咨询研究合同范本五篇 **合同范本一:劳务合同** **中文:** 合同编号:XXX-XXXX-XXX 甲方:(公司名称) 地址:XXX 法定代表人:XXX 电话:XXX 传真:XXX 邮箱:XXX 乙方:(个人姓名) 居住地址:XXX 身份证号:XXX 电话:XXX 邮箱:XXX 根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》的相关规定,甲方与乙方订立如下劳务合同: 第一条 任务内容 1. 乙方接受甲方的雇佣,作为甲方员工,从事XXX工作。 第二条 工作时间与地点 1. 乙方的工作时间为每周工作X天,每天工作X小时,具体工作时间由甲方安排。 2. 工作地点为甲方公司所在地。 第三条 试用期 1. 本合同自(日期)起生效,试用期X个月。 2. 试用期期间,双方一方可以提前终止合同,不需要支付违约金。 第四条 薪酬与福利 1. 乙方工作期间,享受甲方提供的薪酬和相关福利,具体详情见附表。 第五条 保密条款 1. 乙方在工作期间和离职后都有责任保守甲方的机密信息,不得泄露给第三方。 第六条 终止合同 1. 合同期满后,双方可以协商续签或终止合同。 第七条 其他约定 1. 其他双方约定事项详见附件。 第八条 合同解释权 1. 本合同一切争议,应当友好协商解决,解决不成的,提交海安法院裁决。 甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字): 日期:XXXX年XX月XX日 **English:** Contract number: XXX-XXXX-XXX Party A: (Company Name) Address: XXX Legal representative: XXX Phone: XXX Fax: XXX Email: XXX Party B: (Individual Name) Residential address: XXX ID number: XXX Phone: XXX Email: XXX In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China", Party A and Party B conclude the following labor contract: Article 1 Task Content 1. Party B accepts the employment of Party A as an employee of Party A, engaged in XXX work. Article 2 Working hours and location 1. Party B's working hours are X days per week, X hours per day, with specific working hours arranged by Party A. 2. The work location is at the location of Party A's company. Article 3 Probation period 1. This contract shall take effect from (date), with a probation period of X months. 2. During the probation period, either party can terminate the contract in advance without paying a penalty. Article 4 Remuneration and benefits 1. During the employment period, Party B shall enjoy the remuneration and related benefits provided by Party A, details of which are specified in the annex. Article 5 Confidentiality clause 1. During and after the employment period, Party B has the responsibility to keep Party A's confidential information confidential and not disclose it to third parties. Article 6 Termination of contract 1. Upon expiration of the contract, both parties can negotiate to renew or terminate the contract. Article 7 Other agreements 1. For other agreed matters between the parties, please refer to the appendix. Article 8 Contract interpretation rights 1. All disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved amicably through negotiation. If not resolved, they shall be submitted to the Hai'an Court for arbitration. Party A (Stamp): ______________________________ Party B (Signature): ________________________ Date: XX Month, XXXX **合同范本二:租赁合同** **中文:** 合同编号:XXX-XXXX-XXX 甲方:(出租方名称) 地址:XXX 法定代表人:XXX 电话:XXX 传真:XXX 邮箱:XXX 乙方:(承租方名称) 居住地址:XXX 身份证号:XXX 电话:XXX 邮箱:XXX 鉴于双方当事人为谨慎履行合同,特订立本租赁合同: 第一条 租赁物件 1. 甲方同意将位于(地址)的房屋出租给乙方,用途为住宅使用。 第二条 租赁期限 1. 本合同自(日期)起生效,租赁期X年。 2. 租赁期届满后,双方可以协商续签或终止合同。 第三条 租金及押金 1. 乙方每月支付租金为XXX元,押金为XXX元,押金在租赁期届满并经过房屋确认无损坏后退还。 2. 租金支付日期为每月XX日。 第四条 维修与保养 1. 租赁期间,甲方负责房屋的维修与保养,如有损坏由乙方承担相应费用。 第五条 用途限制 1. 租赁房屋仅限于住宅使用,不得用作其他商业用途。 第六条 保密条款 1. 乙方有责任保守房屋及相关信息的机密性,不得泄露给第三方。 第七条 其他约定 1. 其他双方约定事项详见附件。 第八条 合同解释权 1. 本合同一切争议,应当友好协商解决,解决不成的,提交海安法院裁决。 甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字): 日期:XXXX年XX月XX日 **English:** Contract number: XXX-XXXX-XXX Party A: (Landlord Name) Address: XXX Legal representative: XXX Phone: XXX Fax: XXX Email: XXX Party B: (Tenant Name) Residential address: XXX ID number: XXX Phone: XXX Email: XXX In consideration of the prudence of the parties to perform the contract, this lease contract is hereby concluded: Article 1 Leased Object 1. Party A agrees to rent the house located at (address) to Party B for residential use. Article 2 Lease term 1. This contract shall take effect from (date) with a lease term of X years. 2. Upon expiration of the lease term, both parties can negotiate to renew or terminate the contract. Article 3 Rent and deposit 1. Party B shall pay rent of XXX RMB per month and a deposit of XXX RMB. The deposit shall be refunded after the lease term expires and the house is confirmed undamaged. 2. Rent payment date is the XXth of each month. Article 4 Maintenance and upkeep 1. During the lease term, Party A is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the house. Any damages shall be borne by Party B. Article 5 Use restrictions 1. The leased house is only for residential use and may not be used for other commercial purposes. Article 6 Confidentiality clause 1. Party B is responsible for keeping the confidentiality of the house and related information and may not disclose it to third parties. Article 7 Other agreements 1. For other agreed matters between the parties, please refer to the appendix. Article 8 Contract interpretation rights 1. All disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved amicably through negotiation. If not resolved, they shall be submitted to the Hai'an Court for arbitration. Party A (Stamp): ______________________________ Party B (Signature): ________________________ Date: XX Month, XXXX **合同范本三:借款合同** **中文:** 合同编号:XXX-XXXX-XXX 借款方(出借方):(个人/公司名称) 地址:XXX 法定代表人:XXX 电话:XXX 传真:XXX 邮箱:XXX 借款方:(个人/公司名称) 地址:XXX 法定代表人:XXX 电话:XXX 传真:XXX 邮箱:XXX 双方当事人经友好协商,就借款事宜达成如下协议: 第一条 借款金额 1. 出借方同意向借款方提供借款金额XXX元。 第二条 借款利率 1. 借款利率为X%,借款期间为X天(月/年)。 第三条 还款方式 1. 借款方应按约定期限归还本金和利息,还款方式为(一次性还本付息/分期还款)。 第四条 违约责任 1. 若借款方逾期还款,应按X%比例支付逾期利息。 第五条 保密条款 1. 借款方应对借款协议的相关内容保密,不得泄露给第三方。 第六条 合同解释权 1. 本合同一切争议,应当友好协商解决,解决不成的,提交海安法院裁决。 借款方(盖章): 出借方(签字): 日期:XXXX年XX月XX日 **English:** Contract number: XXX-XXXX-XXX Lender (Lender): (Individual/Company Name) Address: XXX Legal representative: XXX Phone: XXX Fax: XXX Email: XXX Borrower: (Individual/Company Name) Address: XXX Legal representative: XXX Phone: XXX Fax: XXX Email: XXX The parties have reached the following agreement on the loan matter through friendly negotiations: Article 1 Loan amount 1. The lender agrees to provide the borrower with a loan amount of XXX RMB. Article 2 Loan interest rate 1. The loan interest rate is X%, and the loan period is X days (months/years). Article 3 Repayment method 1. The borrower shall repay the principal and interest according to the agreed deadline. The repayment method is (repayment of principal and interest in a lump sum/installment repayment). Article 4 Default liability 1. If the borrower fails to repay the loan on time, they shall pay overdue interest at a rate of X%. Article 5 Confidentiality clause 1. The borrower shall keep the content of the loan agreement confidential and may not disclose it to third parties. Article 6 Contract interpretation rights 1. All disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved amicably through negotiation. If not resolved, they shall be submitted to the Hai'an Court for arbitration. Borrower (Stamp): ______________________________ Lender (Signature): ________________________ Date: XX Month, XXXX **合同范本四:服务合同** **中文:** 合同编号:XXX-XXXX-XXX 甲方:(服务提供方名称) 地址:XXX 法定代表人:XXX 电话:XXX 传真:XXX 邮箱:XXX 乙方:(服务接受方名称) 地址:XXX 法定代表人:XXX 电话:XXX 传真:XXX 邮箱:XXX 鉴于双方当事人为友好合作,特订立本服务合同: 第一条 服务内容 1. 甲方向乙方提供XXX服务项目。 第二条 服务期限 1. 本合同自(日期)起生效,服务期限为X个月/年。 第三条 服务费用 1. 乙方应按照约定支付服务费用为XXX元,具体支付时间为每月XX日。 第四条 服务标准 1. 甲方提供的服务应符合相关行业标准,保证服务质量。 第五条 保密条款 1. 双方应对服务内容和相关信息保密,不得泄露给第三方。 第六条 争议解决 1. 若发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交海安法院裁决。 甲方(盖章): 乙方(签字): 日期:XXXX年XX月XX日 **English:** Contract number: XXX-XXXX-XXX Party A: (Service Provider Name) Address: XXX Legal representative: XXX Phone: XXX Fax: XXX Email: XXX Party B: (Service Recipient Name) Address: XXX Legal representative: XXX Phone: XXX Fax: XXX Email: XXX In consideration of the parties' friendly cooperation, this service contract is hereby concluded: Article 1 Service content 1. Party A provides XXX service project to Party B. Article 2 Service period 1. This contract shall take effect from (date) with a service period of X months/years. Article 3 Service fee 1. Party B shall pay the service fee as agreed, which is XXX RMB. The specific payment date is the XXth of each month. Article 4 Service standards 1. The services provided by Party A should comply with relevant industry standards to ensure service quality. Article 5 Confidentiality clause 1. Both parties shall keep the service content and related information confidential and may not disclose it to third parties. Article 6 Dispute resolution 1. In case of disputes, both parties shall resolve them amicably through negotiation. If not resolved, they shall be submitted to the Hai'an Court for arbitration. Party A (Stamp): ______________________________ Party B (Signature): ________________________ Date: XX Month, XXXX **合同范本五:销售合同** **中文:** 合同编号:XXX-XXXX-XXX 甲方:(销售方名称) 地址:XXX 法定代表人:XXX 电话:XXX 传真:XXX 邮箱:XXX 乙方:(购买方名称) 地址:XXX 法定代表人:XXX 电话:XXX 传真:XXX 邮箱:XXX 鉴于双方当事人为友好交易,特订立本销售合同: 第一条 销售物品 1. 甲方同意向乙方出售XXX物品,具体信息详见合同附件。 第二条 交货时间与方式 1. 甲方应在(日期)前将物品送达乙方指定地点。 第三条 价格与付款方式 1. 物品价格为XXX元,乙方应于(日期)前支付全款。 2. 付款方式为(现金/银行转账等),详见附表。 第四条 保修与售后服务 1. 甲方向乙方提供X年保修服务,- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 咨询 研究 合同范本
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