华 北 电 力 大 学 毕 业 设 计(论 文)附 件 外 文 文 献 翻 译 学 号: 姓 名: 钱俊颖 所在院系: 控制与计算机工程学院计算机系 专业班级: 软件工程1001班 指导教师: 朵春红 原文标题:Android smartphone adoption and intention to pay for mobile internet: Perspectives from software, hardware, design, and value 2023年 6 月 18 日 从软件、硬件、设计和价值的角度出发: 论安卓智能手机的采用和为手机互联网付费的意图 原文出处及作者:Library Hi Tech, 2023, Vol.31 (2), pp.216-235.Kuo-Lun Hsiao. 摘要 目的 - 本课题的研究目的是探究影响安卓智能机使用率和为互联网付费的意图的因素。 设计/方法论/途径 - 目前的研究从软件(界面便利性和认知内容)、硬件(认知的基础设施)、设计(设计美学)和感知价值(情感价值、金钱价值、性能/质量价值和社会价值)这四个角度建议了一种基于理性行为理论的构架(界面便利性和认知内容)。有人做过相关网络调查,数据的来源为台湾的881名安卓智能机使用者。因果模型通过偏最小二乘法验证。 调查结果 - 结果表白,上述因素对于手机互联网用户和非手机互联网用户的影响是不同的。出人意料的是,设计美学的影响并不重大。男性用户更加喜欢在智能机上阅读电子书。 实际意义 - 这个研究有助于理论性的理解上述因素,这些因素提高了手机互联网用户和非手机互联网用户的安卓智能机采用率和手机互联网设施付费意图。该被建议的框架可以被应用于智能机制造商和手机互联网服务商的产品设计和营销策略。 创意/价值 - 本文的价值在于为用户和非用户对于安卓智能机的采用和手机互联网服务的订购的关注提供一个更好的理解。 关键词: 智能机;安卓;手机互联网;认知价值;电子书;理性行为理论;通信;手机技术;台湾 1. 前言 随着手机互联网服务的发展,越来越多的客户正在采用智能机作为重要的通信设备。2023年第三季度,全世界范围内智能机的销售量达成1.15亿,与2023年同期相比上升42%,热卖的手机所搭载的系统大多为安卓、塞班、微软和苹果。 特别是安卓,广泛地支持众多厂商的手持设备,占据了2023年第四季度的50.9%的世界市场。 智能机比功能型手机提供更高的计算能力和连通性,并代表性的提供高分辨率触摸屏和通过内置网络浏览器无线访问网页的功能。电信公司最近开始推广智能机产品,希望能把手机互联网服务推广为一种创收方式。2023年,安卓手机占据了超过一半的智能机市场,而安卓用户只占了16%的手机互联网市场。因此,电信商对于通过安卓设备提高用户使用手机互联网的意向有着强烈爱好。 近年来,一些研究从种种调查过采用智能机和手机互联网的动机,诸如技术接受模型、美学设计和认知价值,然而,这些研究中有很少特地涉及过手机浏览器背景下的安卓智能机,而这个领域对市场来说还是较新的领域。安卓是一个开源的系统,它允许制造商按照需求定制自己的设备,涉及软件和硬件。因此,我们的调查目的之一就是研究硬件及与软件相关的因素对采用意向的影响。 此外,认知价值是影响支付意向的重要决定因素。手机互联网服务以一系列增值服务为特色,比如在线音乐和手机购物。一些出版商也和电信公司合作以提供在线电子书服务,并且有越来越多的人用安卓设备在网上阅读书籍。例如,调查者发现大学生乐于用手机使用手机图书馆服务。但是,个体差异(比如年龄、性别和受教育限度)也许会影响各种信息技术的采用率和使用模式。 2.概念框架和假想开发 Figure One提出了本课题的研究模型,该模型的开发基于理性行为理论。完毕特定行为的意图重要取决于个人因素(比如个体态度)和社会因素(比如主观规范)。理性行为理论被用作一些信息系统的重要的可接受的模型,涉及网站用途可电子银行。理性行为理论是一个通用模型,它并不特指某一特定的行为。所以,当调查者用理性行为理论去解释不同的采用行为时,他们需要去考虑其他的显著信仰。安卓从初次发布就开始不断改良特色功能和支持硬件,并已经扩张到大范围设备之中。安卓的开源和可定制的体系结构允许安卓设备制造商开发他们自己的软硬件来吸引用户并取得市场优势。因此,课题研究模型将硬件、软件和设计美学作为决定性因素来考虑。 安卓可定制的特点允许安卓设备厂商开发各种功能和界面以满足客户需求,重要是通过内容和界面便利性来提供分化。安卓的底层结构为传统硬件提供了支持,比如加速3D图形,专用游戏控制,USB闪存驱动和USB硬盘。底层结构是决定用户对安卓设备的态度的硬性因素。此外,之前的研究表白用户情绪反映和产品偏好受产品美学设计的影响。因此,本模型也将设计美学作为其中一项决定性因素。 认知价值被公认为是影响用户采用新技术的意图的关键因素。认知价值是用户对产品或服务的实用性的全面评价,这由用户关于得到什么和给予什么的认知来决定,这个全面评价可以通过提高产品/服务效益或减少购买和使用的开支来提高。评估认知价值基于四个方面:情感价值,社会价值,质量价值和消费价值。因此,我们认为这四种价值影响用户购买手机互联网服务的意向。本研究的模型细节如下所述。 (1) 界面便利性 在本研究中,界面便利性被定义为一个个体相信制造商的系统应当为用户提供简朴而又有效的人机互动方式,这表白界面会影响用户的喜好。关于手机互联网服务的研究表白,人机界面的质量可以提高用户的满意度和忠诚度。因此,可以预料到提高便利性可以影响用户对安卓设备的态度。 (2) 感知内容 功能在安卓系统中扮演重要角色,由于功能或软件可以提高操作性能。感知内容可以被定义为用户对智能手机的特色的质量(有效性)的感知。感知内容会提高用户对于采用智能机的积极态度。内嵌元素是购买手机的重要驱动。 (3) 感知基础设施 感知基础设施可以被定义为用户对于智能机硬件效能的感知。安卓提供一系列硬件支持,比如外部存储器、加速3D图形和压力传感器。这个附加的硬件支持可以帮助制造商来开发特定的功能以便帮助他们的用户解决一般任务,为用户提供一系列设备说明书来应对他们的各种需求。过去的调查也表白,设备硬件说明书可以影响用户对于质量和交互性的感觉。硬件支持的意向反馈可以提高手机设备的交互性并影响情感质量。 (4) 设计美学 设计美学对于用户接纳技术是非常重要的。在本研究中,设计美学涉及到平衡、感性诉求,或通过颜色、形状或动画来表现得美学。人类视觉对认知能力和情感有着关键影响。因此美观的设计是加强用户对特定的智能机的情感依恋的决定性因素。 (5) 态度 态度被视为影响用户采用智能机意图的重要因素。在本研究中,态度可被定义为用户对一部安卓机的良好感觉。同时,态度也的确影响了用户连续使用某一系列网站的意图。 3. 研究方法论 本研究重点聚焦台湾安卓机用户的情况。在亚太地区,台湾的安卓智能机的市场占有份额非常之高,只有行韩国、香港、新加坡、澳大利亚比台湾所占比重高。纵观整个市场,智能机在年轻群体、男性群体和受良好教育群体中更为流行。在台湾,一半的在线客户使用智能机,而安卓掌控了所有智能操作系统中71%的市场。一份涉及35项自陈式条目的在线问卷被设计用来收集安卓用户的响应。为了证实问卷调查中的项目,调查者做了先期测试和小规模测试,先期测试邀请了两位智能机专家来评估逻辑一致性、理解难易度、问题顺序和上下文相关性。调查者还邀请了十位安卓智能机使用时间在一年以上的用户来评估问卷的用语。他们的意见使调查者对问题的语序和措辞进行了小规模改动,并将改动后的问题追加到附录中。 关于调查问卷的公告张贴在台湾一些与安卓智能机相关的网站和公告系统上,若参与调查,则有机会在幸运抽奖中获取礼品券。为防止反复提交,被调查者的身份将通过他们的电子邮件和收到问卷后的IP地址来检查。总共收集到957个回应,其中76个是不完整的或复制的,881份回应是有效的。在有效的回应中,30%是女性,68%是年龄在二十岁到二十九岁之间的年轻人,大约45%是在校大学生。 拟建模型和假定通过偏最小二乘法来测试。在结构方程建模中,偏最小二乘法方法允许调查者同时考虑测量模型参数和结构途径系数。调查者把这些反馈根据智能手机互联网使用经历的不同分类为数个不同的组。 Android smartphone adoption and intention to pay for mobile internet: Perspectives from software, hardware, design, and value Article citation: Kuo-Lun Hsiao, (2023) "Android smartphone adoption and intention to pay for mobile internet: Perspectives from software, hardware, design, and value", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 31 Iss: 2, pp.216 - 235 The Authors Kuo-Lun Hsiao, Department of Information Management, National Taichung University of Technology and Science, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC Abstract Purpose – The research goal of this study is to explore the factors influencing the adoption of Android smartphones and the intention to pay for mobile internet services. Design/methodology/approach – The present study proposes a framework based on theory of reasoned action (TRA) from the perspectives of software (interface convenience and perceived content), hardware (perceived infrastructure), design (design aesthetics) and perceived value (emotional value, price/value for money, performance/quality value, and social value). A web survey was conducted, and data were collected from a total of 881 users of Android smartphones in Taiwan. The casual model was validated using partial least squares (PLS) techniques. Findings – The results indicated that the influence of the factors on the intention of the mobile internet users and non-users were different. Surprisingly, the effect of design aesthetics was not significant in all of the groups. Male users were found to be more likely to read e-books on their smartphones, as are people with higher personal incomes. Practical implications – This study contributes to a theoretical understanding of the factors that promote mobile internet users' and non-users' intention to adopt Android smartphones and pay for mobile internet services. The proposed framework can be used by mobile internet service providers and smartphone manufacturers to design the products and marketing strategies. Originality/value – The primary value of this paper lies in providing a better understanding of users' and non-users' concerns about Android smartphone adoption and subscription of mobile internet services. Article Type: Research paper Keyword(s): Smartphone; Android; Mobile internet; Perceived value; E-books; Theory of reasoned action; Communications; Mobile technology; Taiwan. 1. Introduction With the development of mobile internet services, more and more consumers are adopting smartphones as their primary communication device. Worldwide smartphone sales to end users reached 115 million units in the third quarter of 2023, up 42 percent from the third quarter of 2023, with most based on Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile, and iOS operating systems. In particular, Google's Android, which is available on all carriers for a wide range of handsets from multiple manufacturers, accounted for 50.9 percent of the worldwide market in 4Q2023. A smartphone offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a feature phone, and typically includes a high-resolution touch screen and offers wireless-internet access to web pages through a built-in web browser. Telecommunication companies have recently begun to promote smartphone products in hopes of promoting mobile internet services as a way to increase revenues. While Android mobile devices account for over half of the market for smartphones, Android users only accounted for a 16 percent share of the mobile internet market in 2023. Thus, telecom service providers have a strong interest in exploring ways to increase user intention to use mobile internet through Android devices. Recently, several studies have explored motivation for adopting smartphones and mobile internet from a variety of perspectives, such as technology acceptance model (TAM), aesthetic design, and perceived value. However, few of these studies have specifically investigated Android smartphones in mobile internet context, which are relatively new to the market. Android is an open source system which allows manufacturers to customize their devices, including hardware and software . Consequently, one of our research purposes is to investigate the influence of hardware- and software-related factors on adoption intention. Moreover, perceived value is the main determinant of payment intention . Mobile internet services feature a range of value added services, such online music and mobile shopping. Many publishers also are collaborating with telecommunication companies to provide online e-book services for mobile devices, and people are increasingly using Android devices to read books online. For example, university students were found to be willing to adopt mobile library services through mobile devices. Nevertheless, personal differences (e.g. age, gender, and educational level) may influence adoption and usage patterns of various information technologies. 2. Conceptual framework and hypothesis development Figure 1 presents this study's research model, developed based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA).The intention to perform a particular behavior is mainly determined by a personal factor (e.g. an individual's attitude) and a social factor (e.g. a subjective norm). TRA has been used as the basis of several information system (IS) acceptance models, including web site usage and e-banking. TRA is a general model, which does not specify beliefs about a particular behavior. Hence, researchers need to consider other salient beliefs when adapting TRA to explain different adoption behaviors. From its initial release, Android has been constantly improved either in terms of features or supported hardware, and has been extended to an expanding range of devices. Android's open and customizable architecture allows manufacturers of Android devices to develop their hardware and software specifications with features designed to appeal to users and achieve market advantage. Hence, the research model in the study considers hardware, software, and design aesthetics as the main determinants of attitude. The customizable nature of Android allows manufacturers of Android devices to develop functions and interfaces to satisfy the needs of their customers, primarily to offer differentiation through content and interface convenience. Android's infrastructure provides support for additional hardware, such as accelerated 3D graphics, dedicated gaming controls, USB flash drives, and USB hard disks. This infrastructure is an important hardware factor for user attitudes toward Android devices. Furthermore, previous studies have indicated user emotional reaction and product preferences are influenced by the product's aesthetic design. Thus, the model also includes aesthetic design as a key determinant for attitude. Perceived value has been recognized as an important determinant of user intention to adopt new technologies. Perceived value is the consumer's overall assessment of the a product or service's utility as determined by the consumer's perception of what is received and given; it can be enhanced by either increasing benefits of the product/service or by decreasing the expense of purchasing and using it. Sweeney and Soutar (2023) proposed an approach to evaluate perceived value based on four aspects: emotional value, social value, quality value, and cost value. Hence, this study proposes that these four values influence user intention to purchase mobile internet services. This study's research model proposes ten hypotheses, which are described in detail below. Interface convenience In this study, interface convenience is defined as the extent to which an individual believes that Android systems provided by manufacturers would provide an easy and efficient means of user–system interaction indicated that interface quality will influence the user's affect.In studying mobile internet services,demonstrated that quality of user–system interface can enhance user satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, it is anticipated that increased convenience and ease of use would positively affect user attitudes toward Android devices. Perceived content Functions are anticipated to play an important role in Android, because the functions or software provided by manufacturers would improve operation efficiency. Perceived content can be defined as the user's perception of the quality (usefulness) of a smartphone's features provided. Lin indicated that perceived content would increase positive attitudes towards adopting a smartphone, while Laurs (2023) found that embedded content is a major driver for mobile phone purchases. Thus, it is anticipated that perceived content will enhance users' attitudes toward Android devices. H2 is stated as follows: H2. Perceived content will positively affect user attitudes toward Android devices. Perceived infrastructure Perceived infrastructure can be defined as the user's perception of the efficiency provided by the smartphone hardware (Lin, 2023). Android provides a range of hardware supports, such external storage, accelerated 3D graphics, and proximity and pressure sensors. This additional hardware support can help the manufacturers develop specific functions to assist their users in dealing with common tasks, providing users with a range of device specifications to meet their various needs. Past research has also indicated that device hardware spec can influence user feelings about quality and interactivity. For example, Park et al. (2023) demonstrated that hardware support for motion feedback can improve the interactivity of a mobile device and significantly influence the affective quality. Design aesthetics Design aesthetics have been found to be important for user acceptance of technology. Design aesthetics in this study refers to the balance, emotional appeal, or aesthetic of a smartphone which may be expressed through color, shape, or animation. Human visual sense is a key influence on cognition and thus emotion, thus aesthetically pleasing design is an crucial factor to strengthen user emotional attachment to a particular device. Nanda et al. (2023) suggested that the aesthetic design of mobile phones has an impact on users' emotional reaction, while Cyr et al. (2023) found that visual design aesthetics significantly impacted perceived enjoyment. Similarly, it is anticipated that design aesthetics will enhance user attitudes toward Android devices. Attitude Attitude is seen as an important factor influencing user intention for technology adoption and, in this case, can be defined as the user's favorable feeling towards an Android smartphone. Park and Chen (2023) found that behavioral intention to use smartphones was largely influenced by attitude toward the technology, while Cheong and Park (2023) found similar results in regards to mobile internet usage. Lin (2023) found that attitude positively influences user intention to continue to use various web sites. 3. Research methodology This study focuses on Android smartphone users in Taiwan. In the Asia-Pacific region, Taiwan's smartphone penetration rates are very high, with only South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan and Australia having higher smartphone ownership rates. Across all markets, smartphone usage is more prevalent among younger, male and better educated- 配套讲稿:
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