通信工程(专升本)专业人才培养方案 Undergraduate Program for the Major of Communication Engineering一、专业简介(Brief Introduction to the Major) 电子信息大类涵盖电子信息工程(代码:080701 )>通信工程(代码:080703)、光电信息科 学与工程(代码:080705)等3个专业,采用“1+3”培养模式。 电子信息大类坚持“学生为中心、成果产出为导向、持续改进”的工程教育理念,面向 工业、面向未来、面向世界,落实立德树人的根本任务。以省级重点学科“信息与通信工程, 国防特色学科“通信与信息系统,控制科学与工程博士点“网络传输与组网控制方向”、四川 省双一流“信息与控制学科群”建设为牵引,立足西部、面向全国、辐射“一带一路、充分发 挥区域产学研联合办学优势和军民融合特色,培养品德优良,身心健康,基础理论扎实,工 程实践能力突出,视野开阔,具有责任意识、科学精神和人文素养,能够适应“电子信息+" 和泛信息化时代,德智体美劳全面开展的复合型人才。 通信工程专业开办于2001年,在无线通信、网络通信、物联网系统及软件方面独具特 色,所依托的通信与信息系统学科是国防特色学科,四川省重点学科。 The electronic and information discipline, including photoelectric information science and engineering, electronic information engineering and communication engineering majors, adopts “1+3” talent-training model. The discipline of electronic information adheres to the concept of engineering education, which is student-centered, results-oriented and continuous improvement. It is oriented to industry, the future and the world, and carries out the fundamental task of cultivating people. Taking "information and communication engineering“ of provincial key disciplines, "communication and information system,, of national defense discipline, "network transmission and networking control direction^^ of the doctoral program of control science and engineering, "information and control discipline group“ of Sichuan's double first class as the traction, based on the western China, facing to the whole country, and implementing the Belt and Road Initiative, the discipline of electronic information gives full play to the advantages of joint school of regional integration of enterprises, universities and research institutes, and the integrating features of the military and civilian. Compound talents with good moral character, good physical and mental health, solid theoretical foundation, outstanding engineering practice ability, broad vision, sense of responsibility, scientific spirit and humanistic quality, being able to adapt to the era of "electronic information +“ and pan-informatization, who also have the all-round development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labor will be cultivated. The specialty of communication engineering was founded in 2001. It has its own characteristics in wireless communication system, intemetcommunication, internet of things system and software. It relies on the discipline of communication and information system, which is a special subject of national defense and a key subject of Sichuan province. 二、培养目标(Education Objectives) 本专业旨在培养品德优良,身心健康,基础理论扎实,专业宽厚,工程实践能力突出, 视野开阔,具有终身学习意识、责任意识、科学精神和人文素养,德智体美劳全面开展,能 够适应“电子信息+”和泛信息化时代,可在军、民等通信工程相关领域从事设计、开发、调 测、运维、工程工程管理等工作,服务区域社会经济开展的复合型人才。 序号 No. 课程 编号 Cours e Code 课程名称 Course Name 学分 Credits 学时Hours 开课学期 Semester 学位课 Diploma Course 辅修 Minor 双学位 Double Degree 总学时 Total 理论学 时 Class 实践学时 Practice 11 XX1901 00 Matlab通信建模与仿真实验 Experiments of Modeling and Simulation of Communication Used Matlab 1 16 0 16 6 12 XX1907 10 通信技术工程设计 Design of Communication TechnologyProject 2 32 0 32 6 13 XX1609 80 通信工程专业生产实习 Production Practice of Communication Engineering 2 32 0 32 7 14 XX1906 90 通信工程专业毕业实习 Graduation Practice of Communication Engineering 2 32 0 32 8 15 XX1609 50 通信工程专业毕业设计 Graduation Design of Communication Engineering 12 192 0 192 8 小计 Subtotal 35.5 通信工程方向选必选 1 XX1900 10 JAVA组和 C++组共2组 课程,任选1 组 C++程序设计及应用 C++ Programming and Applic at ion 1.5 24 24 0 6 2 XX1900 20 C++程序设计及应用实验 Experiments ofC++ Programming and Appl ication 1.5 24 0 24 6 3 XX1900 70 JAVA程序设计及应用 JAVA Programming and Appli cation 1.5 24 24 0 6 4 XX1900 80 JAVA程序设计及应用实践 Prat ice of JAVA Programming and Appli cation 1.5 24 0 24 6 5 XX1905 40 软件技术工程设计 Design of Software TechnologyProject 2 32 0 32 6 6 XX1901 50 处理器技术工程设计 Design of Processor TechnologyProject 2 32 0 32 5 7 XX1900 50 FPGA技术 FPG A Technology 1.5 24 24 0 5 8 XX1900 60 FPGA技术实脸 Experiments of FPGA Technology 1.5 24 0 24 5 9 XX1907 80 无线与移动通信系统 Wireless and Ndobilc Communication System 2 32 32 0 6 10 XX1907 90 无线与移动通信系统实脸 Experiments of Wireless and Mobile Communication System 0.5 8 0 8 6 11 XX1905 50 软件无线电技术 Soft-Defined Radio Technology 2 32 32 0 6 12 XX1905 60 软件无线电技术实脸 Experiments of Soft-Defined Radio Technology 1 16 0 16 6 13 XX1907 00 通信工程专业工程实训 Project training of Communication Engineering 2 32 0 32 7 ★ 小计 Subtotal 17.5 网络工程方向必选 1 XX1900 10 JAVA 组 和C++组 共2组课 程,任选 1组 C++程序设计及应用 C++ Programming and Application 1.5 24 24 0 6 2 XX1900 20 C++程序设计及应用实险 Experiments (“C++ Programming and Applicatio n 1.5 24 0 24 6 3 XX1900 70 JAVA程序设计及应用 JAVA Programming and Applicatio n 1.5 24 24 0 6 4 XX1900 80 JAVA程序设计及应用实践 Praiice of JAVA Programming and Applicatio n 1.5 24 0 24 6 5 XX1607 50 软件技术基础 Software Technology Foundation 2 32 32 0 6 序号 No. 课程 编号 Cours e Code 课程名称 Course Name 学分 Credits 学时Hours 开课学期 Semester 学位课 Diploma Course 辅修 Minor 双学位 Double Degree 总学时 Total 理论学 时 Class 实践学时 Practice 6 XX1905 30 软件技术基础实脸 Experiments of Software Technology Foundation 0.5 8 0 8 6 7 XX1905 40 软件技术工程设计 Design of Software Tech no logy Project 2 32 0 32 6 8 XX1901 50 处理器技术工程设计 Design of Processor TcchnoIogyProjcct 2 32 0 32 5 9 XX1904 90 嵌入式系统设计B Embedded System Design B 1.5 24 24 0 5 10 XX1905 00 嵌入式系统设计B实验 Experiments of Embedded System Design B 1.5 24 0 24 5 11 XX1907 20 网络互联技术 Network Interconnection Technology 2 32 32 0 6 12 XX1907 30 网络互联技术实脸 Experiments of Network Interconnection Technology 1 16 0 16 6 13 XX1907 00 通信工程专业工程实训 Project training of Communication Engineering 2 32 0 32 7 ★ 小计 Subtotal 17.5 任选课(选修2学分) 理论课程和相应的实验课程需要一起选 1 XX1905 20 人工智能基础 Fundamentals of Artifical Intelligence 2 32 32 0 7 2 XX1906 20 数据挖掘E Data Mining E 2 32 32 0 7 3 XX1607 20 模式识别导论 Introduction toPattern Recognition 2 32 32 0 7 小计 Subtotal 6.0 注:标注★的为“学位课程工六、集中实践环节(Intensive Practical Training Courses) 序 号 No. 课程编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学分 Credits 实践学时 Practice Hours 开课学期 Semester 学位课 Degree Course 辅修 Minor 双学位 Double Degree 1 XX161790 通信电路实险 Experiments of communication Circuit 1 16 5 2 JK160490 计算机网络实验 Experiments of Computer Network 1 16 5 3 XX16II40 现代通信原理实验 Experiments of Modem Communication Principles 1 16 6 4 XX190100 Matlab通信建模与仿真实验 Experiments of Modeling and Simulation of Communication Used Matlab 1 16 6 5 XX190630 数字信号处理实验 Experiments of Digital Signal Processing 0.5 8 5 6 XX190710 通信技术工程设计 Design of Communication Technology Project 2 32 6 7 XX160980 通信工程专业生产实习 Production Practice of Communication Engineering 2 32 7 8 XX190690 通信工程专业毕业实习 Graduation Practice of Communication Engineering 2 32 8 9 XX160950 通信工程专业毕业设计 Graduation Design of Communication Engineering 12 192 8 10 XX190020 2选1 C++程序设计及应用实脸 Experiments ofC++ Programming and Application 1.5 24 6 11 XX190080 JAVA程序设计及应用实践 Prat ice of JAVA Programming and Application 1.5 24 6 12 XX190540 软件力 Desigr i术工程设计 of Software Techno logy Project 2 32 6 13 XX190150 处理器技术工程设计 Design of Processor TcchnoIogyProjcct 2 32 5 14 XX190700 通信工程专业工程实训 Project training of Communication Engineering 2 32 7 ★ 15 通信工程方 FPGA技术实脸 Experiments of FPGA Technology 1.5 24 5 16 向 无线与移动通信系统实脸 Experiments of Wireless and Mobile Communication System 0.5 8 6 注:标注★的为“学位课程” 序 No. 课程编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 学分 Credits 实践学时 Practice Hours 开课学期 Semester 学位课 Degree Course 辅修 Minor 双学位 Double Degree 17 软件无线电技术实脸 Experiments of Soft-Defined Radio Technology 1 16 6 18 网络工程方 向 嵌入式系统设计B实验 Experiments of Embedded System Design B 1.5 24 5 37 软件技术基础实验 Experiments of Software Technology Foundation 0.5 8 6 38 网络互联技术实验 Experiments of Network Interconnection Technology 1 16 6 小计 Subtotal 33 七、学位课程(Core Courses and Diploma Courses) 学位课程:信号与系统、通信电路、计算机网络、现代通信原理、通信专业工程实训。 Diploma Courses: Signals and Systems, communication Circuit, Computer Network, Modem Communication Principles,Project training of Communication Engineering八、课程体系结构图(The Curriculum Chart) 数学/自然科学学科基础专业基础专业领域(个性化培养)专业知识 专业知识 数学/自然科学系列实验 课程 >学科基础系列实验课程 专业基础系列实验课程 无线与移动通信系统 软件无线电技术 软件技术基础 专业领域/跨专业选修课 专业实践 电子信息类新生研讨课 电子技术课程设计 > 通信技术工程设计 网络互联技术 专业认识实习 软件技术工程设计 毕业设计 专业工具 工程训练 处理器技术工程设计 专业生产实习 专业毕业实习—) 人文通识 军事/体育/人文素质/社科/心理/思想/创新创业 九、学制及学分要求(Duration of Schooling and Credit Requirements) 1 .学制(Length of Schooling): 2 年(Two years) 2 .学分要求(Required credits): (1)专科学习阶段学分(105):按照对应本科普教专业培养方案进行学分认定,未修 课程采取补修方式修读(跟随对于普教本科专业大一、大二学生修读)……(各专业可根据 具体情况或特殊要求做补充规定) (2)专升本阶段学分(65):学生在校期间必须修满本方案规定的65学分方能毕业, 其中,各环节的具体学分要求如下表。 学科(大类)教育平 台 Discipline Coureses 专业教育 平台Major Courses 个性化培养平台 Customized Education Courses 总学分 Total Credits 必修课 Required Courses 10 35.5 / 65 选修课Selective Courses / / 19.5 十、授予学位(Degree Conferred)毕业时符合学位授予条件的,授予工学学士学位。 卜一、说明(Notes) 各学期应修学分建议(Credit Allotment for Each Semester) 学期 Semester 五 5th K 6th 七 7th 八 8th 学分合计 Total 建议应修学分 Credits 25.5 19.5 6 14 65 学生毕业就业5年左右,经过自身学习和行业锻炼,预期到达以下目标: ■ 目标1专业能力:能够进行通信工程研究、产品开发、工艺与设备设计和生产管理。 (由毕业要求1、2、3、4、5、11支撑) ■ 目标2职业素养:具有良好的人文社会科学素养、社会责任感、法律意识和道德水准。 (由毕业要求6、7、8支撑) ■ 目标3终身学习:有意愿创新实践,能够通过自主学习和终身学习拓展自己的知识和 能力。(由毕业要求6、7、10、12支撑) ■ 目标4交流合作:具有良好的交流能力、合作精神以及组织管理能力,能够成为团队 的骨干或者领导。(由毕业要求9、10、11支撑) The major aims to train the healthy and good-moralitied talents with a solid theoretical foundation and expertise. They should have outstanding engineering practice ability and broad vision. Besides, they should also have the lifelong learning awareness, responsibility awareness, scientific spirit and humanistic quality with the comprehensive development in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labor. The talents can adapt to the era of "electronic information +“ and pan-informatization. They can work on designing, developing, survey, maintenance, engineering project management in military and civilian communication projects, and serve social and economic development in different regions. Studentsare expected to achieve the following goals through their own learning and industry training after their employment of five years: Objective 1 Professional ability: They are able to conduct communication engineering research, product development, process and equipment designing and production management. (Supported by graduation requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11) Objective 2 Professional accomplishment: They can possess good humanities and social sciences accomplishment, sense of social responsibility, legal awareness and moral standards. (Supported by graduation requirements 6, 7 and 8) Objective 3 Lifelong learning: They are willing to innovate, practice and expand their knowledge and ability through self-learning and lifelong learning. (Supported by graduation requirements 6, 7, 10, 12) Objective 4 Exchange and cooperation: They should have good communication skills, cooperation spirit and organizational management ability, and become the backbone or leader of the team. (Supported by graduation requirements 9, 10 and 11)三、毕业要求(Graduation Requirements) 通信工程专业学生应德智体美劳全面开展,知识、能力、素质同步提高。学生应具有扎 实的数学、自然科学、人文社会科学和通信工程基础理论,宽厚的通信工程专业知识和突出 的工程实践能力;具有良好的职业素养、团队合作能力和终身学习意识,适应“电子信息+“ 和泛信息化时代,服务区域社会经济开展。为此,毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识、能力和 素养: (1)工程知识——能够将数学、自然科学、工程基础和专业知识用于解决通信工程相 关领域的复杂工程问题(支撑培养目标1) (2)问题分析——能够应用数学、自然科学和通信工程专业的基本原理与方法,识别、 表达并通过文献研究分析通信工程相关领域的复杂工程问题,以获得有效结论。(支撑培养 目标1)(3)设计/开发解决方案——能够针对通信工程领域的复杂问题提供解决方案,设计/ 开发满足特定需求的通信系统、单元(部件)或工艺流程,并能够表达创新意识,考虑社会、 健康、平安、法律、文化以及环境等因素。(支撑培养目标1) (4)研究——能够基于科学原理并采用科学方法对通信工程领域复杂问题进行研究, 包括设计实验、分析与解释数据、并通过信息综合得到合理有效的结论。(支撑培养目标1) (5)使用现代工具——能够针对通信工程领域复杂问题,开发、选择与使用恰当的技 术、资源、现代工程工具和信息技术工具,包括对复杂工程问题的预测与模拟,并能够理解 其局限性。(支撑培养目标1) (6)工程与社会——能够基于通信工程领域相关背景知识进行合理分析,评价专业工 程实践和复杂问题解决方案对社会、健康、平安、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承当的责 任。(支撑培养目标2和3) (7)环境和可持续开展——能够理解和评价针对通信工程领域复杂问题的工程实践对 环境、社会可持续开展的影响。(支撑培养目标2和3) (8)职业规范——具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感,能够在通信工程实践中理解 并遵守工程职业道德和规范,履行责任。(支撑培养目标2) (9)个人和团队——具有团队协作意识,能够在多学科背景下的团队中承当个体、团 队成员以及负责人的角色。(支撑培养目标4) (10)沟通—能够就通信工程中复杂工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和 交流,包括撰写相关报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令;并具备一定的国际 视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。(支撑培养目标3和4) (11)工程管理——理解通信工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。 (支撑培养目标1和4) (12)终身学习——了解本专业前沿开展现状和趋势,具有终身学习意识和适应通信工 程技术开展的能力。(支撑培养目标3) Students majoring in communication engineering should develop comprehensivelyin morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty and labor, and improve their knowledge, ability and quality simultaneously. What's more, they should have solid basic theories of mathematics, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences and communication engineering. They should have broad professional knowledge of communication engineering and outstanding engineering practice ability. They should have good professional quality, team cooperation ability and lifelong learning consciousness, adapt to the era of "electronic information +“ and pan-informatization, and serve social and economic developmentin different regions. To this end, graduates should acquire the following knowledge, abilities and accomplishments: (1) Engineering knowledge: Students are able to apply mathematics, natural sciences, engineering foundations and expertise to solve complex engineering problems in related fields of communication engineering (Supporting training objective 1) (2) Problem analysis: Students can identify, express and analyze complex engineering problems in related fields of communication engineering by applying the basic principles and methods of mathematics, natural sciences and communication engineering, so as to obtain effective conclusions. (Supporting training objective 1) (3) Design / development solutions: Students can provide solutions to complex problems in the field of communication engineering, design / develop communication systems, units (components) or processes that meet specific needs, and reflect innovative awareness, taking into account social, health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental factors. (Supporting training objective 1) (4) Research: Students can adopt scientific methods based on scientific principles to study complex problems in the field of communication engineering, including designing experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, and obtaining reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis. (Supporting- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 专业人才 培养 方案 通信工程
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