修改)manipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment,but also more common.Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned,simple(or simple)industrial equipment.So he can see them now,however these two control modes(relay and discrete electronic circuits)are these fatal flaws:(1)cannot adapt to the complex logic control,(2)only for the current project,the lack of compatibility and(3)not reforming the system with equipment improvements.Spring for the development of Chinas modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation,completed the perfect relay of the computer too much.In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages:(1)each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors;(2)the official designer of the software writing content control is all about.Now in several ways in the context of industrial automation can often be seen in three ways:(1)Programmable Logical Controller(referred to as IPC);(2)Distributed Control System(DCS for short),and(3)the Programmable Logical Controller(PLC for short).2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1,each of the three technologies of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer.The men brought in terms of hardware there,using a high level of standardization,can use more compatibility tools,is a rich software resources,especially the need for immediacy in operational systems.So the computer can effectively control is used to control and meet its speed,on the virtual model,real-time and in computational requirements.Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument used to control,whereas now it is successfully developed into industrial control computer used as a central collection and distribution system and transition of distributed control system in analogue handling,loop control,has begun to reflect the use of a huge advantage.Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation,but only as a means of continuous process control.Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was born,its main use in the work order control,early primary is replaced relay this hulking system,focused on the switch controlling the running order of functions.Marked by the microprocessor in the early 1970 of the 20th century emerged,micro-electronics technology has developed rapidly,people soon microelectronics processing technology will be used in the Programmable Logical Controller(that is学知识解决问题。如学习“圆柱的表面积”时,鼓励学生计算薯片盒的包装纸的大小、通风管需要的铁皮的面积、压路机压路的面积等,由于实际情形变化比较多,需要学生根据实际情况灵活地选择有关数据进行计算。在学习“圆柱和圆锥的体积后,教材鼓励学生计算水桶的容积、圆木的体积、圆锥形小麦堆的体积、铅锤的质量等.这些实际问题的解决,将使学生巩固对所学知识的理解,体会数学知识在生活中的广泛应用,丰富对现实空间的认识,逐步形成学好数学的情感和态度.课时安排:12 课时教学内容:面的旋转教学目标:1通过初步认识圆柱和圆锥使学生感受到数学与生活的密切联系.2通过观察和动手操作等,初步体会“点、线、面、体之间的关系,发展空间观念.3通过由面旋转成体的过程,认识圆柱和圆锥,了解圆柱和圆锥的基本特征,知道圆柱和圆锥的各部分名称。教学重点:1、联系生活,在生活中辨认圆柱和圆锥体的物体,并能抽象出几何图形的形状来.2、通过观察,初步了解圆柱和圆锥的组成及其特点。教学难点:通过观察,初步了解圆柱和圆锥的组成及其特点。教学用具:各种面、圆柱和圆锥模型教学过程:一活动一北师大版小学六年级数学下册全册教案(word 版可编辑修改)manipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial equipment,but also more common.Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned,simple(or simple)industrial equipment.So he can see them now,however these two control modes(relay and discrete electronic circuits)are these fatal flaws:(1)cannot adapt to the complex logic control,(2)only for the current project,the lack of compatibility and(3)not reforming the system with equipment improvements.Spring for the development of Chinas modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation,completed the perfect relay of the computer too much.In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages:(1)each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors;(2)the official designer of the software writing content control is all about.Now in several ways in the context of industrial automation can often be seen in three ways:(1)Programmable Logical Controller(referred to as IPC);(2)Distributed Control System(DCS for short),and(3)the Programmable Logical Controller(PLC for short).2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1,each of the three technologies of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer.The men brought in terms of hardware there,using a high level of standardization,can use more compatibility tools,is a rich software resources,especially the need for imme- 配套讲稿:
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- 北师大 小学 六年级 数学 下册 教案
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