中铁一局集团有限公司 员工道德与行为规范手册 (2023版) Guidelines of Business Ethnics and Conduct For Employees Of China Railway First Group Co., Ltd. (2023 Edition) 2023年11月 November 2023 前言 FOREWORD 数年来,广大一局人始终秉承“诚信创新,永争一流”的公司精神,践行“精细高效,唯实唯美”的公司作风,贯彻“让顾客满意,为股东增值;使员工富有,求合作共赢;向社会呈献建筑精品”的公司宗旨,励精图治、奋勇拼搏,积极参与国家基础设施建设,不断拓展全球建筑市场,致力于在建筑领域为人类发明更丰富的价值。 Over the years, CRFG staff have been upholding the spirit of “integrity and innovation leading to a world-class enterprise”, practicing the philosophy of “precise and efficient and perfection foremost”, implementing the tenet of “making customers satisfied, adding value to stockholders, getting employees rich, seeking cooperation for win-win results and delivering quality projects to society”. Therefore, they have worked hard and spared no efforts to make progress, vigorously participated in the construction of national infrastructure projects, and continued to expand the global construction market, aiming to create more values for mankind in the field of construction. 为了使您了解中铁一局集团业务的发展历史、优良传统和公司文化,了解公司相关的规章制度、基本规范和平常规定,了解员工的基本权利、责任和义务,请您认真阅读本手册。 In order to understand the development course, good traditions and corporate culture, relevant rules and regulations, basic norms and routine requirements of CRFG business, as well as the basic rights, obligations and responsibilities of CRFG employees, we suggest you reading the Guidelines carefully. 《中铁一局集团员工道德与行为规范手册》(2023版)(以下简称《员工手册》)是在中铁一局集团有限公司(以下简称“中铁一局”或“集团公司”)现有规章制度基础上编写的,如有不详尽、不一致、不准确之处,以有关制度文献为准。本手册也将随着有关制度的完善而适时修订。 The Guidelines of Business Ethnics and Conduct for Employees of China Railway First Group (2023) (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) is developed on the basis of existing rules and regulations of China Railway First Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “CRFG” or the “Group”). For any inconsistency, inaccuracy or issues not fully explained, regulations concerned shall prevail. The Guidelines will also be revised from time to time according to the improvement of relevant rules and regulations. 目录 Table of Contents 前言 FOREWORD 3 1. 编写及使用说明 1. Explanation of Compilation and Instructions for Use 7 1.1 编制目的 1.1 Purpose of compilation 7 1.2 适用范围 1.2 scope of application 7 1.3 编制依据 1.3 basis of Compilation 7 1.4 使用说明 1.4 Instructions for use 8 1.5 员工手册生效及更新 1.5 Execution and update of the guidelines 9 2 企业文化 2. Corporate Culture 10 2.1 核心价值观 2.1 Core Value 10 2.2 企业精神 2.2 Business Ethics 12 2.3 企业作风 2.3 Corporate Style 13 2.4 企业宗旨 2.4 Corporate Objective 14 2.5 企业愿景 2.5 Corporate Vision 15 2.6 经营理念 2.6 Business Philosophy 15 2.7 企业文化 2.7 Corporate Culture 16 2.8 企业标识 2.8 Corporate Identity 1 2.9 企业战略 2.9 Corporate Strategy 2 2.10 廉洁理念及愿景 2.10 Concept and Vision of Integrity 3 2.11 文化建设 2.11 Cultural Development 3 2.12 全球化经营 2.12 Globalized Operation 4 3 员工职业道德及行为规范 3. Employee Ethics and Code of Conduct 7 3.1 职业道德守则 3.1 Code of Professional Ethics 7 3.2 职业道德理念 3.2 The Idea of Professional Ethics 8 3.3 日常行为 3.3 Daily Behaviors 8 3.4 工作纪律 3.4 Work Disciplines 10 3.5 工作时间 3.5 working hours 13 3.6 差旅规定 3.6 business travel 14 3.7 保密制度 3.7 Confidentiality 15 3.8 财务制度及透明度 3.8 Financial systems and transparency 17 3.11 工作流程 3.11 Work Flow 19 4 员工管理4 Employee Management 21 4.1 人力资源发展规划 Human resource Development Planning 21 4.2 岗位管理 4.2 Position Management 22 4.3 员工入职 4.3 Employee Check-in 23 4.4 员工离职 4.4 Demission & Resignation 25 4.5 调动管理 4.5 Job Transfer Management 28 4.6 员工考核 4.6 Employee Evaluation 28 4.7 员工培训 4.7 Employee Training 30 4.8 劳动合同 4.8 Labor COntract 33 4.9 薪酬制度 4.9 Salary System 34 4.10 专业技术职务任职资格评审 4.10 qualification evaluation for professional and technical posts 35 4.11 职业技能鉴定 4.11 vocational skills appraisal 37 4.12 领导干部任用 4.12 appointment of leaders 38 4.13 福利与休假 4.13 Welfare and holiday 42 4.14 员工奖惩 4.14 EMPLOYEE AWARDS AND punishment 43 5 社会责任 5 social responsibility 47 5.1 安全生产 5.1 Safe Production 47 5.2 产品质量 5.2 Product QUality 55 5.3 员工权益保护 5.3 employee right and benefit Protection 56 5.4 环境保护与资源节约 5.4 Environmental Protection and Resources Saving 59 5.5 社会公益 5.5 social benefit 61 6 流程图 6 process Flow Chart 1 6.1 招聘计划流程 6.1 Recruitment Planning Process 1 6.2 员工招聘流程 6.2 Employee Recruitment Process 1 6.3 员工离职流程 6.3 Employee DEMISSION Process 1 6.4 员工退休流程 6.4 Employee Retirement Process 2 6.5 员工培训流程 6.5 Employee Training Process 3 1. 编写及使用说明 1. EXPLANATION OF COMPILATION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 1.1 编制目的 1.1 PURPOSE OF COMPILATION 为遵循相关部委及监管机构的法律法规、部门规章,进一步完善国有公司员工管理,保证中铁一局集团员工明确基本的权利、义务和责任,遵守法律法规,社会道德规范,遵守公司的各项管理制度,特制定《中铁一局集团员工道德与行为规范手册》 (2023版)(以下简称《员工手册》)。 The Guidelines of Business Ethnics and Conduct for Employees of China Railway First Group (2023) (hereinafter referred to as the “Guidelines”) is developed to abide by laws and regulations, and rules issued by relevant ministries and regulators, further improve the employee management of state-owned enterprise, and to ensure that CRFG International employees are clear about their basic rights, obligations and responsibilities and will comply with laws and regulations, social ethnics and norms and corporate management systems. 1.2 合用范围 1.2 SCOPE OF APPLICATION 员工手册所描述的员工道德与行为规范重要合用于集团公司业务管理。 The business ethnics and conduct described in the Guidelines are mainly applicable to the management of CRFG’s business. 1.3 编制依据 1.3 BASIS OF COMPILATION 《员工手册》编写依据: The Guidelines is prepared based on: (1) 《中铁一局集团人力资源管理办法》 Rules of HR Management of CRFG (2) 《中铁一局“十三五”公司文化建设规划》 Planning for Corporate Culture Development of CRFG during the 13thFive-year Period (3) 《公司内部控制基本规范》 Basic Regulations on Enterprise Internal Control (4) 《公司内部控制应用指引》 Guidelines for the Application of Enterprise Internal Control (5) 《中铁一局集团有限公司保密工作制度》 CRFG Confidentiality Policy (6) 《中铁一局集团有限公司员工绩效考核管理办法》 Rules of Performance Assessment and Management of CRFG (7) 中铁一局集团公司员工相关制度 Labor-related Systems of CRFG 1.4 使用说明 1.4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 1.4.1 员工手册用途 1.4.1 PURPOSE OF THE GUIDELINES 本手册重要对员工的权利义务职责等方面进行规范,通过编制《员工手册》,增强员工对公司文化认同,加深员工对自身权利义务的理解,规范员工行为。 The Guidelines primarily specifies employees’ rights, obligations and responsibilities and is used to strength employees’ recognition of corporate culture, deepen their understanding of their rights and obligations and regulate their behaviors. 1.4.2 员工手册结构 1.4.2 STRUCTURE OF THE GUIDELINES 本手册划分为四个模块,涉及公司文化、员工基本行为规范、员工管理、社会责任。 The Guidelines consists of four modules, i.e., corporate culture, basic code of employees’ conduct, employee management and social responsibility. 1.5 员工手册生效及更新 1.5 EXECUTION AND UPDATE OF THE GUIDELINES 本手册经总经理办公会批准后颁布,自颁布之日起生效。本手册解释权归人力资源部。公司可根据公司文化、员工管理及社会责任规定的变化定期更新员工手册(一般每年集中更新一次)。 The Guidelines is released after approval by the General Manager Office and comes into force from the date of release. CRFG reserves the rights of interpretation of the Guidelines. CRFG may regularly (usually once a year) update this Guidelines based on changes to requirements of corporate culture, employee management and social responsibilities. 除定期更新外,可根据需要临时修订《员工手册》,修订更新后的《员工手册》经总经理办公会审议后正式生效。 In addition to regular updates, the Guidelines may subject to temporary revision as the case may be. The revised Guidelines officially come into force after it is reviewed and approved by the General Manger Office. 2 公司文化 2. CORPORATE CULTURE 核心价值观 公司精神 公司作风 公司宗旨 公司愿景 经营理念 文化建设 公司标记 公司战略 廉洁理念及愿景 全球化经营 2.1 核心价值观 2.1 CORE VALUE 1. 中铁一局的核心价值观是:追求卓越是我们的人生品格。 Our core value is,striving for Excellence to Demonstrate the Character of our Team that will never change during our Lifetime. 2. 释义:“追求卓越”:既是中铁一局公司文化内涵的集中表现,又与公司精神高度一致,一脉相承。追求卓越,就是要不断创新,超越自我,尽善尽美,引领群伦,这是对一局人历经六十载栉风沐雨,在施工领域争第一、创一流,建不朽工程的最佳注解。 Definition: "Striving for Excellence” epitomizes the essence of our corporate culture, which is highly consistent with our business ethics. Striving for Excellence means to continue making new achievements and self-upgrading and stand out with perfect quality, which can best explain how we have made historic achievements in operation of projects by seeking highest quality and best performance in project execution during the hard journey of development over the past six decades. “我们”:既是我们赖以生存的中铁一局,又涵盖了我们公司的每一名员工,乃至我们的协作队伍。我们是一个同舟共济的集体,是一个荣辱与共的团队。 “Our Team” means China Railway First Group Co., Ltd. (CRFG), with which we live on, including all its employees and business associates. We are a team to share gains and pains. “人生”:既指人格化的公司成长发展过程,也包涵了一代代员工个人的生命历程。我们的人生,企人合一,相融共生,薪火相传,公司和员工有着共同的抱负信念和价值追求,员工凭借公司的平台施展才华,推动公司发展体现自己的人生价值。 “Lifetime” means the development journey of our personified company and the life course of all generations of its employees who have covered the journey. We regard our company as a family in which we share and contribute to its prosperity with the same vision and value and act to the best of our ability under its support to achieve our goal of life by dedicating ourselves to its development. “品格”:既有与生俱来的历史传承,又有后天勤学修炼的文化底蕴,并与时俱进不断吸取先进文化成分臻于完善。品格是一种境界,是一种自觉自愿的行为,是一种强劲不竭的内动力。几代一局人在艰苦的施工环境中逢山开路,遇水架桥,敢为人先,攻坚克难,形成了吃苦、奉献、坚韧,诚信、创新、负责,进取、唯美、卓越等优秀品格。我们的人生,因品格坚毅而执着,因品格优秀而崇高。品格决定命运,品格成就卓越。一个“人生品格”旨在“追求卓越”的公司,必然会成为具有世界一流水平的基业长青的公司,也必然会为员工发明富裕幸福的生活,为社会奉献不朽的建筑精品。 “Character” is both inherited historical heritage by nature and fostered by learning and self-discipline with unremitting efforts to improve one. Character is a state of mind, a voluntary act and an inexhaustible motivation. We have built our character of resilience, dedication, integrity, creativity, responsibility, aspiration, aestheticism and excellence as a result of the hard efforts made by generations of CRFG’s employees to make outstanding achievements in execution of projects by research and bold innovation in the construction of roads and bridges under awkward working conditions. We are working unswervingly toward our goal with great vision of life because we have outstanding and consistent character. Character is something that can determine one’s destiny and accomplishment. A company that has the character of striving for excellence is bond to build itself into an everlasting industry leader in the world and contribute to the wellbeing of its employees and customers with excellent products. 2.2 公司精神 2.2 BUSINESS ETHICS 1. 中铁一局的公司精神是:诚信创新,永争一流。 Our business ethics is: Acting Honestly to Make Innovation and Strive for the Best 2. 释义:诚信,诚就是忠诚、诚实,信就是守信用重信誉。诚信是我们的传统美德,继承和发扬这一美德,在市场经济条件下具有特殊而现实的意义。 Definition: Acting Honestly” means to be devoted and frank, and honor the contract and keep the promise in business operation. It is of special and realistic significance to persist in acting honestly, the glorious legacy of our company, in the context of developing socialist market economy. 创新,就是抛开旧的,发明新的。创新是公司兴旺的灵魂。只有与时俱进、不断推动理念创新、管理创新、科技创新、制度创新、各方面工作创新,才干实现新的发展,发明新的辉煌。 “Making Innovation” means to replace the old by the new. Innovation is key to the success of business. A company can never go ahead with new achievements without continuously making innovation in ideas, management, and technology, systems and business operation to keep up with the pace of the times. 永争一流,寓意永远瞄准国际、国内一流先进管理水平、施工技术水平和经营业绩,去奋斗,去拼搏,去发明;积极参与市场竞争,做就做最佳,争就争先进,不断夺取并保持公司在建筑施工领域以及本行业经营管理、施工生产最佳业绩和最高指标,保持行业领先地位,打造国内一流品牌,创建国际知名公司。 “Striving for the Best” means to achieve the best performance in compliance with the highest standard of management, construction and operation from home and abroad, continue to make new achievements in business management and project operation in the industry or building industry and keep the leading position in the industry to build an internationally recognized company with top brand at home by increasing engagement in market competition with the idea of striving for the best. 2.3 公司作风 2.3 CORPORATE STYLE 1. 中铁一局的公司作风是:精细高效,唯实唯美。 Our corporate style is: To be Accurate and Efficient to Seek Truth and Aesthetics 2. 释义:“天下大事必做于细”,中铁一局人做事最讲精细,精心策划,精心组织,精益求精,注重细节,一丝不苟,一点不差;中铁一局人做事最讲效率,有令则行,闻风而动,有序快速,今日事今日毕,绝不推诿迟延。坚持一切从实际出发,说实话不尚空谈,办实事不摆花架子,讲实效不弄虚作假,踏踏实实,扎扎实实,实事求是,务求实效,追求过程与结果共同完美,不留遗憾;把每一件事都做得保证符合规范,符合标准,无可挑剔;把每一件工程都做得力求内实外美,经久耐用,富有美感。 Definition: As the saying goes, “Great undertakings begin with accuracy”. We pay more attention to accuracy in doing our business by deliberate planning and organization without any compromise to even slight error in accuracy. We are most efficient in doing our business in a fast and orderly manner without any delay or shuffle. We are always doing business in an honest and practical manner without any empty talk, stereotype, fraud, delay, defect result or incomplete work to do every job in compliance with standard and specifications without any flaw and make every project reliable in quality and aesthetic in appearance to ensure its long service life. 2.4 公司宗旨 2.4 CORPORATE OBJECTIVE 1. 中铁一局的公司宗旨是:让顾客满意,为股东增值;使员工富有,求合作共赢;向社会呈献建筑精品。 Our corporate objective is: To Deliver Excellent Building Projects to the Satisfaction of Customers through Joint Efforts with Partners for the Benefit of our Employees and Shareholders. 2. 释义:我们努力工作的意义就是要保证公司为顾客提供满意的建筑产品;保证公司股东的资本获得可观的增值;保证公司的员工有充足发展的舞台和致富的机会。中铁一局集团要通过向社会呈献建筑精品体现自身价值,从而做到为国家的繁荣进步做出奉献,与合作伙伴共同获得利益,使员工在公司的发展中得到自身的全面发展,为社会做出更多的奉献。 Definition: What we are earnestly doing is about delivering satisfactory building products to customers to add substantial value to the capital asset of our shareholders and provide opportunities for our employees to develop their career and become wealthy. We will prove our value by delivering excellent building projects to customers to contribute to the prosperity and development of the country, and bring more benefits to the public by working with our partners based on mutual benefit and helping the employees develop with the growth of the company. 2.5 公司愿景 2.5 CORPORATE VISION 1. 中铁一局的公司愿景是:在建筑领域为人类发明更丰富的价值。 Our corporate vision is: To Create More Value for Humans in Building Industry. 2. 释义:在建筑领域为人类发明丰富的价值就是广泛吸取世界建筑领域的最新成果,最终通过我们锲而不舍的努力,实现人类在建筑领域的光辉梦想。以天下为己任,铸造优质产品,追求社会物质文明和精神文明的共同繁荣,为人类与自然的和谐发展而不懈努力,为构建和谐社会做出奉献。 Definition: “To Create More Value for Humans in Building Industry” means to fulfill humans’ glorious dream in building industry through unremitting efforts in the research of the latest achievements in the building industry of the world, and continue to promote harmonious development of Man and nature and build a harmonious society by delivering quality products as an enterprise responsible for economic and cultural development of human beings. 2.6 经营理念 2.6 BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY 1. 中铁一局的经营理念是:市场是导向,发明市场是我们更高的追求。 Our business philosophy is: To Create Market Demand and Achieve Higher Objective of Market-oriented Operation 2. 释义:市场是一只无形的手,是资源配置的基本手段,是公司的生命。要积极接受市场资源配置的规定,了解市场、熟悉市场,按市场显露的信号,做出最快捷、最有效的反映,顺应其发展趋势,及时适应它,服从它,跟着它走,按照市场需求发明性的进行生产经营活动。适应市场的高境界是驾驭市场、发明市场。要通过我们生产技术的进步,拓展出新的施工项目和施工领域,发明新的市场;要通过我们经营管理水平的提高,拓展出新的经营项目和经营领域,发明新的市场。只有这样,从适应市场到主- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 一局 集团有限公司 员工 道德 行为规范 手册
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