#include <stdio.h> #include <dos.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define Key_UP 72 #define Key_DOWN 80 #define Key_ENTER 28 #define Key_N 49 #define Key_Y 21 #define LEN sizeof(struct linklist) typedef struct book1 /*图书基本信息结构体*/ { char name[20]; char writer[30]; char type[20]; char num[20]; char time[20]; char press[20]; char edition[20]; char ISBN[40]; float price; int count; int lendnum; }bbasic; /* 图书资料基本信息:中图法分类号、图书编号、书名、作者(要考虑多个作者情况)、出版社、出版日期、ISBN、版次、定价、馆藏数、借阅数等。 */ typedef struct book2 /*图书采购信息结构体*/ { char name[20]; char writer[20]; char time[15]; int num; float price; float money; char bill [30]; }bpurchase; /* 图书采购信息:书名、作者、采购日期、采购数量、采购单价、采购金额、发票号码、图书编号等。 */ typedef struct book3 /*图书借阅信息结构体*/ { /***************需要输入的信息*********/ char name[20]; char person[20]; char company[20]; char num[20]; /*借书证号*/ char btime[15]; /**************运算可得信息************/ char rtime[15]; char fine[20]; }blend; /* 图书借阅信息:借阅人、借阅人所在单位、借书证号、所借书名、借阅日期、归还日期、逾期罚款等。借阅期限为一个月,逾期1天,罚款1角。 */ struct linklist { bbasic binfo; struct linklist *next; }; int key(); void menu(); void _window(); void words(); void box(int,int,int,int); int _choose(int bot, int top); void play(int); int readsum(); void add(); void addbook(); void addbuy(); void addborrow(); void manage(); struct linklist* create(); void modify(); void delete(); void insert(); void search(); void searchname(); void searchwriter(); void orderw(bbasic binfo[100]); void orderw(bbasic binfo[100]); int halfn(int sum,bbasic binfo[100],char *find); int halfw(int sum,bbasic binfo[100],char *find); void sta(); void blist(); void bmoney(); int main(void) { menu(); } void menu() { int y; _window(); /*显示窗口*/ words(); /*显示菜单文字*/ y = choose(7,19); /*光标*/ play(y); /*根据键盘值操作*/ } void _window() /*窗口初始化*/ { textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); box(1,1,24,80); } void words() /*显示菜单文字*/ { textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(30,7); textbackground(RED); cprintf("Add Book info"); textbackground(BLUE); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("Manage Book"); gotoxy(30,13); cprintf("Search Book"); gotoxy(30,16); cprintf("Book Statistic"); gotoxy(30,19); cprintf("Exit"); gotoxy(35,22); textcolor(LIGHTGRAY); textbackground(BLUE); cprintf(" Main Menu "); gotoxy(25, 2); textcolor(RED); highvideo(); cprintf("The Library Managemnt Program"); normvideo(); } void box(int x,int y, int high, int width) /*画方框*/ { int i; gotoxy(x,y); putchar(0xda); for (i = 1 ; i < width - 1; i++) { putchar(0xc4); } putchar(0xbf); gotoxy(x, y + high - 3); putchar(0xc0); gotoxy(width, y + high - 3); putchar(0xd9); for (i = 1; i < high - 1; i++) { gotoxy(x,y+i); putchar(0xb3); gotoxy(x + width -1, y+i); putchar(0xb3); } gotoxy(x, y + high - 1); putchar(0xc0); for (i = 1 ; i < width - 1; i++) { putchar(0xc4); } gotoxy(x + 1, y + high - 3); for (i = 1; i < width - 1; i++) { putchar(0xc4); } gotoxy(x + width-1 ,y + high -1); putchar(0xd9); } int key() /*读键盘*/ { union REGS rg; rg.h.ah = 0; int86(0x16, &rg, &rg); return rg.h.ah; } int choose(int bot,int top) /*根据Y的值选择操作*/ { int ky,y = 7; gotoxy(30,bot); do { ky = key(); switch(ky) { case Key_UP: { if (y > bot) { upbar(y); y = y - 3; } };break; case Key_DOWN: { if (y < top) { downbar(y); y = y + 3; } };break; } } while(ky != Key_ENTER); return y; } upbar(int y) /*光标上移*/ { int i; typedef struct texel_struct { unsigned char ch; unsigned char attr; }texel; texel t; for(i=30;i<=48;i++) { gettext(i,y,i,y,&t); t.attr=0x1f; puttext(i,y,i,y,&t); gettext(i,y-3,i,y-3,&t); t.attr=0x4f; puttext(i,y-3,i,y-3,&t); }; gotoxy(30,y-3); return; } downbar(int y) /*光标下移*/ { int i; typedef struct texel_struct { unsigned char ch; unsigned char attr; }texel; texel t; for(i=30;i<=48;i++) { gettext(i,y,i,y,&t); t.attr=0x1f; puttext(i,y,i,y,&t); gettext(i,y+3,i,y+3,&t); t.attr=0x4f; puttext(i,y+3,i,y+3,&t); }; gotoxy(30,y+3); return; } void play(int y) /*根据y的值选择操作*/ { switch(y) { case 7:add(); break; case 10:manage(); break; case 13:search(); break; case 16:sta(); break; case 19:exit(1); default:printf("Error");exit(0); } } void add() /*显示 "选择增加那种类型的信息" 的窗口*/ { int y; _window(); gotoxy(30,7); textbackground(RED); cprintf("Add Basic info"); textbackground(BLUE); gotoxy(30,10); cprintf("Add Purchase info"); gotoxy(30,13); cprintf("Add Borrow info"); gotoxy(30,16); cprintf("Back"); gotoxy(25, 2); textcolor(RED); highvideo(); cprintf("The Library Managemnt Program"); normvideo(); gotoxy(35,22); textcolor(LIGHTGRAY); textbackground(BLUE); cprintf(" Add Book "); textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(WHITE); y=choose(7,16); switch(y) /*选择增加信息类型的函数*/ { case 7 :addbook();break; /*增加图书基本信息*/ case 10:addbuy();break; /*增加图书购买信息*/ case 13:addborrow();break; /*增加图书借阅信息*/ case 16:menu();break; default:printf("Error");break; } } void addbook() /*增加图书基本信息*/ { int ky, sum = 0; FILE *fp; bbasic binfo; textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); if((fp = fopen("e:\\sum.dat","rb")) != NULL) /*读取图书基本信息数量sum*/ { fread(&sum,2,1,fp); } fclose(fp); if ((fp = fopen("e:\\addbook.dat","ab")) == NULL) { printf("cannot write the addbook.dat"); } do { clrscr(); gotoxy(2,2); cprintf("Please input the classfication of chinese library classification:"); scanf("%s",&binfo.type); getchar(); gotoxy(2,4); cprintf("Please input the book's number:"); scanf("%s",&binfo.num); getchar(); gotoxy(2,6); cprintf("Please input the book's name:"); scanf("%s",&binfo.name); getchar(); gotoxy(2,8); cprintf("Please input the book's writer:"); scanf("%s",&binfo.writer); getchar(); gotoxy(2,10); cprintf("Please input the the book's press:"); scanf("%s",&binfo.press); getchar(); gotoxy(2,12); cprintf("Please input the book's edition:"); scanf("%s",&binfo.edition); getchar(); gotoxy(2,14); cprintf("Please input the book's publish time:"); scanf("%s",&binfo.time); getchar(); gotoxy(2,16); cprintf("Please input the price:"); scanf("%f",&binfo.price); getchar(); gotoxy(2,18); cprintf("Please input the ISBN of the book:"); scanf("%s",&binfo.ISBN); getchar(); gotoxy(2,20); cprintf("Please input the count of books:"); scanf("%d",&binfo.count); getchar(); gotoxy(2,22); cprintf("Please input the lend number of the book:"); scanf("%d",&binfo.lendnum); getchar(); gotoxy(10,25); cprintf("Press N(n) to finish add book or Press any key to add more book."); ky = key(); sum++; if(fwrite(&binfo,sizeof(bbasic),1,fp) != 1) { clrscr(); printf("cannot save the data."); } }while(ky != Key_N); fclose(fp); if ((fp = fopen("e:\\sum.dat","wb")) == NULL) { printf("cannot save the sum of the book."); getch(); exit(0); } if(fwrite(&sum,2,1,fp) != 1) { printf("fail to write the sum.dat."); getch(); exit(0); }; fclose(fp); menu(); } /* 中图法分类号、(要考虑多个作者情况)、出版社、出版日期、ISBN、版次、定价、馆藏数、借阅数等。 */ void addbuy() /*增加图书购买信息*/ { int ky; FILE *fp; bpurchase pinfo; textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); if((fp = fopen("e:\\addbuy.dat","ab")) == NULL) { printf("cannot open the addbuy data."); exit(0); } do { clrscr(); gotoxy(2,2); cprintf("Please input the book's name:"); scanf("%s",&pinfo.name); gotoxy(2,4); cprintf("Please input the book's writer:"); scanf("%s",&pinfo.writer); gotoxy(2,6); cprintf("Please input the book's buy time:"); scanf("%s",&pinfo.writer); gotoxy(2,8); cprintf("Please input the number of the book buy:"); scanf("%d",&pinfo.num); gotoxy(2,10); cprintf("Please input the price:"); scanf("%f",&pinfo.price); gotoxy(2,12); cprintf("Please input the real money of buy the book:"); scanf("%f", &pinfo.money); gotoxy(2,14); cprintf("Please input the bill number:"); scanf("%s", &pinfo.bill); gotoxy(10,20); cprintf("Press N(n) to finish add book or Press any key to add more book."); ky = key(); if(fwrite(&pinfo,sizeof(pinfo),1,fp) != 1) { clrscr(); printf("cannot save the data."); } }while(ky != Key_N); fclose(fp); menu(); } void addborrow() /*增加图书借阅信息*/ { int ky; FILE *fp; blend linfo; textbackground(BLUE); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); if((fp = fopen("e:\\addborrow.dat","ab")) == NULL) { printf("cannot open the addborrow data."); exit(0); } do { clrscr(); gotoxy(2,2); cprintf("Please input the lend book's name:"); scanf("%s",&linfo.name); gotoxy(2,4); cprintf("Please input the borrower's name:"); scanf("%s",&linfo.person); gotoxy(2,6); cprintf("Please input the company of the borrower:"); scanf("%s",&pany); gotoxy(2,8); cprintf("Please input the borrower's card:"); scanf("%s", &linfo.num); gotoxy(2,10); cprintf("Please input the borrow time(ex.2010/01/26):"); scanf("%s", &linfo.btime); gotoxy(2,12); cprintf("Please input the return time(ex.2010/05/08):"); scanf("%s", &linfo.rtime); gotoxy(10,20); cprintf("Press N(n) to finish add book or Press any key to add more book."); ky = key(); if(fwrite(&linfo,sizeof(linfo),1,fp) != 1) { clrscr(); printf("cannot save the data."); } }while(ky != Key_N); fclose(fp); menu(); } struct linklist* create() /*创建链表*/ { int i, sum; struct linklist *head, *p1, *p2; FILE *fp; sum = readsum(); p1 = (struct linklist*)malloc(LEN); head = p2 = p1; if ((fp = fopen("e:\\addbook.dat","rb")) == NULL) { printf("cannot open the file."); } for (i = 0; i < sum; i++) { p2 = p1; p1 = (struct linklist*)malloc(LEN); p2 -> next = p1; if(fread(&(p2 -> binfo),sizeof(bbasic),1,fp) != 1) { printf("cannot save the data."); } } p2 -> next = NULL; fclose(fp); return head; } void modify() { struct linklist* p,*head; char find[30]; int i,ky,sum; FILE *fp; p= head = create(); sum = readsum(); clrscr(); printf("Plese input the name of the book you want to modify:"); scanf("%s",find); for (i = 0;i<sum;i++) { if(strcmp(find,p -> binfo.name) == 0) { gotoxy(2,2); cprintf("Please input the classfication of chinese library classification:"); scanf("%s",&(p -> binfo.type)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,4); cprintf("Please input the book's number:"); scanf("%s",&(p -> binfo.num)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,6); cprintf("Please input the book's name:"); scanf("%s",&(p -> binfo.name)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,8); cprintf("Please input the book's writer:"); scanf("%s",&(p -> binfo.writer)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,10); cprintf("Please input the the book's press:"); scanf("%s",&(p -> binfo.press)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,12); cprintf("Please input the book's edition:"); scanf("%s",&(p -> binfo.edition)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,14); cprintf("Please input the book's publish time:"); scanf("%s",&(p -> binfo.time)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,16); cprintf("Please input the price:"); scanf("%f",&(p -> binfo.price)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,18); cprintf("Please input the ISBN of the book:"); scanf("%s",&(p -> binfo.ISBN)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,20); cprintf("Please input the count of books:"); scanf("%d",&(p -> binfo.count)); getchar(); gotoxy(2,22); cprintf("Please input the lend number of the book:"); scanf("%d",&(p -> binfo.lendnum)); getchar(); printf("Press Y to continue or Press anykey to back to menu."); ky = key(); if(ky == Key_Y) { p = head; i = -1; clrscr(); printf("Plese input the name of the book you want to modify:"); scanf("%s",find); } else { p = head; if ((fp = fopen("e:\\addbook.dat","wb")) == NULL) { printf("cannot open addbook.dat"); } for (i = 0;i <sum ;i++) { if(fwrite(&(p -> binfo),sizeof(bbasic),1,fp) != 1) { clrscr(); printf("cannot save the data."); } p = p -> next; } fclose(fp); menu(); } } p = p -> next; } clrscr(); printf("cannot find the book."); getch(); } void delete() { struct linklist* p1,*p2,*head; char find[30]; int i,ky,sum,flag = 0; FILE *fp; p1 = p2 = head = create(); sum = readsum(); clrscr(); printf("Plese input the name of the book you want to Delete:"); scanf("%s",find); if(strcmp(find,head -> binfo.name) == 0) { head = head ->next; sum--; flag = 1; } else { for (i = 0;i< sum ;i++) { p1 = p1 -> next; if(strcmp(find,p1 -> binfo.name) == 0) { p1 = p1 -> next; p2 -> next = p1; sum --; flag = 1; break; } else { p2 = p2 -> next; } } } if (flag != 1) { printf("cannot find the book."); getch(); menu(); } p1 = head; if ((fp = fopen("e:\\addbook.dat","wb")) == NULL) { printf("cannot open addbook.dat"); } for (i = 0;i <sum ;i++) { if(fwrite(&(p1 -> binfo),sizeof(bbasic),1,fp) != 1) { clrscr(); printf("cannot save the data."); } p1 = p1 -> next; } fclose(fp); if((fp = fopen("e:\\sum.dat","wb")) == NULL) { printf("cannot open sum.dat"); } if(fwrite(&sum,2,1,fp) != 1) { printf("fail to write the sum.dat."); getch(); exit(0); } fclose(fp); printf("succeed to delete the book.press anykey to get back to the mainmenu."); getch(); } void insert() { struct linklist* p1,*p2, *head, *temp; char find[10]; int i,ky,sum,flag = 0; FILE *fp; clrscr(); sum = readsum(); p1 = p2 = head = create(); temp = (struct linklist*)malloc(LEN); printf("The number you want to insert behind:"); scanf("%s",find); for(i = 0;i< sum; i++) { p1 = p1->next; if(strcmp(find,p2 -> binfo.num) == 0) { p2 -> next = temp; temp -> next =p1; sum ++; flag = 1; break; } else { p2 = p2->next; } } if (flag != 1) { printf("cannot find the book."); getch(); menu(); } clrscr(); gotoxy(2,2); cprintf("Please input the classfication of chinese library classification:"); scanf("%s",&(temp -> binfo- 配套讲稿:
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- 语言 图书 管理 系统
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