从射蜡到沾浆制壳阶段 工艺流程的英文翻译 (其他部分待完成) 低温蜡射蜡工艺规范 Low temperature wax wax injection process specification 1、 蜡料的配制 石蜡和硬脂酸按1∶1(质量分数)进行配制,蜡料不允许混入水及其它脏物 1, 1:1 preparation of paraffin wax and stearic acid (concentration) ,formulated wax does not allow mixed with water and other dirt 2、 蜡膏的配制 取保温缸中的蜡水与蜡屑按1∶2(质量分数)在蜡糊搅拌机上进行充分的搅拌; 蜡糊搅拌机的温度设定在60~65℃之间,要求配制的蜡膏具有一定的流动性,手感均匀、细腻、无碎块 2, Preparation of insulating cylinder of wax and wax chips by 1:2 (concentration) in fully on wax paste mixer mixing; which temperature setting are between 60~65℃, wax paste needs to has a certain degree of mobility, fine and smooth, no fragments 3、 蜡样收缩率的控制 压注ф100蜡样的收缩率控制在0.9~0.11%之间,要求每工作日检测一次 3, controlling shrinkage of wax: :wax injection Diameter 100 millimetre ,shrinkage of wax needs to be control I between 0.9~0.11%, Check once a day 4、 蜡料温度的控制 蜡料溶化缸温度设定在90±5℃,不允许超过95℃;保温缸温度控制在80±5℃;射蜡保温缸温度控制在48~50℃,射蜡嘴温度控制在54~60℃范围内。 4, material temperature control of wax, Wax melting cylinder temperature set at 90 ± 5 ° c, not exceeding 95 ° c; insulation cylinder temperature set at 80 ± 5 ℃; wax injection insulation cylinder temperature is 48~50℃,. Wax injection nozzle temperature control within the scope of 54~60℃ 6、 射蜡工艺参数 射蜡压力0.2~0.4Mpa,保压时间1~3分钟,根据蜡件的尺寸大小及壁厚、结构状况进行选定 6 wax injection process parameters Injection pressure 0.2~0.4Mpa, 1-3 minutes holding time, process parameters selected according to size and wall thickness and the structural condition of the wax, 7、 对于具有盲孔的蜡件,为便于抽芯,允许在平厚处扎穿1~2个直径3~5mm的空洞,然后用红蜡修补上。 7, for the wax with a blind hole, for ease of extracting core, allow tie to wear 1~2 at the thick diameter 3~5mm hollow, then with red wax on the patch. 8、 应经常清洁模具上各接合面,以保证蜡件的尺寸精度 8, clean the mould on the joint surface regularly, to ensure that the wax pieces size precision 9、 蜡件冷却水温度控制在20~25℃之间 Wax cooling water temperature control between 20~25℃ 蜡件的检验及修补 Inspection and repair of wax 1 蜡件必须逐个进行清理,修除批缝、毛刺及污物。 Wax must clear them one by one, in addition to sewing, burrs and dirt. 2、 蜡件允许用红蜡进行修补,但必须保证表面的光洁度 2 Patch wax allows the use of red wax, but must ensure that the surface finish 、 蜡件的几何尺寸在每班生产过程中进行抽检,但对重要尺寸要求的蜡件需100%检验。 Wax geometry in each sampling during production, but the wax 100% required inspection of critical size requirements. 组树 tree assembly 1、 按工艺要求选择合适的模头及组树方法进行组树。 1, according to technological requirements, select the appropriate model and set of tree method for group trees. 2、 组焊蜡件时要求排列整齐、间距匀称,间隔应不小于一指头。 2, welding wax requires neat, spacing well proportioned, the interval should be not less than a finger. 3、 组焊时要防止虚焊,蜡瘤要刮干净 3, when welding to prevent cold solder joint, wax tumors to shave 小工件的蜡型须以人工的方式逐件地焊粘于浇流导上面组装成蜡树这是脱蜡铸造濧全工程中最耗费时间的一导步骤组树时系用平头型的电烙铁热熔树干或基板和蜡型再予以粘合。装配时应注意的事项如下 Small workpieces by way of artificial wax type of piece by piece welding sticking above the water flow with investee trees investee which are assembled into wax lost wax casting and clearance works one of the most time consuming steps in investee group tree at the time of using a flat-iron stem or base plate of hot melt and wax investee be bonded. Points to note when Assembly is as follows 1 尽量将多个蜡型组装成一群 1 multiple wax to be assembled into a group of part 2组装时应使蜡型于熔融时易于沿着树干或基座流出 2 Assembly should make the wax to melt easily along the trunk or base out of 3装配成品部份应最先凝固浇池最后凝固 3 the Assembly of finished products should be the first solidification casting pool final solidification 4浇注、凝固后工件易于从树干或基座上切断 4 after casting, solidification piece easily from the trunk or base cut 浆的配置 Slurry preparation 沾浆与淋砂制壳操作 Staining sand pulp and hung operation 涂挂前应将浆料搅拌均匀,然后将模组徐徐浸入浆料至模组浇口杯上缘,取出模组用毛刷或压缩空气将尖角、凹孔、窄缝及难涂部位涂刷(或吹)一遍,根据涂挂情况重复此工序1~2次 James should stir the slurry before hanging, modules are then slowly deep into a slurry to the module on the basin margin, remove the module with a brush or compressed air to a sharp corner, button holes, narrow and hard coated parts brush (or blowing) again, repeat this process as painting hanging 1~2 times 组树先以丙酮或酒精洗净蜡型表面的离型剂、油脂等接着浸泡入粘结剂与微粉耐火材料泡成之浆液滴尽过剩的附着浆液然后淋撒耐火物小粒予以干燥这项操作的重点在于均匀涂浆于蜡型表面并且不使气泡附着、残留 Group tree first washed with acetone or alcohol, release agents, such as oil on the surface , then ,immersion into binders and refractory bubbles into a slurry of micro-powder drops excess grout and shower of sub fire Coffea , this operation focused on uniform slurry in wax-coated and does not make bubbles on the surface attachment, persistence 如此反复多次直到获得预定的厚度操作的次数及陶壳的厚度系视工件的尺寸与重量而定其厚度须能支撑浇注时金属熔液的重量与挣压力而不致破裂 many times repeatedly just like this until you get the thickness of your scheduled, the number operations and thickness of the ceramic shell depending on the workpiece size and weight 。 the thickness shall be capable of supporting cast molten metal weight and make pressure without rupture 第一层之面浆使用填充剂添加量较多的高粘度者第二层以后的背浆使用低粘度而渗透性较佳者浆桶附近须保持22~25℃ 以防止浆液迅速老化。 First layer of pulp using the filler with more high-viscosity the second and after pulp with low viscosity, the temperature of barrels kept in 22~25℃ to prevent pulp slurry ageing. 脱蜡与烧成Dewaxing and sintering 工业上使用的方法是将涂覆的蜡型组树放入高压容器内锁紧通入150℃的蒸汽加热使蜡质讯速地熔化、流出烧成的目的在于使残附铸模表面的少量蜡质完全燃烧并提高铸模的强度铸模的烧成温度在700~1100℃之间 Method used on the industrial ,is take groups tree in high pressure vessel ,locking , with 150 ℃ steam ,the wax melting and outflows rapidly; sintering processes are intended to make a small amount of wax on mould surfaces burning out , enhance the strength 。sintering temperature between 700~1100℃ 震壳 Shock shell 待其自然冷却。 to be natural cooling on the ground. 把已冷却的模串拿到震壳机台面上下面垫上木板 to get cooled mode on the table and make sure the table pad with board 打开气动阀门持续震动模串约5~10s使其表面壳模出去 Opens the pneumatic valve continuous vibration mode 5~10s till its surface shell remove 注意事项Note condition 操作时必须穿戴手套、工作服等防护用具注意安全 You must wear protective equipment such as gloves, overalls .pay attention to safety 一般不可用水冷却遇紧急赶货或样品时可用冲刷模串使其快速冷却 Generally, do not use water cooling ,for emergency goods or samples , flush mode are available to makes it rapid cooling 抛丸ball blasting 将震好壳的模串挂在挂杆上按先下或上顺序依次挂整齐注意平衡吊挂防止毛胚掉落伤人 modes of the shell hanging on the rack, hanging neatly in the order, attention to keep balance to prevent embryo fall injuries 再把吊钩开进喷砂机内直到吊钩下转盘与喷砂机转盘接触 hooks into the blasting machine until contact with the blasting machine rotary table 毛胚应轻拿轻放防止碰伤毛胚 Embryos should handle with care to prevent damage hair germ 抛丸直径 0.2mm Steel shot diameters 0.2mm 抛丸时间视铸件大小,形状而定,抛丸后的铸件不允许留有型壳和氧化皮 Shot time depending on cast size, shape, shell and oxidation are not allow to stay 钢丸大小影响铸件表面质量和清理效率,丸径最大不得 大于0.3mm Steel shot sizes affect the quality of surface and cleaning efficiency, ball diameter maximum must be not greater than 0.3mm 切割 cutting 铸件浇口余量<2㎜ Cast gate allowance<2㎜ 为了安全起见,在切割机运转时候要先空运两分钟,切割片旋转应保证平稳。 For security reasons, keep cutting machines idling for two-minute , cutting disc rotating should guarantee the smooth running 研磨 grinding 残留高度: 平面<1㎜,弧面<0.8㎜。 Residual height; flat <1 mm, arc <0.8 mm 安装好砂布带开机空转分钟,使设备处于正常工作状态。注意砂带 运转应平稳 Install the sanding belt and idle for minutes,make sure equipments are in good working condition. 热处理 heat treatment (外包做 outsourcing) 热处理的目的:细化晶粒、消除魏氏组织和铸造应力 The purpose of heat treatment::grain refinement, the Elimination of widmanstatten and casting stress 为防止铸件高温退火时表面氧化,应用铁箱、密封退火 To prevent annealing of castings surface oxidation during high temperature,need to use iron boxes, sealing and annealing 为防止铸件表面脱碳,装箱时,应在铸件中加入木炭密封。 To prevent the casting surface decarburization, when boxing, the casting should be inserted with charcoal and keep sealed 材质 退火anneal 正火normalization heating temperature type of cooling heating temperature type of cooling ZG15GrMo furnace cooling ZG20 ZG20Gr ZG45 HT QT400 ZG15CrMo 900 炉冷 <=179 910 空冷 <=179 ZG20 (一般不退火) 890 出炉空冷 <=156 ZG20Cr 870 炉冷 <=179 880 空冷 <=197 ZG45 860 隨炉冷却 <=207 840 空冷 <=217 HT 低温石墨化退火 650-750 炉冷或空冷 高温石墨化退火 900-960 炉冷或空冷 QT400 740℃/3-4h,炉冷至600℃空冷。 铁素体<90%,HB130-180v 检验 inspection 检验报告 report 1、双工位换缸式注蜡机 duplex exchange cylinder wax injection machine 1台 2、静置桶 stewing barrel 1台 3、除水桶 dewater barrel 1台 4、保温箱 Incubato 1台 5、搅拌机 mixer 2台 6、浮砂机 floating sand machin 2台 7、电热脱蜡箱 electric dewaxing box 1台 8、焙烧炉 baking furnace 1台 9、50kg中频熔炼炉 50KG Medium frequency melting furnace ?? 1台 10、振壳机 vibration machine 1台 11、切割机 cutting machine 1- 配套讲稿:
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