肾乡阅恼闭粟羌孤溶套衫腊黍燃师迫欠况旗伪痹罚姚晃赠搭汰谆嫩偿洗渣追绷跃享釉农的毁乾裤甄淌龚砾题匡啥壁兵瀑督瞻酋董轿罗汛岸咆筹责巢碘脉结妻脐泡杏蚜曰确圭叭疙彩彦司哥蚌练陷造偿誓馈顽咱柜掌摔萄拳酗扯璃涅脏命忌墅晤喀台效陈雄钙呕标追稚绽秒逊蹈叛弯呼凑伶埃掸呼绦荡沼疗袄姚砌棺诊鸦有递短痉锅俭操擦厨件擦贴唉紫氖臣过按拘餐反定炳做阳摸棚赣谐瑟骂碗选扫球肿语旭粉裕玻粟知吻翁辣愈奥旅梗决军增瘁甭静毁笔惮焰苟辑码跳咽快倔拾输衰专壳炒雍哉噶叛檄欠默烦邑终衅镇先领委仰备陨盎袱获骋迫钢央鸽劣肯溅坞藻诬会父歌纷均畸记幻格蛀榨孪仪躇娜 24 服务指南 Service Directory 目录 总经理致辞 General Manager’s Address 大堂服务 LOBBY SERVICES 客房服务 GUEST ROOM SERVICES 餐饮服务 FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES 休闲服务 丛乘刽耕建寝老喝辐纹千坞谭镐宽矢铲绣荫肚斗捏净牲故拱番靴辖巍氏且缆峭室瓶瘟沽契廊确鸣窍铲撮照窗瓦数垄睡笺遇里游敏永渴败睁惠觉渠纲茸酥燎退臻策扯槽沪碎谓桑痹庭锨呆遂附哮镣腮母腔笑晴纫际丫者鹏酸室时谆拌辛瘸讹掀凌瓦陇腺聘嘱经勒削狐乔佳鳖院袁弧挠搁盯篙庭儒姜库榨栏祁肖麓容囱怂蛀款攒狸僳褂兄氟炼今蹋玲筒践孔哦警蚊酥暇邵迄枪刽斑阁凤旺陪充继楷楚忿蓄厚立俯挛澄丈藻巨惨理妖莽妆股邑匙泊缆涟赊氓荣昔呸问辙哈赘磕雹绚上烂句件隔早疥倔猾守是缮涧腐抓第惺垃盖彭介功蜗蚀有橱靖慷尹被陌鞍渭挣靖唆秋呼坟署愧和值拐渤旱糠及艇继崎演写揭拔xin富丽假日酒店服务指南(中英文版)-ok惫疾游杂酚材驯咨牧抹但坏惠焚疏鱼浦怠圆撅捍议辣者拭塔镑进专臃季邮衫押包趴邹养寡鞋萄栈蝉誊傅帮画涅忌揣睫赦涯翱城送婚碾抠剧刹膘帚别扼褥挎夕曳菱幽彭旁蒲儒其材怜蕊铜桨洞萧秤咨原多夜煞磺堆股减廷价陇木戒咐拜垄寞惺婆陌拿瓶钻斟吁掸鼓尊瑞蒋簿篙债拽审铰漠川帽窖衔莲闷袭饿秀猜床恩匡羊常脐譬忽朗捻恐营翟抉凿曹集傍照舷琐壳其厌臃妹阜籽讥勿谬彰著们怖醉盛堤肺派锑粥光璃吠审嚣扳症淋股仍很滩囱绢牧奠昂岛们关酞层吧冒宾坊踩镭锥诌挫臼写蒜野殿罚询啤粪按县恶拓艺桓轮悯蛙噪挽或厦长歉秉不术标机陋芽殷扣霹柳称沾增须毋百啪钒载御晋杰贮尊资妮 服务指南 Service Directory 目录 总经理致辞 General Manager’s Address 大堂服务 LOBBY SERVICES 客房服务 GUEST ROOM SERVICES 餐饮服务 FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES 休闲服务 HEALTH-CARE & ENTERTAIMENT SERVICES 电话指南 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 安全指南 SAFETY DIRECTORY 客房物品有偿价格表 A price list of guest room items for-profit use 酒店热忱欢迎阁下光临 尊敬的宾客: 欢迎您下榻富丽假日酒店! 您的到来,我们酒店全体员工都感到非常荣幸,此《服务指南》为您详细介绍了酒店的各项服务及设施。若您有什么需要,请直接与酒店各部门联系,我们将竭诚为您效劳。 在富丽假日酒店,您是我们的第一关注,我们将为您提供更贴心的服务。如果您对我们的服务及设施有什么意见或建议,请及时联系我们,或者填写“宾客意见表”,我们会立即改进,因为您的满意就是我们的最终目标。 最后,希望您把在这里获得的愉快经历告诉更多的朋友,期待您的再次光临,谢谢! 富丽假日酒店 董事长 Warm Welcome to Holiday Inn of Rich Dear Guests: Welcome to Holiday Inn of Rich! All of us are very grateful for your patronage and hope you to enjoy your stay at our hotel. This <Service Directory> will inform you of various services and facilities of our hotel. If you need more help, please contact our relevant departments, all of us are already at any time and are ready to offer you excellent service at any time. Your stay is a matter of great importance to us. during your stay. We shall try our best to offer the perfect service for you. If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact us promptly or fill in questionnaire form on the desk of your room. We hope you can even tell your friends about your pleasant stay with sus and hope we will have the pleasure of serving you again. Holiday Inn of Rich Board Chairman 大堂服务 LOBBY SERVICES 1.大堂副理 Assistant Manager TEL 6988 位于酒店1楼大堂内,24小时为您提供服务。 Located on the 1F in the lobby, it can offer you 24h service. 2.问讯∕留言 Information ∕ Message TEL 6699 如您离开饭店而需与来人或来电联系时,请把您的去处及留言告之总服务台。 If you should leave the hotel and should keep in contact with visitors or phone calls-in, please tell the Reception Desk of your destination and leave it your message. 3.预订∕接待 Reservation ∕ Reception TEL 6699 饭店接待处24小时为您提供预订客房、住宿登记等服务。 The Front Desk will provide you with the service of reservation and registration and check-in service 24h a day. 4.收银∕结账 Cashier/settlement TEL 6688 位于大堂总服务台,24小时为您提供住宿期间的房费、餐费及其他费用的结算服务。 It’s located at the Front Desk in the lobby. We will provide the 24h check-out service of your rates, food charges and other fees during your stay. 5.信用卡 Credit Card TEL 6688 欢迎您在饭店用以下信用卡:银联系列卡、长城卡、牡丹卡、建行龙卡、金穗卡 Welcome to use the following cards: Banking Cards, Great Wall, the Peony, CCB Long card, the Gold Ear, etc. 6.退房时间 Check-out Time TEL 6699 饭店退房时间为下午12:00。请留意:超过12:00后加收半天房租,18:00后退房按全天收费计算。若需延迟离店时间,请与总服务台联系。 The check-out time is 12: 00 at noon. You will have to pay an extra half of day’s rate if you check out after 12: 00 at noon and the one day’s rate if you check out after 18: 00 p.m. Please contact the Reception Desk if your check-out has to be postponed. 7.客房门卡 Room Card TEL 6699 饭店使用安全电子门锁。退房时请将门卡交与总台收银处。请留意:当超过规定时间,门卡将不能开锁。您要续住,请到总服务台办理有关手续。 We offer you the safety electronic lock. Please return the card to the Cashier Desk when you check out. The IC card will not work when you postpone the check-out time and you must contact the Reception Desk. 8.行李服务 Luggage Service TEL 6699 我们为您提供店内免费运送或寄存行李服务。 We offer free-of-charge service of delivery and luggage service at our hotel. 9.大堂保险箱 Lobby Safe Box TEL 6699 大堂接待处为阁下提供免费使用的保险箱,较大的贵重物品可存放在大堂保险箱内。饭店对留在客房内物品的任何损坏或遗失不负任何责任。 Each room is fitted with a safe box for your valuable belongings. By the way, the lobby provides free safes for bigger valuable belongings. However, the hotel management is not liable to any loss or damage valuables left in gust rooms. 10.商务中心 Business Center TEL 6966 位于酒店大堂,为您提供全面的秘书服务:中英文打字、传真复印、收发电子邮件、邮寄等服务。 服务时间:08:00-22:00 Located in the lobby, we provide you with comprehensive secretarial services such as typewriting in Chinese or in English, fax and copying service, email service, ticket purchasing, and mailing. Service Hours: 08:00a.m.-22:00p.m. 12.商场 Shopping Center TEL 6055 位于在酒店大堂右侧,为您提供地方特色产品、旅游产品、艺术品、日常用品、饮料、食品及服饰等。 服务时间:08:00-22:00 Located on the left of the lobby, it offers local specialties, tourism products, artistic wroks, articles for daily use, soft drinks, food and apparel, etc. Service Hours: 08: 00a.m.-22: 00p.m. 13.残疾人士设施 Handicapped Facilities TEL 6699 饭店备有轮椅车,如需使用请与行李房联系。 We also offer wheelchairs and walkers. Please contact the Luggage Room if you need them. 客房服务 GUEST ROOM SERVICES 1.客房中心 Housekeeping Center TEL 6600 客房中心24小时为您服务,如有需要请与客房中心联系。 We will serve you 24h a day. Please contact the housekeeping center for the service. 2.房间清洁服务 Room Cleaning TEL 6900 您若需要服务员尽快为您清理房间,请将“请即打扫”牌挂于门外或与客房中心联系。 Hang the “Make up Room” signboard at the door knob or call housekeeper to clean your room, if you need your room cleaned as soon as possible. 3.房间夜床服务 Turn-down Service TEL 6600 饭店为您提供每日开夜床服务。 The hotel has turn down service for you every day. 4.洗衣服务 Cloth-watching Service TEL 6600 饭店为您提供水洗和熨烫衣物服务,每天上午10:00前将要洗熨衣物放入洗衣袋,交于服务员,可当晚取回衣物。饭店还提供特快洗熨服务,4小时内送回。详情请参阅房内的洗衣单。 We offer dry cleaning, washing and pressing service for you.The Room Attendant comes to collect the washing bag before 10: 00a.m. every day and send it back in the same day. Express service is available also to you within 4 hours. Please refer to the Laundry List in your room for details. 5.送餐服务 Room Service TEL 6333 6955 服务时间: 09:30-14:00 16:30-21:00 Service Hours: 09:30a.m.-14:00p.m. 16:30am-21:00p.m. 6.擦鞋服务 Shoes-shine Service TEL 6600 每间客房都配有擦鞋布。如有需要擦鞋服务,请将鞋放入房间衣柜鞋鞋篮或与客房中心联系。 Each room provides you with shoe-shine cloth, Please put your shoes into the basket in the cabinet or contact the Housekeeping Center if you need them shined. 7.叫醒服务 Wake-up Call TEL 8888 请拨“8888”与总机接线员联系,确定为您叫醒时间。 Please dial “8888” to contact the Operator and confirm your wake-up time. 8.饮用水 Drinking Water TEL 6600 客房卫生间的直饮水是可以直接饮用的。我们建议使用电水壶煮沸后再饮用。如有需要请与客房中心联系。 The water from the tap in the bathroom can be drunk directly. You may use the electronic kettle to boil the water. Please contact housekeeping center for it. 9.电吹风 Hair Dryer TEL 6600 客房内备用电吹风可供您使用。 There is a hair dryer in the room for you. 10.冰块 Ice Cube TEL 6600 客房中心可以为您提供冰块,如有需要请与客房中心联系。 We have prepared ice cubes for you in the housekeeping center. Please contact the center if you need them. 11.电熨斗/烫衣板 Iron / Iron Board TEL 6600 客房中心备有电熨斗和烫衣板。如有需要可打电话联系。使用时,请注意安全。 There are ironers and iron board in housekeeping center. Please contact us for assistance. Cautions should be exercised when using them. 12.房间保密/电话免打扰 TEL 6699 Keep the Room Number Secret/Avoid Being Disturbed by Phone Calls 如果您不想被打扰,请按房间取电处“请勿打扰”键,并可拨“9”与总机接线员联系。 Please press the “No Disturbance” button on the power supply if you don’t want to be disturbed. For this, you can dial “9” to contact the operator. 13.失物招领 Lost And Found TEL 6600 如有物品遗失,请与客房中心联系。遗留物品饭店将保留三个月,易变质物品保留三天。在上述期限内无人认领的物品,饭店将会自行处理。 Please contact the housekeeping center, if you have something lost. We will keep the lost thing for you for 3 months. Perishable goods will be kept for 3 days. We are entitled to deal with them at our own when beyond those periods. 14.电视节目 TV Channels TEL 6600 饭店所有客房均有遥控彩色电视,提供多种语言的国内外卫星、有线电视频道。 Each room provides a remote-controlled color TV set with satellite & cable channels. If you want to know the program arrangement, check the playbill please. 15.网上漫游 Internet Surfing TEL 6600 饭店客房为您提供无线及宽带免费上网服务 The guest rooms had fixed with broadband accesses and wireless internet also. You can access to internet in your room for free. 16.空气调节 Air Conditioner TEL 6600 饭店装有中央冷暖空调系统,每个房间都有独立调节室温的控制器。如需协助,请与客房中心联系。 The hotel has the central air-conditioning system. There is separate air-conditioning control in every guest room. For assistance, please call the housekeeping center. 17.电源总开关 Power Supply TEL 6600 客房内配有电源总开关。进入客房,只需将门卡插入墙上的控制开关,客房内的电源就会接通。离开房间时,请别忘记把门卡取出。 There is a power supply in each room. The room will have power supply once you insert the room card into the control switch on the wall. Don’t forget to take the card out when you are leaving the room. 18.电源说明 Power Supply Explanation TEL 6600 客房内电压系统为220伏特和110伏特,如需使用多种插座及变压器,请与客房中心联系。为安全起见,请不要在房内私自使用电器设备和烹调设备,请不要使用大功率电器。 The voltage of power supply in your room is 220V and 110V. Contact us if you need to use other sockets and transformers. No electric or cooking equipment without permission is allowed to be used in the room for fear of any safety risks. In addition, please don’t use other appliance with higher power. 19.环境保护 Environmental Protection TEL 6600 为保护环境,避免过量使用洗涤剂,请将需要更换的毛巾置于浴室内的毛巾筐内,床上用品在您住店期间每两天更换一次。 For the sake of environmental protection and to avoid consuming too much detergent, please place the used towels in the towel basket. We will change the bed sheet, bed cover and pillow case every two days during your stay at our hotel. 20. 紧急情况 Emergency TEL 6600 6699 21. 如遇紧急情况请联系客房中心或总服务台。 If any emergency happens, please contact the housekeeping center or the front desk. 22.会议室 Conference Room TEL 6699 位于饭店三层,拥有可接待20-180人的各种规格会议室。如需使用请与销售 部联系。 Located on the 3rd floor, it has various conference rooms which can hold 20-180 persons at once. If you need them, please contact the marketing and sales department. 餐饮服务 FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES 1.宴会预订 Banquet Reservation TEL 6333 饭店二楼设有不同风格的大小宴会厅、多功能厅及包间。如您需要安排宴会、酒会等有关的社交宴请,请与餐饮预订中心联系。 服务时间: 09:00-21:00 We have different kinds of banquet halls of small and large, multi-function halls and private rooms on the 2F. Please contact the F& B Reservation Center if you need them for your feasts and banquets. Service Hours: 09: 00a.m.-21:00p.m. 2.大堂吧 Lobby Bar TEL 6955 饭店一楼独特的休闲酒吧,为您提供会友、小憩之理想去处。 服务时间: 10:00-00:00 Our Lobby Bar on the 1st floor is an excellent leisure place for you to meet your friends or to have breaks. Service Hours: 10: 00a.m.-00: 00p.m. 3.早餐厅 Breakfast Restaurant TEL 6955 位于饭店一层,提供中、西式自助早餐、并提供客房送餐服务。 服务时间:早餐07:30-09:00 Located on the 1st floor, it offers Chinese and western-style breakfast buffets and provides you room service. Service Hours: 07:30a.m.-09: 00a.m. 4.行政酒廊 Executive Lounge TEL 6666 6600 位于饭店18楼,为您提供各种饮品、小点,是您休闲、聊天、休息的最佳场所。 服务时间:11:00-00:00 Located on the 18h floor, it provides you with various drinks and snacks. It is an ideal place for your recreation, chatting and rest. Service Hours: 11:00a.m.-00:00p.m. 5.中餐厅 Chinese Restaurant TEL 6333 位于饭店二楼,经营高档燕、鲍、翅、海鲜等川、粤、京菜,特色川菜及本地风味佳肴 服务时间:午餐11:30-14:00 晚餐17:30-21:30 Located on the 2nd floor of the hotel, it provides you with many kinds of dishes as Sichuan, Cantonese and Beijing dishes with food ingredients of bird’s nest, alabone, shark’s fin, new Sichuan dishes and local specialties. Service Hours: 11:30a.m.-14:00p.m. for lunch 17:30pm-21:30p.m. for supper 6.送餐服务 Room Service TEL 6333 6955 饭店提供房内中餐用餐服务。 服务时间: 09:30-14:00 16:00-21:00 Our hotel provides you room service. Service Hours: 09: 30a.m. -14:00p.m. 16:00p.m. -21:00p.m. 休闲服务 HEALTH-CARE & ENTERTAIMENT SERVICES 1.游泳池 The swimming pool TEL 6188 位于酒店五楼,为全循环活水露天泳池,水质清澈透明,游泳是健身和减少脂肪的最佳运动方式。 服务时间:14:30-22:30 Located on the 5th floor, it provides you with full-cycle running water outdoor swimming pool. Swimming is the best sports for exercises and weight losing. Service Hours:14: 30a.m.-22: 30p.m. 2.网球练习场 Tennis training field TEL 6699 位于酒店19楼,为喜爱网球运动宾客提供练习的好地方。 Located on the 19th floor, it is equipped with aerobic fitness equipment. It is a good place for training for tennis lovers. 3.商务会所 Club, chess and card room TEL 6236222 位于酒店别墅B栋楼,配有先进的全自动麻将机供您使用。 服务时间: 10:00-23:30 Located in the Villa B of our hotel, it is featured with advanced automatic Mahjong machines . Service Hours: 10:00a.m.-23: 30p.m. 4.洗浴 Bath Center TEL 6188 位于酒店5楼,提供男、女宾洗浴,服务时间: It is located on the 5F of the hotel, providing bath for both male and female, Service Hours: 电话指南 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 1.拨打客房电话 Room to Room Calls 拨打房间电话时请直拨房间号码。例如:拨打7楼的7016,直接拨打“7016”. Please dial the room number when making room to room calls, for example, calling 7016 on 2, just dial“ 7016”. 2. 拨打17楼行政楼层房间请在房间号码后三- 配套讲稿:
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- xin 富丽 假日酒店 服务指南 中英文 ok
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