优异精品课件文档资料第1页Lesson15TheDamnedHumanRaceMark Twain第2页Pre-classwork:What do you know about Mark Twain?Can you name some books he wrote?第3页l lThe Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountryCountry卡拉维拉斯县有名跳娃卡拉维拉斯县有名跳娃l lThe Innocents AbroadThe Innocents Abroad傻瓜出国记傻瓜出国记l l A series of newspaper articles after his A series of newspaper articles after his European trip later was published as this book.It European trip later was published as this book.It explores the scrupulous individualism in a world explores the scrupulous individualism in a world of fantastic speculation and unstable values,and of fantastic speculation and unstable values,and gives its name to the get-rich-quick years of the gives its name to the get-rich-quick years of the post Civil War era.post Civil War era.l lThe Gilded AgeThe Gilded Age镀金时代镀金时代l lThe Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆汤姆 索亚历险索亚历险记记第4页l lThe Prince and the PauperThe Prince and the Pauper王子和贫儿王子和贫儿l lThe Adventures of Huckberry FinnThe Adventures of Huckberry Finn哈克贝利哈克贝利 费费恩历险记恩历险记l l In this book,Finn was a boy with“a sound In this book,Finn was a boy with“a sound heart and a deformed conscience”.It is one of heart and a deformed conscience”.It is one of the best works produced by Mark Twain,and it the best works produced by Mark Twain,and it has always been regarded as one of the great has always been regarded as one of the great books of western literature and western books of western literature and western civilization.Hemingway described it as the book civilization.Hemingway described it as the book from which“all modern American literature from which“all modern American literature comes”.comes”.第5页Abouttheauthor:Mark Twain(1835-1910)was born Samuel Langhorne Clements in Florida,Missouri,but lived as a child in Hannibal,Missouri,on the Mississippi River.He took the pen name Mark Twain from the call of the pilots on the river steamers,which indicated that the water was twelve feet deep,a safe depth for a steamer.During his early years,he worked as a riverboat pilot,newspaper reporter,printer,and gold prospector.But then he turned to writing,and became one of the greatest of American writers.第6页第7页第8页第9页Hismasterpiece:Innocents Abroad 1869傻子出国记为通讯集,是马克吐温旅欧报道。写天真无知美国人在欧洲旅游见闻,滑稽、诙谐,表现出美国人在欧洲封建社会傻子出国记为通讯集,是马克吐温旅欧报道。写天真无知美国人在欧洲旅游见闻,滑稽、诙谐,表现出美国人在欧洲封建社会及其印记面前优越感。The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1876本书描写了十九世纪密西西比河畔一个小镇人民生活,能够说是当初美国社会生活一个缩影。小主人公汤姆索亚和他小搭档幼稚而又认真言行能够给我们很深启示他们讨厌牧师骗人鬼话不喜欢学校枯燥教育与循规蹈矩大人和孩子唱对台戏他们聪明活泼正直勇敢尤其是在一些重大事件发生时候在正义与邪恶一较量中在危机降临时刻他们能义无反顾地挺身而出。第10页l lThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1885本书讲述是一个忍受不了“资产阶级生活方式”和酗酒父亲毒打而离家出走白人孩子哈克,和一个逃亡黑奴吉木,同乘一个木筏,在密西西比河上漂流见闻和遭遇。全方面、彻底地揭露资本主义政治所谓“自由和民主”神话。l lLife on the Mississippi 1883l lThe Prince and the Pauper 1882第11页Hiswritingstyle:hilariously humorous bitterly satirical第12页About the story:The author writes about ugly human traits and dispositions.In his opinion,human beings are not ascended from the lower animals but descended from the higher animals.第13页Detailed Discussion of the TextParagraph11.Ihavebeenstudyingthetraitsanddispositionsofthe“loweranimals”,andcontrastingthemwiththetraitsanddispositionsofman.Ifindtheresulthumiliatingtome.I have been studying the characteristics of the so-called lower animals in comparison with those of man.The result of this study makes me,as a man,feel terribly ashamed.第14页traits and dispositions:characteristics;features;nature;qualities;personalitieshumiliating:making me feel ashamed;embarrassing;mortifying Noticethetongue-in-cheek(as a joke,not seriously)waytheauthorexpresseshisideas.Hemakesitsoundasifhewereconductingandreportingontheresultofascientificinvestigation.Inotherwords,heisdeliberatelyusingapompousstyletoachievehumor.第15页2.ForitobligesmetorenouncemyallegiancetotheDarwiniantheoryoftheAscentofManfromtheLowerAnimals and to name it the Descent of Man from theHigherAnimals.Because the result of my study forces me to give up(to abandon)my loyalty to(firm belief in)Darwins theory of evolution and to change the theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals to the theory of the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals.to oblige sb to do sth:to force sb to do sth;to make it necessary for sb to do sthtorenounce:to abandon or give up;to reject or disown allegiance:loyalty,esp.to a nation or a cause 第16页Paragraph31.Italsoseemedtosuggestthattheearlwasdescendedfromtheanaconda,andhadlostagooddealinthetransition.It also seemed to show that the earl came from the anaconda and had lost a lot of the anacondas good qualities in the process.tobedescendedfromsb:to be related to sb who lived a long time ago第17页Paragraph41.I was aware that many men who haveaccumulatedmoremillionsofmoneythantheycaneverusehaveshownarabidhungerformore,andhave not scrupled to cheat the ignorant and thehelplessoutoftheirpoorsavinginordertopartiallyappeasethatappetite.I knew that many men who have more money than they can ever use have shown a mad desire to get more,and they have not hesitated to cheat poor people and their few saving in order to satisfy that desire.第18页rabid:uncontrollable(Note:it is related to rabies,which is an acute,infectious and often fatal disease of dogs,also known as hydrophobia,transmitted by the bite of the infected animal)tohavenotscrupledtodosth:to be willing to do something even though it may be wrong or may upset people tocheatsboutofsth:to trick or deceive sb in order to get an advantage,e.g.to cheat sb out of his money or job or land,etctheignorantandhelpless:the uneducated and powerless people;the poor laboring people in generaltoappease:to satisfy or relieve(hunger,thirst,desire,etc)第19页Brood overl lBrood:to keep thinking about something that you are worried or upset about Dont sit at home brooding all day.l lbrood over/about/on Theres no point brooding over it-shes gone.第20页by consentl lagreement about something The chairman was elected by common consent(=with most people agreeing).divorce by mutual consent(=by agreement between both the people involved)第21页Paragraph71.Catsarelooseintheirmorals,butnotconsciouslyso.Man,inhisdescentfromthecat,hasbroughtthecatslooseness with him but had left the unconsciousnessbehindthesavinggracewhichexcusesthecat.Cats are immoral,but they do not know it.They just cant help it.Man has inherited cats looseness,but not their innocence,which is what excuses the cat for its low morals.tobelooseinmorals:immoral thesavinggrace:the one good thing that makes someone or something acceptable His sense of humor was his only saving grace.第22页be alive to a fact/possibility/danger etcl lto know that a particular fact etc exists and that it is important The company is alive to the threat posed by foreign imports.第23页Paragraph81.Indecency,vulgarity,obscenity-these are strictlyconfinedtoman;heinventedthem.These are only mans problems.They are limited to man.They only happen to man 2.No-ManistheAnimalthatBlushes.Heistheonlyonethatdoesit-orhasoccasionto.No,man is not the only animal that laughs,but it is true that man is the animal that blushes.He is the only animal that does it or has the need to.tohaveoccasiontodosth:to have the need or necessity to do sth NoticethatMarkTwainissayingherethatonlymanneedstoblushbecauseheconsciouslydoesbad,immoralthings.第24页Paragraph91.Man-when he is King John,with a nephew torenderuntroublesome,heusesared-hotiron;In the case of King John who wanted to get rid of his nephew he used a red-hot iron to torture him.to render sb untroublesome:to cause sb to become untroublesome;to prevent sb from making trouble for him(King Johns throne had been stolen from his nephew.Therefore he thought his nephew posed a threat to him.)第25页2.in the first Richards time he shuts up amultitudeofJewFamiliesinatowerandsetsfiretoit;tosetfireto:to make sth start burning Notice that it does not mean the same as“to make/light a fire”or“to build a fire”.第26页3.Thecatismoderate-unhumanlymoderate,she doesnt dig out its eyes,or drive splintersunder its nails-man-fashion;when she is doneplayingwithit,shemakesasuddenmealofitandputsitoutofitstrouble.unhumanlymoderate:reasonable,not so violent,not so excessive or extreme,unlike human beings(Unhumanly is not to be mixed up with inhuman.It is actually a word coined by the writer.)man-fashion:like man;as man does tobedongdoingsth:to finish doing sthtomakeamealof:to eat it uptoputsboutofhistrouble:to end sbs trouble 第27页Paragraph111.ThereisnotanacreofgroundontheglobethatisinpossessionofitsrightfulownerNot a single pieces of land is in the hands of its original owner.Every piece of land has been stolen.MarkTwainisreferringtothefactthattheworldhasbeen,inthecourseofhistory,dividedandre-dividedcountlesstimesthroughwar.第28页Paragraph121.Man is the only Slave.And he is the onlyanimalwhoenslaves.Hehasalwaysbeenaslaveinone form or another,and has always held otherslavesinbondageunderhiminonewayoranother.Mark Twain is referring to the idea that in the history of human civilization,our society has always been based on some kind of exploitation of man by man.No one is free.Everyone is a slave of one form or another and at the same time enslaved those under him.toholdsbinbondage:to keep sb in the state of being a slave 第29页Paragraph131.andintheintervalsbetweencampaignshewashestheblood off his hands andworks for“the universalbrotherhoodofman”-withhismouth.and when they are not fighting each other,they will start talking about peace and universal brotherhood,but without any sincerity.Man,according to Mark Twain,is not only cruel and warlike,but also hypocritical.toworkforwithhismouth:to pay lip service to;to give empty promises totheuniversalbrotherhood:the idea that all living human beings are brothers and sisters to each other四海之内皆弟兄思想;博爱Notethatthewordman=humankind(menandwomen)。Theworldbrotherhoodalsoincludeswomeninthissense.第30页Paragraph141.Man is the Religious Animal.He is the onlyReligiousAnimal.HeistheonlyanimalthathastheTrueReligion-severalofthem.Man claims to be the only animal capable of religious belief.Religion of course is considered here something much more important and noble than animal instincts because it emphasizes the spiritual and moral life of human beings.But Mark Twain sneers at this because the different religious in the world have resulted in endless religious suppressions,persecutions and wars.第31页2.HewasatitinthetimeoftheCaesars,hewasatitinMohammedstime,hewasatitinthetimeoftheinquisition,hewasatitinFranceacoupleofcenturies,hewasatitinEnglandinMarysday,hehadbeenatiteversincehefirstsawthelighttobeatsth:to be engaged in a certain activityTheCaesars:in the times of Caesars,the early Christians were cruelly persecuted by the Romans.第32页第33页Julius Caesar第34页Mohammed:in Mohammeds time,the Muslims were cruelly persecuted.Inquisition:it means that“inquiry”or“investigation”.Specifically,it refers to the former tribunal in the Roman Catholic Church directed at the suppression of heresy.(Queen)Mary:in Marys day,the Protestants were persecuted.toseethelight:to come into existence,to be born.第35页Mary Tudor:commonly known as Bloody Mary,Queen of England.第36页Paragraph171.And so I find that we have descended anddegenerated,from some far ancestor-somemicroscopicatomwanderingatitspleasurebetweenthemightyhorizonsofadropofwaterperhapsdownthelonghighwayofperfectinnocence,tillAnd so I find that without knowing it,we have descended and deteriorated from our ancestor-some tiny atom which moved about freely and happily in the huge world of a drop of water perhaps perfectly innocence during this long process of change until we have fallen to the bottom,to the lowest stage of our development and become human beings.第37页todosthatonesownpleasure:to do sth when you want to microscopic:extremely small,only seen under a microscope mighty:awesomely hugethe long highway of perfect innocence:the long process of our change from one insect into another,one animal into another and one reptile into another,all completely innocent,until we become human beings and lose all our innocence.第38页Organizationofthetext:This slightly abridged essay is organized like a paper to report results of a scientific experiment.It has a thesis statement at the beginning and a brief summing-up at the end.The main body is arranged according to the various straits and disposition of human beings as contrasted to the“higher animals”.However in the second part of the body the author begins to use a polemic tone.He seems to be arguing with people who believe in mans superiority because they can reason,have moral principles and religion,and love their neighbors and country.第39页Conclusionofthetext:It is wrong to think that Mark Twain is pessimistic or cynical.He is neither.Behind all the bitterness is a warm and human heart.Mark Twain does not really believe that human beings are incurably cruel,greedy and wicked.Otherwise he would not have bothered to write those essays.He writes about ugly human traits and dispositions precisely because he thinks human beings are capable of mending their ways if they can open their eyes to their own weaknesses and understand the conditions that give rise to them and nurture them.In other words,his policy is to frighten in order to enlighten.第40页Homework:In Book 3,there is a text entitled“We Are Only Human”in which the author strongly argues that we human beings should be and can be superior to other animals.But in this article,the author feels strongly that human beings are the least fit for survival.What do you think of these two authors views?第41页- 配套讲稿:
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