教育 学校教育 schooling 家庭教育 upbringing; parenting 课程纲领curriculum 教学纲领syllabus 必修课 required/compulsory courses, 选修课 elective/optional courses 课外活动 extra-curricular activities 社团活动 club activities 志愿者服务 volunteer service 小区工作 community work 实习internship 学生会student union 男生/女生联谊会fraternity & sorority 校园生活 school/campus life 学校是社会缩影 a school is society in miniature 文科liberal arts/ liberal studies 理科sciences 工科engineering 人文学科humanities 社会学科social science 艺术 arts 学科subject/discipline 基础科学 basic sciences 应用科学 applied sciences 小学教育 primary-level education; elementary education 中学教育 secondary-level education 大学教育 tertiary-level education; higher education 职业教育 vocational education/training 接收教育 enter/get access to schools/ education 学位degree (bachelor, master, doctor/PhD) 文凭diploma, 证书certificate 青少年 teenagers/adolescents/the young generation/the youths 学生 students (fresh man, sophomore, junior, senior) 上课 attend classes 逃课skip class, be absent from class 老师/学生为中心课堂 teacher-centered/ student-centered/ classroom 有能力/有资格/有经验/良好培训老师 competent/qualified/experienced/well-trained teachers 无能力/不够格/欠经验老师 incompetent/disqualified/inexperienced/poorly-trained teachers well-equipped/ well-appointed/ well-decorated classrooms 设施良好/装修良好教室先进教学设施 up-to-date teaching facilities laboratory, library, multimedia resources (computer, projector, speaker, microphone, database, printer, photocopier) 传授理论知识 impart /inculcate theoretical knowledge 教授职业技能 instruct professional/practical skills 灌输高尚道德观 instill/advocate high moral values and principles 激励学生追求梦想 give students the motivation to pursue their dreams motivate students to fulfill their life goals 唤起学生对文理知识好奇心 arouse students’ curiosity about arts and science 激发学生创新思维inspire/stimulate stude’ innovative thoughts ts 激励学生批判/辩证/独立思维 encourage students to think critically/dialectically/independently 告诉学生各学科间联络 inform students of the correlation between different disciplines 塑造学生人生目标和价值观念shape students’ life goals and philosophy 促进学生身体/心理/智力/情感发展 promote students’ physical/mental/intellectual/emotional development 保持身心健康 maintain physical/psychological health/soundness 适应逆境能力 adapt to adversity/adverse circumstances 在了解基础上学习 learn things through understanding 塑造某人性格 mould/build one’s character 培养责任感 cultivate a sense of responsibility 按时完成作业 complete/accomplish assignment(presentation/report/essay/paper/thesis/dissertation) on time 填鸭式教学 force-feed/spoon-feed the knowledge to the students 死记硬背 learn things by rote, spit back predigested ideas, cram for exams 机械记忆概念、方程式、公式、定理和定律 mechanically memorize concepts, equations, formulas, theorems and laws 盲从…指令 follow someone’s order blindly/indiscriminately (advs) 限制创造力发展 extinguish/stifle/constrain creativity 打击学生学生主动性 dampen/sap student’s enthusiasm for learning frustrate the students 激起无须要同辈压力 beget/intensify undue peer pressure 基于智力差异/学业成绩/社会背景对学生进行分离教育 segregate students on basis of their intellectual disparity/academic performance/social backgroun 评价老师教学 appraise/evaluate/assess teachers’ performance 从学生中取得建设性反馈/提议gain constructive feedbacks/suggestions from students 使学生对教学过程有更大讲话权 give students a greater say in the teaching-learning process 对讲课进行监督provide an oversight over lectures 改进教学方法 improve teaching methodology/pedagogical methodology 降低教职员工懈怠态度minimize slack attitude among teaching faculty 损害老师在课堂中权威性impair the authority of teachers in the classroom 对课程/老师持有偏见/不负责评论 hold biased opinions/ irresponsible comments on a course/teacher 造成学生不守纪律/行为不端 breed indiscipline/misbehaviors among students 小组学习有利于学生们了解团体工作主要性和提升他们社会技能。 Studying in a group helps students to understand the importance of team-work and improve their social skills. 学生们在合作学习中取得不一样观点和经验。 Students gain/obtain a variety of perceptions and experience in cooperative learning. 休闲/生活 业余时间 free time/leisure time/ spare time 娱乐 entertainment/recreation/amusement 保持健康 keep fit/healthy/in shape 保持身体柔韧性 keep the body soft and supple 强壮体魄 build one’s muscle 提升免疫功效 enhance immune function 消耗多出脂肪/热量 burn off extra fat/calories 预防人们变胖 prevent people from getting overweight 预防重大疾病 guard…against fatal diseases 改进血液循环 improve blood circulation 增强耐力 build up one’s stamina 训练自制力 train self-discipline 磨砺意志 build one’s character 丰富知识 enrich one’s knowledge 开阔视野 broaden one’s mind/horizon 陶冶情操 cultivate one’s minds 净化心灵 purify one’s soul 发展专长 develop one’s specialties 增强自信和自尊 boost one’s confidence and self-esteem 消除忧虑 free/liberate oneself from daily trouble/worldly concerns 缓解压力 relieve/ease/alleviate/release one’s work pressure/mental stress 娱乐自我 amuse/entertain/recreate/ oneself 劳逸结合 keep/strike/maintain a balance between work and leisure 丰富人生经历 enrich life experience 观赏自然景观 admire/appreciate/experience the scenery/landscape of Mother Nature 扩大社交圈子 widen social circle 促进友情/人际关系 strengthen friendship/interpersonal relations 体验精神上享受 experience mental amusement and enjoyment 取得他人支持/抚慰/激励/忠言/提议/建设性批评 get support/comfort/encouragement/advice/ suggestion/ constructive criticism from others 工作 体面/理想/收入好工作 decent/ideal/well-paid jobs 卑微/无价值/收入低工作 menial/valueless/under-paid jobs 脑力/体力劳动 mental/labor work; white-collar/ blue-collar 申请兼职/暂时/实习职位apply for part-time/temporary jobs/internships 取得全职/永久职位get/land/secure a full-time/permanent job position 有灵活/紧凑工作时间 have a flexible/ tight schedule 提供晋升空间provide a good chance of promotion 提供有前途未来offer a promising future 为长久职业目标奠定基础pave the way for long-term career plan 感到归属感feel a sense of belonging 认可某人企业努力/地位 recognize one’s efforts/status in the company 参加决议过程participate in decision-making process 充分发挥潜能/才华realize one’s full potential/talents 学会合作和妥协learn to cooperate and compromise 自信面对激烈竞争 face the fierce/stiff competition with confidence/self-assurance 取得颇丰收入 get fat/high/generous salary/income/remuneration 更新专业知识和技能 update one’s expertise and skills 建立友好工作关系 establish harmonious working relationship 在员工/部门间形成协同作用 create a great synergy between different employees/departments 改进人际/交流能力 improve interpersonal/communicative skills 掌握处理问题/管理/学历能力 master problem-solving/managerial/learning skills 提供稳定感和满足感 afford stability and satisfaction 培养责任感develop a sense of responsibility 取得个人成就 attain personal achievement/accomplishment 出人头地 make it to the top of in the society 形成团体合作和相互尊重气氛 create an atmosphere of team spirit and mutual respect 理论付诸实践 put theories into practice; utilize book knowledge in reality; apply the theories learned in school to the resolution of practical problems. 取得宝贵工作经验 obtain invaluable working experience 强化个人简历/任职能力strengthen one’s resumes/competence , 在工作面试中占有先机 have an edge/advantage in job interviews 与受欢迎雇主建立联络build important contacts with sought-after employers, 使…熟悉某一产业最新发展familiarize one with the contemporary state of an industry 迎接挑战Stand up to the challenge / meet the challenge 实现人生价值realize the values of life 丰富一个人生活阅历enrich/accumulate one’s social experience 培养自己独立性和坚韧性cultivate one’s independence and toughness 追求个人发展 seek for personal development 展示才能和创造力display one’s talent and creativity 取得自我实现感 gain a sense of self-fulfillment/ achievement 为机构/社会做出贡献 make one’s own contribution to an organization/ the society 确定自己角色 define one’s role 无薪加班 work overtime without extra pay 在团体中负担太多压力 assume/shoulder excessive responsibilities in the team 赶工作任务最终期限 meet the deadlines for work tasks 应对巨大工作压力 face/handle extreme pressure from work 生活 有特殊审美价值老房子 old building of special aesthetic value 有特殊历史意义老房子 building of historic significance 让城市更美观 beautify(vt) the cities/better(vt) the cityscape 破旧(房子) rundown/shabby/ dilapidated 拆除 tear down a building/demolish a building/raze…to the ground 高楼 high-rise/towering buildings 摩天楼 skyscrapers 城市化 urbanization 缩小城镇差距 narrow/bridge the gap between the city and the countryside 城市 city; urban area 大城市 metropolis; cosmopolitan city 乡村 the countryside; rural area 繁荣发展developed/prosperous/thriving/ booming 落后贫穷 poor/ needy/underdeveloped/poverty-stricken 居民 dweller, residents, inhabitant 城市文明舒适 civilized comforts 田园生活 pastoral/idyllic life 节奏快速生活 fast-paced life 生活节奏加速 the tempo/pace of living has accelerated 舒缓生活节奏 slow/gentle pace of life 相对高/低生活水平 relatively poor/high living standards 低廉/飞涨生活成本 low/skyrocketing cost of living 丰富生活物资 abundant life necessities 多个多样娱乐方式 various forms of entertainment 交通堵塞 traffic jams/traffic congestions 人口激增Population explosion 拥挤/人多 crowded/populous 人口稀少 have a small/sparse/thinly-scattered population 阶级两极分化Class polarization 贫穷 needy/poverty-stricken/impoverished/ destitute/indigent 富裕 affluent/wealthy/well-off 失业 unemployment/joblessness 犯罪率上升 a rising crime rate 社会冲突 social conflict 社会稳定 social stability 提供更多就业机会/职位 offer more job opportunities/openings 当代生活过大压力overwhelming pressure/stress of modern life 情绪/精神/心理/社会/经济emotional/mental/psychological/social/financial stress 社会福利social welfare 基础设施 infrastructure/public facilities/ utilities 便捷交通工具Convenient transportation means (airplane/aeroplane; car/automobile; train/ high-speed train / bullet train; bus; subway/underground/tube/metro; ship/ferry/vessel) 公路/铁路网 road/railway networks 公共交通 public transportation 电网 power grid 供水系统 water supply 排水系统 drainage system 娱乐设施recreational facilities cafes/bars/pubs/clubs/discos/parks/squares/cinemas/theatres/museums/artgalleries/ aquariums/zoos/funfairs/shopping malls/supermarkets/department stores/restaurants/hotels 体育设施 sport facilities gyms/stadiums/fitness center 公共教育体系 public education system 医疗服务medical service/ medical care 技术 电脑 personal computer, laptop, notebook, portable computers 网络 the Internet, the virtual world, the cyberspace, World Wide Web 搜索引擎 search engine 信息和资源分享传输 the sharing and spreading of information and resources 网上学习 online learning; Internet-based learning; online courses 电子书籍/期刊 e-books/online journals 网络社交 online chatting/socializing 社交网站social network websites 网络时讯/天气预报online newsletter/weather broadcast 网络购物online shopping//purchasing/ buying and selling 网络视频和音频节目online video and audio program 网络会议online video and audio meeting; teleconference 网络犯罪cyber crime 网络色情 Internet porn 网络诈骗 Internet fraud 电子商务E-commerce, E-business 生物技术 biotechnology 医学技术 medical technology 远程通讯 telecommunications 尖端技术 cutting-edge/ up-to-date/ state-of-the-art/advanced technology 信息爆炸 information explosion/ an overload of information 信息时代 the information age/era 互联网被广泛应用 the proliferation of the Internet 科技创新与发展 technological innovations/inventions/advances/progress 接入网络 get access to the Internet 打破时空界限 break the limits of space and time 打破国与国之间文化、宗教、意识形态障碍 break the cultural/religious/ideological barriers of different nations 节约时间、节约体力(能源) time-saving, energy-saving 花费时间、花费体力(能源) energy-consuming, energy-consuming 浪费时间、浪费精力 time-wasting, energy-wasting 为… 牺牲个人时间 sacrifice private time for… 高效利用 make the best use of; take full advantage of ; utilize efficiently 提升效率 augment/enhance/boost efficiency 提升生产效率 augment/enhance/boots productivity 降低人力机器 labor-saving machinery 取代人力机器 labor-replacing machinery 自动化 automation(n)/ automatic (adj) 彻底变革 transform/revolutionize/fundamentally change sth. 以一个史无前例速度向前发展 advance/progress at an unprecedented rate 突发猛进地发展 sth is advancing by leaps and bounds 产生深远影响 create/ profound/far-reaching/pervasive influence/impact/effect 促进文化交流 promote cultural exchange 增强国际交流和合作 strengthen international communication and cooperation 电脑使用有利于老师和学生扩宽他们知识面。 The use of computers can help teachers and students broaden their horizons. 掌握电脑使用为学生未来职业发展奠定坚实基础。 The mastery of computer techniques lays a solid foundation for students’ career development in the future. 一些学生过分沉迷于网络会严重影响学习。 Some of students are obsessed with the Internet, which will negatively affect their study. 过分使用电脑会应影响身体健康。 Excessive use of computer poses a serious threat to health of students. 人们能够经过电脑和因特网在家办公。 People can telecommute through the Internet and computers. 人们需要不停接收职业培训方便赶上新科技快速发展。 People have to continue vocational training to keep pace with the fast development of technology 电脑和办公自动化使得人们更有效地工作。 Computerization and office automation enable people to work more quickly and effectively. 降低日常开支/租金/文具及设备开支 reduce overheads/rent/expenses on office stationery and equipments 汽车、飞机和铁路普及大大降低了人们在路途上奔走时间。 The popularity of automobiles, airplanes and railways greatly reduce people’s commuting time. 媒体 新闻界 the press/journalism 大众媒体 mass media 平面媒体 the print media 新闻机构 news outlets 无处不在 prevalent/ubiquitous/pervasive 各种各样激感人心节目various thrilling programs 如实报道 factual accounts 可信 reliable/trustworthy/dependable 客观公正 objective and balanced 及时 up-to-the-minute/up-to-date 信息量大 informative 娱乐性强 entertaining 教育性 educational/instructive 制造交流话题 create topics of discussion 加强家庭关系 strengthen the family ties/ the emotional bond of family members 唤起社会良知或者责任感awaken the conscience of society 传输知识与科学 spread/diffuse/disseminate knowledge and science 明辨是非distinguish/differentiate right from wrong 揭露事实和真理 reveal/disclose truths and facts 低质量节目poor-quality programs 收视率 audience ratings 追求最大程度利润 pursue maximum profit 狗仔队 paparazzi (复数) 名人 celebrities/ (TV/sports/political…) personalities 侵犯隐私/私生活 violate/intrude on/infringe on someone’s privacy/private life 破坏某人声誉 ruin/damage/smear one’s reputation/prestige 满足心理需要 satisfy people’s psychological needs 丑闻 scandals 绯闻 gossips 充满着 be flooded with/ be saturated with/ be inundated with 过多暴力与色情内容 excessive violent and pornographic contents 媒体炒作 media hype 夸大事实 exaggerate /overstate /blow things out of all proportions 不公正报道 biased coverage 有误导性 misleading/misrepresented/distorted 诈骗性 fraudulent 虚假 false/bogus 使…丧失了想象力和创造力 deprive somebody of one’s imagination and creativity 不能区分假象和现实 fail to tell the difference between illusion and reality 盲目追求时尚 follow the fashion blindly 疏远家人和朋友 alienate oneself from the family and friends 与现实隔绝 be detached from reality 模仿暴力/反社会行为imitate violent/anti-social behaviors 激发少年犯罪trigger juvenile crimes 审查 censor(vt)/ censorship (n) 监督 scrutinize/monitor/oversee 道德/行为准则 code of ethics/code of conduct 国家/地域文化特征cultural identity of a nation/region 全球文化同一化过程 global cultural homogenization 文化同一性cultural homogeneity/cultural uniformity 地球村 the global village 环境 生态系统 ecosystem/ecological system 生物多样性 biodiversity 打破生态平衡 disturb ecological balance/ecological equilibrium 保持生态平衡 keep/maintain ecological balance 形成恶性循环 form a vicious circle 某一地域动植物animals and plants/ flora and fauna/ the wildlife in a region 濒危动物Endangered animals 自然栖息地 natural habitat 野生保护区 wildlife reserve 可连续发展 sustainable development 环境保护主义者 environmentalist/conservationists 环境友好 environmentally-friendly 生态友好 eco-friend- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 托福 写作 话题 词汇
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