企业营销中地道德问题 案例 三鹿奶粉事件简介 ●2008年6月28日,位于兰州市地解放军第一医院收治了首例患 “肾结石”病症地婴幼儿,据家长们反映,孩子从出生起就一直食用河北石家庄三鹿集团所产地三鹿婴幼儿奶粉、7月中旬,甘肃省卫生厅接到医院婴儿泌尿结石病例报告后,随即展开了调查,并报告卫生部、随后短短两个多月,该医院收治地患婴人数就迅速扩大到14名、 ●9月11日,除甘肃省外,陕西、宁夏、湖南、湖北、山东、安徽、江西、江苏等地都有类似案例发生、9月11日晚 卫生部指出,近期甘肃等地报告多例婴幼儿泌尿系统结石病例,调查发现患儿多有食用三鹿牌婴幼儿配方奶粉地历史、经相关部门调查,高度怀疑石家庄三鹿集团股份有限公司生产地三鹿牌婴幼儿配方奶粉受到三聚氰胺污染、卫生部专家指出,三聚氰胺就是一种化工原料,可导致人体泌尿系统产生结石、当晚,石家庄三鹿集团股份有限公司也发布产品召回声明称,经公司自检发现2008年8月6日前出厂地部分批次三鹿牌婴幼儿奶粉受到三聚氰胺地污染,市场上大约有700吨、为对消费者负责,该公司决定立即对该批次奶粉全部召回、 ●9月13日,党中央、国务院对严肃处理三鹿牌婴幼儿奶粉事件做出部署,立即启动国家重大食品安全事故I级响应,并成立应急处置领导小组、卫生部党组书记高强在“三鹿牌婴幼儿配方奶粉”重大安全事故情况发布会上指出,“三鹿牌婴幼儿配方奶粉”事故就是一起重大地食品安全事故、三鹿牌部分批次奶粉中含有地三聚氰胺,就是不法分子为增加原料奶或奶粉地蛋白含量而人为加入地、 ●9月14日,卫生部部长陈竺带领有关司局领导及专家飞抵兰州,针对有关三鹿奶粉事件应急处置工作展开专题调研、 ●9月15日,甘肃省政府新闻办召开了新闻发布会称,甘谷、临洮两名婴幼儿死亡,确认与三鹿奶粉有关、 ●10月27日,三元股份首次正式承认正与三鹿进行并购谈判、 ●12月23日,石家庄市中级人民法院宣布三鹿集团破产、 ●12月25日,三元回应三鹿破产:重组方案调整须董事会决定、 ●12月26日,石家庄市中级人民法院开庭公开审理张玉军、张彦章非法制售三聚氰胺案、无极县人民法院、赵县人民法院、行唐县人民法院分别开庭审理了张合社、张太珍以及杨京敏、谷国平生产、销售有毒食品三案、 ●12月31日,石家庄市中级人民法院开庭审理了三鹿集团股份有限公司及田文华等4名原三鹿集团高级管理人员被控生产、销售伪劣产品案,庭审持续14小时、 ●2009年1月22日,三鹿奶粉刑事案件,分别在河北省石家庄市中级人民法院与无极县人民法院等4个基层法院一审宣判、田文华被判生产、销售伪劣产品罪,判处无期徒刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处罚金人民币2468、7411万元、 ●2月1日田文华提出上诉,请求撤销一审判决,改判上诉人不构成指控所涉罪名、 另悉,生产三鹿奶粉地厂家,为了提高奶粉中蛋白质地成分,把一些非优质奶源,变成优质奶源、厂家在奶里放入三聚氰胺,导致吃三鹿奶粉地宝宝,出现肾积水,脑积水等严重后果、此事经过媒体曝光,三鹿这个生产奶粉N年,产品免检地企业,一夜之间垮了、国家对超市地出售地三鹿奶粉全部召回;并在全国范围多家医院,开展食用三鹿奶粉婴儿地普检,筛查可疑病例,进行免费治疗;以及对受害婴儿地赔偿等一系列工作、 三鹿地策略 1三鹿地“危机” 三鹿地“危机”始于阜阳市地“劣质奶粉”事件、其主要原因就是阜阳市有关部门误将一种假冒劣质奶粉当成三鹿奶粉列入该市工商局、卫生局、消协联合发布地不合格奶粉“黑名单”,从而经当地媒体公布,全国媒体装载后,引起轩然大波,以至于产品遭到各路封杀、退货,销售受到重创、虽然事后有关部门发表了声明,澄清了事实,并向三鹿道歉、然而由于媒体闹地沸沸扬扬,三鹿地形象难免受到不良影响、 2 三鹿地“转机” 无疑该事件对三鹿就是一个冤枉,但也就是一次机会、三鹿正好可以在此大做文章、首先就有关部门地声明作为切入点,进行事件营销,然后通过媒体进行关系营销,最后通过一系列其她手段进行社会营销,实现短期效果与长期效益地完美结合与双赢、 3具体策略 借有关部门地声明作为契机,举办新闻发布会,对以前地不正确报道进行纠正,从而对事实地真相进行公正、客观地报道与宣传,挽回其不良影响、 邀请有关部门与新闻单位参观其企业生产流程、各个环节以及各个链条及其管理,并向社会公开企业内部地生产场景、同时邀请卫生部门进行产品检验与鉴定,从而向社会郑重承诺其产品地质量、 向“劣质奶粉”地受害者以及其她部分婴儿捐赠三鹿奶粉,保证婴儿享受到优质地富含营养地奶粉,保证其未来健康地成长、 可以邀请各方召开“母亲与婴儿”健康论坛,“婴儿”营养论坛,或“奶粉卫生”论坛,从而也可以对婴儿营养提出一些标准与建议、 印刷婴幼儿哺养知识手册,并随奶粉赠送、 建立农村销售渠道,为农村市场奶粉质量与安全提供保证、 可以建立婴儿出生档案系统以及成长跟踪系统,随时了解其不同地需求,并予以提供,从而保证顾客地忠诚度、当然这一工程需要巨大地投入,然而可以先在部分城市或地区实施,然后逐步向其她城市与更广地区域推进、 虽然要落实以上内容或部分内容,要进行巨大地投入,然而这个时候地回报与收益也就是可观地、因为在这些过程中,充分进行了关系营销、事件营销与社会营销,积极有效地利用媒体地宣传与报道,从而形成注意力地热点与持续地关注点、这样不但度过了危机事件,而且转危机为机会,极大地对企业地形象进行了正面地强化,对产品、品牌与企业进行了有力与有效地塑造,我想三鹿地奶粉、产品与品牌一定会在消费者心目中留下一个更加美好地影响,在社会上拥有更好地口碑、此案例属于不道德地企业营销行为、 The Sanlu milk powder event In June 28, 2008, is located in Lanzhou City, the people's Liberation Army the first hospital of the first patient" kidney stones " disease of infants and young children, the parents are mirrorred, children from birth had been consumed in Hebei Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group produced by Sanlu infant milk powder、 In mid July, the Gansu Province health department from the hospital infant urinary calculus a case report, immediately launched an investigation, and reported the Ministry of health、 After just two months, the hospital admission of infants with population rapidly expanded to 14、 In September 11th, except Gansu Province, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Hunan, Hubei, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and other places have similar case、 Late on September 11th the Ministry of Health pointed out, near future Gansu to report cases of infant urinary stone cases, the investigation found that many children with food licensing Sanlu infant milk formula history、 By the relevant departments for investigation, a high index of suspicion Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Co、, the pany production of the Sanlu brand infant milk formula contaminated by melamine、 The Ministry of health experts point out that, melamine is a chemical raw material, can lead to human urinary system calculus、 That night, Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Co、, the pany also issued a product recall statement says, the pany found before 6 August 2008 self-test factory part of the batch of Sanlu licensing infant milk powder be contaminated with the chemical melamine, the market there are about 700 tons、 Responsible for the consumers, the pany decided to immediately recall all of the batches of milk powder、 The Party Central mittee, the State Council in September 13th, to deal with the licensing Sanlu infant milk powder incident to make deploy, immediately launched the national significant food safety incident I response, and the establishment of the emergency leading group、 Health secretary of department leading Party group strength in the" Sanlu licensing of infant formula milk powder" major safety accident case conference pointed out," Sanlu licensing of infant formula milk powder" the accident was a major food safety accidents、 The licensing Sanlu milk powder containing melamine part of the batch, is a lawless elements to the increase in raw milk or milk protein content and adding the man-made、 In September 14th, the Minister of health Chen Zhu led about department bureau leader and expert flew to Lanzhou, the Sanlu milk powder incident emergency response work on topic study、 In September 15th, the Gansu Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference said, Gangu, Lintao on two infants' death, confirm with the Sanlu milk powder on、 In October 27th, three yuan shares the first formal recognition is Sanlu and negotiations on mergers and acquisitions、 In December 23rd, the Shijiazhuang City Intermediate People's court declared bankrupt Sanlu group、 In December 25th, three yuan of Sanlu bankruptcy restructuring plan adjustment: response to the decision of the board of directors、 In December 26th, the Shijiazhuang City Intermediate People's court open trial of Zhang Yanzhang Zhang Yujun, in the case of melamine the illegal manufacturing and selling、 The Promise County People's court, the people's Court of Zhaoxian County, county people's court trial Zhang He agency respectively, Zhang Taizhen and Yang Jingmin, Gu Guoping production, selling poisonous food three、 In December 31st, the Shijiazhuang City Intermediate People's court hearing of Sanlu Group Co、, Ltd、 and Tian Wenhua, 4 former Sanlu Group senior management personnel charged with producing, selling fake product case, the trial lasted 14 hours、 In January 22, 2009, Sanlu milk powder of criminal cases, respectively, in Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang City Intermediate People's court and the non-polar County People's court in 4 grass-roots court sentenced、 Tian Wenhua was found guilty of producing, selling fake or substandard products, sentenced to life imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for life, fined 24687411 yuan、 In February 1st Tian Wenhua appeal, request a withdrawal of a trial, where the appellant does not constitute a crime against the implications、 In another development, the production of the Sanlu milk powder manufacturers, in order to improve the protein in milk powder position, the number of high quality milk source, into high quality milk source、 Manufacturers in the milk into the melamine, leading to eat baby milk powder, emergence of hydronephrosis, hydrocephalus and other serious consequences、 The matter through media exposure, the production of milk powder Sanlu N years, Mianjian enterprises, overnight collapse、 The state of the supermarket sale of Sanlu milk powder all recall; in the country and a number of hospitals, to carry out the edible three deer powdered milk baby general examination, screening the suspicious cases, free treatment for the babies; and the pensation and a series of work、 Sanlu's strategy 1 Sanlu" crisis" Sanlu" crisis" in Fuyang city " inferior milk powder" event、 The main reason is that the relevant departments of Fuyang city took a fake and inferior milk powder Sanlu milk powder as included in the city's industrial and mercial bureau, Health Bureau, the Association jointly issued the unqualified milk powder" black list", and by the local media reported, national media caused a great disturbance, loading, so that products were all blocked, return, sales hit、 Although after the relevant departments issued a statement, clarifying the facts, and to San Lu、 However, due to a raise a Babel of criticism of media, Sanlu's image suffered adverse effects、 2 San Lu"" No doubt the event to the Sanlu is a wrong, but also an opportunity、 Sanlu just can this make a fuss、 First of all the relevant departments of the statement as a starting point, and then through the media event marketing, relationship marketing, and finally through a series of other means of social marketing, short-term effect and long-term benefits of the perfect bination and win-win、 3 specific strategies By the relevant departments of the statement as a turning point, held a press conference, the previous incorrect reports are correct, and thus to the truth is impartial, objective coverage and publicity, to restore its adverse effects、 Invites concerned branch and news unit to visit the enterprise production process, each link and each chain and its management, and the public enterprise internal production scene、 At the invitation of the health sector product inspection and identification, and solemn mitment to the society for the quality of its products、 To " inferior milk powder " the victim as well as other parts of the baby to donate the Sanlu milk powder, ensure the baby to enjoy high-quality nutritious milk, ensure its future healthy development、 Can be invited to parties held a " maternal and infant health forum,"" baby" forum of nutrition, or" milk hygiene" forum, which can also be infant nutrition to put forward some standards and remendations、 Printing of infant feeding knowledge Handbook, and with the milk powder free、 The establishment of rural sales channels, for the rural market milk quality and safety guarantee、 Can establish the birth and growth of file system tracking system, to understand the different needs, and provide, in order to ensure customer loyalty、 Of course, this project needs huge investment, however, can be the first in a part of the city or region, and then gradually to other city and wider area to advance、 Although to implement the above content or in part, to the huge investment, however this time return and ine is considerable、 Because in these processes, full of relationship marketing, event marketing and social marketing, active and effective use of media publicity and reports, leading to the formation of attentional focus and sustained attention point、 This not only through the crisis event, and turn the crisis into opportunities, greatly to the corporate image of the positive reinforcement, on product, brand and enterprise are potent and effective shape, I think the Sanlu milk powder, products and brands in the minds of consumers will leave a better effect, in the society have a better reputation、 This case belongs to the immoral marketing behavior、 版权申明 本文部分内容,包括文字、图片、以及设计等在网上搜集整理。版权为张俭个人所有 This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and design、 Copyright is Zhang Jian's personal ownership、 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- 企业 营销 道德 问题 案例
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