乙方签订合同范本四篇 合同范本一 中文: 甲方:_____________ 联系地址:_____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:_____________ 法定代表人:_____________ 注册资本:_____________ 统一社会信用代码:_____________ 乙方:_____________ 联系地址:_____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:_____________ 法定代表人:_____________ 注册资本:_____________ 统一社会信用代码:_____________ 鉴于双方就___________事宜达成一致意见,特订立本合同,并共同遵守以下条款: 第一条 合同标的: 1.___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ ...... 第二条 合同期限: 本合同自签署之日起生效,至____________终止。如需延长或终止合同,应提前____________通知对方。 第三条 合同价格: 1.___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ ...... 第四条 合同履行: 1.乙方应按照约定的时间和标准履行合同,并保证提供的产品/服务符合约定标准。 2.甲方应按时支付合同约定的款项,并保证支付的款项来源合法。 第五条 违约责任: 1.任何一方违约,应向对方支付违约金,违约金的数额为合同金额的___________。 2.因不可抗力因素导致合同无法履行的,双方可免除责任,但应及时通知对方。 第六条 合同变更: 经双方协商一致,本合同可进行适当变更。变更后的内容须以书面形式确定。 第七条 争议解决: 因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决。协商不成的,提交____________仲裁。 本合同正本一式两份,甲乙双方各持一份,自签署之日起生效。 甲方(盖章):_____________ 乙方(盖章):_____________ 签订日期:_____________ 英文: Party A: ___________ Contact Address: ___________ Telephone: ___________ Fax: ___________ Legal Representative: ___________ Registered Capital: ___________ Unified Social Credit Code: ___________ Party B: ___________ Contact Address: ___________ Telephone: ___________ Fax: ___________ Legal Representative: ___________ Registered Capital: ___________ Unified Social Credit Code: ___________ Whereas the parties have reached an agreement on the matter of ___________, they hereby enter into this contract and agree to abide by the following terms: Article 1 Subject of the Contract: 1.___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ ...... Article 2 Contract Period: This contract shall come into effect upon signing and shall terminate on ___________. Any extension or termination of the contract shall be notified to the other party in advance. Article 3 Contract Price: 1.___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ ...... Article 4 Contract Performance: 1. Party B shall perform the contract in accordance with the agreed time and standards, and ensure that the products/services provided meet the agreed standards. 2. Party A shall pay the contractually agreed amount on time and ensure that the source of payment is legal. Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability: 1. In the event of a breach by either party, the breaching party shall pay the other party a penalty of ___________ of the contract amount. 2. If the contract cannot be performed due to force majeure factors, both parties may be exempt from liability, but should notify the other party promptly. Article 6 Contract Amendment: With the unanimous consent of both parties, this contract may be amended appropriately. The amended content shall be confirmed in writing. Article 7 Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between the parties. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to ___________ for arbitration. This contract is executed in two originals, with one copy for each party, effective from the date of signing. Party A (Seal): ___________ Party B (Seal): ___________ Date of Signature: ___________ 合同范本二 中文: 甲方(出租方): 单位名称:_____________ 地址:_____________ 联系人:_____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:_____________ 法定代表人:_____________ 统一社会信用代码:_____________ 乙方(承租方): 单位名称:_____________ 地址:_____________ 联系人:_____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:_____________ 法定代表人:_____________ 统一社会信用代码:_____________ 鉴于双方的租赁事宜已达成协议,特订立本租赁合同,并共同遵守以下约定: 第一条 租赁物: 1.租赁物名称:___________ 规格型号:___________ 数量:___________ 2.租赁物使用权利和限制: 第二条 租金及支付: 1.租金总额:___________ 2.租赁期间按___________支付,共计___________次,每次¥___________。 ...... 第三条 租赁期限: 自____年___月___日起至____年___月___日止,共计____年。 第四条 租赁保证金: 1.乙方应在签订本合同之日支付租赁保证金¥___________,合同终止后如有欠款,将从保证金中扣除。 2.租赁保证金应于合同终止之日起___________个工作日内退还给乙方。 第五条 租赁物的维护及保养: 乙方应对租赁物进行定期维护和日常保养,确保租赁物在租赁期间保持良好状态。如发生损坏或故障,乙方应及时通知甲方,并承担相应维修费用。 第六条 合同终止: 租赁期满或提前终止租赁期限后,乙方应将租赁物准时返还给甲方,保持原样和完好状态。如违反约定,甲方有权扣除相应费用或保证金。 第七条 争议解决: 因本合同引起的一切争议,应友好协商解决;若协商不成,提交____仲裁。 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自签署日起生效。 甲方(盖章):_____________ 乙方(盖章):_____________ 签订日期:_____________ 英文: Party A (Landlord): Unit Name: ___________ Address: ___________ Contact Person: ___________ Telephone: ___________ Fax: ___________ Legal Representative: ___________ Unified Social Credit Code: ___________ Party B (Tenant): Unit Name: ___________ Address: ___________ Contact Person: ___________ Telephone: ___________ Fax: ___________ Legal Representative: ___________ Unified Social Credit Code: ___________ Whereas the parties have reached an agreement on the lease, they hereby enter into this lease contract and agree to abide by the following provisions: Article 1 Leased Property: 1. Name of leased property: ___________ Specifications: ___________ Quantity: ___________ 2. Rights and restrictions of the leased property: Article 2 Rent and Payment: 1. Total rent: ___________ 2. Rent shall be paid according to ___________ during the lease period, totaling ___________ times, with each payment of ¥___________. ...... Article 3 Lease Term: From ____/__/__ to ____/__/__, for a total of ____ years. Article 4 Lease Deposit: 1. Party B shall pay a lease deposit of ¥___________ on the date of signing this contract, which will be deducted in case of arrears upon termination of the contract. 2. The lease deposit shall be returned to Party B within ___________ working days from the date of contract termination. Article 5 Maintenance and Care of Leased Property: Party B shall regularly maintain and care for the leased property to ensure its good condition during the lease term. In case of damage or malfunction, Party B shall promptly notify Party A and bear the corresponding repair costs. Article 6 Termination of Contract: Upon the expiration or early termination of the lease term, Party B shall return the leased property to Party A in a timely manner, in its original and good condition. In case of violation of the agreement, Party A has the right to deduct corresponding fees or deposit. Article 7 Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation; in the event of failure to negotiate, the dispute shall be submitted to ___________ for arbitration. This contract is executed in two originals, with one copy for each party, effective from the date of signing. Party A (Seal): ___________ Party B (Seal): ___________ Date of Signature: ___________ 合同范本三 中文: 甲方: 单位名称:_____________ 地址:_____________ 联系人:_____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:_____________ 法定代表人:_____________ 统一社会信用代码:_____________ 乙方: 单位名称:_____________ 地址:_____________ 联系人:_____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:_____________ 法定代表人:_____________ 统一社会信用代码:_____________ 鉴于双方在_____________事宜上达成协议,特订立本合作协议,共同遵守以下条款: 第一条 项目内容: 1.合作项目名称:___________ 2.合作内容及方式:___________ 3.合作期限:自____年___月___日起至____年___月___日止。 第二条 合作方式: 1.乙方在合作中应承担的责任及义务有:___________ 2.甲方在合作中应承担的责任及义务有:___________ 3.双方共同承担的责任及义务:___________ ...... 第三条 项目投资: 合作项目的投资额为¥___________,双方按___________的比例进行出资。资金应及时到位,并做好账目记录。 第四条 信息保密: 双方应对合作期间所涉及的商业机密、专利信息等保密,任何一方不得擅自泄露或商用。 第五条 争议解决: 双方因合作事宜发生争议,应友好协商解决;如协商不成,提交____仲裁。 本合作协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自签署日起生效。 甲方(盖章):_____________ 乙方(盖章):_____________ 签订日期:_____________ 英文: Party A: Unit Name: ___________ Address: ___________ Contact Person: ___________ Telephone: ___________ Fax: ___________ Legal Representative: ___________ Unified Social Credit Code: ___________ Party B: Unit Name: ___________ Address: ___________ Contact Person: ___________ Telephone: ___________ Fax: ___________ Legal Representative: ___________ Unified Social Credit Code: ___________ Whereas the parties have reached an agreement on ___________, they hereby enter into this cooperation agreement and agree to abide by the following terms: Article 1 Project Content: 1. Name of cooperation project: ___________ 2. Content and method of cooperation: ___________ 3. Cooperation period: from ____/__/__ to ____/__/__. Article 2 Mode of Cooperation: 1. Responsibilities and obligations of Party B in the cooperation: ___________ 2. Responsibilities and obligations of Party A in the cooperation: ___________ 3. Responsibilities and obligations shared by both parties: ___________ ...... Article 3 Project Investment: The investment amount for the cooperation project is ¥_________, with both parties contributing in proportion to ___________. Funds should be in place timely and proper accounting records maintained. Article 4 Confidentiality of Information: Both parties shall maintain the confidentiality of commercial secrets, patent information, etc., involved during the cooperation, and neither party shall disclose or use them without authorization. Article 5 Dispute Resolution: In the event of a dispute arising from the cooperation, the parties should resolve it through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to ___________ for arbitration. This cooperation agreement is executed in two originals, with one copy for each party, effective from the date of signing. Party A (Seal): ___________ Party B (Seal): ___________ Date of Signature: ___________ 合同范本四 中文: 甲方: 单位名称:_____________ 地址:_____________ 联系人:_____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:_____________ 法定代表人:_____________ 统一社会信用代码:_____________ 乙方: 单位名称:_____________ 地址:_____________ 联系人:_____________ 电话:_____________ 传真:_____________ 法定代表人:_____________ 统一社会信用代码:_____________ 鉴于双方就人才培训合作事宜达成一致意见,特订立本合作协议,并共同遵守以下约定: 第一条 合作内容: 1.乙方为甲方提供___________人才培训服务,包括___________。 2.培训方式及时间地点:___________ 3.培训费用及支付方式:___________ ...... 第二条 合作期限: 本合作协议自签署之日起生效,至___________终止。如需延长或终止合同,应提前____________通知对方。 第三条 服务质量: 1.乙方应保证提供的培训服务符合行业标准,确保培训效果。 2.甲方应提供必要的支持和配合,确保培训顺利进行。 第四条 付款方式: 甲方应按照约定时间和金额支付培训费用,乙方应提供发票和相应证明材料。 第五条 违约责任: 1.任何一方违约,应向对方支付违约金,违约金的数额为合同金额的___________。 2.因不可抗力因素导致合同无法履行的,双方可免除责任,但应及时通知对方。 第六条 合同解除: 在合作期限内,若一方提前通知对- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 乙方 签订合同 范本
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