VC++综合试验 图书馆管理系统.txt都是一种山旳狐狸,你跟我讲什么聊斋,站在离你近来旳地方,眺望你对他人旳微笑,虽然心是百般旳疼痛 只为把你旳一举一动尽收眼底.耀眼旳白色,让我明白什么是纯粹旳伤害。#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define LENGTH 20 #define SUBJECT 10 char subcall[SUBJECT][LENGTH]; int num_of_stu=0; int num_of_sub=0; struct data { char name[LENGTH]; char num[LENGTH]; float score[SUBJECT]; float sum; float aver; struct data *next; }; void Menu(void); struct data *Append(struct data*); void Check(struct data*); void Modify(struct data*); void List(struct data*); void Search(struct data*); struct data *Delete(struct data*); struct data *Sort1(struct data*,int (*g)(float,float)); void Sort2(struct data*,int (*g)(float,float)); int descend(float,float); int ascend(float,float); void main() { Menu(); } void Menu(void) { char *choice[9]={"1.Append record","2.Check record","3.Modify record","4.List record","5.Search record","6.Delete record","7.Sort score in descending order","8.Sort score in ascending order","0.exit"}; struct data *head=NULL; char reply,c; int n=0,k,i; for(i=0;i<9;i++) { k=strlen(choice[i]); n=(n>k)?n:k; } while(1) { system("cls"); printf("\t\tWelcome to the Students' Score Management System\n"); printf("\t\t\t-----------------------------------\n"); for(i=0;i<9;i++) { printf("\t\t\t| %s",choice[i]); k=strlen(choice[i]); for(;n-k>0;k++) putchar(' '); printf("|\n"); } printf("\t\t\t-----------------------------------\n"); while(1) { printf("Please input your choice:"); reply=getchar(); if(reply=='\n') continue; else c=getchar(); if(reply>='0'&&reply<='8'&&c=='\n') break; else if(c!='\n') while(c=getchar()!='\n'); printf("There is no such choice!\n"); } if(reply>'1'&&head==NULL) printf("There is no data stored!\n"); else { switch(reply) { case'1':head=Append(head);break; case'2':Check(head);break; case'3':Modify(head);break; case'4':List(head);break; case'5':Search(head);break; case'6':head=Delete(head);break; case'7':Sort2(head,descend);break; case'8':Sort2(head,ascend);break; default:while(1) { printf("Do you really want to exit(Y/N or y/n)?"); reply=getchar(); if(reply=='\n') continue; else c=getchar(); if((reply=='Y'||reply=='N'||reply=='y'||reply=='n')&&c=='\n') break; else if(c!='\n') while(c=getchar()!='\n'); } if(reply=='Y'||reply=='y') { free(head); return; } } } while(1) { printf("Press ENTER to continue:"); scanf("%c",&reply); if(reply=='\n') break; else while(c=getchar()!='\n'); } } } struct data *Append(struct data *head) { struct data *p; char reply,c; int i; system("cls"); if(head==NULL) { p=head=(struct data*)malloc(sizeof(struct data)); printf("How many subjects do you want to record(n<=%d)?",SUBJECT); scanf("%d%*c",&num_of_sub); for(i=0;i<num_of_sub;i++) { printf("Please input subject%d's name:",i+1); scanf("%s%*c",subcall[i]); } } else { for(p=head;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next); p->next=(struct data*)malloc(sizeof(struct data)); p=p->next; } loop:printf("Please input the student's name:"); scanf("%s%*c",p->name); printf("Please input the student's number:"); scanf("%s%*c",p->num); p->sum=0; for(i=0;i<num_of_sub;i++) { printf("Please input the student's %s score:",subcall[i]); scanf("%f%*c",&p->score[i]); p->sum+=p->score[i]; } p->aver=p->sum/num_of_sub; num_of_stu++; while(1) { printf("Do you want to go on appending(Y/N or y/n)?"); reply=getchar(); if(reply=='\n') continue; else c=getchar(); if((reply=='Y'||reply=='N'||reply=='y'||reply=='n')&&c=='\n') break; else if(c!='\n') while(c=getchar()!='\n'); } if(reply=='Y'||reply=='y') { p->next=(struct data*)malloc(sizeof(struct data)); p=p->next; goto loop; } else { p->next=NULL; return head; } } void Check(struct data *head) { struct data *p,*q; struct data **t=(struct data**)malloc(num_of_stu/2*sizeof(struct data*)); int minlim,maxlim,n=0,i; system("cls"); for(p=head;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(strcmp(p->name,(*(t+i))->name)==0) break; } if(i<n) continue; for(q=p->next;q!=NULL;q=q->next) { if(strcmp(p->name,q->name)==0) { printf("Name %s has been inputed repeatedly!\n",p->name); *(t+n)=p; n++; break; } } } printf("Altogether %d name has been repeatedly inputed.\n",n); n=0; for(p=head;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(strcmp(p->num,(*(t+i))->num)==0) break; } if(i<n) continue; for(q=p->next;q!=NULL;q=q->next) { if(strcmp(p->num,q->num)==0) { printf("Student's number %s has been inputed repeatedly!\n",p->num); *(t+n)=p; n++; break; } } } printf("Altogether %d number has been repeatedly inputed.\n",n); free(t); n=0; printf("Now check data\n"); printf("Please input the minimum limit:"); scanf("%d%*c",&minlim); printf("Please input the maximum limit:"); scanf("%d%*c",&maxlim); if(maxlim<minlim) { printf("Input error!\n"); return; } for(p=head;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { for(i=0;i<num_of_sub;i++) { if(p->score[i]<minlim||p->score[i]>maxlim) { if(!n) printf("These data has been wrongly inputed:\n"); printf("%s's %s score.\n",p->name,subcall[i]); n++; } } } printf("Altogether %d wrong data.\n",n); } void Modify(struct data *head) { struct data *p; char modname[LENGTH],modscore[LENGTH]; char reply,c; int i; system("cls"); do { printf("Please input the name of the student whose data you want to modify:"); scanf("%s%*c",modname); for(p=head;p!=NULL&&strcmp(p->name,modname)!=0;p=p->next); if(p==NULL) printf("The student doesn't exist!\n"); else { printf("Successfully found!\n"); while(1) { printf("Do you want to modify the student's number(Y/N or y/n)?"); reply=getchar(); if(reply=='\n') continue; else c=getchar(); if((reply=='Y'||reply=='N'||reply=='y'||reply=='n')&&c=='\n') break; else if(c!='\n') while(c=getchar()!='\n'); } if(reply=='Y'||reply=='y') { printf("Please input the student's new number:"); scanf("%s%*c",p->num); } while(1) { printf("Do you want to modify the student's score(Y/N or y/n)?"); reply=getchar(); if(reply=='\n') continue; else c=getchar(); if((reply=='Y'||reply=='N'||reply=='y'||reply=='n')&&c=='\n') break; else if(c!='\n') while(c=getchar()!='\n'); } if(reply=='Y'||reply=='y') { do { printf("Please input the name of the subject whose score you want to modify:"); scanf("%s%*c",modscore); for(i=0;i<num_of_sub;i++) { if(strcmp(subcall[i],modscore)==0) { p->sum-=p->score[i]; printf("Please input %s's new %s score:",p->name,modscore); scanf("%f%*c",&p->score[i]); p->sum+=p->score[i]; break; } } if(i==num_of_sub) printf("The subject doesn't exist!\n"); while(1) { printf("Do you want to go on modifying the student's other scores of subject(Y/N or y/n)?"); reply=getchar(); if(reply=='\n') continue; else c=getchar(); if((reply=='Y'||reply=='N'||reply=='y'||reply=='n')&&c=='\n') break; else if(c!='\n') while(c=getchar()!='\n'); } } while(reply=='Y'||reply=='y'); p->aver=p->sum/num_of_sub; } } while(1) { printf("Do you want to go on modifying other students' data(Y/N or y/n)?"); reply=getchar(); if(reply=='\n') continue; else c=getchar(); if((reply=='Y'||reply=='N'||reply=='y'||reply=='n')&&c=='\n') break; else if(c!='\n') while(c=getchar()!='\n'); } } while(reply=='Y'||reply=='y'); } void List(struct data *head) { struct data *p; int n1=0,n2=0,k,i; system("cls"); printf("name "); for(p=head;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { k=strlen(p->name); n1=(n1>k)?n1:k; } n1=(n1>4)?n1:4; for(i=0;i<n1-4;i++) putchar(' '); printf("number "); for(p=head;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { k=strlen(p->num); n2=(n2>k)?n2:k; } n2=(n2>6)?n2:6; for(i=0;i<n2-6;i++) putchar(' '); for(i=0;i<num_of_sub;i++) printf("%s ",subcall[i]); if(num_of_sub>0) printf("sum aver"); putchar('\n'); for(p=head;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { printf("%s ",p->name); k=strlen(p->name); for(i=0;i<n1-k;i++) putchar(' '); printf("%s ",p->num); k=strlen(p->num); for(i=0;i<n2-k;i++) putchar(' '); for(i=0;i<num_of_sub;i++) { printf("%.1f ",p->score[i]); k=strlen(subcall[i]); for(;k-4>0;k--) putchar(' '); } if(num_of_sub>0) printf("%.2f %.2f",p->sum,p->aver); putchar('\n'); } printf("Altogether %d records.\n",num_of_stu); } void Search(struct data *head) { struct data *p; char findname[LENGTH]={'\0'}; char findnum[LENGTH]={'\0'}; char reply,c; int flag,n1,n2,k,i; system("cls"); do { printf("Do you want to search the student by name(enter 1) or by number(enter 2)?"); scanf("%d%*c",&flag); } while(flag!=1&&flag!=2); do { if(flag==1) { printf("Please input the name of the student you are finding:"); scanf("%s%*c",findname); } else { printf("Please input the number of the student you are finding:"); scanf("%s%*c",findnum); } for(p=head;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { if(strcmp(p->name,findname)==0||strcmp(p->num,findnum)==0) { printf("successfully found:\nname "); n1=strlen(p->name); n1=(n1>4)?n1:4; for(i=0;i<n1-4;i++) putchar(' '); printf("number "); n2=strlen(p->num); n2=(n2>6)?n2:6; for(i=0;i<n2-6;i++) putchar(' '); for(i=0;i<num_of_sub;i++) printf("%s ",subcall[i]); if(num_of_sub>0) printf("sum aver"); putchar('\n'); printf("%s ",p->name); k=strlen(p->name); for(i=0;i<n1-k;i++) putchar(' '); printf("%s ",p->num); k=strlen(p->num); for(i=0;i<n2-k;i++) putchar(' '); for(i=0;i<num_of_sub;i++) { printf("%.1f ",p->score[i]); k=strlen(subcall[i]); for(;k-4>0;k--) putchar(' '); } if(num_of_sub>0) printf("%.2f %.2f",p->sum,p->aver); putchar('\n'); break; } } if(p==NULL) printf("The student doesn't exist!\n"); while(1) { printf("Do you want to go on searching(Y/N or y/n)?"); reply=getchar(); if(reply=='\n') continue; else c=getchar(); if((reply=='Y'||reply=='N'||reply=='y'||reply=='n')&&c=='\n') break; else if(c!='\n') while(c=getchar()!='\n'); } } while(reply=='Y'||reply=='y'); } struct data *Delete(struct data *head) { struct data *p,*q; char delname[LENGTH]={'\0'}; char delnum[LENGTH]={'\0'}; char reply,c; int flag; system("cls"); do { printf("Do you want to delete all the data(enter 1) or just one student's data(enter 2)?"); scanf("%d%*c",&flag); } while(flag!=1&&flag!=2); if(flag==1) { num_of_stu=0; free(head); printf("Successfully deleted!\n"); return NULL; } else { do { printf("Do you want to delete the data by name(enter 1) or by number(enter 2)?"); scanf("%d%*c",&flag); } while(flag!=1&&flag!=2); do { if(flag==1) { printf("Please input the name of the student whose data you want to delete:"); scanf("%s%*c",delname); } else { printf("Please input the number of the student whose data you want to delete:"); scanf("%s%*c",delnum); } for(p=head;p!=NULL;q=p,p=p->next) { if(strcmp(p->name,delname)==0||strcmp(p->num,delnum)==0) { if(p==head) head=p->next; else q->next=p->next; num_of_stu--; free(p); printf("Successfully deleted!\n"); break; } } if(p==NULL) printf("The student doesn't exist!\n"); if(num_of_stu==0) reply='N'; else { while(1) { printf("Do you want to go on deleting(Y/N or y/n)?"); reply=getchar(); if(reply=='\n') continue; else c=getchar(); if((reply=='Y'||reply=='N'||reply=='y'||reply=='n')&&c=='\n') break; else if(c!='\n') while(c=getchar()!='\n'); } } } while(reply=='Y'||reply=='y'); return head; } } struct data *Sort1(struct data *head,int (*g)(float,float)) { struct data *p,*q,*t,*pf=NULL,*qf=NULL,*tf=NULL,*temp; system("cls"); for(p=head;p!=NULL;pf=t,p=t->next) { t=p; for(q=p->next;q!=NULL;qf=q,q=q->next) { if((*g)(q->sum,t->sum)) { t=q; tf=qf; } } if(t!=p) { if(p==head) head=t; else pf->next=t; if(t==p->next) { p->next=t->next; t->next=p; } else { temp=p->next; p->next=t->next; t->next=temp; tf->next=p; } } } List(head); return head; } void Sort2(struct data *head,int (*g)(float,float)) { struct data **queue=(struct data**)malloc(num_of_stu*sizeof(struct data*)); struct data *p,*t; int n1=0,n2=0,k,i,j; system("cls"); if(queue==NULL) { printf("No enough memory!\n"); return; } while(n1<num_of_stu) { for(t=head;t!=NULL;t=t->next) { for(i=0;i<n1;i++) { if(t==queue[i]) break; } if(i==n1) break; } for(p=t->next;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { for(i=0;i<n1;i++) { if(p==queue[i]) break; } if(i<n1) continue; if((*g)(p->sum,t->sum)) t=p; } queue[n1]=t; n1++; } n1=0; printf("name "); for(i=0;i<num_of_stu;i++) { k=strlen(queue[i]->name); n1=(n1>- 配套讲稿:
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- VC 综合 实验 图书馆 管理 系统
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