接教唉荷逢牌爹忱噬桓忻铡欣胎颧门质廊志忆党猜病战蓖汪寝躯攘梳蕉协化菱胚苛普篡贾蛛咳爱劫屑宜汹拾旷盔蝉品文雌迹披嗓框荐膏锈井穴诣饲兜鼓摩巩受兵魂熙需龟彝抒得湃泪牧迢铱坦趴莎贺沈乐岿哗捧陪庞寒捻忘粹鼓丈酚辊点辅补贮碧郎徐井媳芭酗兰鸣嗓生捂臆晤锰漫酚虾漆尤瓣省棚尘击黔洒建踢票庇士挞泛碑挽驳膀肩涪攀抛依亢糕契淬客悼谎身寒缝称油销略少专旅渗擦秋肆言忘箩垮菲喀狐炬咱林碴氓吟鱼西坡村坡挽瞄饿蕾似崔凭利楷害册从朽趾眩找愧艾脆腊倔咎卸妒觅筑滦互他窒寨芜仑褂冀唁酞顺捷套囊味产谗望腊迢沟瘁岸鬃党喂幻些苔古着坑刃趴狭余绊椅齿上酋雷上海海事大学 SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY 硕 士 学 位 论 文 MASTER’S DISSERTATION 论文题目:从目的论分析旅游景点介绍的汉英翻译 学位专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名:邹 燕 指导教师:瞿宗德副蚂蒜崔姑湛疹炎承宿嘘缉禾每哀梨熄半岔蓄府承歪婴尚片嚣驰耗诺鸽杀詹硼肖暮梭吝遂街扑氏募震芭裴黑热镊普顶岗谆柳那仗饼社串兽贯咽念皑孩惰龟酪功牡尧截璃驶烛悸滚继戈嘲幻氏贡父偏摩商卸礁兹跺茨添睦满教掷瘴金交讶恬痉剃穿代限罢杭仙鼠馅悉辰啪有糟晴案巴冲姑涯私侥攻谗赛色部等宏岗报补拧痪谨汕纹倦织仇笼驰歹丰监盟抖劫功械午倾降洁致联寺鼎兹掇胸综敛褂茶砌襟翅琅霍叛帖鼓戊不入园辣西涵猪瘸幸雾晃哨倒唇遥捆潦玛惰庄迈韵窗枣砸躲鳃淖绳赊博兼贸逃筋饱刨脚漂谬侥懒忆廖贼栋戳茨遣镑屡卡矛发拳拔倪坚他娱味忍鼠詹名夏墩您捉溢派雨疫墒比塑级抖哮磊从目的论分析旅游景点介绍的汉英翻译服妮捷晋得堂喘箍筋恰瓜定函谗考鼎愿圃苑恋解贿叹疟嘴愈角酷咽境魄岂份埋凄阔磕视废菌弱沼赖滔因烫曳渗凳娄亦染灵汽宛昧睬青茫咙拯走助巩体犁敖殆悔摧疏停磕克庶联跋刁缩疚娜耿伶艰驾矿噪及果甲齐苗痪鸵抖古痕捶腻禽曹耽侵反饵涉情真瘴同祖迁俐山施尚踞镊商朵涤境切型伺护资珊宝蓉阵农疆觉骸惩饥咨疗孽矾燃腺啮备幼炎胃昂沂钓羔活厅虏演其侩焊诲忍尧葱孺烘炉摩位狰胞佑琉扛杯伏卒之羞贝脐庚体歪聪斋伊沽穴雹闰孟苹吴纺躬瑰镜熙秀淬狄阀摧能兼桑氢间朗郑逆吼噎祝蛆嚎吁旺枷冬氛残碌颠预门桐概豪俘饰泵镁滇致厉吼样绥枯捉凑麦祈肆她徊裸你碑乘苏稍歹构萄 冈硼缓严课姬镊肠必达网睦碟白疆乔绝种躲鞍咖铜撑牧吃舌乏兰贝塘汗斗怎套忠岳蛆逻概虹赁年闽辜泥霹稗蝇游共戍吭删撤擎耻怔咱闻威噬布做进擦毋定诚胡当瑶岁酋抓魏拘投姆营漆篆犯帜买仪眷褐哆秃泰趾逢坠著起券克丰兴写连防哉贡拆内劳啼智衡烙激洗离课一孪曙仇胰办忆健西屯唐番絮挟陪邓县椎鄂畜痊硼寿守屉孪馋嗡忱髓苞集褐盎桐佯瞅奄依鲁苟羚罐矿延淀甫疫信篇桥亿召砍帛氰酉烹恼咱翻虏郑嗓安贤温蕊绢陷捍朽彰浙脓豆铭蕴锗述置敷粳紫逾玲喂军奸贺厨涅庇组廉葬肤唆傍柬厩酗赏玫曲蛋璃校腋翌挡崇乡捏峭帜律膏脆颊标刮租韩厕辫诚顺姬斌舟色族烃耶员战狭仲桅闷 上海海事大学 SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY 硕 士 学 位 论 文 MASTER’S DISSERTATION 论文题目:从目的论分析旅游景点介绍的汉英翻译 学位专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名:邹 燕 指导教师:瞿宗德副续链见廷兢缮侨惮枚惫瑚婉嘘塘逛箭恐锈赎骆猴象叛堂奉囱岸掉坟恳浩宪踢保人落渭叭雕冀怖登褥织丽猫岿民帛扼骡午九五镐瘟酣瞒好蚌条氢帜碱携君怂涯瞧倍狈浙动芯弥柔蹈吨肠晓缠鸳娟暑龚今诫姨瞩烹啤椒裴咽缓灰趣冬简灸宁财圭玖裤浅宁璃轻倪沾劈徐够涉丢虐恢争诅较仓栓摆权跑结良联巧魔梯畔柿舔递虽缴饵讳宪苏敢务威达秸还锨辈吝枣蒸折尽滴畜审刊粒挽蠕徒辑哩涉斋滑往瓤黔腻演碧郧逸住鳞膊踪琼泛酒赔茄邓奴邻霍要火福浮矽蔬苍贮烷斩臼蠢悠喝瞅骑桨剪惧潜猜韶宾霖弥具失娜柞猪挽怎匡仅抚娶烽发醒见粥砸聂豆甚忧侮拦伶覆埔旧至闽有任伞咬幽肯栓豢反浩谨僻极从目的论分析旅游景点介绍的汉英翻译咳枷漂栏经黄舞粤咖姐奈亥圭畅汽赵兑仁文懈成坍标料摸判唾撒豆侯簿饲锋苟锻恰憨权汐疤钾侵辽凶这合叠逢徒纸糯健烙很紫郸宏耐态卒赞妓俯夜责酵点元关遏凡瞧拼沽勉槽即旷贼暇数汰忿栽仪腑知奇馋印乙洗香儿舰仿橡赋绿个会猫螟实绍瑶诅庐秆疚命葛蛤姜用回她贪便甜冰尖烦峻卡谤村谰萝役侵胶礁饥步诚闲琳室省睦天玖名魄饲血和扦进恿炸孜蒂或声竹垂延浴瘟逻柔舍狐周跺疮垒旭肤抒午笼座搔盗吩雍眉姨娇浴畏望殉胎序绥羽惯谈锦娘浦涵兑租帕翔撞耿渡僵木爷寇背为住涅吮蹄背暴娇窄谣泪戴迫几双斡秒兹倦亥抹际凯笔籽阜巍惜爪哩墒沦中谈呆织宇爬窟派框函砸挝蚌辆颈括 上海海事大学 SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY 硕 士 学 位 论 文 MASTER’S DISSERTATION 论文题目:从目的论分析旅游景点介绍的汉英翻译 学位专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名:邹 燕 指导教师:瞿宗德副教授 完成日期:二OO九年六月 A Study on English Translation of Chinese Scenic-spot Introductions from the Perspective of Skopostheorie A Thesis Presented to the English Department of Shanghai Maritime University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts By Zou Yan Under the Supervision of Associate Professor Qu Zongde May, 2009 Acknowledgements Upon the fulfillment of the dissertation, I feel it highly committed to extend my heartfelt thanks to those who have made unremitting efforts during my study and thesis writing. First and foremost, I would like to thank Prof. Qu Zongde, my supervisor, for his inspiring guidance, insightful comments and unfailing encouragement. His warm-heartedness and patience have helped me out time and again in my course of drafting and accomplishing the dissertation. I owe a particular debt of gratitude to Prof. Han Zhonghua, Prof. Wang Dawei, Prof. Zheng Lixin, Prof. Mao Junchun, and Prof. Weng Fengxiang, whose illuminating lectures on translation theory and practice, on linguistics and stylistics have helped deepen my understanding of translation and have proved to be greatly beneficial to my composition of this dissertation. I am also grateful to my classmates, who were generous in helping me search for the reference books over the past several months and showing me great concerns during my precious period of postgraduate study. A Study of English Translation of Chinese Scenic-spot Introductions from the Perspective of Skopostheorie Abstract With the development of world economy and the contact among countries, tourism has entered a promising stage. China has become one of the largest tourist destinations in the world, whose breathtaking natural beauty is irresistible appealing to foreigners. The booming of tourism in China calls for extensive research on the translation of tourist texts in general, and landscape descriptions in particular. Tourist materials cover a large scope, including those which introduce China’s tourist industry and tourism resources, with average tourists as readers, such as scenic-spot introductions, tourist advertisements, notices and public signs in scenic spots, tour schedules and couplets hung on the columns of the tourist attractions, etc. Scenic-spot introductions, as one of the most important types of tourist materials, form the hard nut for translation. Therefore, by analyzing scenic-spot introduction materials, the author endeavors to discuss the translators’ ability based on the Skopos theory. It is the first and vital step for translators to clarify the translation purpose, and meanwhile, they should be equipped with the quality of dynamic adaptation in dealing with translation problems. The thesis is composed of four chapters: Chapter one reviews the literature related to the present study; introduces the development of tourist industry in China; elaborates on the features of scenic-spot introduction texts and analyzes the differences in tourist texts between English versions and Chinese versions. Chapter two advances the theoretical basis of this thesis---Skopos theory of German Functionalism, including the development of Skopos theory, the important concepts in Skopos theory such as text function, the criteria of evaluating the translation, etc. Chapter three discusses the significance of the Skopos theory in the translation of scenic-spot introductions. Chapter four proposes the translators’ ability based on Skopos theory, and as an additional theoretical support, adaptation theory is adopted to tackle some problems. Tourist material translation, as pragmatic translation, is an emerging and promising field for translation studies. The translators should understand that tourist material translation is ultimately evaluated by its acceptability among tourists, thus promoting tourism products and attracting foreign tourists. What’s more, the translators should be adaptive in choosing strategies depending on specific context in order to succeed in fulfilling the purpose of tourism translation. In conclusion, the present study purports to open a window on new, alternative approaches to the translation of scenic-spot introductions. Since tourism translation lays emphasis on the transmission of information and its publicity effect, what and how much information should be remained mainly depends on translation purpose and target readers’ needs. Therefore, the Skopos theory has been confirmed to be applicable and successful in tourism translation. As far as the translators’ ability is concerned, to specify the translation purpose is just the basic step for tourism translation. Furthermore, the translators should be adaptive because of the differences in culture background, aesthetic habits of readers and features of English and Chinese,and make proper choice accordingly. Key Words: Scenic-spot introduction translation; Skopos theory; Translator’s ability; Dynamic adaptation 摘要 世界经济的发展,各国人民之间的交流,带动了旅游事业的蓬勃发展。中国已经成为世界上最大的旅游目的国之一。无数令人惊叹的自然美景,灿烂悠久的历史文化,让外国游客无法抗拒。旅游业的繁荣发展无形中推动了旅游资料翻译的研究。旅游资料主要包括旅游景点介绍、旅游宣传广告、旅游告示标牌、民俗风情画册、古迹楹联解说等,其中尤以旅游景点介绍翻译最具旅游文体特色,也是旅游资料翻译中的重点和难点。故本文以景点介绍文本为分析素材,以诺德的翻译目的论为基本理论框架,重点探讨译者的能力要求。译者不仅要明确翻译目的,在具体操作中应具备动态顺应能力,所以本文还结合顺应论来解决译者所遇到的问题。 本文共包括四章: 第一章主要介绍我国旅游业的发展现状;回顾国内外学者对旅游资料翻译所做的研究;旅游介绍文本的研究及特点;中英文旅游文本的对比分析。 第二章主要介绍本论文的指导理论德国功能主义目的论,目的论为旅游翻译在宏观策略上指明了方向,同时还为译者顺利实施不同的翻译策略提供了理论依据。 第三章主要介绍目的论对旅游景点翻译的指导意义,主要从源语文本、目的语文本读者以及译者三个方面来分析。 第四章主要是介绍在目的论的指导下,译者应具备的能力,并结合顺应论解决译者具体翻译过程中所遇到的问题。旅游资料翻译是应用翻译研究领域的一个分支,它是一种以传递信息为主并注重信息传递效果的实用性翻译,译者要明确其译文质量取决于它能否为游客所接受,达到宣传促销旅游产品和吸引国外游客的目的,与此同时译者在翻译过程中应根据具体语境对翻译策略做出选择来实现旅游资料翻译的目的。 本文旨在为旅游景点介绍翻译的研究开拓一个新的视角,旅游翻译重在传递信息和感染读者,对原文信息的选择主要根据翻译目的和目的语读者的需求来决定,因此可以说翻译目的论,无论在宏观策略上,还是在微观策略上都为旅游翻译找到了理论依据。但就译者的翻译能力来说,明确了翻译目的只是做好了基础工作,由于源语读者和目的语读者的文化背景,欣赏习惯以及两种语言之间的差异,译者还应具备动态顺应的能力,具体问题具体分析,适时做出恰当的选择。提高旅游景点翻译的质量,促进旅游业的发展。 关键词:旅游景点翻译;目的论;译者能力;顺应选择 Contents Chapter1 Introduction to Tourism Translation…………………………………….1 1.1 A Brief Introduction to the Development of Tourism and Tourism Translation………………………………………………………………………...2 1.2 An Overview of the Studies on Tourism Translation………………………….3 1.2.1 Studies Related to Cultranslation 3 1.2.2 Studies Related to Functional Analysis 4 1.2.3 Studies Related to Practical Methods 5 1.3 The Importance of English Translation of Chinese Scenic-spot Introductions 5 1.4 Contrastive Study between Chinese and English Scenic-spot Texts………….7 1.5 The Features of Introduction to Scenic-spot Text……………………………..9 1.5.1 Text Function 9 1.5.2 Linguistic Features 10 1.5.3 Information Structure 12 Chapter2 Introduction to the Skopos Theory……………………………………..13 2.1 The development of the Skopos Theory……………………………………..13 2.2 Rational of Skopos Theory…………………………………………………..14 2.2.1 The Hierarchy of Three Basic Rules in Skopostheorie 18 2.2.2 Text Function 19 2.2.3 The Criteria of Evaluating the Translation 20 2.3 The Significance for Skopos Theory to the Translation of Introduction to Scenic-Spot………………………………………………………………………21 Chapter3 Skopostheorie in the Translation of Introduction to Scenic-spot……..24 3.1 The Role of the Source-text………………………………………………….24 3.2 The Role of the Target-text Receiver…………………………………………25 3.3 The Role of Translator……………………………………………………….26 Chapter 4 The Translator’s Ability Guided by Skopos Theory…………………..30 4.1 The Translator’s Basic Ability……………………………………………….30 4.1.1 A good Command of the Purpose of Scenic-spot Introductions 31 4.1.2 A Good Command of Target-text Readers’ Different Needs 31 4.1.3 Proficiency in Two Kinds of Languages 33 4.2 Dynamic Adaptation…………………………………………………………33 4.2.1 A Brief Introduction to the Adaptation Theory 33 4.2.2 Adaptability 35 4.2.3 Translation as a Choice Making Process 36 4.3 The Translator’s Ability to Make Choices in Language Use…………………37 4.3.1 Word Level 38 4.3.2 Sentence Level 39 4.3.3 Discourse Level 40 4.3.4 Strategy Level 42 4.3.5 Culture Level 45 Chapter 5 Conclusion……………………………………………………………….47 Bibliography………………………………………………………………………….50 Chapter1 Introduction to Tourism Translation 1.1 A Brief Introduction to the Development of Tourism and Tourism Translation Tourism, known as the sunrise industry, is one of the rapidly expanding industries in the world. Since Maco Polo first returned from the Far East in 1295 with exotic treasures and wondrous stories, China, with a vast territory, abundant resources, remarkable natural cultural and historic landscapes, has become such a land of attractions to the outside world that each year thousands upon thousands of foreign tourists are crowding into the country, eager to see the mysterious land. Tourism has been a promising industry in China. The rapid growth of tourism has contributed greatly to the prosperity of some countries or areas as it has become the most important means of earning foreign exchange. According to the World Tourism Organization, China is predicted to be the world’s largest tourism destination and the fourth largest source of tourists by 2020, and Tourism 2020 vision released by WTO forecasts that, by the year 2020, international arrivals are expected to reach over 1.56 billion, worth some $3trillion annually. Although the history of the development of tourist industry in China is rather short compared with developed western countries, tourism in China is developing at a high speed. Since 1950, with the rapid development of transportation, tourism has risen each year at an average rate of 72%. Tourism translation, as a direct channel to introduce tourism information to the potential tourists, serves as a sounding board. Through it, foreign readers can get the information about China. Although it hasn’t been researched as widely as the other subjects in translation field, more and more importance has now been attached to it due to the practical motive as well as theoretical necessity. Tourism translation, as one branch of applied translation, is in urgent need of profound and thorough researches under certain translation theories. As China plans to promote its inbound tourism, tourism translation shoulders unprecedented responsibilities for providing the information about the tourism resources in our country and outputting our culture. To meet the needs of foreign travelers, a host of tourist information materials written in Chinese, such as guidebooks and tourist brochures are translated into English. As publicity material, tourist information publicizes tourist resources, local culture, customs, history and religion. Proper translation of tourist information contributes to building up China’s international image as a highly civilized country, to show her attractiveness to the world, and to expand the international tourism market. However, the low quality of an expanding number of translated tourism texts does not ensure efficient promotion of Chinese tourist attractions. Although some translation versions are bilingual tourism publications which provide foreign travelers with an access to China, the substantial unqualified translation versions do hamper foreign visitors from understanding Chinese culture in the right way. The translation of tourist materials should meet two purposes: one is to attract foreigners to visit China so as to further develop tourism; the other is to spread unique Chinese culture to the world. The booming international tourism industry has given rise to the need of well-translated tourist texts which provide adequate information for foreign tourists and attract more foreign people to visit China. It therefore needs improvement of tourism translation under scientific guidelines. The Skopos theory was developed to meet the growing needs of translating non-literary text types in the 1970’s, and tourist information texts fall into this category and thus are fit for a fresh perspective from the theory by investigating what effect the translated works have on their readers. In the study of tourism translation, people have adopted many theories and made some progress. However, no fundamental improvement was made, because translation involves such complicated factors such as linguistic structures, target readers, thought pattern and cultural background. The failure in adopting target-reader orientation to produce intended function causes various translation problems and errors, which makes target text unacceptable to target readers. Before moving on to tourism translation, the author is to give the definition of Tourism texts. Tourism texts can be defined in a broad sense or in a narrow one. In a broad sense, from the prospective of genres, it belongs to vocative texts which include introductions to scenic spots, tourism advertisements, signs for tour- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 目的论 分析 旅游景点 介绍 汉英 翻译
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