赵本山:这就是铁岭最贵的饭店,苏格兰调情 zhao:This is the most expensive hotel of Tie Lang,Scotland'flirt. 毛毛:你念反了,苏格兰情调,这家老贵了 mao:You read wrong, Scotland Sentiment,it's too dear. 赵本山:带钱了,三万,带包没有啊 zhao:we have money,thirty thousand,the yellow purse?don't you take the purse? 毛毛:我落在炕上了 mao:I left it on the brick bed. 赵本山:给你办事,还落在炕上了 zhao:I do business to you,but you left it? 毛毛:兜里才70多元 mao:I only have seventy yuan. 赵本山:我还有400 zhao:Here is 400 yuan. 毛毛:也不够啊 mao:it's not enough. 赵本山:够不够都可以的 zhao:it doesn't matter. 赵本山:服务员 waiter ! 小沈阳:对不起大爷,我们是高档酒店,不收农产品 xiao:sorry,uncle.this is a high grade hotel,we don't need farm produce. 赵本山:我们是吃饭的,姑娘这顿饭很重要的 zhao:we e to have a lunch,girl,this meal is very important for us. 小沈阳:你管谁叫姑娘,我是纯爷们 xiao: girl? I'm a real man. 赵本山:怎么穿裙子 hao:why do you wear a skirt? 小沈阳:也不是裙子,这是七分裤,这有腿的,着急穿错了,我说走路怎么不方便 xiao:it's not,this is a seventh trousers..Sorry,I wear wrong in a hurry.I doubted it was not convenient to walk. 赵本山:那条腿留给别人穿,小伙子我跟你说,今天请重要的客人,你一定要招待好 zhao:tomorrow you wear the other leg.Boy,let me tell you.Today,I invite an important guest,you must treat him very well. 小沈阳:没有问题 xiao:no problem. 赵本山:你们这个酒店,如果要吃一顿饭,要多少钱。最贵的要点上要吃多少钱 zhao:I wanna know how much it cost to have a meal,including the most expensive dishes. 小沈阳:要一、二万元 xiao:about ten or twenty thousand yuan. 赵本山:是否有这样的情况,今天吃饭明天来结帐 zhao:can I have meals today but pay tomorrow? 小沈阳:打白条 xiao:owe the money? 赵本山:不是打白条,给你小费 zhao:no,I have money,don't shorts of money.Give you tips. 小沈阳:大爷,你太帅了 xiao:uncle,I LOVE YOU . 赵本山:客人来了,我点菜的时候你要给我兜着,我要点贵菜 zhao:The guest es,you should help me when I am ordering dishes.If I wanna order a dear dish…… 小沈阳:我就说没有 xiao:I say not have? 赵本山:你太明白了 zhao:you are so clever. 毛毛:爷爷,我饿了 mao:grandpa,I'm hungry. 赵本山:给我来碗面条 zhao:take me a bowl of noodles. 小沈阳:78元一碗 xiao:78 yuan. 赵本山:这么贵 zhao:so expensive? 小沈阳:苏格兰打鲁面 xiao:it's halogen noodles of Scotland. 赵本山:是鲁子贵么? zhao:is the halogen dear? 小沈阳:鲁不要钱。 xiao:it's free. 赵本山:先来一碗鲁子,一会儿星光大道的毕老师来了,你要给我争脸,这是人生最好的机会, 爷爷培养你四十多年了 zhao:well,take a bowl of halogen.Mr Bi is ing,you should save my face,it's the best chance of life, I have educated you for forty years. 毛毛:爷爷我才多大 mao:how old am I, grandpa? 赵本山:我培养你爸多少年,你爸是半成品,都成了文化站长,你要有信心 zhao:I educated your dad for many years, he is a partly finished product and bees a master of cultural station.You should have confidence.Give me your determination. 毛毛:洪湖水,一浪比一浪强,我要把我爹打在沙滩上 mao:I must "Honghu water,wave to wave,one better one,I beat in the sand beach. 小沈阳:鲁子来了 xiao:here is the halogen. 毛毛:爷爷有一点咸了 mao:it's a bit salty. 赵本山:给她搞一碗白开水 zhao:give her some water. 小沈阳:免费的水呗? xiao:free? 赵本山:对。 zhao:yeah. 小沈阳:你不是谁吗,你是那个朱军,不是的,白岩松不是的,老毕,你是毕老师吗?毕老师来了,快来人啊,一会儿该跑了 xiao:aren't you who? you are the zhujun ,not,Bai Yansong?no,no,no,Lao Bi,are you Mr Bi? Here is Mr Bi,e here,he will run away. 赵本山:干什么,吵什么啊,让狼咬了吗? zhao:what's up? what are you shouting? Are you biten by a wolf? 小沈阳:毕老师给我照个相吗? Could you do me a favour to take a photo with me ? 毕福剑:我找莲花县文化站长赵铁柱的爹 I want to meet the chairman of the art spot in lotus town----tiezhu zhao’s father. 赵本山:我是赵铁柱的爹,你找对了 I am here. 毕福剑:爹,对了 Dad ! 赵本山:县布置的很隆重,布一个大厅,一个大房间,一个大照片放在中间,周围都是花 People in lotus town wele you warmly, laying your photo in a room round flowers. 毕福剑:老哥,花都是什么颜色 Gal, what colour? 赵本山:白的,黄的都有的。老百姓都拿着笔等着你,激动啊 both white and yellow . They are waiting for you in exciment. 毕福剑:我们到乡里吧 Let’s make for the town. 赵本山:乡里布置我,先在铁岭吃一顿,客随主便,你按照我安排吧 I was appointed to arrange a meal for you in tieling. Just follow me. 小沈阳:毕老师给我照个相 Let’s take a photo ,will you ? 毕福剑:你是男服务员 .长得挺委婉 You are a male waiter ? 赵本山:咱们是老乡,你不是大连人吗 We have the same origin.Are you born in dalian? 毕福剑:是的。 Yes. 赵本山:咱们是亲戚,我的老爷爷住在大连 We are relatives .My grandfather are in dalian,too. 毕福剑:叫什么名字 What’s his name ? 毛毛:闭门庭 bimenting 毕福剑:你老爷打麻将很厉害 He must be good at majiang. 赵本山:一笑,很象你老爷走的时候的照片,孩子就跟老爷亲,快叫老爷好 You look like him when you are smiling. She gets on well with him ,. 毛毛:老爷好。 Nice to meet you ,grandfather. 毕福剑:大过年的还没有给你压岁钱 I ‘m sorry to have no redpack for you now. 小沈阳:毕老师我们还没有照相 We haven’t take a photo. 赵本山:先点菜 Give me the menu first. 小沈阳:吃饭后跑了怎么办 He will leave away after the meal ! 赵本山:您就点吧 You first. 毕福剑:我们随便吃吧 Simple meal is OK. 赵本山:现在富裕了,你就使劲吃,你吃能吃多少钱 We are richer now. It costs me only little . 毕福剑:随便吃 Just simple. 赵本山:澳洲鲍鱼四只 Four Ausrialia’s abalones. 小沈阳:对不起没有。 Sorry , we haven’t the dish. 赵本山:澳洲龙虾 Ausrialia ‘s lobster. 小沈阳:没有那么大的 We haven’t such a big one . 赵本山:有多大的。 how much do you have? 小沈阳:只有一斤的。 about one kilo 赵本山:有还是没有啊 have or not? 小沈阳:没有的。 no 毕福剑:鱼翅更不要点 don't eat shark's fin ,neither. 赵本山:有也别吃了,我吃鱼翅有一次卡住了,最后到医院用镊子拿出来了。你们酒店什么都没有,好不容易来一次,把你老板找出来 Don’t eat it .Once I didn’t suffer fish bone in my throat untill I was sent to hospital .You should have nothing here.It seems that I must meet your boss now. 小沈阳:没有的 No . 赵本山:老板也没有 You don’t have a boss? 小沈阳:老板出去了 Boss is out. 赵本山:吃什么啊 What can we eat in the world? 毕福剑:来一点家常便饭 Family meal is just ok. 赵本山:来民间的,孩子,来一个小野鸡炖蘑菇 let's take some local dishes,boy, small pheasant stews the mushroom 小沈阳:没有 not have 赵本山:这个可以有 this can have 小沈阳:这个真没有 really not 赵本山:把带来的拿过来 take it 毕福剑:野山鸡不能吃 we can't eat the pheasant 赵本山:把这个炖了,点一个笨鸡蛋 stew it,take a heavy egg 小沈阳:没有 not have 赵本山:我有 I have 毕福剑:老哥,下一次饭店,材料都自己搞 brother,you bring the material when you go to the hotel. 赵本山:这里没有,几个菜了,两个了,给一点机会,毕老师来你们饭店。 they haven't,two dishes already, give you a chance,Mr bi es to your hotel. 小沈阳:赠送一个吧,大爷你怎么这么扣,一个都没有点,我们还要赠送一个。 present one? uncle, how miserly you are,you don't order any,but we have to present one 赵本山:我点了鲍鱼、龙虾,你不没有吗, I ordered abalones and lobster,you don't have. 小沈阳:有没有,你心里没有数吗,你别看我的岁数小,我总结了,人的一生很短暂,有的时候跟睡觉是一样的,眼睛一闭,一挣,一天过去了,眼睛一闭,不挣,这辈子就过去了 aren't you clear whether we have? don't think me young, I have concluded the life is really short,sometimes like sleeping,eyes close and open,one day is gone,eyes close but not open,this lifetime has gone. 毕福剑:精辟。 excellent 赵本山:精辟啥,他是屁精 no, he is an arse licker 小沈阳:钱是身外之物,人最痛苦的是什么,人死了,钱没有花。 money is external thing,do you know what is the most painful to people? that is, people died,but the money is left. 赵本山:最痛苦的是人活着,钱没有了。这孩子啊 the most pain is one is alive but doesn't have money,the poor youngster 小沈阳:这也太抠了。 so miserly 赵本山:菜要做一会儿,鸭蛋来了,从小就是一身的艺术细菌 the dishes have to cook for a while,yadan es, she has bacteria of art of all over the body. 毕福剑:艺术细胞 art cell 赵本山:看一下是否可以上你的《星光大道》。 see her if she can go to your Star Road. 毕福剑:老哥我弄明白了,你接我在这里,就是为了让孙女上《星光大道》。 brother,I see.you pick me up here in order to let your grand-daughter to the Star Road. 赵本山:服务员,拿卡拉OK的麦克风。 Waiter,give me the mike of kala ok 毕福剑:按照我们的规矩,自报家门 according to our rule, certainly report the family. 赵本山:从前面开始,不要紧张 from start,don't be nevious. 毛毛:我是来自大城市铁岭莲花赤水沟子,我名字叫鸭蛋,今天心情非常的冲动,今夜阳光明媚,今夜多云转晴。 I e from a big city of resolve the lotus of mountain range red ditch,my name is Yadan,I'm of impulse,now.The sunshine is bright tonight,cloudy clear up. 小沈阳:报天气预报啊 Wow?it’s weather forecast? 毛毛:心情从多云转晴了,为什么啊,我找到我老爷了,我老爷太好了,能带我上溜光大道。 I feel good now, why I have this feeling? en……l find my grandpa, oh yeah! My grandpa is benevolence, he can take me to THE BROAD ROAD OF STARLIGHT! 毕福剑:《星光大道》 THE BROAD ROAD OF STARLIGHT! 毛毛:我非常感谢我老爷给我这次机会,太感谢你了,真的能带上我到大道,我感谢你八辈祖宗,我代表八辈祖宗,我这辈子,做鬼也不放过你。 Thank you ! my dear grandpa! that’s very nice of you! If you take me to the programme , I’ll thank for the ancestry 8 generations! 赵本山:孩子就是想报复你,报恩,知恩图报,出去了就不能忘记你,唱李谷一的《青藏高原》。 Well,hehe……the child just want to requite you! It’s the tradition! Shemean that when she e to be a super star, she will never forget you! e on, yadan! Singing liguyi’s song[The qing hides the plateau] 毛毛:那个是李娜的,现场演唱《青藏高原》 No! grandpa! It’s lina’s! now, I’ll sing [The qing hides the plateau] on the spot. 赵本山:中间的不用唱了,唱后面的。 Yadan! Don’t sing the middle of the song, you just singing the back part! 剑:年龄不大,嗓门真高 Wow, surprising! She’s so young, but the pitch of voice quite loud! 赵本山:再唱一个 Ok! I’m happy to hear that! Now, yadan , please sing another one 毛毛:爷爷,今天吃的有一点咸 I’m sorry, the halogen soup is too salt! I'本山:后面连哭带唱的 the part of crying and Saying 毕福剑:等一下,连哭带说行不行,讲获奖感言,《星光大道》都是真人真事,还没有上北京,就获奖感言了。 Wait a minute, do you want to say the words after you win the prize?the things on …………are all true! It’s so early to get set the words! 本山:他老爷在这里,我心理还没有底吗,我说三个数,她就会哭的,你真的完蛋,跟老爷有感情,老爷照片在这里。 She’s grandpa is here. Am I don’t know? I know you can take her to Beijing. She must cry when I count from 1 to 3. yadan, you’re too stupid!now, your grandpa is here , please cry! 毛毛:哭…… Cry? Hahahahaha………… 赵本山:完蛋,笑什么。 Yadan. Why you’re laughing? 毛毛:太有意思 It ‘s so funny. 毕福剑:不说了,才艺不错,唱的也不错。 Not bad .She is really talented in singing and performing. 小沈阳:这不错啊,这样能上的话,我也能上。 Not bad ? I can do what she dose! 赵本山:你往那上, You can do what ? 小沈阳:上《星光大道》 Performing in <<star road>> 赵本山:你上炕不错,这是艺术圈的事 You can just go to brick bed. We are all in art field. 小沈阳:你让我唱一个, Let me sing a song. 赵本山:不让你唱 I disagree. 小沈阳:不让我唱,我就将你的事交代出来 If you disagree,I will let out what you enjoin me. 赵本山:你要说,一定比唱的好 If so,What you sing must be better than what you say. 毕福剑:你开始说吧,还是自报家门 Tell us where you are from as a start. 小沈阳:我的命运(敏感词语)是一样的,也有一个姓毕的老爷 My fate is same with her.my grandfather ‘s first name is bi ,too. 毕福剑:你会什么 What performe will you bring us? 小沈阳:我会模仿秀, A n imitating show. 毕福剑:模仿谁 Who will you imitate? 小沈阳:刘欢老师 Teacher liuhuan. 毕福剑:模仿那一段 Which song ? 小沈阳:《我和你》 <you and me> 赵本山:人家刚下飞机你还跟人家唱 . It was just several hour before he got off. 毕福剑:他不是要跟我唱。 He doesn’t mean that. 赵本山:我更不跟他唱了 Singing with me ? It is impossible . 毕福剑:这是一首歌的名字叫做我和你,唱吧! It ‘s a name of song .please start ! 小沈阳:我和你,心连心…… You and me ,heart by heart ….. 赵本山:拉倒吧,唱偏了,上菜吧 Just give up ! where are our dishes?! 小沈阳:我重唱一个吧,我唱一个刀郎的吧 Give me another chance please ! I sing a song of daolang 赵本山:你唱屎壳郎吧 You sing dung beetle. 小沈阳:刀郎是歌手的名字 Daolang is a singer’s name . 毕福剑:你再来一个 Give you the chance ! 小沈阳:我还会唱《星光大道》阿bao的歌。 I can sing a bao ‘s songs. 毕福剑:你叫什么名字 What ‘s your name ? 小沈阳:我的中文名字叫做小沈阳 My chiness name is xiaoshenyang. 毕福剑:还有外国名字 Your foreign name? 小沈阳:小沈阳 Xiaoshenyang . 赵本山:英文名字叫小~~损~~样 His English name is xiao sun yang 毕福剑:你是哪里的人, Where are you from? 小沈阳:我是莲花村的 I am from the lotus town. 毕福剑:你儿子让我找的小沈阳,就是他,明天就跟我上北京上《星光大道》 He is the very people your son promotes.Go to Beijing with me tommorow 赵本山:菜都给你炖了,你不给我面子也给她老爷面子,要不让他老爷跟你见面一下,你上网上看一下新闻,点击率很高,上面说的鸭蛋就是她。 Dishes are ready ! you can be unwilling to do me a favour,but you cannot be unwilling to do her grantfather a favour.Do you want to see him ?If you search the internet,you will see the news about her. 毕福剑:马上上菜,今天的饭我包了,我请客,鸭蛋,明天你跟着大哥上《星光大道》,你们搞一个组合就叫做双黄蛋。 I pay the meal .yadan ,you go to Beijing with the gal tomorrow.You can bine to perform just named two eggs . 毛毛:我也可以去了吗 I can go with you ? 毕福剑:是的。 Of course. 毛毛:谢谢老爷。 Thank you ,grandfather . 小沈阳:谢谢。 Thank you ! 赵本山:《星光大道》是百姓舞台,他们都要了,把我也要了吧。 <<star road>>is a stage for citizen.can you bring me to Beijing ? 毕福剑:网上也有你的名字。 Your name is on the Internet ,too? 赵本山:你试试吧。我还有一个重要消息没告诉你。其实我老爷也姓毕。 You can try.In addition ,I have a vital imformation to tell you -----my grandfather ‘ s first name is also bi .- 配套讲稿:
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