carried out practice line pioneer standard,and post spurs members concentrated service months,activities,education guide members always everywhere bearing in mind identity,based job post,active play role.To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation,target the problems to,based on the work done.Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education,making education more ground,full of vitality,good effect.Finally,highlight the normal long-term.To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education,with long flowing,continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the partys ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization.With the party branch as the base unit.Play the role of party branches should be,is the key to educational success.Each branch must take strict education and management responsibility of party members,education based on learning to make specific arrangements,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education,ensure the Organization in place,measures in place,put in place.To the party organization as the basic form.In the standardized development of learning,make learning more effective efforts,and will adhere to the good party group,organized party,party members and the General Assembly,tell a good party lectures,can drive a good topic about,prevent showy without substance,Sham mules.To implement the education management system for basic support.Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations,the real performance criteria and order established,sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members,to further improve the dredge export team,pure self cleaning mechanism.Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system,to which branch of learning exchanges,participation in a dual organization with comrades.Focus on recurrent education,you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations.Now,the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax,first Secretary of the village,but conversion requires a process.Recently,the citys party organization focused investigation,check out a total of lost members 4,507,Pocket members 1037,find there are 640 lost party members are not contacted 148 Pocket party members and implementation of organizational relationships.Educational management of party members into the Organization,there is a lot of work to do.Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task,finish perfect organization,with a good team,Good system.Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations,to be dealt with first in place,further education,reorganization,transformation and educational interaction.In short,through solid and effective work initiativesbroken problem,fill the short Board,so that the majority of party members and fully qualified,comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party level upgrade.Comrades,do a two learning education is of great significance,responsibilities,carry significant implications.City levels party and general members cadres,to deep awareness two learn a do learning education of importance and need,to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm,put two learn a do learning education carried out good,for coordination advance four a full strategy layout,and achieved Thirteen-Five good start,and speed up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee.Two,starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping,General Secretary to the partys request,18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party,first of all,to exalt the party Constitution,and pipe the whole party,the ruling party of the party Constitution.Revered Constitution reflected in awe.Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose,summed up the partys fine tradition and style;a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done,what cannot be done.Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party Constitution,hold the party line,BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members,according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts.Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means.Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf,not to learn,some long-term party according to the Constitution of the partys organization,the party is not required to pay membership dues,loose concept,party organizations of the party organization,and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization,were forgotten,forgotten vows performance the party Constitution.Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim,the party Constitution to repeatedly learn,practice,thinking,learning and thinking,thinking and row,row,ever-spiraling increase in the learning process.Respect party lines reflected in practice.Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules,series of speeches,the key to be qualified party members.To be qualified party members,standards are not high,but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to card,truly it is not easy.Carry out study and education,every party must control the partys eight obligations,ask,look for gaps,identify problems,clear direction,work to solve specific problems.Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations,to play a vanguard and exemplary role,truly a party banner.Two fight to highlight grass-roots party organizations第 1、2 次课第 1、2 次课 第一讲第一讲 概论 目的要求1.了解安全的概念。2.客观分析大学生面临的安全形势。3.了解目前大学生面临的主要安全问题。4.培养大学生安全意识的重要性 教学重点1.大学生面临的严峻安全形势。2.大学生面临的安全问题。3.大学生学习安全教育的必要性。学习难点帮助学生树立“珍爱生命,珍爱健康”的理念。教学内容及时间安排(180 分钟)1.案例评述 约 45 分钟2概念介绍 约 10 分钟3学习课程的必要性 约 20 分钟4安全教育的主要内容 约 25 分钟5安全教育的意义 约 20 分钟6大学生应培养的安全意识 约 25 分钟7案例讨论 约 35 分钟carried out practice line pioneer standard,and post spurs members concentrated service months,activities,education guide members always everywhere bearing in mind identity,based job post,active play role.To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation,target the problems to,based on the work done.Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education,making education more ground,full of vitality,good effect.Finally,highlight the normal long-term.To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education,with long flowing,continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the partys ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization.With the party branch as the base unit.Play the role of party branches should be,is the key to educational success.Each branch must take strict education and management responsibility of party members,education based on learning to make specific arrangements,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education,ensure the Organization in place,measures in place,put in place.To the party organization as the basic form.In the standardized development of learning,make learning more effective efforts,and will adhere to the good party group,organized party,party members and the General Assembly,tell a good party lectures,can drive a good topic about,prevent showy without substance,Sham mules.To implement the education management system for basic support.Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations,the real performance criteria and order established,sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members,to further improve the dredge export team,pure self cleaning mechanism.Party leading cadres should adhere to and implement the central group learning system,to which branch of learning exchanges,participation in a dual organization with comrades.Focus on recurrent education,you also need to continue to strengthen the building of grass-roots party organizations.Now,the city also has 88 village party organizations are weak and lax,first Secretary of the village,but conversion requires a process.Recently,the citys party organization focused investigation,check out a total of lost members 4,507,Pocket members 1037,find there are 640 lost party members are not contacted 148 Pocket party members and implementation of organizational relationships.Educational management of party members into the Organization,there is a lot of work to do.Weak and lax party continued reorganization as an important task,finish perfect organization,with a good team,Good system.Special highlights of grass-roots party organizations,to be dealt with first in place,further education,reorganization,transformation and educational interaction.In short,through solid and effective work initiativesbroken problem,fill the short Board,so that the majority of party members and fully qualified,comprehensive skills of grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party level upgrade.Comrades,do a two learning education is of great significance,responsibilities,carry significant implications.City levels party and general members cadres,to deep awareness two learn a do learning education of importance and need,to height of political consciously and full of political enthusiasm,put two learn a do learning education carried out good,for coordination advance four a full strategy layout,and achieved Thirteen-Five good start,and speed up construction more high ecological vitality happiness of City provides strong powerful guarantee.Two,starting from the revered Constitution respected the party Constitution was XI Jinping,General Secretary to the partys request,18 six plenary session of the Central Commission for discipline inspection report five experience first.Full strictly administering the party,first of all,to exalt the party Constitution,and pipe the whole party,the ruling party of the party Constitution.Revered Constitution reflected in awe.Party a party of ideals and beliefs purpose,summed up the partys fine tradition and style;a clear party members and what can be done and what must be done,what cannot be done.Each Communist Party Constitution to awe and wary eye enhancing the sacred sense of responsibility and mission.Hearts filled with party Constitution,hold the party line,BA obligations unconditionally carry out party members,according to the Constitution of direction towards standards efforts.Respect reflected in the study the party Constitution means.Some party members joined the party Constitution on the shelf,not to learn,some long-term party according to the Constitution of the partys organization,the party is not required to pay membership dues,loose concept,party organizations of the party organization,and turned a blind eye on the tasks assigned by the Organization,were forgotten,forgotten vows performance the party Constitution.Constitution is the fundamental standard of our Communists are slim,the party Constitution to repeatedly learn,practice,thinking,learning and thinking,thinking and row,row,ever-spiraling increase in the learning process.Respect party lines reflected in practice.Two to learn a basic Constitution Party rules,series of speeches,the key to be qualified party members.To be qualified party members,standards are not high,but if he does take a ruler of the party Constitution to card,truly it is not easy.Carry out study and education,every party must control the partys eight obligations,ask,look for gaps,identify problems,clear direction,work to solve specific problems.Actively practicing in the production life of the eight obligations,to play a vanguard and exemplary role,truly a party banner.Two fight to highlight grass-roots party organizations2教学内容组织与过程设计备注教学实施:教学实施:导入:导入:请同学们指出“大学生安全教育”这个题目中的关键词是什么?引出“安全”对人类的重要性。补充介绍补充介绍:马斯洛需要层次理论通过马斯洛需要层次理论的介绍,使学生认识到安全对于我们人类来说是仅次于生理需求的最基本的要求之一,从而强调学习这门课程的必要性。一、大学生面临的安全形势(板书)一、大学生面临的安全形势(板书)引入案例(播放视频,总结发言):引入案例(播放视频,总结发言):案例一:广州大学生跳楼砸死女同学判刑 3 年半案例一:广州大学生跳楼砸死女同学判刑 3 年半通过案例,说明当代大学生的心理问题不容忽视,否则会害人害己。案例二:学生聚众斗殴案例二:学生聚众斗殴通过摄像头的真实记录,让同学们认识到打架斗殴所带来的恶劣后果,同时强调保护我们人身安全的重要性。案例三:哈尔滨大学宿舍失窃案案例三:哈尔滨大学宿舍失窃案通过这起典型的校园失窃案,让同学们对自己的财产安全引起重视,应从平时的生活中积极预防盗窃案的发生。案例四:上海商学院宿舍起火 4 名女生 6 楼跳下身亡 案例四:上海商学院宿舍起火 4 名女生 6 楼跳下身亡 通过这起火灾事故,再次警示同学们禁止在宿舍使用违规电器以及身处火场如何正确的自救和逃生。展示数据:展示数据:2011 年全国火灾事故情况案例五:药家鑫事件案例五:药家鑫事件通过这起由交通事故转型的故意杀人案件,再次警示同学们交通安全不容忽视以及发生交通事故后如何处置。展示数据:展示数据:2011 年全国交通事故造成 62387 人死亡案例六:男子冒充网络美女诈骗大学生钱财案例六:男子冒充网络美女诈骗大学生钱财通过这起典型的网络诈骗案件,提醒大学生在使用网络的时候应当注意识别网络陷阱,保证我们的人身安全和财产安全。总结:由于大学后勤的社会化和校园面积的不断扩大,大学校园的安全问题日趋严峻,主要存在消防安全、交通安全、重大治安刑事案件、爆炸事故、盗窃和诈骗、社会交往以及大学生自杀等安全隐患。严峻的治安形势告诉我们,每一位师生都必须提高自己的安全意识和防范能力。总结:由于大学后勤的社会化和校园面积的不断扩大,大学校园的安全问题日趋严峻,主要存在消防安全、交通安全、重大治安刑事案件、爆炸事故、盗窃和诈骗、社会交往以及大学生自杀等安全隐患。严峻的治安形势告诉我们,每一位师生都必须提高自己的安全意识和防范能力。联系实际:联系实际:通过案例直观的展示,让大学生对面临的安全形势有一个客观的分析和判断。carried out practice line pioneer standard,and post spurs members concentrated service months,activities,education guide members always everywhere bearing in mind identity,based job post,active play role.To develop differentiated learning education guide party members in accordance with their own situation,target the problems to,based on the work done.Pay attention to the room and room for grass-roots party organizations,grass-roots party organizations have more autonomy in education,making education more ground,full of vitality,good effect.Finally,highlight the normal long-term.To highlight the characteristics of recurrent education,with long flowing,continuous line of perseverance the perseverance to promote educational efforts to realize the partys ideological and political construction of routine institutionalization.With the party branch as the base unit.Play the role of party branches should be,is the key to educational success.Each branch must take strict education and management responsibility of party members,education based on learning to make specific arrangements,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education,ensure the Organization in place,measures in place,put in place.To the party organization as the basic form.In the standardized development of learning,make learning more effective efforts,and will adhere to the good party group,organized party,party members and the General Assembly,tell a good party lectures,can drive a good topic about,prevent showy without substance,Sham mules.To implement the education management system for basic support.Democratic mutual evaluation on party members in accordance with the regulations,the real performance criteria and order established,sound carefully dispose of unqualified party members,to further improve the dredge export team,pure self cle- 配套讲稿:
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- 大学生安全教育 大学生 安全教育 教案
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