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LOGO高职高专英语立体化系列教材外语教学与研究出版社成都纺织高等专科学校成都纺织高等专科学校Unit 1职场素质英语职场素质英语第第1页页Im Lovin itWarming-upReadingLanguage LabWritingListening&SpeakingFurther StudyLearn by HeartUnit 1第第2页页Warming-up Task 1 Task 2Home第第3页页Task 1 Discuss with you partner:What might these students love to do for their future career and what about you?Return2.Student Blikes computerprogramming very much.B might be a(n)_.1.Student A hasalways been good with numbers.A might be a(n)_.3.Student C is talented indrawing and his dream is to design the most beautiful building.C might be a(n)_.accountant Task 1programmerarchitect第第4页页6.Student F is tall and thin.She is pretty and loves acting.F might be a(n)_.4.Student D is talkative and can always persuade people to believe him.D might be a(n)_.lawyer/reporter/salespersonReturn Task 1translator/diplomatactress/model第第5页页8.My partner_.He/She wants to be a(n)_.7.I _.I want to be a(n)_.Return Task 1第第6页页Task 2 Quiz:Do you love your study?Read the following statements and decide whether it is True(1 point)or False(-1 point)about you.Add up the points to find out how much you love your study.Compare with your partner.1.I feel happy when I think about my study.2.Im among the few students with the highest attendance.3.I enjoy telling my friends and family about all the exciting things Ive experienced at college.4.I miss my books when Im away from it for an extended period.5.Ive enrolled for more courses than required.Return Task 2第第7页页6.Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my study that I forget to take breaks.7.I make use of every facility the college offerslibrary,labs,gym,etc.8.I feel energized when Im at college.9.The hours fly by quickly when Im studying.10.I feel really sad when a term is over.11.I feel ashamed when Im scolded by the teacher or I fail in an exam.12.Im very friendly with my teachers and classmates.Return Task 2第第8页页TextThinking PointNew Words&ExpressionsExercisesReading Home第第9页页Love What You do Text Elizabeth Elizabeth Fournier Fournier is is a a mortician.mortician.While While at at college,college,she she made made it it clear clear that that her her interest interest in in the the mortuary mortuary business business was was more more than than a a joke joke but but her her friends friends never never took took her her seriously.seriously.However,However,some some 19 19 years years later,later,they they asked asked her her to to bury bury their their family family members.members.Fournier Fournier feels feels honored honored to to be be able able to to assist assist people people during during what what can can be be the the worst worst time time of of their their lives.lives.In In her her eyes,eyes,helping helping families families by by organizing organizing a a funeral funeral when when it it is is needed needed is is a a role role consistent consistent with with the the work work of of midwives midwives and and nurses.nurses.Fournier Fournier considers considers her her contribution to her community to be equally significant.contribution to her community to be equally significant.Return第第10页页 Text Many Many of of the the reasons reasons why why Fournier Fournier loves loves her her unconventional unconventional work work are are actually actually conventional,conventional,at at least least according according to to career career satisfaction satisfaction studies studies that that draw draw a a correlation correlation between between job job fulfillment fulfillment and and personal personal contribution.contribution.It It has has been been discovered discovered that that the the happiest happiest workers workers are are those those in in caregiver caregiver roles roles such such as as firefighters,firefighters,teachers,the clergy and physical therapiststeachers,the clergy and physical therapists.Return第第11页页 Text Job Job satisfaction satisfaction is is the the result result of of having having a a sense sense of of autonomy,autonomy,purpose purpose and and the the desire desire to to do do things things because because theyre theyre useful,useful,fun fun and and interesting.interesting.Salary Salary doesnt doesnt necessarily necessarily correlate correlate with with job job satisfaction.satisfaction.It It may may attract attract people people to to the the front front door,door,but but something something else else keeps keeps them them from from going out the back.going out the back.Return第第12页页 Text Yet Yet for for all all the the people people who who love love their their careers,careers,there there are are a a surprisingly surprisingly high high number number of of people people who who admit admit to to being being dissatisfied dissatisfied with with their their job.job.If If feelings feelings about about our our careers careers tend tend more more toward toward disenchantment,disenchantment,the the good good news news is is that that there there are are several several steps steps we we can can take to improve our situation.take to improve our situation.Return第第13页页 Text If If we we love love what what were were doing doing 80 80 percent percent of of the the time,time,were were doing doing pretty pretty well.well.The The energy energy we we get get from from the the work work we we enjoy enjoy probably probably far far outweighs outweighs the the drain drain of of the the things things we we dont dont like.like.We We should should stay stay focused focused on on the the aspects aspects of of our our work work that that bring bring us us pleasure.pleasure.Return第第14页页 Text If If we we feel feel unappreciated unappreciated or or ignored,ignored,we we should should find find ways ways to to become become more more visible.visible.We We should should seek seek opportunities opportunities to to voice voice our our opinion.opinion.If If our our job job is is boring,boring,we we could could request request more more responsibility.responsibility.If If the the work work is is too too easy,easy,we we could could ask ask for for new new challenges challenges or or training to help develop our skills.training to help develop our skills.Return第第15页页 Text We should try to discover where the intersection of what we enjoy We should try to discover where the intersection of what we enjoy doing,what were good at and what brings value to the marketplace lies.doing,what were good at and what brings value to the marketplace lies.Identifying this overlap will help us to realize the value of our work and Identifying this overlap will help us to realize the value of our work and this realization will bring satisfaction.this realization will bring satisfaction.Return第第16页页 Lastly,Lastly,if if we we dont dont get get along along with with our our bosses bosses or or co-workers,co-workers,we we should should try try to to limit limit interactions interactions with with them them as as much much as as possible.possible.Focus Focus on on our our performance and results.performance and results.Return Task 1第第17页页 Text If these strategies still leave us restless,it may be time to start looking If these strategies still leave us restless,it may be time to start looking for a new job.Remember,your job means you own it and live with it,for a new job.Remember,your job means you own it and live with it,possibly these days,24/7!Therefore,it is best to try to love it.possibly these days,24/7!Therefore,it is best to try to love it.Return第第18页页Think about the following questions while you read the passage.Thinking Point01.What job do you want to do in the future?Why?What do you think you can gain from it?02.Make a phone call or write an email to your parents to find out the things that lead to their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their current job.Return第第19页页NewWords New Words&Expressionsmortician n.殡葬业者,丧事承接人mortuary a.丧葬assist v.帮助,帮助midwife n.助产士,接生员contribution n.贡献unconventional a.非传统,非常规correlation n.相互关系;相关,关联Return第第20页页 New Words&Expressionscaregiver n.照料者,护理者clergy n.神职人员autonomy n.自主,独立;自治disenchantment n.不抱幻想,醒悟unappreciated a.未获赏识intersection n.交叉点overlap n.重合 v.重合,交搭ReturnNewWords第第21页页takeseriously 认真对待(be)consistent with 与一致,与吻合correlate with 与相关,与联络起来take steps 采取办法,采取步骤focus on 关注,集中于get along with 相处融洽;进展 New Words&ExpressionsReturnPhrases&Expressions第第22页页Task 1 Here is a summary of the symptoms of job dissatisfaction at workplace and methods to change them.Match each symptom with the appropriate method(s).ExercisesReturn第第23页页Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.ExercisesF FT TF FF FF F1.ElizabethFournierchosemortuarybusinessasherfuturejobinherchildhood.2.InFourniersopinion,morticianshelpothersjustlikemidwivesandnursesdo.3.Jobsatisfactionisunrelatedtopersonalcontribution.4.Salaryisthepremiseofjobsatisfaction.5.Gettinganewjobistheoptimum(最正确)methodtochangejobdissatisfaction.Return第第24页页Task 3 Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases given in the box.Change the form if necessary.Exercises1.Dontworrytoomuch.Hewill_youtocompletethetoughtask.2.Theinventionofpaperwasagreat_totheprogressofhumancivilization.3.Sincesheenteredourcompany,her_dressandhairstylehavedrawnourattention.assistcontributionunconventionalunappreciatedfocus oncontributioninteractionunconventionalcaregiverassistautonomyfulfillmenttakeseriouslyReturn第第25页页 Exercises4.Aftermanyyearsofhardwork,hischildhooddreamhascometo_.5.Learner_isahottopicinthefieldofforeignlanguageteachingandresearch.6.Sheistheprimary_forherelderlyparents.7.Thegallerysshow_workspaintedafter1945.8.Theoldmanusedto_hisgardeningvery_.9.Hiseffortswent_.Noonewantedtohavehisbookprinted.10.Without_betweentheteacherandstudents,theclassbecamedull.fulfillmentautonomycaregiverfocused ontakeseriouslyunappreciatedinteractionReturn第第26页页Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the given models.Exercises1.Heisnotmerelymybrother.Healsoteachesmealot.He is more than my brother.He teaches me a lot.2.Itisnotonlyadictionarybutalsoareferencebook.It is more than a dictionary.It is a reference book,too.Model 1:Herinterestinthemortuarybusinesswas notmerelyajoke.Her interest in the mortuary business was more than a joke.Return第第27页页 Exercises4.Jasonisawriteraswellasalecturer.Jason is more than a lecturer.He is a writer,too.3.Modernscienceisnotalargeamountofinformationalone.Modern science is more than a large amount of information.Return第第28页页 Exercises1.Eatingcarrotshelpstoprotecteyesight,childrensinparticular.(prove)It is proved that eating carrots helps to protect eyesight,childrens in particular.Or:It has been proved that eating carrots helps to protect eyesight.Model 2:Thehappiestworkersarethoseincaregiverrolessuchasfirefighters,teachers,theclergyandphysicaltherapists.It is discovered that the happiest workers are those in caregiver roles such as firefighters,teachers,the clergy and physical therapists.Return第第29页页 Exercises3.Amagictreewhichwouldbringmisfortunetowhoevertoucheditusedtogrowinthevillage.(say)It is/was said that a magic tree which would bring misfortune to whoever touched it used to grow in the village.4.Hisfatheristhebiggeststockholderofthecompany.(rumor)It is rumored that his father is the biggest stockholder of the company.2.Sixteenpeoplegotpromotedintheannualmeetingofthecompany.(report)It is/was reported that sixteen people got promoted in the annual meeting of the company.Return第第30页页Task 5 Translate the following Chinese into English.Exercises1.我们重视与客户和供给商建立持久搭档关系。(takeseriously)We take it seriously to raise the customer and suppliers lasting partnership.2.据报道,维生素D水平与年纪、肤色或者日晒没相关系。(correlatewith)It is reported that vitamin D level does not correlate with age,skin color,or sun exposure.Return第第31页页 Exercises3.我们是该采取办法整改交通拥挤问题了。(takesteps)It is(high)time that we took steps to handle traffic jam.Or:It is(high)time that we should take steps to handle traffic jam.4.我能在压力下工作,并能和同事融洽相处。(getalongwith)I can work under pressure and get along with my colleagues.5.教育改革重点应放在提升教育质量方面。(focuson)Educational reforms should focus on raising the quality of education.Return第第32页页Language Lab Model 1 Model 2Home第第33页页Model 1:Fournierconsidershercontributiontohercommunitytobeequallysignificant.Suffix“-tion”is always added to a verb to form a noun.It refers to“action,behavior,situation or result.”Sometimes it changes the meaning of the original word.Return Model 1第第34页页Task 1 Use the appropriate word with the suffix“-tion”to fill in the following sentences.The original verb can be found in the sentence itself.1.Woodblock printing is invented by Chinese people.The great _ has promoted the progress of human society.2._ is very important in a lecture.The lecturer can interact with the listeners via games,discussions and the like.3.It is said the mayor will inspect our factory tomorrow.Now we are busy preparing for the _.inventionInteractioninspectionReturn Model 1第第35页页4.The firm should distribute on the principle of equal pay for equal work.Otherwise,the unfair _ will cause great trouble.5.The fortune-teller predicted she would marry a rich man,but the _ hasnt come true yet.6.China has made great efforts to protect the environment.One of the major measures is the enactment of the Environmental _ Law of the Peoples Republic of China.7.Language is a major means of _,so it is difficult for people speaking different languages to communicate.8.Boys and girls,I have read all your _and I think Tom translated best.distribution predictionProtectioncommunicationtranslationReturn Model 1第第36页页Model 2:It has been discovered that the happiest workers are those in caregiver roles such as firefighters,teachers,the clergy and physical therapists.The suffix“-er”changes a verb into a noun.It usually refers to“a person who does the work”.The suffixes“-or”and“-ar”can also be put after a verb to form a noun and function alike.Return Model 2第第37页页Task 2 Match the words in Column A with the appropriate suffixes in Column B.Fill in the blanks with the words.Return Model 2第第38页页1.A(n)_ is playing classical selections on the violin.2.Dont be critical of him.He is only a(n)_.3.Toms former _ warmly recommended him to the new company.4.Seeing the _ shivering in the snow,the old lady gave him some money.5.Thomas Edison became famous as a(n)_ while rather young.6.He who usually fails to keep his promise is called a(n)_.performerbeginner employer beggar inventor liar Model 2Return第第39页页Writing Task 1IntroductionTask 2Home第第40页页Introduction Job Satisfaction From the passage weve learned salary is not the sole factor which affects job satisfaction.If we are not interested in our job,it is hard to gain job satisfaction,let alone achievement.Job satisfaction is a psychological response.When our job expectation is met,the feelings of satisfaction will be born spontaneously.However,factors affecting job satisfaction are various and complex.Both inner and outer factors may work.Return第第41页页Task 1Task 1 Look at the following pictures and discuss what key factors may affect job satisfaction.1 1234Return第第42页页Task 2Task 2 Write a short passage about job h- 配套讲稿:
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