员工考勤及工资福利管理制度 1. 目的 Purpose 为维护公司良好的生产秩序和工作纪律,确保公司全体员工明确并共同遵守公司的有关规定,而特制定本管理制度。本管理制度是根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》及本地的相关法律法规,结合本公司的实际情况而制定的。 This policy is specially prepared with the aims to maintain a good product and working discipline, and to ensure that all employees understand and adhere to the policy as set out in this guide。 This policy is specially tailored based on 《China Labor Contract Law》, related legislations of China and GuangDong Labor Administration Management as well as BZ’s actual situation. 2。 主题内容与适用范围 Subject contents and applicable scope 本制度规定了员工考勤管理的办法,明确了各类假期和工资福利待遇规定,适用于全公司员工的考勤及工资福利管理.These rules specify methods to administer employees’ attendance and salary and benefits。 3. 劳动组织管理:Labor administration 3。1 公司实行劳动合同管理,员工必须与公司签订劳动合同.Staff must sign labor contract with the company。 3.2 正常上班时间:上午8时~11:30时(12时),下午12:30时(13时)~17:00时。周一至五18:00时后及周六、周日需要超时工作的部门,必须提前填写加班/放假申请表,经部门经理或副总经理批准后,员工可进入现场作业。Normal working hours are: 8:00-11:30(12:00), 12:30 (13:00)-17:00。 OT after 18:00 on Monday to Friday or on Saturday & Sunday must be approved by Dept. head or deputy GM in advance in writing. 3。3 公司实行打卡考勤记录管理。员工必须遵守上(下)班时间规定,每日应亲自打卡上下班,并在上班时间前到达工作岗位。Attendance is recorded by a time card。 Employees must punch the card before and after work。 Employees must arrive at the workstation prior to working hours. a) 上下班如有未打卡者,应按规定及时填写《未打卡登记表》,经部门主管签字证明,并经人事部核准视为正常出勤,否则视同旷工1天处理(此登记表必须于次工作日上午12:00时前,送呈人事部门核准,逾期不受理)。Anyone who didn’t punch in should fill out 〈registration form of none punch in> timely, and will be regarded as on duty after approved by department manager and double checked by HR, otherwise will be regarded as being absence for 1 day (this registration has to be delivered to HR for double check before 12:00 the next day, overdue request will be rejected.) b) 人力资源部负责将考勤信息汇总后编制“每月考勤表"交各车间/部门(以下简称部门)进行核对,确认签名后交由人力资源部保存,作为员工核发工资的依据.不提交的部门将暂停计发工资.HR Dept. works out the monthly attendance summary and submits to all departments for verification。 The dept。 confirms and signs the summary and returns to HR. The summary is the supporting document for salary calculation and distribution。 Without such, salary will not be calculated or paid。 c) 使用卡钟考勤的员工因业务需要,在考勤工作时间内中途进/出公司,必须经部门负责人同意,并在考勤卡适当时间的空格内签名认可,视做出勤。For those that need to go out of the factory for business needs, thus unable to punch the card, the blank area of the time card must be signed by department head so that the missing hours are counted as working hours. d) 使用电子考勤系统考勤的员工,在考勤工作时间内因业务需要外出作业中途进/出公司,凭部门负责人签发的“出厂批条"交门卫验放。因特殊情况,对未能及时提交“出厂批条”的员工,必须在保安室签署记录,并于次日前补回“出厂批条”给保安室,保安员负责删除原签署该时段的记录。对不补交“出厂批条”或擅自进/出公司的员工,由保安员登记,并上报人力资源部,视作迟到/早退或旷工处理。For those that use the electronic attendance record system, if they need to leave the factory for business needs, outgoing slip must be signed by department head and presented to the guard。 If the slip cannot be presented on time, the employee must sign on the security record and when the signed slip becomes available, it must be given to the guard to delete the original security record。 For those that do not have the signed slip, the guard should record and report to HR, where absence will be recorded。 e) 因事需早退或公出,需要离开公司且当日不再返回者,应打卡后方能离开公司;因私人理由在考勤工作时间内中途进/出公司的员工,须办理请假手续,打卡进出公司。For those leaving factory early or going out for business but will not be back during the day, should punch their card before leaving factory. For those leaving the company during working time premises for private reasons, application procedure must be handled and they should register their leave by punching the card. f) 保安班负责收集“出厂批条”及加班放假申请表并分类报人力资源部核对电子考勤记录。视出勤状态作相应记录处理.Guards collect outgoing slip and OT notices, and pass to applicable departments. The departments work out the special attendance record and submit to HR once for every ten days to verify with the electronic attendance record。 Applicable attendance record will be marked。 g) 如因未打上或漏打且未登记于《未打卡登记表》者,造成的考勤记录不明而影响薪资核算者,除有正当理由外不得要求重新核算.Those who brings difficulty for salary calculation because of their no punching or forgot punching and no registering on 〈registration form for no punching in and out〉, should not ask for a double check except for reasonable explanations. 3。4 员工入职或部门间调职,部门凭人力资源部发出的“员工调动介绍信”或“岗位异动申请表”开始进行考勤。For new staff members, or those being transferred between departments, HR will issue a letter to applicable departments, which should be used as the base for attendance。 3。5 员工离职:必须到人力资源部办理离厂手续。在离职通知期内公司不批准任何事假。 For those that leave the company, applicable procedures must be handled through HR. No leave request for handling personal matters will be allowed during notice period for resignation. 3。6 本月应出勤天数及工资核算周期计算:生产车间计件人员本月应出勤及工资核算周期以财务部发出的当年统计工作安排为限;科后人员和非计件人员的本月应出勤及工资核算周期为:当月1至31日。当月应出勤天数=当月日历核算周期(周一至周五时间)-(周一至周五)的公众假期。When calculating working days and salary, for workers paid by piece, the annual work schedule issued by Finance should be followed。 For office staff and non-piece workers, working days=calendar days of the current month (Monday to Friday)—public holidays on Monday to Friday 4. 劳动报酬管理Labor remuneration: 4.1 工资分配形式Salary allocation 4.1。1职能部门管理人员、车间正、副主任、仓库主管、试制组成员实行岗位工作责任制,周一至周五延长工作时间不作加班处理;周六、日加班工时在不影响工作的前提下经主管负责人批准安排补休,但每次安排补休时间不能超过5天(特殊情况经主管副总经理审批)。每月累计结存加班补休时间不得超过40小时,超出部分必须当月安排补休,否则视作放弃休假处理.除上述规定以外的人员的加班工时由部门负责人协调安排补休,如无法安排补休的,当月核发加班工资。For office staff, workshop supervisors and vice supervisors, warehouse supervisor and members of the sample group their salaries are fixed according to their jobs。 Their extended working hours shall not be considered as OT (from Monday to Friday); the overtime on Saturday or Sunday can be made up by rest day at other time. Accumulative overtime cannot exceed 40 hours per month。 Otherwise, compensatory rest day must be arranged in the current month or it is considered the person gives up the rest. Other staff’s OT can be compensated by rest day arranged by dept。 head。 Otherwise, OT payment should be paid. 4。1。2 车间实行计件工资制或月薪工资制,加班工时由部门负责人协调安排补休,如无法安排补休的,当月核发加班工资。Piece rate workers are paid according to their quantity。 Non-piece rate worker are paid by month, when there is OT, compensatory rest day should be arranged by dept. head. Otherwise, OT payment should be paid。 表一 table one:各工种/岗位工资及津贴分配形式明细表 salary allocation list: 员工月收入总额=劳动报酬收入+非劳动报酬收入 Total income=labor remuneration + non labor remuneration 非劳动报酬收入包括公司负担的各项社会保险费、生活津贴、劳动保护费用等 Non labor remuneration includes social insurances, living allowance, labor protection fees, etc that are paid by company. 劳动报酬收入包括正常工作时间工资、全勤津贴、加班费 labor remuneration include salary during normal working hrs or attendance allowance or OT 月收入=正常工作时间工资+√(生活津贴+岗位津贴+全勤津贴); Total income= salary during normal working hrs + allowance 分配形式 Allocation 工种/岗位 Description of the job 员工月收入 Total remuneration 加班管理 OT Management 正常工作时间工资salary during normal working hrs 生活津贴living allowance 全勤津贴Attendance allowance 岗位 Fixed Salary 主任、经理Supervisor, Manager √ 安排补 休 Arrange rest 副主任、副经理、专业技术人员Vice Supervisor, Vice Manager, technical personnel √ 主办科员、仓库主管supervising clerk, supervisor of warehouse √ 一般科员 Clerk √ 岗位Fixed Salary 机修班长、电工班长、饭堂班长、主厨Monitor of the mechanic /electrical team, monitor of canteen, Main chef √ 安排补休或按规定计发加班工资 Rest or OT payment according to stipulation 仓管员、工段长、质检员、统计员、脱产班长、 机修工、电工、司机、搬运组长Warehouse clerk, Line leader, QC, Stat。 Monitor, Machine, Electrician, driver, leader of carrier √ 助厨、搬运工、包装、坭水工 Helper of Cook, Carrier, plasterer √ 车间定薪Monthly 车间定薪人员 Monthly rate worker √全勤津贴2008年实施 计件Piece pay 生产计件岗位操作工Piece rate worker, 按件计酬(参考正常工作时间工资为690元/月) 合格产品数量×计件Accepted QTY X unit price 岗位 Fixed Salary 保安班长 Monitor of Guard √ 周日及节假日加班按规定计发加班工资OT Payment on weekend or holidays 保安副班长、保安员 Vice monitor of Guard √ 保安, 管理人员 Guard, Management staff 面议 Subject to interview conclusion 4。2 工资核定 Salary definition 4.2.1 新入职员工:试用期满经人事评估考核通过并录用。工资分配形式按上述4。1款标准执行。Official recruitment will be made once the evaluation is passed when probation expires。 Salary allocation shall follow terms stated as above. 4。2。3 各车间实行定岗定员管理,员工岗位工资等级确定后,因工作需要调整岗位及工资的,必须由所在车间、部门负责人提出并填写“岗位异动申请表",报主管副总经理和人力资源部审核.For staff transfer, the document “Staff transfer requisition form” will be filled in by Dept。 head, and submitted to Vice GM and HR for checking and approval。 4.2.4 薪金的执行:新入职人员,从入职之日起执行相应的岗位职级待遇;试用期满、职务晋升、岗位调整或其他调薪,一般情况下,当月审批,次月起执行。具体以人力资源部发出的“员工调薪(转正、任职)通知”为准。For new staff, applicable salary shall be used, when there is promotion or transfers, salary adjustment will be approved in the current month and distribution will happen the next month. 4。2。5 计件工资单价的确定:对可以独立操作完成并能量化考核的生产工件或产成品,实行计件工资单价.计件工资核定单价的依据是:以熟练的操作工21天的产量,按月工资×××××元标准(根据劳动强度、技术含量高低)进行分析确定.计件单价由车间主任提议,填写“计件工资单价(定价)调整表”,随附相关工时考核分析原始资料,交人力资源部审核,报主管副总经理及总经理批准执行。新单价一般试行三个月后再申报确定为正式计件单价。PC rate:For position that can be quantified, PC rate will be used. The base for PC rate is the Qty produced in 21 days by skillful workers。 Usually the monthly paid is in between ×× to ××。The PC rate unit price is proposed by the supervisor and submitted to HR for checking and vice GM & GM for approval。 The new unit price will be used for 3 months before it can become official. 4。2.6 计件工资单价的调整:在执行计件工资单价过程中,由于生产工艺、设备等因素发生变化,需调整原加工单价时,经过充分的分析,可由车间主任提出调整单价,填写“计件工资单价(定价)调整表”,随附相关工时考核分析原始资料,交人力资源部审核,经主管副总经理及总经理批准后执行。调整的新单价一般试行三个月后再申报确定为正式计件单价.Adjustment of the PC rate:When there is change to the process or equipment thus arising need to adjust the unit price, the supervisor may make the proposal by filling in the Unit Price Adjustment Report and submit it to HR for checking。 It must be approved by vice GM and GM. The new unit price will be used for 3 months before it can become official。 4.2。7 生产计件工人从事无定额工作的工资核算:因工作需要,经车间主任安排,临时抽调计件工人在车间从事不能实行计件工资的一般性杂工工作和转岗培训人员,工资(含津贴,下同)××元/时;从事不能实行计件工资的一般技术性工作,工资××元/时;从事不能实行计件工资的较特殊的技术性工作,工资最高不超过××元/时。禁止车间利用本款所列之工时工资作为计件工资单价补偿或虚报工时索取额外工资.For piece worker doing non—PC rate job due to actual need, pay is calculated as follows:Normal odd job: ××RMB/Hr; Technical job: ×× RMB/Hr; Special technical job: ××RMB/Hr. 4。3 休假管理Rest days 4。3.1请假规则 Rules & Regulations 请假 所有受雇于公司的员工请假都必须按公司的规定向上司提交书面申请。公司会根据要求的紧急度和对公司的影响来考虑员工的请假要求。当请假批准后,公司有权对休假后的员工重新安排工作。 LEAVE OF ABSENCE Company reserves the right to allow employees to request a leave of absence for various reasons。 All requests need to be submitted in writing by the employee, to their supervisor. All Leave of Absence requests will be considered based on the urgency of the matter and the impact on the company. When a Leave of Absence is approved, company reserves the right to place the returning employee into any job position or function. 迟到 迟到就是晚于规定的上班时间出勤。规定的上班时间可以是正常的上班时间也可以是管理层暂时调整的上班时间。规定的上班时间包括需加班的星期六或星期天。 TARDIES A “Tardy" is being late for your scheduled start time, whether it is a regularly scheduled start time, or a temporarily changed scheduled start time by management. This includes scheduled Saturday or Sunday. If someone clocks in past his or her scheduled starting time, they will be considered tardy, and will receive a “Tardy" infraction on their attendance—tracking sheet。 早退 就是提前在规定的下班时间离开工作岗位,有部门主管批准除外. An “early quit” Is walking off the job before quitting time, unless authorized by the department supervisor or plant manager. 旷工 旷工就是员工没有在规定的工作天上班又没有请假的情况下而缺勤。但预先批准的事假不属于旷工。属于旷工情况者,每次将在考勤记录中扣除1分。 ABSENTEEISM An “Absent” is any day the employee is schedule to work and the employee does not report for work。 Scheduled vacation days and scheduled Personal days, do not count as absent. An “Absent” will count 1 point in the attendance point system. 打卡 所有的员工都必须按作息时间打卡。如果员工遗失或者忘带考勤卡,必须填写“未打卡登记表”并交给其上司签名,证明其在当天是正常上班。如果你的考勤卡失灵,应该立即将此情况反应给直属上司或人力资源部。进入厂区打卡后不可再出厂区逗留. CLOCK IN PROCEDURES All employees must have an authorized I。D. badge to get into the plant and to clock in。 If an employee loses or forgets their badge, they must fill out a “Clocking Procedures" sheet and supervisor must sign the sheet showing the time of day that the employee arrived for work. If your badge will not scan, it is your responsibility to report it to your direct supervisor or Human Resources immediately. Any employee who has punched in is not allowed to stay outside the factory area. 全勤 设有全勤津贴的员工如果在每个月都能达到以下的全勤情况,才可以拿到足额的全勤津贴。 1. 当月无迟到早退记录 2. 当月无旷工或请假记录 3. 无忘记打卡记录 PERFECT ATTENDANCE Employee with attendance allowance is eligible for full attendance allowance in each calendar month if they meet the following criteria: 1。 No tardies for the month. 2. No absences or leave days for the month。 3. No missed punches. POINT SYSTEM SUMMARY计分制度概述 ××× expects employees to be at work everyday that is scheduled。 This policy is in place only to help correct attendance problems before they reach the level of termination。 ×××公司希望他的员工可以按时工作,此措施目的是为了帮助其员工改正不良的出勤习惯而避免由于不正常的出勤习惯而被解雇。 旷工、迟到、早退的分数实行汇总计算 Absent”, “Tardy” and “early quit” points are added together : ABSENT counts as 1 point 旷工每次扣1分 TARDY counts as 0。5 point 迟到每次扣0。5分 EARLY QUIT counts as 0。5 point 早退每次扣0.5分 (1)若员工在90天内因迟到早退累计扣分超过1。5分,该员工将收到口头书面警告。员工每旷工一次将收到书面口头警告。If an employee accumulates more than 1。5 points because of “tardy” or “early quit" in a 90-day period, he/she will receive an Oral warning。 Every “absent” will receive an oral warning。 (2) 从收到书面口头警告起90天内,该员工不能再违反出勤规定,否则该员工将收到含有公司与其约定出勤要求的第二次书面警告,明确自本警告书发出之日起90天内如该员工违反其约定的内容,公司将因其违纪原因立即暂停与其执行合同或解除劳动合同.该员工要在“警告书"上签名.From that write up date forward to 90 more days, the employee must remain infraction free or he/she will receive a written warning that automatically includes terms on attendance agreed by both the employee and the Company which the employee must sign stating that if he/she violates terms set forth which will state that any infraction of attendance in the next 90 days will result in suspension and termination of his/her labor contract signed with the Company. (3) 在执行以上措施时,如果此员工在警告书执行日起90天期限内无再违反考勤规定,他的考勤记录将显示扣分值为0.At any point in this process, the employee completes a 90 day period without violating any attendance policy, they will return to original status with 0 (zero) points on their chart. 4.3。1请假规则 Rules & Regulations 4。3。1。1员工因事、因病必须在正常上班时间到工作场所外处理个人事项的,需提前相应工作日申请相应类别的假期,请假前员工必须妥善安排好自己的工作;部门经理或主管应妥善安排好本部门工作并确保不影响正常工作为前提批准员工假期。除重病、工伤、丧假等不可预期的特殊假期外,申请其它假期应遵守公司规定的事前申请的原则:1天内的假期需提前1个工作日申请, 1天以上3天以内的假期需提前3个工作日申请,3天以上的假期需提前5个工作日申请。获批准后方为有效。Any employee, who is unable to report to work on a normal working day due to personal affairs or illness, must apply for leave in advance。 Prior to applying his/her leave, the leave applier should arrange his/her work properly during his/her absence and the supervisor should make necessary arrangements and ensure that work will not be affected by his/her absence. All employees shall adhere to the leave application procedure as set out below, except for those leave due to sickness, work injury, funeral and other unexpected situations。 When applying for leave, the following- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 考勤 工资福利 管理制度
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