中职学校安全稳定工作总结 中职学校安全稳定工作总结 20XX年,我校紧紧围绕着学校”安全稳定”的工作重心,加强统一认识、落实措施、管理到位、责任到人,一年来,我校无政治事件和群体性事件,无火灾事故,无恶性案件和重特大治安、刑事案件,安全文明建设取得了显著成效.回顾一年来,我们主要做了以下工作: 一、领导重视,健全组织和工作制度 我校非常重视”安全文明校园"创建工作,成立了安全工作领导小组,全校师生共同参与,把”安全文明校园”的创建工作纳入到我校各项管理工作体系之中,确保"安全文明校园”的创建工作时时有领导,处处有领导,始终处于有序、高效、日常化的运行状态之中. 二、全校统一思想,提高对校园安全稳定工作认识 校园安全稳定关系师生员工生命和财产安全,关系学校的发展和稳定。我校正确认识当前校园安全稳定工作面临的严峻形势和任务,进一步提高对做好校园安全稳定工作重要性的认识,把思想统一到上级教育主管部门、学校的工作要求上来,全校师生上下统一思想认识,狠抓各项安全工作的落实,增强了安全工作的责任感,全体师生都更加关心、支持校园安全稳定工作。 三、措施到位,狠抓落实,保证安全工作有成效 一年以来,学校以系列活动为载体,拓展安全文明教育空间,增强安全文明教育的渗透力. (一)严格落实制度。通过不断完善与辅导员、班主任安全工作规章制度,如卫生打扫制度,检查评比制度,确保安全、文明工作落到实处,并不断加以强化,同时加强了对学生的安全防范教育工作,采用定期检查、不定期检查和日常防范相结合的安全管理制度,严禁组织学生从事不符合国家有关规定的危险性工作,严禁教师个人利用假期私自带学生外出。在校外开展的社会实践活动坚持就近、安全原则.做到有章可循,违章必究,不留盲点,不出漏洞。通过教师例会、辅导员、班主任例会、阶段性的学生集会以及周一的国旗下讲话等经常宣传、反复提醒、重点强调,让全体师生紧绷安全这根弦.通过严抓制度落实工作,全体师生员工增强安全、文明的意识得到了加强。 (二)加强值周、门卫工作 加强门卫的护校意识,加强值周组教师的值周责任心工作,加大学校学生会同学的执勤力度。 (三)积极开展丰富多彩的安全文明教育活动。通过主题班会、团队活动、新生入学教育、讲座、板报、悬挂横幅等宣传工具对学生开展安全教育,使学生接受比较系统的安全知识和安全防范技能。学校积极开展优秀班集体、文明宿舍创建活动,通过活动提高广大学生的文明意识、安全防范能力和自我保护能力。 (四)加强检查密度,预防重大安全事件发生。学校始终把安全文明检查工作作为重点工作.每月进行安全隐患排查,按要求进行整顿。学校以学生检查为主线,辅导员定期与不定期进行抽查,校领导加强督察。以学生出勤管理、宿舍卫生、晚归、外宿、私接电源、违禁刀具为工作检查重点。由于检查密度加大,措施得力,学生违纪率明显减少,全年没有发生重大安全事故. 四、存在的主要问题和今后的打算 我们在安全文明教育工作方面做了一些工作,使安全文明工作得到加强,但是在工作中我们发现我们工作的难度越来越大,安全文明工作仍然存在一些问题。 (一)社会育人环境存在不利于师生安全的因素.近几年来,在各级党委政府的领导下,通过有关职能部门的集中综合整治,学校周边环境有明显的好转。但是,社会上的不安定因素和不良文化对师生安全的影响还比较大,试图干扰学校及学生的社会恶势力和人员还存在,社会上的黄、赌、毒、非法出版的图书、音像及网吧和游戏室对学生的影响还非常大. (二)对学生安全教育工作还需进一步加强。目前学生中的独生子女越来越多,独生子女在家庭中往往受保护较多,而缺乏生活经验。学生作为社会的弱势群体,多数自我保护意识和安全防范能力低,这要求我们必须进一步加强对学生自我保护的能力的教育和培养。 今后,我们将进一步重视安全工作,加强对安全隐患的排查,及时解决安全工作中发现的新问题,不断提高我校安全工作水平,为学校的安全稳定作出应有的贡献。 Comrades: according to the public security organ at a higher level and deployment "to enforce the law, the people's public security for the people" theme educational activities plan arrangement, today, let me give you an "impartial" thematic lectures, as the public security organs special education a concentrated study counseling, as well as the party and I police officers in a collective talk talk. Everyone as Party members and cadres, the people's police, the hands are more or less, or big or small have certain law enforcement powers, in advancing the new situation strictly and the rule of law, such as He Zhengque's understanding of these powers, strictly enforce the law, law enforcement for the people, is a very Urgent and important issue of reality. Today, I combine their own learning and thinking, the subject together with you for further discussion, exchange and share. First, firmly establish a correct view of the law enforcement, to enforce the law as the basic standard of public security work on to enforce the law, general secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions in the September 9th "people's daily reference > reflect the problems, pointed out that the grassroots cadres not as messy as problems of corruption and injustice, damage the vital interests of the masses, damage the image of the party and the government, must be resolutely corrected, serious treatment, to strengthen grassroots organizations and cadres, to enforce the law and discipline , strengthening grassroots party members and police officers. We can establish the correct concept of law enforcement, from the party and the state level, the relationship between the ruling status of the party and the ruling ability of the stability, the relationship between the fate of the country and the cause of success or failure; from the unit and individual level, the relationship between law enforcement powers can regulate the operation, the relationship between work can successfully carry out the relationship between the cadres and the style of image, related to the healthy growth and progress of individual cadres. Therefore, we should establish a correct concept of law enforcement, to establish the correct career outlook, work and performance values, in order to build a strong ideological line of defense against corruption, in order to maintain a communist advanced and pure Clean. I think to establish a correct view of the law enforcement, we must firmly grasp the "law enforcement, for whom, law enforcement supervision, law enforcement must have the responsibility" three key points. One is the law enforcement for the people. Since ancient times, "popular in the world", "water boat can capsize." China. Longitudinal process view of the past dynasties rise and fall of evolution, we can draw a conclusion: only the law enforcement, to enforce the law, people will support you, support you. The Qin Dynasty in Chinese history is the first feudal empire, unify the whole country, energy-saving. However, since Qin Shihuang II died, only the existence of fifteen years. What is the reason? Jia Yi in "Qin" on the best answer to this question, the key reason for the demise of the Qin Dynasty is: "people blame domestic and a carry on. For example, the Soviet Union, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union when only 200 thousand party members, the establishment of the Soviet regime led the people; when has 2 million Party members, leading people to beat Hitler's Nazi the army; and when has 20 million members, even lost their power overnight. The fundamental reason is because of official corruption, injustice, lost the trust of the people. Facts prove that" only put the people in mind, people will let you sit on the bench. "As Party members and police officers, I We should always adhere to the law enforcement people, to enforce the law, the law enforcement power as a career platform for the benefit of the people, sincerely for the people to do practical, problem-solving things, good things. The two is by law enforcement supervision. Law enforcement without supervision, will inevitably lead to corruption. Strengthen the supervision of cadres is the greatest care, and consciously accept the supervision of your best protection. The supervision of law enforcement, in ancient China. In the Western Zhou Dynasty has been the so-called Zuoshi, supervision director, was also created "three supervision system, and become the source of the Qin and Han Dynasties censor and the provincial governor system. Since then Chinese dynasties have built the power supervision system, the Western Han Dynasty also invented China The earliest report box. Houhanshu > recorded a "four" story: Yang Zhen of the Han Dynasty in Laizhou Prefecture, in the Changyi area, as reported in the area so well, at night secretly sent Yang Zhen ten pounds of gold, and quietly told Yang Zhen: "no one knows, and clear the night" Lian automorphic Yang Zhen said, "you come up, you know one day; stamped, you know; you know with their gold and gold; you sent to me, I know. Heaven knows, to know, you know, I know, what is ignorance?" so ashamed to go. At present, some party members and cadres of corruption, but its just basic reason, ineffective supervision is an important reason. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the safety The emblem of the former vice governor Ni Fake to initiate an investigation, he once complained: "if I had treatment for two years, mistakes will not be so serious." a party cadres, if unwilling to accept supervision, or even deliberately evade supervision, inevitably go astray and even self destruction. Three law enforcement must have the responsibility of law enforcement. We must take responsibility. The principle of reciprocity law tells us that the law enforcement must have the responsibility, law responsibility cannot be separated, law enforcement power is bigger, heavier responsibilities. Since ancient times China traditional culture have self-cultivation, family, country, the world of sense of responsibility, the spirit of play. "Qu Yuan also yuxinzhi have good Xi, although nine of the Jews not regret", is the embodiment of the world and the common people Responsibility; Fan Zhongyan "first and worry about the world, after the world music, is the embodiment of the state and the people's responsibility; Lin Zexu" Li Gou "through life and death, is it not because of weal or woe", is the national and national responsibility. We say responsibility is to often see time, key moments stand out, danger excluded out. During the period of revolutionary war, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to fight a "give me", a "follow me", a word, a lost country, won the world. In the flood of the danger period, at all levels our Party cadres take the lead, rushed in the front line, with the body and even students Life built the Great Wall of steel. As a guardian of masses of Party members and police officers, we must always adhere to the law enforcement must have the responsibility, the courage to play, as a positive, truly in its place, their government, the Secretary for the post, responsible, the official term for the benefit of one party. Two, in-depth analysis of omission, as chaos. The problem of corruption and the embodiment of law enforcement injustice and practical harm, keep awe. Qing Ming Chen Ji Xiaolan said, "everyone should remember a 'fear'. Where fearing who will have a positive body, made some rules, the line has ended, with more than a moment, also not Gucci." this passage tells us that a person should have a heart of life. Awe. With the awe of life will be modest and prudent, serious and responsible work will be free from arrogance and impetuosity;, conscientious; an official will enforce the law, known to avoid a guard. Don't know if the person is the most terrible. We hold a certain power of law enforcement officers, and any power is a "the use of the double-edged sword", is to make contributions to the country; abuse is open, even disastrous. It can be said that the law enforcement power is a risk, an official who can not put the power into the grave, and the power can be brought to the grave. This is an official who countless historical and realistic lessons. However, because of the power itself has a natural bentonite The expansion and corrosion resistance, and the minority party members and police officers are not official, the law is not strict, leading to lax enforcement of the law, violations of law enforcement problems such as repeated, human case, relations cases, good case and so on. It is often seen. here I ordered five aspects of injustice problems, I hope you learn a lesson, make them. A law enforcement is capricious, lawlessness. Famous enlightenment scholars Montesquieu said: "all the law enforcement power tend to abuse, this is not only a experience." a public authority, have the right to "Ren" once right, is bound to the cause of the party and the state and the people the benefit of huge losses. Loss or even disaster, the power will also be affected by their willful Party discipline punished. In May this year, a "self leadership speech" video online heat transfer. In the video, Taiyuan city under the jurisdiction of Gujiao city passenger transport office director Changchun in his speech at the meeting ", said" the provisions of the state is rubbish "," I say who is who is corruption corruption "," shocking who want to pay out who "astonishing remarks. He panicked and not choose words is not because the impulse is not in private occasions and outspoken, but in a public occasion and talk a lot of nonsense, claiming that you record the tape record remember, completely is a day No fear, I am the master of my site "emperor" pies! Coincidentally, July, reported the former party secretary of Sichuan Conservatory Of Music Chai Yongbai style overbearing, transferred into the school for many relatives, the masses continue. At a staff meeting, Chai Yongbai released relentless: "I know someone in my report don't, who let me better, I will let his family a lifetime not too!" so capricious, and did the party discipline in the eye, why the supervision of the masses at heart? In fact, contempt for the law to make them fall. Self willed, willful willful disregard of Party discipline is the result. Ignore the road, Virtue ethics, ignore the basic rules, like, play the gangster, like a runaway Mustang and could not be stopped, as the flood and flood breaching of the dike in crime on the road to get out of hand, farther and deeper. The two is the law enforcement work is unfair. The ancients said: "in the official post to justice first, the public is not as private or regular, not as evil as Mei." fair, impartial law enforcement, this is the basic requirement of the exercise of power. The mainstream of our police is good, but it is undeniable that the law enforcement injustice, life is not fair, unfair phenomenon still exists. Of which there is a lack of system and supervision, but also the traditional culture . Mr. Fei Xiaotong pointed out at the local Chinese < >, Chinese is a traditional "acquaintance society", which is what we say "small circle" society. In real life, people encounter a difficult thing, first thought is that there is no "Acquaintances", can pull to the "off line" it can be said, is both hate and envy. "The essence of privilege privilege acquaintance society" is the "relationship" instead of "rules", in the acquaintance's face instead of the majesty of the law, the social fairness and justice in the balance of "human relations" about tilt, imbalance, also for law enforcement injustice, provides "soil" and "a hotbed of corruption. Some party members and cadres Has the relationship between people cooked, the depth of the feelings of level of service, excellent affectionate friend, public private, three to do so, Li four that do, forcing the masses everywhere looking for opportunities, trust relationship. Some beyond the legal bottom line and policy line, open "skylight", leaving the "trap door", playing the "edge ball", "covert operation", even to love on behalf of the law, the right pressure method, bearing on the case, human case. These are typical law enforcement injustice, violations of people's public interests, harm the social fairness and justice. The three is the abuse of power, greed and expansion. "Like fire, not suppress it to Liaoyuan; such as water, not suppress it A law enforcement power. "We have the hands of police officers is a" scarce resources ", where there is power, there will be desire, any negligence will steady live mind, keep up, step by step toward the abyss of doomed eternally. Since eighteen Party's officials, due to higher and fall rot Ma the higher the number increasing, the speed is faster, Shanxi and even systemic collapse mode corruption, last year, Shanxi province punishment city prefectural cadres 45, district level cadres 545 people, the cumulative punishment and discipline cadres 15450 people. But not greed can destroy a person, can also be a poison group A Party politics. Despite the painful lessons in front of us, but there are still some officials blinded by greed, corruption of the word first, publicly advertised "do not have t- 配套讲稿:
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